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How do I compete as a noob lvl 50 against people in full top tier PVP gear?


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Why should a player considering himself

Beeing a noob, compete against veteran pvpers, ego farmed

The best gear attainable. You should Get your *** kicked then.

I like beeing undergeared, Makes me a better player.

I have to invent tricks to beat the more poweefull.

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Just curious how other noob 50's compete against these people. Im a Sith Warrior, and every warzone is my own personal meat grinder. Most of the people have 10k more hitpoints than I do!


So how do I compete? Im on the verge of saying I'm done. Its SO frustrating!


You don't(compete). You just keep playing and hope for lucky bags.

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Im with you my friend. I hit 50 just after the ill fated Ilum patch, and decided not to pvp on the way to 50 bcuz i didnt want to out lvl planets. I tried running a few warzones, but got frustrated/bored with getting owned all the time. I couldnt fatom how all these guys so badly outgeared me when the game had only been out for a month. such desparities shouldnt happen.


So moral of the story, I gave up on that 50 and started pvping on my lvl 25 powertech and havent looked back since. lots of fun and balanced.


edit: "deal with it" is a typical troll response... your feelings are valid. and daily quest grinding isnt a possibility for everyone given their life schedules.... I just want to pvp, not farm dailies for hours.


Unless you were the one of the ones that hit 50 first you got destroyed in PVP @ 50. GL with your new stradgety your new toon can PVP to 50 get 50 and not have champ gear you will still get rocked.


Gear gap is stupid. I hit a good 50 for 900ish Force lightening ticks. On new 50's I hit upwards of 1450. My friend just hit 50. Sin tank with 12.5K HP. My sorc has 15K. He has been getting crushed. But in a group with us and some heals he does alright and after 2 days he has 2 or 3 pieces and already noticing a difference.


Quit crying and just play. You will get in with some pre mades and get carried till you get gear and return the favor to other new 50's.

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The only time PvP is ever fun in a game is when everyone is equally geared and leveled. If you want "the best gear" you're a PvE'er. True PvP'ers only care about beating someone they outplayed.


The only way MMO's will ever fix pvp is to eliminate gear disparity. But that wont happen because then people will cry "but why should I pvp if I have nothing to work towards!!".


It's a double edged sword, and something no mmo has ever perfected. Because you can never make people happy. The only mmo I've ever played that came close to it was SWG. For the most part pvp'ers had the exactly same gear/specs. It came down to how well you played. Which is exactly how pvp should be.

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The only time PvP is ever fun in a game is when everyone is equally geared and leveled. If you want "the best gear" you're a PvE'er. True PvP'ers only care about beating someone they outplayed.



I actually somewhat agree with this statement, but not everybody does. Hacks, exploits, flavor of the month specs, and numerically unsupported cries of Imba all demonstrate that.


I say only somewhat, because for me, it would be "The only time COMPETITIVE PvP is fun in a game is when everyone is on equal footing for selection of gear."


I see the exact choices within a subset of gear as part of the skill game, and in most MMOs, the casual PvP is the entry bar for progressing towards competitive PvP.


The argument for "perfectly equal" argues against most combat dynamics as we know them in MMOs anyways. RNG based defense, shields, damage numbers, crits, and procs aren't berated (well, outside the competitive RTS crowd), but they all put in uncontrolled, non-skill variables.


And since PvP isn't competitive, with no rankings, no full pre-made queueing, and no smaller Arena style stuff available to test teams on non-objective based combat, so why should anyone expect a competitive mindset or environment?

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Without having read the thread, this is my answer to the question in your title.


While this isn't helpful whatsoever from a retrospective standpoint, I'd like to let the lower level PvPers avoid this problem altogether. I'm currently only at level 31 on my main toon and I only just started seriously PvPing a few levels ago, but ever since I started, I've used every single commendation I've received to purchase Champion Bags. I have 3 so far. My sincere hope is that my luck is good enough so that I can ding 50 and immediately have the majority of my set. I think I'll have quite a few saved up by then so I should have a fair shot at it.


This is probably a good practice if you want to be competitive as soon as you hit 50.


Probably the best idea.. Ding 50 with a Cargospace full of Champ-bags, and 1K of each commendation.


Btw, isnt the champ-bag unique anymore?

Edited by Kheldras
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People you just have to change your game style when you first hit 50. Its like going from college football to the NFL. You just don't jump in and start throwing TD's. You have to play more of a supporting roll until you get geared up. For example, take the left turret on Alderan (sp) and guard it. Have someone there to back you up and make sure to chat in help when you see people coming your way.


Huttball I try to knock off all the ranged dps imps on the overpasses. Voidstar try to take them out as well.


I never get into the middle of the action. I am a infiltration shadow and am squishy even with gear. Try to pick out targets that have a less then 3/4 health or less then 1/2 health. You will be helping your team all the while. It is all about situational awareness and taking opportunities when they arise.


Take people down when you can and learn to work more as a team and less and an individual. then over time you can get more involved. Just play smart. and know that you are going to die and it is ok.



/Totally THIS............great post dude!!

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People you just have to change your game style when you first hit 50. Its like going from college football to the NFL. You just don't jump in and start throwing TD's. You have to play more of a supporting roll until you get geared up. For example, take the left turret on Alderan (sp) and guard it. Have someone there to back you up and make sure to chat in help when you see people coming your way.


Huttball I try to knock off all the ranged dps imps on the overpasses. Voidstar try to take them out as well.


I never get into the middle of the action. I am a infiltration shadow and am squishy even with gear. Try to pick out targets that have a less then 3/4 health or less then 1/2 health. You will be helping your team all the while. It is all about situational awareness and taking opportunities when they arise.


Take people down when you can and learn to work more as a team and less and an individual. then over time you can get more involved. Just play smart. and know that you are going to die and it is ok.



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Another strange thing is now that they've made that stat, why not make some cheap (commendation / credit) lvl 50 "blue" PvP (expertise) gear? To help out us slow levelers / altoholics?



This attitude really torques me the wrong way. So let me get this straight........... because you cannot focus on one toon, and decide to play several alts. Therefore ending up with several mediocore toons. We are now supposed to allow you to get "cheap" expertise gear to "help" you out??!!


That is YOUR play style, and YOUR decision to play that way. Don't try to lessen the value of my toon because I made the decision to focus all my time and effort into one toon so that my toon is as good as it can be. Don't get mad at me because I stomp your face during WZ matches because your toon and all your alts suck. If I put all my time and effort into my one toon, I better be stompin your butt in WZs. Because thats what MMOs are about.......they are basically time sinks, and he who has more time to sink ends up with the better toons..........usually. If you can't handle that, then maybe MMOs are not for you.

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Funny how that fails.


As already stated, PVE is not PVP. The NPCs you kill in PVE don't care if you roflstomp them. They arn't alive.


It's a fundamentally different model. Success in PVE does not come at the expense of another player who must fail.


They do too care. Haven't you ever watched Reboot as a kid?

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Couple of tricks.


- Try to group with guildmates or friends (if you have not added a single player as a friend between 1-50 and you haven't joined a guild, you're not doing it right). Coordination makes more of a difference than gear, and I think we've all seen examples of this.


- Play smarter. Realizing that you're going up against stronger opponents just looking at the numbers, know that you can't play as you have been in 1-49. Stay in groups, CC often, and if you find you're the target of more than one other player, start retreating till they target off you. If they don't target off you, your better equipped teammates will be able to wail on them without consequence. This will most certainly result in that enemy's death, even if you end up dying in their desperation.


- MAXIMIZE BAG COLLECTION. This is the biggest thing that far too many people don't realize. By level 49, you should have purchased one champion gear bag already and have stocked up 1k mercenary commendations and 1k warzone commendations. The second you hit 50, open the purchased bag, buy, and open, another 5. This gives you 6 chances at gear before you step into a level 50 warzone. That goes a long way. After that, make sure you get the daily and weekly quests and finish them as soon as possible. Once these quests are finished, TAKE A BREAK. If you know you're going to keep going against stronger opponents and don't feel like dealing with the stress, just stop PvPing until another daily quest comes along. Play an alt, take part in some PvE, or just take a break from the game. Do this and you won't be bothered nearly as much by level 50 PvP.


There are ways to avoid the stresses involved. It sucks that there are no alternatives to 50 when you hit that bracket unprepared, but there are things you can do to remedy that. Try make the best of a bad situation until Bioware develops alternatives.

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Im with you my friend. I hit 50 just after the ill fated Ilum patch, and decided not to pvp on the way to 50 bcuz i didnt want to out lvl planets. I tried running a few warzones, but got frustrated/bored with getting owned all the time. I couldnt fatom how all these guys so badly outgeared me when the game had only been out for a month. such desparities shouldnt happen.


So moral of the story, I gave up on that 50 and started pvping on my lvl 25 powertech and havent looked back since. lots of fun and balanced.


edit: "deal with it" is a typical troll response... your feelings are valid. and daily quest grinding isnt a possibility for everyone given their life schedules.... I just want to pvp, not farm dailies for hours.


So what do you think the other players did? They farmed pvp for hours to gear up. Deal with it. What do people want? A bag of purples when they hit 50?

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So what do you think the other players did? They farmed pvp for hours to gear up. Deal with it. What do people want? A bag of purples when they hit 50?


A better idea would be to add a blue set that much easier to acquire, in fact allow the level 10-49 players have access to it, but make the gear itself for level 50. This way when they hit 50 they can at least compete. With more players being able to compete, it balances the match out rather than being lopsided.


The problem isn't a matter of playing smart, because pvp is a team effort if your team is out geared no matter how smart you play you'll end up getting camped or losing anyway.

Edited by Aricus
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Do what every other single person has done, and has to do.


Gear get. You want to be ******? Then pay yo dues.


Then we are not speaking of any sort of decent competitive PVP play or skill, only superiority over time spent, via grinded gear.

Edited by Beansoup
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Just curious how other noob 50's compete against these people. Im a Sith Warrior, and every warzone is my own personal meat grinder. Most of the people have 10k more hitpoints than I do!


So how do I compete? Im on the verge of saying I'm done. Its SO frustrating!


You don't. You either get rolled for a few weeks and have a miserable time or you quit.

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It isnt that bad



Yes at fresh 50 i was useless


Learn to WIN IE Get nodes/doors



Give it only a couple days and you will have a decent amount of champ gear *i grinded almost 24 hours a day till BM



It doesnt take long at all.. its always greener on the other side so come over.

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I seriously don't understand why people are constantly complaining, most teams I go against are half and half of Epics and fresh level 50's. Just don't charge a battlemaster and expect to get a ko. ( or a hit for that matter)


I'm thinking it's down to server choice. My server is also like this. I started an alt about two weeks ago and when I returned to my main (mostly champ gear) to work on my weeklies and dailies, I was surprised to find a whole mess of new 50s to replace all the 50s I had leveled alongside in that time. Very very few Battlemasters (maybe one a match, tops) and there were plenty of people in Flashpoint gear and blues.


(Shii Cho, for those curious).

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