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Can I prevent my character from hitting 50?


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just hit level 49 and re-roll. Problem solved in your sad little world :(


Is this your first MMO? What else is there but but the carrot stick grind to better gear...etc.


Remembers a time when gear grind was not what PVP was about...


Oh yea....that was just daoc


Once rr5 anyone could take on other classes


But atleast..those that invest entire lifes into online games need some reward...so came the gear grind

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From everything I've read and seen, 50 is the death-knell to pvp. I don't wana.


I quit wow because its just a huge gear grind...




Here is what I am reading...can I get to 49 and kills noobs at level 10 in pvp? That is sooooo much easier then fighting against ppl my own level and getting gear to compete!

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Just leave the warzones before they end.


Honestly, I can't even take PVP that seriously right now. Why not make a 49 and abuse people for a while, it's all the 50 warzones are pretty much. New 50's getting abused for weeks :D


I haven't done it yet, but with how much of a joke pvp is now with ilum swapping, ilum aoe kill trading, valor exploits in general, bugs, imbalances between factions, win trading warzones, ect, ect ect.....you just can't take it seriously.

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You mean have fun? i agree. I havent seen a single post from a lvl 50 that just says


"Man, this is a Blast!" -- But you can with 10-49...


I enjoy instanced pvp and fair skirmishes on ilum, and i've been 50 for quite a while. Being vocal does not equal being majority. If everyone who liked the pvp posted a thread each time they wanted to pat bioware on the back, the forums would likely be flooded.


Ok, a tad bit of sarcasm in the latter bit, but i do really enjoy the end-game pvp myself, but i was also an early 50, so i've never had gear-issues.


My tip is to try it out, if you don't like it just try a new class/story.

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I enjoy instanced pvp and fair skirmishes on ilum, and i've been 50 for quite a while. Being vocal does not equal being majority. If everyone who liked the pvp posted a thread each time they wanted to pat bioware on the back, the forums would likely be flooded.


Ok, a tad bit of sarcasm in the latter bit, but i do really enjoy the end-game pvp myself, but i was also an early 50, so i've never had gear-issues.


My tip is to try it out, if you don't like it just try a new class/story.


I appreciate level headed responses. Thank you.

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Here is what I am reading...can I get to 49 and kills noobs at level 10 in pvp? That is sooooo much easier then fighting against ppl my own level and getting gear to compete!


Yeah I mean who wouldn't want to get **** on by premade teams in full pvp gear over and over for hours only to open their random roll reward bag and get almost nothing in return.

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Yeah I mean who wouldn't want to get **** on by premade teams in full pvp gear over and over for hours only to open their random roll reward bag and get almost nothing in return.


You do get something, they are called Centurion Commendations. If you are getting tired of premades, make one yourself.

Edited by Narcrus
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yeah..so my highest toon is lvl 24..to all the tards saying i'm bullying...


the post is about how 10-49 is FUN...50 is not...pretty simple..


So your level 24 and already know level 50 pvp isn't fun? I heard schools stopped teaching people to think for themselves but thought it was an exaggeration.


Crazy idea, how about you get to level 50 and decide for yourself what's fun instead of taking Internet forums as gospel.

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So your level 24 and already know level 50 pvp isn't fun? I heard schools stopped teaching people to think for themselves but thought it was an exaggeration.


Crazy idea, how about you get to level 50 and decide for yourself what's fun instead of taking Internet forums as gospel.


People who play a ton of MMO's.....after a while they tend to forget. MMO's are supposed to be fun. They are a game afterall.


Do you think it's *really* worth it for the kind of PVP in this game, to spend weeks having absolutely no chance doing Warzones, getting slaughtered by every scrub in champion/BM gear?


If my main hadn't rode the wave of gear/valor with the first wave of 50's, I would absolutely loathe 50 pvp. I can not blame a single person who refuses to do it for not. It's atrocious the way MMO's handle gearing up for PVP. GW2 may be the first MMO to do it right. By making gear not matter in PVP.


Not to mention that it starts to make Warzones 100% decided by the lotto system of who gets more geared 50's on their team, and who gets more random new 50's with 10k health.

Edited by Vlaid
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I enjoyed pre-lvl50 quite a bit

I didn't like lvl50 at first (probably due to getting stomped too easily)

but as soon as I upgraded my gear (Auction + pvp dailies/weeklies), lvl 50 became a ton of fun


Ilum is a little dead - had one day of about 6-8 v 6-8 in the center that was very nice, however (I bet we got almost as much valor and progressed toward our daily/weekly as trading kills AND we got to play and have fun)

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Just curious, do you pay attention to what your opposition is comprised of when you pvp? Have you encountered a Premade? How about a Premade of only level 49's? Do you enjoy pvping at 24 if you were against one of said Premades?


At 50 the likelyhood of going up against a Premade is much higher. That's why you see a lot of complaining. Unfortunately, it is easier to click solo queue into a warzone than to get a group of 8 people together and queue as a group.


I can understand why you like pvp at 24. I, however, having PVP'd at 50 can not PVP at a lower level, or at least at a level where I don't have all my tools available to me for PVP.


That is why I prefer PVP at 50. Do I hate losing? Absolutely. But I have fun in the fact that I now know what to expect when I PVP, and what I need to do to become more competitive.


Personally, if I didn't see a battlemaster (I'm only a Duelist) and feel like I needed to get better gear to compete, then I wouldn't pvp (because gear is one piece of the puzzle, not the only piece).

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You do get something, they are called Centurion Commendations. If you are getting tired of premades, make one yourself.


You get 3 commendations per bag without a piece of gear and buying even a single piece of your set gear costs ~30 commendations. That's 10 bags for a piece. Lets say you get 80 wz commendations per game so that's 10 games for a bag. So you are telling me 100 games for 1 piece of gear sounds resonable? Maybe you get lucky and see a couple usable pieces of champion tokens in those 10 bags, but that leaves you short on commendations to even buy starter gear. The whole system really just doesn't make sense as far as upgrade paths go in my opinion.

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