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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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It's as if the Bioware team that implements patches isn't located in EU time zones and deserves to not have to implement patches at hours inconvenient to themselves and the entire US continent just so EU players don't get butthurt.i




It's as if Bioware didn't get the memo that modern MMO's have different clients for different locations in order to ensure that ALL their customers are as little annoyed as possible due to patches instead of only 40-60% of them.


BW's method was outdated already last decade, it's hopeless, and it's costing them large amounts of EU subs.

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what on earth cant wait for tue?


I dunno...what game issues "can wait for Tuesday" but still require myriad whiney crybaby players coming to the forums to throw a temper tantrum on a daily basis, trying to convince everyone to quit, that the game is crap and lambasting Bioware for an "epic fail"?


When you can tell me what fits in both of those categories at the same time, then maybe I'll admit it makes sense to be upset about this.

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Because it's a totally irrational complaint. Dude...they have to pick a time and implement the patches across ALL servers at once. Where do you think the employees doing that are located? Where do they live? Where are the majority of the players? Your whining about the EU mainenance times isn't really well thought out.


This. Yes, it sucks we know. Bioware is in Austin, Texas. Not Europe. And even though they have support staff and servers stationed in Europe, they do a 100% server shut down to whatever reason, surely they will choose the most off time for their main consumers. Americans. For me, almost all of these server down times happen after midnight so I am almost always able to sleep, wake up earlier in order to miss the entire thing.


Your arguement simply is invalid. Now if you were to say that maybe they should find a way to do seperate down times, or they shouldn't of done it on a Saturday then you'd have a leg to stand on. Oh wait, its on tuesday not Saturday hurdur. But "what about EU!?!!?!" is pretty much pointless. Bioware is in America, end of story.


I don't complain that when I get something shipped from another side of the planet, and it doesn't ship because its sunday in that country but here its saturday, or because they don't ship at night but here its day time...

Edited by Evray
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I dont understand all the hate. Everyone complains about the bugs, delays, crashing game/systems, and they push an update as soon as its ready...


This smells like fixing something that is really broken. I'd rather they fix it and lose a couple hours then spend all weekend playing with whatever big bug it is.

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Because it's a totally irrational complaint. Dude...they have to pick a time and implement the patches across ALL servers at once. Where do you think the employees doing that are located? Where do they live? Where are the majority of the players? Your whining about the EU mainenance times isn't really well thought out.


1. We were told PRE-LAUNCH that the EU servers would be a seperate entity located in Dublin, Ireland, Europe.


The guys implementing the patches etc should logically be the EU people employed to do so in Dublin. I know they have techs here, I've seen the job ads.


The players are spread roughly 50-50 between US timezones and EU timezones, based on server numbers (US have a few more servers, but EU servers are generally high pop compared to the US ones).


So in other words, creating a game that HAS to be patched globally at the same time is a completely moronic design decision, and the person responsible for it should've been fired ages ago. It is hopeless to assume, in 2012, that EU players will simply accept this in the long run. They won't. BW has already lost subs on it. For me personally, there's plenty wrong with the game, but the maintenance times and the blatant disregard for 40-50% of the subscriber base (not to mention the vastly higher potential subs in EU compared to US) is just appaling.

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1. We were told PRE-LAUNCH that the EU servers would be a seperate entity located in Dublin, Ireland, Europe.


The guys implementing the patches etc should logically be the EU people employed to do so in Dublin. I know they have techs here, I've seen the job ads.


The players are spread roughly 50-50 between US timezones and EU timezones, based on server numbers (US have a few more servers, but EU servers are generally high pop compared to the US ones).


So in other words, creating a game that HAS to be patched globally at the same time is a completely moronic design decision, and the person responsible for it should've been fired ages ago. It is hopeless to assume, in 2012, that EU players will simply accept this in the long run. They won't. BW has already lost subs on it. For me personally, there's plenty wrong with the game, but the maintenance times and the blatant disregard for 40-50% of the subscriber base (not to mention the vastly higher potential subs in EU compared to US) is just appaling.


So where are you pulling these numbers out of? What evidence do you have to support that 40-50% of the player base is in Europe, or that the EU has a vastly larger potential of subs?

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This. Yes, it sucks we know. Bioware is in Austin, Texas. Not Europe. And even though they have support staff and servers stationed in Europe, they do a 100% server shut down to whatever reason, surely they will choose the most off time for their main consumers. Americans. For me, almost all of these server down times happen after midnight so I am almost always able to sleep, wake up earlier in order to miss the entire thing.


Your arguement simply is invalid. Now if you were to say that maybe they should find a way to do seperate down times, or they shouldn't of done it on a Saturday then you'd have a leg to stand on. Oh wait, its on tuesday not Saturday hurdur. But "what about EU!?!!?!" is pretty much pointless. Bioware is in America, end of story.


I don't complain that when I get something shipped from another side of the planet, and it doesn't ship because its sunday in that country but here its saturday, or because they don't ship at night but here its day time...



The EU servers are in Dublin, Ireland, Europe. I don't give a f... where BW's HQ is, that is completely irrellevant.


The game is OFFICIALLY released in EU. It's not like EU are playing on US servers (in which case maintenance times would be completely understandable).

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Some of you simply couldn't be bothered to read the linked post. It clearly says in the first sentence that a four hour downtime for a patch is coming in the early hours of Saturday morning CST... That happens to negatively affect some Euro players.


Tuesday is the regularly scheduled downtime (additional.)

Edited by SDFX
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Umm... The maintenance is on 1/31/12, which is Tuesday, not Saturday...


The patching is on a saturday, read the first part ;). its kinda silly thats its in the middle of the day, whole week working now game time.. ow no wait still not lol ah well hope they finish earlyer

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jan 31st... is not saturday. just saying


Umm... The maintenance is on 1/31/12, which is Tuesday, not Saturday...


If you can even read english, they said the servers are coming down tommorow early morning, being SATURDAY, along with regular weekly maintenance on the 31st. Most of these patches they bring out have minimal changes or fixes, almost every 2 days now they bring it down. No one goes to bed early on friday nights either.


Im getting sick of seeing these half assed updates in exchange for are countries prime playing hours. I thought NA was getting screwed with this, but EU LOL, maybe the sit animation will be fixed tommorow !! oh joy!

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Cry that they aren't patching cry when they do.




Exactly. And what's with the people posting that it's not the 31st tomorrow. Not only does it say in the first paragraph that it's TOMORROW and another patch is on the 31st, but the OP explicitly pointed to the first paragraph of the linked post. Epic reading comp fail.

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The EU servers are in Dublin, Ireland, Europe. I don't give a f... where BW's HQ is, that is completely irrellevant.


The game is OFFICIALLY released in EU. It's not like EU are playing on US servers (in which case maintenance times would be completely understandable).


Well lets see, if the patches and updates come from Bioware HQ, and they do it to ALL servers at the same time, then what would you expect?


Yeah, maybe they should do down times differently and let the EU staff take care of it, but what if that isn't how the system is designed? What if the servers and everything else in Europe are not meant for also patching and updating? Then what? No updates or patches for EU? Sounds great.

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Well lets see, if the patches and updates come from Bioware HQ, and they do it to ALL servers at the same time, then what would you expect?


Yeah, maybe they should do down times differently and let the EU staff take care of it, but what if that isn't how the system is designed? What if the servers and everything else in Europe are not meant for also patching and updating? Then what? No updates or patches for EU? Sounds great.


if that's how it's designed, they're gonna lose subs

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1. We were told PRE-LAUNCH that the EU servers would be a seperate entity located in Dublin, Ireland, Europe.


The guys implementing the patches etc should logically be the EU people employed to do so in Dublin. I know they have techs here, I've seen the job ads.


The players are spread roughly 50-50 between US timezones and EU timezones, based on server numbers (US have a few more servers, but EU servers are generally high pop compared to the US ones).


So in other words, creating a game that HAS to be patched globally at the same time is a completely moronic design decision, and the person responsible for it should've been fired ages ago. It is hopeless to assume, in 2012, that EU players will simply accept this in the long run. They won't. BW has already lost subs on it. For me personally, there's plenty wrong with the game, but the maintenance times and the blatant disregard for 40-50% of the subscriber base (not to mention the vastly higher potential subs in EU compared to US) is just appaling.


Not to mention the second SWTOR launches in East Asia/Oceania, the maintenance would be completely through their peak hours, once a week maintenance, once or twice a week hotfix patch... yea I can see few people pissed off.


Basically the different maintenances HAVE to be the eventual plan, but we would certainly prefer it in two weeks rather than 3+ months.


And really, it isn't THAT hard to make the game check individual servers upon logging in if they have same patch as client...

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It's 4 hours for crying out loud, get a hold of yourselves. They wouldn't do this unless it was necessary, likely to fix exploits or a serious (or potentially serious if left unchecked) problem. Every MMO does these "emergency patches", especially in the first few months after launch.
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Well lets see, if the patches and updates come from Bioware HQ, and they do it to ALL servers at the same time, then what would you expect?


Yeah, maybe they should do down times differently and let the EU staff take care of it, but what if that isn't how the system is designed? What if the servers and everything else in Europe are not meant for also patching and updating? Then what? No updates or patches for EU? Sounds great.


Stupid design decision to have it as a global rollout. Stupid and outdated based on competition.


The days where EU accepted 2nd level service in MMOs are long gone. Like a lot of things with TOR, they haven't kept up with the times here either.


On a sidenote. EU subs actually pay MORE money each month than US subs. For a worse service. Yeah, that's not going to bleed subs all over the place.. :)

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