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Huttball Exploit?


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This may have already been addressed elsewhere, but has BW said anything about fixing the instant kill no point issue when someone pulls the carrier up to the opposing teams spawn point? There's no way that tactic is as intended. The ball carrier crosses the goal line but instead of scoring is simply killed and the ball lost.
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its been adressed over and over and as many have been told

the announcer clearly states that cheating is encouraged.


i do not think that it is cheating its a way of keeping people from jumping into the spawn point and camping people by insta killing people who go up there. same with every WZ and on ilum now.


now when people do this on alderaan no one cries about it.

grab the ball again toss it to a shadow/assassin, and they can use resil right before entering the area which will not let them get pulled.


ps as long as they are up there they still chance getting kicked out of the WZ for not leaving hte starter area.

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This has been addressed a million times.... and had a dev response.




If you would stop QQing and actually, I dunno.. tried changing your tactics? Things might work out for you.


Here is a hint:

Throw the ball at the guy/girl standing on the ledge.

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This has been addressed a million times.... and had a dev response.




If you would stop QQing and actually, I dunno.. tried changing your tactics? Things might work out for you.


Here is a hint:

Throw the ball at the guy/girl standing on the ledge.


Link or you're full of ****.


When you throw the ball at the guy on the ledge, the ball goes neutral and the guy dies and respawns exactly where you just killed him. There is nothing to stop him doing that every time you approach the endzone.


There is no *********** way it's working as intended.

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I think it's fine, it's a way to defend, I actually did it today and it scored for them, maybe cause of lag/delay.


The last 5 times I've seen it done this was the exact sceario. It didn't kill the player brought up into the spawn zone and he just dropped down to score.

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Omg Huttball is amazing. I love the fact that cheating is apart of the game is allowed. And it actually requires really good team work passing the ball like a real sport. You dont even need to be geared to win. Just heal and move into open areas for passes. All in all Huttball is the best warzone and I hope I get it everytime I queue.
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Problem is if a stealthed assassin is doing it, you have no way of knowing that he is there (or indeed where on there he is) until he does it, so you can't throw the ball to him.

I thought this was one of the most obviously exploits in the game and have been reporting it.

At first, I got a response saying they were aware of people doing it and hurting the game experience, but now they just say it's an intended part of the game and link to the stickied Huttball tactics thread here on the forums.


This ability is absolutely terrible and seriously impacts how fun Huttball is.

There is nothing fun about an unavoidable, instant kill ability which you can't even see coming.

I find it absolutely mind-blowing that the CS response now is that it is how they intended Huttball to work.

It can and should only be considered griefing!

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The last 5 times I've seen it done this was the exact sceario. It didn't kill the player brought up into the spawn zone and he just dropped down to score.

The puller is obviously doing it wrong, you have to be slightly behind the edge or it doesn't work and they just score.

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i dont understand how so many people complain about huttbal, huttball is more fun than any other pvp area in any game i have ever played! i have fun in huttball even when my team sucks. if u cant learn to like huttball, u need to seriously rethink your ideas of what pvp should be.
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Problem is if a stealthed assassin is doing it, you have no way of knowing that he is there (or indeed where on there he is) until he does it, so you can't throw the ball to him.

I thought this was one of the most obviously exploits in the game and have been reporting it.

At first, I got a response saying they were aware of people doing it and hurting the game experience, but now they just say it's an intended part of the game and link to the stickied Huttball tactics thread here on the forums.


This ability is absolutely terrible and seriously impacts how fun Huttball is.

There is nothing fun about an unavoidable, instant kill ability which you can't even see coming.

I find it absolutely mind-blowing that the CS response now is that it is how they intended Huttball to work.

It can and should only be considered griefing!


It does not effect anything. Sure you get killed. So what. If I dont move out in time, I get kicked. So people wont abuse standing there to long as it is anyway. It is no different then the 50 million knockbacks you can get in a row, without being able to avoid it.


Do you know how often I got close to the line to score, to get knocked back a bit, then right away knocked back again and again and again until I got knocked into the pit?


Anti CC does not work on it, neither does Resolve. Let them fix that, instead of this.

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This may have already been addressed elsewhere, but has BW said anything about fixing the instant kill no point issue when someone pulls the carrier up to the opposing teams spawn point? There's no way that tactic is as intended. The ball carrier crosses the goal line but instead of scoring is simply killed and the ball lost.


All you need to know is those doing it say "This is how it's intended the announcer says cheating is encouraged" to excuse their moral lacking but then when posts quote about the announcer saying "get the ball across the line ANY WAY possible" a few seconds after that, they ignore it.


The cheat should result in a score for the team its being used on. Simple as... I'm hoping BW update it and don't tell anyone so that when it does happen the Morally Bankrupt 'vocal' part of the community QQ here....

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All you need to know is those doing it say "This is how it's intended the announcer says cheating is encouraged" to excuse their moral lacking but then when posts quote about the announcer saying "get the ball across the line ANY WAY possible" a few seconds after that, they ignore it.


The cheat should result in a score for the team its being used on. Simple as... I'm hoping BW update it and don't tell anyone so that when it does happen the Morally Bankrupt 'vocal' part of the community QQ here....


But thats it. It never crossed the line. it went over the line.

Also you could just throw the ball to the guy on the ledge, it will kill him. Give you the ball back and then you score. If he is standing really on the edge it will count a double score.

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It does not effect anything. Sure you get killed. So what. If I dont move out in time, I get kicked. So people wont abuse standing there to long as it is anyway. It is no different then the 50 million knockbacks you can get in a row, without being able to avoid it.


Do you know how often I got close to the line to score, to get knocked back a bit, then right away knocked back again and again and again until I got knocked into the pit?


Anti CC does not work on it, neither does Resolve. Let them fix that, instead of this.

Actually, standing there is considered outside of the spawn area for the purpose of the anti-afk debuff, so you will not get kicked for just remaining there.

The main difference between this and other effects though is that this instantly kills you. Being dragged into the fire still takes ~5 seconds to actually get you down in which time your team mates could potentially help you out.

And an assassin standing up there is standing clear of melee and cannot easily be detected - they are actually standing outside the playing field.


And yes, CC immunity currently doesn't prevent snares - even 100% snares - for some bizarre reason. I don't think that can be used as an argument not to rethink their position on this issue though. Rather, both issues should be resolved instead of Bioware merely going "Working as intended".

These issues make the game really frustrating and much less fun as a result - I cannot see why Bioware would want an unenjoyable game experience from these kinds of cheap tricks, but apparently they do.

Edited by Milco
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But thats it. It never crossed the line. it went over the line.


There's not really much point arguing with those who think they're right on this forum. It results in those looking to ruin an experience for players in game smearing the forums with their bile too


This tactic is especially bad for first timers who may have hit 50 through PVE and are looking to try PVP for the first time... This tactic could really turn a newbie off to PVP and result into more whining on these forums about LONG queues.

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There's not really much point arguing with those who think they're right on this forum. It results in those looking to ruin an experience for players in game smearing the forums with their bile too


This tactic is especially bad for first timers who may have hit 50 through PVE and are looking to try PVP for the first time... This tactic could really turn a newbie off to PVP and result into more whining on these forums about LONG queues.


Well, I dont see anything wrong with the tactic. The AFK debuff prevents it from being abused and I really only use it when we are tied and the enemy is about to score in the last 5 seconds of the game. Grappling him over the line into the zone, killing him and giving me the ball and then winning a tied game. Its just Epic.


However I like most others I would assume, are not going to sacrifice ourselfs in fires just to get there in the hope to grapple someone up the ledge.


If there is one thing that really scares players away at 50 or below that even, is the massive amount of CC spam and knockbacks, that you cant prevent. Like the snares. With Anti CC ability or resolve.


Hell, that to me makes me nearly want to say screw it to tors pvp.

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