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How do I compete as a noob lvl 50 against people in full top tier PVP gear?


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Im with you my friend. I hit 50 just after the ill fated Ilum patch, and decided not to pvp on the way to 50 bcuz i didnt want to out lvl planets. I tried running a few warzones, but got frustrated/bored with getting owned all the time. I couldnt fatom how all these guys so badly outgeared me when the game had only been out for a month. such desparities shouldnt happen.


So moral of the story, I gave up on that 50 and started pvping on my lvl 25 powertech and havent looked back since. lots of fun and balanced.


edit: "deal with it" is a typical troll response... your feelings are valid. and daily quest grinding isnt a possibility for everyone given their life schedules.... I just want to pvp, not farm dailies for hours.


RE: These guys PVP more than I do and it's not fair they were rewarded for it.

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"Do dailies"


That's a great idea, and it was what I was doing pre-Ilum. Maybe it works on your server post-Ilum, but mine is so ridiculously unbalanced now that I have yet to be on the winning side of a warzone match post-Ilum.


That's right, not one single win post-Ilum, not even a close match. They've all been blow-outs due to so many on the other side with full PvP gear post-Ilum.


Maybe I've just had incredibly bad luck, but I'm tired of banging my head against a wall trying to see if that's the case.


It will eventually self-correct, but it's going to take months if not longer. In the meantime, I'm playing an alt and enjoying the heck out of lower level PvP which is now incredibly well balanced and nearly every match has been a close, entertaining game. It's just a shame that you get XP from PvP or I'd halt my alt at 49.

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Yes, because clearly disliking a model that involves entry level players getting constantly farmed is wanting welfare epics.


The PVP gearing model is broken. In PVE the "build gear to get advantages to build more gear" works fine because NPCs don't care.


Any PVP game gearing model built on having to get farmed for weeks to get gear is a dumb model.


Dude you are part of a team a team tag likely plays with and against people of various levels of gear.


The whining in this thread is amazing start playing as part of a team. Warzones are a team sport. In a sport where both sides are of various levels of gear and you always get rolled it means you are doing it wrong.


These arguments are so silly because they don't highlight game imbalance they highlight bad players.


Again Warzones are a team sport work it out. You are not always or even mostly or even frequently facing 8 Bms vs 8 people with no gear. People complaining that SOME other people in a team event have better characters than them are just exposing themselves.


Gear is not going to solve your problem.

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RE: These guys PVP more than I do and it's not fair they were rewarded for it.


That doesn't make any sense. Why should people who PVP more be rewarded for it with the ability to roflstomp people who play less? If they PVP more they should be better players anyhow and should be roflstomping even if they don't get a gear advantage.


"The rich get richer" is not a good PVP model.


Like I said, I don't mind a modest gear advantage. BM having about 10-15% more hp and stats than a hypothetical blue 50 set is fine.


But the current expertise stat means that not only do you have 10-15% more stats and hp, they also hit you for 15% less and you hit them 15% more. You end up with a huge, huge advantage there's no justification for.

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Dude you are part of a team a team tag likely plays with and against people of various levels of gear.


"Maybe their team will have gear variation too" is not an answer to the basic problem.


A "rich get richer" PVP gear model is bad for any PVP game.


Gear should not be a controlling factor in PVP outcomes. It should be a modest bonus.

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Yeah, except that it takes longer to get centurion than champion unless your luck is really bad. Hmm.


This. Although I hate the PvP loot system in general, it would make more sense for the bags to drop pieces of Centurion gear and commendations to buy Champion rather then the reverse.

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People you just have to change your game style when you first hit 50. Its like going from college football to the NFL. You just don't jump in and start throwing TD's. You have to play more of a supporting roll until you get geared up. For example, take the left turret on Alderan (sp) and guard it. Have someone there to back you up and make sure to chat in help when you see people coming your way.


Huttball I try to knock off all the ranged dps imps on the overpasses. Voidstar try to take them out as well.


I never get into the middle of the action. I am a infiltration shadow and am squishy even with gear. Try to pick out targets that have a less then 3/4 health or less then 1/2 health. You will be helping your team all the while. It is all about situational awareness and taking opportunities when they arise.


Take people down when you can and learn to work more as a team and less and an individual. then over time you can get more involved. Just play smart. and know that you are going to die and it is ok.



All of this. You have to adapt your play to succeed in the circumstances. Seemingly most people think they should just be running around 1v1 all the time which is horrible gameplay regardless of the gear you have.

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Few ways to get ahead of the the fully geared players.


PVP A LOT before 50. Get your level 40 PVP gear and as the gear is oranage, you can fit it with proper mods to match you level. Soon as you hit 50, go ahead and start placing level 49 epic mods into your gear. The mods are PVE but your base stats will jump from the basic +40-60, to something along the lines of 80-90. That makes a huge difference, especially when it comes to HP values and crit/surge ratings. Having 11k HP at 50 is a joke.. if you get he basic purples, you'll literally jump to 15-16k.


You can easily buy these mods, get your buddies to craft them or just get the peeps you play with and do your Ilum/Belsavis daily quest. There are quiet a few quests that give you purple mods and enhancements as quest rewards. On top of that, the dailies give you daily commendations which you can use to buy the level 49 armoring pieces and hilts/barrels. You can go out there for like 3-4 days and be STACKED in purple mods and be set to basically be on par with most people that are in WZs.


DO NOT spend money on useless blues and orange upgrades because if you do as I said above, you'll still have to upgrade them with the mods you'll be getting. Either save your money to buy the mods off the AH or just go ahead and save your money all together, either to buy your mounts or further your craft.


This is refering to PVP'ing a lot before you hit 50. The best time to do it is right in between 40-49 since you got some decent gear and most of your talent points. That being said, go ahead and buy one champion's bag and since you can't buy more, go ahead and save up 1000 Mercenary and Warzone commendations. This would mean, as soon as you hit 50, you'll have 6 Champ bags. Pretty big step right there, you may even get lucky and get a few pieces right out of them.


After that, it's all about doing your dailies and realizing that even when loosing, there are things that you can do RIGHT, to further yourself when it comes to upgrading your gear. Even when getting stomped, go ahead and play right, earn your medals so you get more commendations. This way on top of the dailies, you can buy quiet a few champion's bags straight out from commendations.


Really, if you do as such and you play quiet often even if you loose, you'll be fully decked out in champ in a few weeks.

Edited by Balmuck
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Just have to do the dailies and gear up, just like they did.


Sort of. You have to do the dailies and gear up, yes, but not like they did. Many people got to do their dailies by facerolling 1-49s in Warzones and trading caps on Ilum.

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This. Why do people who jsut hit 50 think they should be able to compete against people that have been 50 and and PvPing for weeks now? It boggles the mind.


And say they did remove expertise from the game. They would use the item level budget from the expertise and put it into other damage stats and the gear gap would still be there that not even the level 40 PvP gear could help to close.


Yeah this too. Expertise is not magical, it is just a gear stat, so if they removed it and boosted other stats new level 50s would still get crushed the same if they did not learn to play. This is why I think most of these complaints are from pve players.


Gear progression is part of a character based game. Pvp players don't care about expertise because it is just another stat that improves as they get better gear. This only leaves pve players who want to pve for pvp gear.

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Why do you think better gear should be an "I win" button?


Using a PVE gear model for PVP is beyond stupid. PVP is not PVE. In PVE the NPCs dont' care if you roflstomp them with no effort.


I don't have a problem with modest gear increases from PVP. If they took expertise and normalized it across all PVP gear that would be fine.


What's dumb is a stat that is supposed to be about making people wear PVP gear is actually making PVP all about whether you have gear or not.


You should learn to play smarter than an npc perhaps? It is a team game.

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Here is a short of what I did when I was in your position(last week basically)


I typed /1 and asked other 50's if they wanted to start a premade.


Most people that solo won't mind if you are undergeared as long as you are a competent player that plays smart and pays attention.


Do your dailies... everyday. 3 warzone victories can take all night on a given premade night, but usually only takes 1-2 hours. Those dailies yield a champion or battlemaster bag. Possible epic and/or Centurion token/s.


After your 3rd or 4th day depending on how your dailies go, you get your weekly done. That yields 2 champion bags, plus 1 champion or battlemaster bag. More chances at epics or tokens.


At the end of the week you should have enough WZ tokens and Merc(hopefully you're buying Merc commendations when you cap out of WZ commendations, which is 1000) to buy at least one more bag.


So if you play 5 days a week, thats at least 9-10 bags.


It's a slow grind but worth it once you get them purps.


Hope this helped.


On a side note, I play as a Sentinel which is definitely one of the most gear dependent classes in the game, it gets rough, but its worth it in the end. You make a lot of friends that you can pvp with and get gear.

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Just buy the entry level blue gear, oh wait BW took that out because, because.... I have no freakin clue why they took it out, more BW pvp noobness.


I bought that for my sentinel the first time I hit 50, now with my gunslinger just hitting 50 I'm a bit pissed. 10% expertise and level 50 armor values really makes a huge difference.


Entry level pvp gear BW, cmon this is more basic stuff that is crushing pvp in this game!

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Sort of. You have to do the dailies and gear up, yes, but not like they did. Many people got to do their dailies by facerolling 1-49s in Warzones and trading caps on Ilum.


They also did it with lvl 10-49's on their team holding them back.


As for trading kills, don't assume that everyone does it.




I was 260 expertise @ 41, if people fill up their commendation storage then refuse to buy pvp weapons for the enhancements then more fool them.


Of course, it depends when you start pvping. If you start @ 49 it's not worth trying to buy loads of weapons. ;)

Edited by Jestunhi
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Sort of. You have to do the dailies and gear up, yes, but not like they did. Many people got to do their dailies by facerolling 1-49s in Warzones and trading caps on Ilum.


It's not very hard. If nothing, doing your Ilum daily should be simple.. unless you're just stuck on a HORRIBLE server. Go out there and start shouting for an OPS group and I bet someone will invite you to roll with them. Staying out there for about 30-40 min generally means that you get yrou 30 kills.


As far as WZs are concerned, you really need to play with your buddies. The more coordinations you have, the easier it will be.

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Just gotta suck it up till you get the gear, try to stick with some better players in WZs. Only takes about a week or two to get up to 350+ expertise. Especially if you get the weeklys done.


Can I have your luck?



Btw a "week or 2" is quite a long time of being cannon fodder.

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Nearly every answer in this thread presents a cynical view. Here is what i would do:


1. Alderaan: When the match starts, say "I'll take generator, but I'm kinda undergeared, so if I call for help, I'll need it fast." After you get off the speeder, run to generator and watch for reds like a hawk. As soon as they come your way, say "might need help" as soon as you see two, say "need help asap." If you do this, you are very much helping your team and people will respect you for not being retarded, even if your gear is bad. If you guarantee that Generator never gets taken without adequate advanced warning, you did better than many of the max geared folks. If someone is well geared and watching Gen, tell them you got it and send them to mid to fight.


2. Voidstar: Ask who the healer is and send him a message "my gear isn't that great right now, so I am just going to peel for you and keep guard on you and taunt for you." Follow the healer around and make sure he stays alive. Believe me, he will heal you since you are soaking his damage. At the end of the match, you will have a lot of protection medals and a healer that thinks you are pretty smart.


3. Huttball: If you map pass to a keybind and look to throw the ball when you are above 25% health, you are better than over half of the morons playing. If you run ahead of the ball carrier and give him a safe passing lane, you are better than another 25%. If you know enough to "float" past the fire so that a Jugg holding the ball can Intercede you, you can probably make a highlight video. If you further refrain from: (a) maxing an enemy ball carrier's resolve before he gets to the fire, (b) getting charged while you stand on the lip of your ledge looking retarded, my guess is that you are probably in the top 2 players in your WZ. Finally, if when you die while holding the ball, you say in /ops, "I should have thrown the ball earlier, I failed" instead of "stunned, couldnt throw" then you will probably get an invite to join my premade the next match.


In short, you can either listen to all the baddies in this thread or you can contribute as much as you can with your skill level and gear. If you can positively impact a match with 8k health, Imagine what you will do with 18k.


Bad and Mad is no way to go through life.


Best post and QFT.


My guild runs premades and we take people with very little gear along all the time and do well. Why? Because they know how to win warzones, how to go for objectives, and how to communicate. CC, taunting, guarding, keeping people off caps, or passing do not take gear. They take brains.


Also, if you find the 'how to catch up in gear in 2 days' thread in this forum it'll help. Gist of it is get daily comms for epic level weapon/armoring mods and buy epic enhancement/mods off GTC. Also use all your corellia comms on lvl 49 blue mods. Make sure you get the best relics you can and you'll see a huge increase in hp. Also, save all the red pots you can for lvl 50, they'll give you more expertise than anyone not using a red pot, even battlemasters. That will give you an edge for when you do need to put out damage or last longer.


EDIT: Here it is



Edited by Agroovesak
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Just curious how other noob 50's compete against these people. Im a Sith Warrior, and every warzone is my own personal meat grinder. Most of the people have 10k more hitpoints than I do!


So how do I compete? Im on the verge of saying I'm done. Its SO frustrating!


I'm pretty sure T3 PvP armor doesn't give you an additional 10k hitpoints.... unless your comparing a light armor wearer to a heavy tank spec build


Don't worry about winning just keep getting your valor so you can start collecting your T3 PvP Armor.... Winning is moot, it's not like there's a leader board showing all your wins / losses yet...

Edited by Monoth
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The gear gap is too great imo - either the gear shouldn't progress as steeply or there should be a starter set that you can obtain without RNG.


From both a theoretical approach and my experience as evidence, a geared pvp player against someone with lvl50 blues in an even matchup result in the geared player winning at about 50% health left - that is too large of a gap


As mentioned earlier, however, you can close most of that gap in 2 weeks by doing dailies/weaklies (you'll be competitive against geared players and you'll stomp the ungeared)


Not being able to do the dailies/weeklies due to constantly losing is a separate (although related) issue that has more to do with faction balance (otherwise you would face other players in the same boat as you and win against them).


Also the suggestions about being a better player in general are good, but they are separate from a gear gap issue

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This. Why do people who jsut hit 50 think they should be able to compete against people that have been 50 and and PvPing for weeks now? It boggles the mind.


Because gear alone shouldn't make a battle so one-sided that another player cannot be competitive?


Current Battlemasters that spent hours a day playing had it much easier getting their gear.


For most of their ranks they weren't fighting teams of all 50s.

The cost of gear was lower when many got it.

They weren't fighting players with much expertise.


In short, getting fully geared was much easier. And let's be honest, it's not about skill at all but purely about who has the most time to play the same matches over and over and over.

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The gear gap is too great imo - either the gear shouldn't progress as steeply or there should be a starter set that you can obtain without RNG.


From both a theoretical approach and my experience as evidence, a geared pvp player against someone with lvl50 blues in an even matchup result in the geared player winning at about 50% health left - that is too large of a gap




I agree the gap should be more narrow but given how easy it is to get your gear.... People are QQ'ing because it takes 4-5 weeks to get geared up, hell in other MMO's it could take several months to get geared up....


To many people with the "I Want it Right Now" Attitude....


Once you drop the "I have to win every match" attitude you'll enjoy PvP more..

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