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My biggest complaint in SWtOR


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Now before folks start thinking this is a thread about state of the game, it is not. I have played many MMO's in my day and all of them had issues at the start. They eventually get fixed and the play experience is awesome.


The one thing I see wrong with this game is something I fear won't change. As stated above, I have played almost every MMO to hit the market. All of them had some folks who were rude, spread racism, or disparaged the gay and lesbian folks. This game seems to be the worst for that and goes unchecked. I can not stand to do any quests on Ilum as all you see is the "n" word or slanderous terms for gay people. This is ridiculous and these people need to face serious consequences for their actions.


Before I hear "just turn off general chat", I will not be doing that. I should not have to inhibit my experience because some folks find it necessary to be disrespectful to others. Not only that, but I have seen people do it via /say or /yell. I would also have to spend a fair amount of time keeping an ignore list up to date. It should not fall on me to have to take on extra steps to avoid this.


Anyone else notice this?

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I know you said you don't want to do it, but the ignore function works really well for this because I've discovered that after time, it turns out to be the same people who are the ones who irritate me in general chat, so after awhile, I never hear them again.
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are you reporting these people? If not, how do you expect bioware to do anything about it? if the same people keep using that kind of language and are reported over and over, there will be consequences as using that kind of offensive language is against the TOS.
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the game has way too many bugs and issues should have been a single player game not a MMO


I do have to tip my hats off about the companion but outside of that nothing that cries out it is the game that the fan boy claims that it is


and for the WOW comparison please this game has been in the works for how long and they couldnt do better than vanilla wow


comparing itself to a game that is 7 years ago is bad



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the game has way too many bugs and issues should have been a single player game not a MMO


I do have to tip my hats off about the companion but outside of that nothing that cries out it is the game that the fan boy claims that it is


and for the WOW comparison please this game has been in the works for how long and they couldnt do better than vanilla wow


comparing itself to a game that is 7 years ago is bad




Way to miss the point of the thread.

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and for the WOW comparison please this game has been in the works for how long and they couldnt do better than vanilla wow

You do know that WoW was in development for seven years before it was released right?


That's what I thought. Please stop posting.

Edited by Maeleena
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I rarely see anyone disparaging in this way but then I've not been to Illum. Open PVP tends to breed a certain amount of ego filled yapping. If you dont like what they're saying Report them and put them on ignore. They'll likely get a series of warnings then a temporary ban.


Honestly the barrens style chat in this game is pretty A Typical of All MMOS. It just takes time to weed out the mass users of over the edge bad language.

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the game has way too many bugs and issues should have been a single player game not a MMO


I do have to tip my hats off about the companion but outside of that nothing that cries out it is the game that the fan boy claims that it is


and for the WOW comparison please this game has been in the works for how long and they couldnt do better than vanilla wow


comparing itself to a game that is 7 years ago is bad




Is Fairy Land As Pretty as you make it out to be? Vanilla wow was a Nightmare for its first year and even worse poorly concieved in several places for even longer.


This game has been relatively smooth with a few hiccups and a few basic trip ups. Compared to the nightmares I've seen in WoW and other more current games...I dont understand why people go screaming insanities.

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Not wanting racist, homophobes or run of the mill bigotes is being entitled?



No making everyone conform to your way because YOU think its the right thing to do is. People can say whatever the **** they want doesn't mean I have to give what they are saying power.

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Obvious troll, if he really has played every MMO to hit the market as he states, then he should be more than used to people talking smack by now....:rod_tongue_p:


Usually the game sorts itself out and the jerks will be treated as such....as jerks. I mean who would want to group up with a loud mouth trash talker anyway? In most MMOs I've played these kids usually fizzle out and go away or are literally driven away or into silence.


For example, in any instanced PvP match in any MMO, I NEVER heal the loud mouths and encourage others to do the same. If they're in my guild, I get them booted. If they're trolling in general chat, I encourage the community to gang up on 'em....etc etc, let the game sort itself out, it's called karma.

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No making everyone conform to your way because YOU think its the right thing to do is. People can say whatever the **** they want doesn't mean I have to give what they are saying power.


I think not being a racist, homophobe or biggot is the right thing to be. Prove me wrong.

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No making everyone conform to your way because YOU think its the right thing to do is. People can say whatever the **** they want doesn't mean I have to give what they are saying power.


apparently you are just ignoring my posts, or just missing the point. it is against the TOS to use offensive language like that. whether you find it offensive or not, that kind of language is deemed offensive and should be reported/stopped if possible. that is why it is against the TOS to use such language.


The OP should not have to turn off his chat box and miss out on chatting with people he likes because some people feel the need to use such offensive language.

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Actually repporting them and then ignoring them, would be more efficient.



" I would also have to spend a fair amount of time keeping an ignore list up to date. It should not fall on me to have to take on extra steps to avoid this."



Op is lazy and wants someone to do all the work for them. BW gave great tools to combat this problem and the op doesn't want to use them.


Entitled is a fine word.

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