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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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1.1.0c is complete, servers are up.. but this is the first patch to NOT include a client update.


So over 4 hours down time just for a disconnection issue that only some people were experiencing?


Is there some kind of changelog? What was actually fixed?

Edited by GHeissi
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its an american game so the downtime is gonna be in favour of the US?

cant please everyone tbh, anyway its a lovely day so go out and get some air lol


You know where blizzard is located ? but they DO care about their EU players

Edited by Sejia
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I give them 1 more month to sort this and if they don't give us our own maintenance window then I am going back to Rift or WoW. I love this game but I am sick of being treated this way by Bioware.


Get your house in order or this will fast become a US only subscriber game.


Let's think about this logic here.


I love the game so much that I can't tolerate being away from it for 4 hours on a Saturday afternoon therefore, my solution is...wait for it... to quit.


Am I the only one who sees the flaw in this logic?

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I suggest Bioware takes turns, one downtime they dedicate to offend American players, another to offend European players and lastly one to offend Oceanian and Asian players. I think with globally spread offense everyone will be equally (un)happy and an amicable base for communication may be re-established again.


I think they just need to consider off peak based on server location rather than US location.. The majority of players right now may be in US and given the care they give EU that will only grow.

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Individual downtimes don't really bother me.


But the fact that Bioware don't seem to even recognise that the current approach of bringing US and EU servers down at the same time is causing issues for EU players = account cancelled. If they have no plans to do anything about this, then I have no plans to keep playing.

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Lol. I find this hilarious. 24 hours now is squashed into 4 hours?!


If they weren't fixing these bugs, y'all would be crying. Bioware can never win.

I'm actually glad they took the server down to fix these bugs. The game has been unplayable for alot of people for the first part of the weekend due to disconnection issues. I haven't thought of cancelling, this must be some sort of new trend /sarcasm.
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I do like this game but there are a lot of things wrong with it that we would all agree on. I for one fail to see that one hot fix/ patch is going to solve the issues and improve the game in any significant fashion.


Its just another niggle that will irratate an already fed up community. I hate to draw the comparison to blizz but they are US based and ALL eu patches/fixes are applied in none peak times. I have no idea why. Infact the eu get their patches first as due to the date calendar its logical. ie all zones get a patch at 2.00 am 1/1/2012.


I blame us, we gave the world their time zones now they abuse them! ;P

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It's Saturday FFS - go out and hang out with your RL friends, get some fresh air, clean your basements, take out the trash piling up by your computer, anything more productive than all this whinging!!! :rolleyes:


I work 40-62 hours a week. I spend most early evenings with my family. If I have any game time at all, it's late at night or early in the morning on the weekends. I'm working tomorrow (Sunday) so this morning was one of my few times to play this week. Weekends should be off limits for maintenance. Unless there was some serious game breaking fix, Bioware needs to pull their heads out.

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Let's think about this logic here.


I love the game so much that I can't tolerate being away from it for 4 hours on a Saturday afternoon therefore, my solution is...wait for it... to quit.


Am I the only one who sees the flaw in this logic?



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According to this post http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-january-4-2012


"We are aiming for this weekly maintenance period to take place in an off-peak time for both North American and European players."


So hows that working out for you?

So far every single patch and maintenance has been 8am onwards.... hardly off peak at all.


Just wondering when this is actually going to happen?

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Extended maintenance (as I foresaw in my previous post, but luckily it hasn't been too long) and a crappy patch, as I just saw that issue happen once two days ago. This could have been deployed on the 31st. Say whatever you want, but it has been a bad decision.


I would also like to know where does people get the numbers to say that there's more people playing in either the US or the EU servers. As far as I know, from looking at the server status at different times of the day, populations are pretty much even.


Fact is that, with the current setting, one side is and will be always getting the shaft when we get patches like today's, and it will become worse when they release oceanic servers.



Edited by Lethemback
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Greetings everyone!


We recently removed several posts from this thread for not being in compliance with our Rules of Conduct.


While we do welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, we ask that your feedback be constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please refer to this thread by Allison Berryman.




As a reminder, please keep the following in mind when replying:


  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Flag, Don't Fight - Utilize the Flag Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.
  • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


Please note the topic is in regards to the following sticky by Courtney Woods:




Please note that if you wish to continue the general discussion of maintenance and its impact on our EU community versus feedback about this specific maintenance, we ask that you please continue this discussion here:




Additionally, you can see the Patch Notes 1.1.1 HERE


We encourage you to please be constructive and civil in your posts. If rude and insulting behavior continues, we will be closing this thread.


Thank you for your patience!



First of all I'd like to point out, that it's me paying you not the other way around. Therefore my feedback can be as much as "this system sucks. Fix it". Negative feedback of this sort is all a company can expect. I don't have to tell you how to fix your game. It's your job to fix it then and come up with ideas, that actually make sense. Which you so far often fail to do.


Second of all you really need to tone down your expectations. From day one you disregard any constructive feedback whatsoever, literally [self-censored] your customers in the face. The rage, insults and rude behaviour is the effect of your doings, so deal with it. Dealing with it by deleting posts and closing threads will only hurt you, as people need to vent their rage somewhere. They'll either unsubscribe or start venting on other forums, which are read not only by your current customers, but also the potential ones. That's how black PR works.


Third of all there is no constructive feedback to give in the subject of the maintenance system. It's obviously and carefully planned to cater your american customers disregarding Europe entirely. Server statistics show, that EU servers are a couple times busier during maintenance hours than the american ones. You could at least have the balls to admit it instead of feeding us with your worthless [self-censored] about "performing maintenance in off-peak hours". There's nothing worse than lying to your customers in the dumbest possible way and expecting them to believe it. We feel like you think we're [self-censored]. We are not. Therefore stop pissing us off with your pathetic lies and admit, that you don't give a flying [self-censored] about your european customers, which are basically half of your playerbase (based on server stat graphs). We'd have a clear view then, unsubscribe and watch your pathetic game crumble to dust while playing something we can actually play whenver we want.


Fourth of all today's maintenance was a bad joke. There are no critical updates in your patchnotes, I can see no fixes like "fixed an exploit, which allowed the attacking side to leave their spawn area before the game begins" or "fixed an exploit, which allowed players to run with the speed of light carrying the ball in huttball games". All I see are quest fixes and some class balancing changes. This could have been done any other day, but you had to pick saturday, which is, for a lot of us, the main part of the week we can play the game.


Last but not least you will not tell me how to give you feedback and I'd strongly advise you (trying to be constructive here) not to control the community on your forums like that, because that will only cause people to create unofficial forums, where they can flame you any time they feel like they need to do it. Accept the fact, that forum is a place you can actually check how the playerbase feels. In case you can't see it alread I'm going to give you a clear message: We're pissed off.


Shame I bought 60 days in advance.




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Just want to say I agree, particularly for the Europeans and other distant time zones.


I also have to say the game must be maintained and part of that involves downtime. People play 24/7 so when is the perfect time to shut down? The perfect time is when you're going to annoy the least amount of customers.


So, what is the solution? Delayed maintenance on dedicated Europeean, Japanese, Australian servers? I don't know...that's up to Bioware.


What I do know is that some poor guys are up at 2am Texas time doing this work over Red Bull and copius amounts of coffee. Thanks for the game guys. Without you SWTOR wouldn't even be a loading screen :-)

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It's Saturday FFS - go out and hang out with your RL friends, get some fresh air, clean your basements, take out the trash piling up by your computer, anything more productive than all this whinging!!! :rolleyes:


Out of all the trash on this forum, these Internet Life Lesson Givers ******** get the award hands down, congratz :D

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I work 40-62 hours a week. I spend most early evenings with my family. If I have any game time at all, it's late at night or early in the morning on the weekends. I'm working tomorrow (Sunday) so this morning was one of my few times to play this week. Weekends should be off limits for maintenance. Unless there was some serious game breaking fix, Bioware needs to pull their heads out.


Sorry, mate...I worked 8 days straight and today is my day off. Was I disappointed about not being able to play soon as I got up today? Of course but I'm not going to spend part of my day pissed about it. You guys are doing a hell of a job doing just that, I'll just sit here and watch. ;)

Edited by Izbehl
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Oh no, the world is ending since you cannot play a Video Game for a few hours! OH MY GOD! It's true! 2012 is the coming of the end!


Game came back online around 1330-1730(though 1730 is really stretching it since not many Subs that far out there) on a Saturday. That's 1:30 to 5:30 PM for us in America.


You mean to tell me, that the people complaining sat on their asses all morning and into the afternoon screaming at their monitors to play a game that they could not due maintenance?


This ladies and gentlemen, is a true sign of how the world will end. The entitlement, gimme attitude etc is very... disturbing.

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First of all I'd like to point out, that it's me paying you not the other way around. Therefore my feedback can be as much as "this system sucks. Fix it". Negative feedback of this sort is all a company can expect. I don't have to tell you how to fix your game. It's your job to fix it then and come up with ideas, that actually make sense. Which you so far often fail to do.


Second of all you really need to tone down your expectations. From day one you disregard any constructive feedback whatsoever, literally [self-censored] your customers in the face. The rage, insults and rude behaviour is the effect of your doings, so deal with it. Dealing with it by deleting posts and closing threads will only hurt you, as people need to vent their rage somewhere. They'll either unsubscribe or start venting on other forums, which are read not only by your current customers, but also the potential ones. That's how black PR works.


Third of all there is no constructive feedback to give in the subject of the maintenance system. It's obviously and carefully planned to cater your american customers disregarding Europe entirely. Server statistics show, that EU servers are a couple times busier during maintenance hours than the american ones. You could at least have the balls to admit it instead of feeding us with your worthless [self-censored] about "performing maintenance in off-peak hours". There's nothing worse than lying to your customers in the dumbest possible way and expecting them to believe it. We feel like you think we're [self-censored]. We are not. Therefore stop pissing us off with your pathetic lies and admit, that you don't give a flying [self-censored] about your european customers, which are basically half of your playerbase (based on server stat graphs). We'd have a clear view then, unsubscribe and watch your pathetic game crumble to dust while playing something we can actually play whenver we want.


Fourth of all today's maintenance was a bad joke. There are no critical updates in your patchnotes, I can see no fixes like "fixed an exploit, which allowed the attacking side to leave their spawn area before the game begins" or "fixed an exploit, which allowed players to run with the speed of light carrying the ball in huttball games". All I see are quest fixes and some class balancing changes. This could have been done any other day, but you had to pick saturday, which is, for a lot of us, the main part of the week we can play the game.


Last but not least you will not tell me how to give you feedback and I'd strongly advise you (trying to be constructive here) not to control the community on your forums like that, because that will only cause people to create unofficial forums, where they can flame you any time they feel like they need to do it. Accept the fact, that forum is a place you can actually check how the playerbase feels. In case you can't see it alread I'm going to give you a clear message: We're pissed off.


Shame I bought 60 days in advance.







Long quotes ftw!

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