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What is your best guess on how Bioware will fix faction imbalance?


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1. Balance mirror classes.


2. Offer encouragement to play republic (not punish Imps), e.g. the first much-hyped new race being republic, etc.


3. Tweak the pop cap on Illum / change how the instancing (Illum(1) / Illum(2)) works do better balance each instance (and stop people just joining the zerg instance).


4. Adjust classes / abilities / etc based on their own metrics, not whine threads.


That's what I hope anyway.

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Well, since faction balance is largely a function of the player base, I assume they'll just wait until the completely defective customers who think Bioware should intervene on numerical balance of faction have all unsubbed, and then the "problem" will be a non-issue.
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They won't it's not happening. BW isn't going to risk pi $$ing anymore people off. They lost 250K subs by the end of the 1st month.


Just like the Valor rollback...they're not going to do a thing.


My god, no other MMO has ever lost a large amount of customers when the first big batch of free time ran out!




Par for the course. There will always be people who don't play past the free time, a month after launch it's noticeable because so many people free time expires on the same day.

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When you say Faction Imbalance, do you mean Population? Or Skill differences? Because Bioware isn't going to force people to play what they don't want to play, but they could fix the Skill differences so one might not be more willing to play one over the other based solely on one being better than the other.
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When you say Faction Imbalance, do you mean Population? Or Skill differences? Because Bioware isn't going to force people to play what they don't want to play, but they could fix the Skill differences so one might not be more willing to play one over the other based solely on one being better than the other.


Faction imbalance means there are a lot more imperials than republic. I thought everyone was aware of the disparity. It's why imps have to battle imps in huttball.

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Faction imbalance means there are a lot more imperials than republic. I thought everyone was aware of the disparity. It's why imps have to battle imps in huttball.


So you were not aware that some Sith abilities activate quicker than their Jedi counterparts? Do you only play one side?


And in case you didn't read my post, I answered assuming both questions.


Bioware isn't going to force someone to play what they don't want to play. (population)


But they could fix the spell differences so that one wouldn't consider playing one faction over the other due to one being better than the other. (skills)

Edited by Mintawno
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Republic gets yoda race.


ONLY if the yoda race talks like Yoda, and not like the Yoda from the Datacron (who speaks fluent english lol)


Also, the Yoda race should jump around a lot and be super agile (after putting away their cane)

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Add a message at server list showing which side is needed coded by colour.


How are players supposed to know which side has more active players with zero information?


Also if some servers remain light and a server merge is considered then only open up servers to move to that need their faction. I know this means splitting up who they play against but stuck it up. Only allow same server transfers from both sides if on same account or choose to split to stay with guild.

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So you were not aware that some Sith abilities activate quicker than their Jedi counterparts? Do you only play one side?


And in case you didn't read my post, I answered assuming both questions.


Bioware isn't going to force someone to play what they don't want to play. (population)


But they could fix the spell differences so that one wouldn't consider playing one faction over the other due to one being better than the other. (skills)


I'm aware of the very slight differences in mirror classes. But it's so minor I don't even give it a 2nd thought. Only the neurotic will dwell on something so trivial. I play Sorceror over Sage soley because of the cool animations. I would guess most others do too.

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4. Adjust classes / abilities / etc based on their own metrics, not whine threads.


You mean what they already do? Oh wait, you must play an Op, so it has to be the whine threads, not the metrics. :rolleyes:


As far as faction imbalance, the only fix that could happen is if they make Imps roll Republic. And even though it would take them less time and such most Imps won't do it because A) they are lazy, B) they don't want to go to the side that actually has to fight to win, and/or C) as much as many of them talk about they like challenge, most prefer just easy wins.

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They probably won't do anything.


What they should do is get rid of same-faction warzones and implement server faction population caps instead of server total population caps.


Your post had me thinking that what if they transferred those not in a guild to another equivalent server. For example from one east coast server to another. It doesn't matter to me, and I wouldn't object. No guild, or ties that I would miss. But still, that answer ducks the real problem. They need to incentivize not just people rolling republic toons, but make players want to pvp with those toons most of the time.

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