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How do I compete as a noob lvl 50 against people in full top tier PVP gear?


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Also, the fix is extremely simple. Just make all PVP gear have the same amount of expertise on it, and put a 50 blue set into the game for commendations.


PVP gearing will still give you a stat advantage, but not an expertise advantage. Instead of blowing up noobs you will have 10-15% more stats and hp, a modest but not ridiculous advantage.

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People you just have to change your game style when you first hit 50. Its like going from college football to the NFL. You just don't jump in and start throwing TD's. You have to play more of a supporting roll until you get geared up. For example, take the left turret on Alderan (sp) and guard it. Have someone there to back you up and make sure to chat in help when you see people coming your way.


Huttball I try to knock off all the ranged dps imps on the overpasses. Voidstar try to take them out as well.


I never get into the middle of the action. I am a infiltration shadow and am squishy even with gear. Try to pick out targets that have a less then 3/4 health or less then 1/2 health. You will be helping your team all the while. It is all about situational awareness and taking opportunities when they arise.


Take people down when you can and learn to work more as a team and less and an individual. then over time you can get more involved. Just play smart. and know that you are going to die and it is ok.

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I never understood why BW would make the same mistake (Imo) as Blizzard and make a PvP stat like expertise. It worked fine in WAR not having seperate gear for PvE / PvP and BW should able to make it work now?


Another strange thing is now that they've made that stat, why not make some cheap (commendation / credit) lvl 50 "blue" PvP (expertise) gear? To help out us slow levelers / altoholics?


No game is perfect at launch and i'm sure BW are working on resolving balance issues in PvP.

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Just have to do the dailies and gear up, just like they did.


This. Why do people who jsut hit 50 think they should be able to compete against people that have been 50 and and PvPing for weeks now? It boggles the mind.


And say they did remove expertise from the game. They would use the item level budget from the expertise and put it into other damage stats and the gear gap would still be there that not even the level 40 PvP gear could help to close.

Edited by fest
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Just curious how other noob 50's compete against these people. Im a Sith Warrior, and every warzone is my own personal meat grinder. Most of the people have 10k more hitpoints than I do!


So how do I compete? Im on the verge of saying I'm done. Its SO frustrating!


Umm you do it the same way everyone else has. You do dailies, and warfronts, and build your character's gear up. Do you honestly want an "I Win" button, or for there to be no gear upgrades in the game at all? Think...

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I think since I am an older player (42) that I appreciate taking the long hard way to get where I want to be. These younger kids want things easy and yesterday. Maybe that is why all the mature players roll Republic and we have been crushing at warzones on my server.
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I was recently in the same boat, but now my gear is starting to even out a little.


First get all the orange gear you can and go to the galactic trade and buy up all of the epic slot pieces you can so that your gear is the best you can make it without pvp gear. At least then you will hit hard.


Next, get your weekly pvp quest done ASAP (3 Champions bags) and your daily done every day. You will get enough commendations by doing this to buy more bags as well. If you have good luck with bags and do the above, your gear should be competitive in about two weeks. In the meantime, you will be learning valuable surviability tricks and maximizing your understanding of the pvp tools you have at your disposal.


While in waiting on those champs bags, look for players at half health, look for other undergeared players, and pair up with another player. Get involved with a guild that runs good premade groups. Being able to have them run you through 3 quick dailies per day rather than getting rolled solo vs. premades all night long will help.

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Umm you do it the same way everyone else has. You do dailies, and warfronts, and build your character's gear up. Do you honestly want an "I Win" button, or for there to be no gear upgrades in the game at all? Think...


Why do you think better gear should be an "I win" button?


Using a PVE gear model for PVP is beyond stupid. PVP is not PVE. In PVE the NPCs dont' care if you roflstomp them with no effort.


I don't have a problem with modest gear increases from PVP. If they took expertise and normalized it across all PVP gear that would be fine.


What's dumb is a stat that is supposed to be about making people wear PVP gear is actually making PVP all about whether you have gear or not.

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I think since I am an older player (42) that I appreciate taking the long hard way to get where I want to be. These younger kids want things easy and yesterday. Maybe that is why all the mature players roll Republic and we have been crushing at warzones on my server.


im the same age as you.. age has nothing to do with fun lvl. I am all for taking time and getting there... why should i just get roflstomped merely a month after release... your logic doesnt fit. 1 month =/= a lot of time.




also, age has nothing to do with maturity lvl. saying that all mature players roll repub is a blanket statement that doesnt ring true.

Edited by Nerfmii
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This. Why do people who jsut hit 50 think they should be able to compete against people that have been 50 and and PvPing for weeks now? It boggles the mind.


And say they did remove expertise from the game. They would use the item level budget from the expertise and put it into other damage stats and the gear gap would still be there that not even the level 40 PvP gear could help to close.


Pve gear would be easier to get and have better stats than pvp gear if expertise were removed.

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Nearly every answer in this thread presents a cynical view. Here is what i would do:


1. Alderaan: When the match starts, say "I'll take generator, but I'm kinda undergeared, so if I call for help, I'll need it fast." After you get off the speeder, run to generator and watch for reds like a hawk. As soon as they come your way, say "might need help" as soon as you see two, say "need help asap." If you do this, you are very much helping your team and people will respect you for not being retarded, even if your gear is bad. If you guarantee that Generator never gets taken without adequate advanced warning, you did better than many of the max geared folks. If someone is well geared and watching Gen, tell them you got it and send them to mid to fight.


2. Voidstar: Ask who the healer is and send him a message "my gear isn't that great right now, so I am just going to peel for you and keep guard on you and taunt for you." Follow the healer around and make sure he stays alive. Believe me, he will heal you since you are soaking his damage. At the end of the match, you will have a lot of protection medals and a healer that thinks you are pretty smart.


3. Huttball: If you map pass to a keybind and look to throw the ball when you are above 25% health, you are better than over half of the morons playing. If you run ahead of the ball carrier and give him a safe passing lane, you are better than another 25%. If you know enough to "float" past the fire so that a Jugg holding the ball can Intercede you, you can probably make a highlight video. If you further refrain from: (a) maxing an enemy ball carrier's resolve before he gets to the fire, (b) getting charged while you stand on the lip of your ledge looking retarded, my guess is that you are probably in the top 2 players in your WZ. Finally, if when you die while holding the ball, you say in /ops, "I should have thrown the ball earlier, I failed" instead of "stunned, couldnt throw" then you will probably get an invite to join my premade the next match.


In short, you can either listen to all the baddies in this thread or you can contribute as much as you can with your skill level and gear. If you can positively impact a match with 8k health, Imagine what you will do with 18k.


Bad and Mad is no way to go through life.

Edited by Oloh
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Just curious how other noob 50's compete against these people. Im a Sith Warrior, and every warzone is my own personal meat grinder. Most of the people have 10k more hitpoints than I do!


So how do I compete? Im on the verge of saying I'm done. Its SO frustrating!


The first piece of good advice is to ignore the majority of people in this thread. They are bads, and you don't get better at PvP by listening to bads. It's not a matter of "dealing with it," or rerolling a new toon so you can play in the ez mode league and get level 11's as opponents.


The first thing you do is fix your gear. You need to slot everything you can with orange, customizable gear. Then, slot it up with good mods. The Orange gear will "level up" according to the power of the mods. Try buying pvp weapons from the vendor and removing/reslotting the enhance mod with expertise in them for every slot. You can have expertise without a single piece of champion, on every piece with an enhance mod slot. There's a guide someplace that shows you exactly how to do this, broken down to how many creds you'll need to spend even for all the modding. Find it and read that bad boy.


Get biochem. Consumables are huge in PvP, with or without champ gear.


Then, read class guides on this forum by people who don't suck. Have an idea of the possibilities different specs can give you, and which can bring an advantage in pvp.


Finally, practice practice practice. Yes, you might still get ownd by someone with 450+ epxertise, but being prepared taking the steps above, you stand a chance. Also, this is like practicing in PvP on "hard mode." If you can score kills on champ-geared 50's, wearing your orange custom set, you will wreck face with the proper gear.


Good luck out there soldier.

Edited by XenonParsec
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I think since I am an older player (42) that I appreciate taking the long hard way to get where I want to be. These younger kids want things easy and yesterday. Maybe that is why all the mature players roll Republic and we have been crushing at warzones on my server.


It's more based around repetition for me. On my server Empire out numbers reps 4 to 1. I have players on both sides.

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I never understood why BW would make the same mistake (Imo) as Blizzard and make a PvP stat like expertise. It worked fine in WAR not having seperate gear for PvE / PvP and BW should able to make it work now?


Another strange thing is now that they've made that stat, why not make some cheap (commendation / credit) lvl 50 "blue" PvP (expertise) gear? To help out us slow levelers / altoholics?


No game is perfect at launch and i'm sure BW are working on resolving balance issues in PvP.


It is called centurion.

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The first piece of good advice is to ignore the majority of people in this thread. They are bads, and you don't get better at PvP by listening to bads. It's not a matter of "dealing with it," or rerolling a new toon so you can play in the ez mode league and get level 11's as opponents.


The first thing you do is fix your gear. You need to slot everything you can with orange, customizable gear. Then, slot it up with good mods. The Orange gear will "level up" according to the power of the mods. Try buying pvp weapons from the vendor and removing/reslotting the enhance mod with expertise in them for every slot. You can have expertise without a single piece of champion, on every piece with an enhance mod slot. There's a guide someplace that shows you exactly how to do this, broken down to how many creds you'll need to spend even for all the modding. Find it and read that bad boy.


Get biochem. Consumables are huge in PvP, with or without champ gear.


Then, read class guides on this forum by people who don't suck. Have an idea of the possibilities different specs can give you, and which can bring an advantage in pvp.


Finally, practice practice practice. Yes, you might still get ownd by someone with 450+ epxertise, but being prepared taking the steps above, you stand a chance. Also, this is like practicing in PvP on "hard mode." If you can score kills on champ-geared 50's, wearing your orange custom set, you will wreck face with the proper gear.


Good luck out there soldier.


Great Advice!

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Without having read the thread, this is my answer to the question in your title.


While this isn't helpful whatsoever from a retrospective standpoint, I'd like to let the lower level PvPers avoid this problem altogether. I'm currently only at level 31 on my main toon and I only just started seriously PvPing a few levels ago, but ever since I started, I've used every single commendation I've received to purchase Champion Bags. I have 3 so far. My sincere hope is that my luck is good enough so that I can ding 50 and immediately have the majority of my set. I think I'll have quite a few saved up by then so I should have a fair shot at it.


This is probably a good practice if you want to be competitive as soon as you hit 50.

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People you just have to change your game style when you first hit 50. Its like going from college football to the NFL. You just don't jump in and start throwing TD's. You have to play more of a supporting roll until you get geared up. For example, take the left turret on Alderan (sp) and guard it. Have someone there to back you up and make sure to chat in help when you see people coming your way.


Huttball I try to knock off all the ranged dps imps on the overpasses. Voidstar try to take them out as well.


I never get into the middle of the action. I am a infiltration shadow and am squishy even with gear. Try to pick out targets that have a less then 3/4 health or less then 1/2 health. You will be helping your team all the while. It is all about situational awareness and taking opportunities when they arise.


Take people down when you can and learn to work more as a team and less and an individual. then over time you can get more involved. Just play smart. and know that you are going to die and it is ok.



Just posting to recognize the best and only truly helpful answer in the OP's thread. Well done.


Edit: Just saw XenonParsec and Oloh's helpfulness too. Follow those 3 posts' advice, and you'll be doing pretty well.

Edited by Aces_Over_Kings
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Im with you my friend. I hit 50 just after the ill fated Ilum patch, and decided not to pvp on the way to 50 bcuz i didnt want to out lvl planets. I tried running a few warzones, but got frustrated/bored with getting owned all the time. I couldnt fatom how all these guys so badly outgeared me when the game had only been out for a month. such desparities shouldnt happen.


So moral of the story, I gave up on that 50 and started pvping on my lvl 25 powertech and havent looked back since. lots of fun and balanced.


edit: "deal with it" is a typical troll response... your feelings are valid. and daily quest grinding isnt a possibility for everyone given their life schedules.... I just want to pvp, not farm dailies for hours.




Imagine your disappoint when you learn that the gear was not why you were getting owned.

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