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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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That's the idea yes...


GW2, although I have no interest in it and believe people have hyped that game far, far beyond what it could possibly deliver and will be crying about how disappointed they are soon enough made one brilliant move I agree with, and that is to not have official forums, they simply don't want to deal with the trolls and whiners that come with every single MMO ever made.

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Except that it doesn't happen. It especially won't happen with TOR.


Here, let me clue you in. The game falls flat as an MMO. It can be as fantastic as it wants to be as a single player experience, but it may get very difficult for people to justify paying a subscription for what may feel as a single player game. Shift over to the non single player game aspect if TOR, and you have, mechanically and functionally, a wow clone. Congratulations.


That's okay with me, I never played WOW. I'll have to take your word for it...

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Hopefully Guild Wars 2 comes out soon so the SWTOR forum squatters have something else to attack...


If the unsub thread is any indication, when this current billing month is over, the forums should get much more silent, that is until the current folks that havnt reached 50 yet finally do and realize..that games over and there is nothing else to do (unless you wanna level another ALT?), then expect a second wave of QQ.

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Except that it doesn't happen. It especially won't happen with TOR.


Here, let me clue you in. The game falls flat as an MMO. It can be as fantastic as it wants to be as a single player experience, but it may get very difficult for people to justify paying a subscription for what may feel as a single player game. Shift over to the non single player game aspect if TOR, and you have, mechanically and functionally, a wow clone. Congratulations.

True, too many similarities can not be accidental. Devs been even saying that WoW is been great inspiration. Errr... Witch one? Bugged or working WoW?

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That's okay with me, I never played WOW. I'll have to take your word for it...


You could try it for free and see for yourself. For what its worth, you could see personally what people are talking about and gain some insight about why such a comparison constantly comes up.

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I always get confused the point of this topic was TIME magazine was giving SWTOR a good review and then come in the trolls who hey hate this game but still sit on the forums and play it? I'm confused by this.


Are people automatically trolls if they're not satisfied with TOR? People are too quick to call someone out as a troll.

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You could try it for free and see for yourself. For what its worth, you could see personally what people are talking about and gain some insight about why such a comparison constantly comes up.

Free trial does not give clear picture about game. When you start raiding instances or opposite faction major cities, that gives something to think.

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Nah best MMO ever, because i just typed it it's a fact right? That seems to be the logic you are using.


Tell me how SWTOR stands out and delivers a quality surpassing the competitors then?


I don't see SWTOR as being a better game than WoW, Lotro, DDO or EvE at the moment, and all these games are several years old.


Graphics = SWTOR is decent, but bland. It doesn't push any limits in that area whatsoever.

Sound = bland. Not even standard musical soundtrack in the background at all times, which is otherwise industry standard even for 3-4 year old games.

Gameplay = no revolutions there, I get the exact same push button for special ability in several other MMOs

Story = Lotro also has an epic storyline with a little voice over. Nothing unique there. Hell, even WoW has epic storylines, altho they're somewhat more bland, with the stories/lore being what it is.

Crafting = standard, same type as WoW and Lotro, Istaria, which is almost 10 years old now, and SWG had far better crafting setups.

PvP/space combat = Done far, far, far better in EvE


Sorry, I don't see where, logically, anyone with experience from several MMOs can say that SWTOR is the best ever.


I really wanted to love the game, but it's just too bland for me.

Edited by ThunderZtorm
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Tell me how SWTOR stands out and delivers a quality surpassing the competitors then?


I don't see SWTOR as being a better game than WoW, Lotro, DDO or EvE at the moment, and all these games are several years old.


Graphics = SWTOR is decent, but bland. It doesn't push any limits in that area whatsoever.

Sound = bland. Not even standard musical soundtrack in the background at all times, which is otherwise industry standard even for 3-4 year old games.

Gameplay = no revolutions there, I get the exact same push button for special ability in several other MMOs

Story = Lotro also has an epic storyline with a little voice over. Nothing unique there. Hell, even WoW has epic storylines, altho they're somewhat more bland, with the stories/lore being what it is.

Crafting = standard, same type as WoW and Lotro, Istaria, which is almost 10 years old now, and SWG had far better crafting setups.


Sorry, I don't see where, logically, anyone with experience from several MMOs can say that SWTOR is the best ever.


I really wanted to love the game, but it's just too bland for me.



The story line and character development can be quite engaging and offers something no mmo has. Companions add even more depth to that. It really is the best feature this game has. You can't just brush that off. I'm very critical of TOR but I do my best to be fair.

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If the unsub thread is any indication, when this current billing month is over, the forums should get much more silent, that is until the current folks that havnt reached 50 yet finally do and realize..that games over and there is nothing else to do (unless you wanna level another ALT?), then expect a second wave of QQ.


Funny, I've been 50 for several weeks now and there's plenty to do. Flashpoints (and hardmodes) Operations (and hard modes), dailies, rep up companions, finish up storylines, gear up myself and my companions, PvP, craft and yes, play alts. Just like every other Themepark MMO.

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I read it.


I think the author never played a game in his life before.


That's what's bugging me with most if not all reviews. They find the basics awesome. But what can you get if you play the PR version for a few days? I was hyped for about a week and a half until the short comings started to get me. Nothing game breaking so far but deffinitely lot of room for improvement. If the next couple content patches don't deliver I won't stick

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Funny, I've been 50 for several weeks now and there's plenty to do. Flashpoints (and hardmodes) Operations (and hard modes), dailies, rep up companions, finish up storylines, gear up myself and my companions, PvP, craft and yes, play alts. Just like every other Themepark MMO.


So much of that sounds incredibly uninteresting for plethora of reasons. Maybe I need to step away from MMOs for 10-20 years and see if the genre has the balls to break away from levels and level specific zones, talent trees and cookie cutter builds, instances and raids which never change or deviate etc etc.


The last sentence though, of what you wrote, is what I think is a problem of current MMOs, and not just TOR.


"Just like every other Themepark MMO"


Ain't that the truth?

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True, it's exactly the same if you ignore the ways in which it's different.

What I was going to say.


Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean that others do. You know, maybe the guy who actually wrote the review, you know, liked the game.

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Lol, I'm going to assume you're talking to me (if I'm wrong, oh well).


If I didn't think the game had potential, I would leave. I'm not a fan of paying to Beta test. The whole point of my last post was just to point out that the door swings both ways. Some people like the game, some people don't. Saying that you're 'side' is the majority in either case is silly.


The problem is that posters who constantly tear down the game in every single positive post start to get annoying. They give the excuse that they have the right to voice their opinion, that they want their voice to be heard so changes can be made but they always seem to do this at the expense of people WHO DO like the game and WANT TO ENJOY the game. Most of the time when you look in the customer service forum or the suggestion forum of a given game these people are nowhere to be found. Throw in the use of icons and the posters become even snottier giving the impression that they know they are ruining someones enjoyment of the game and could give a damn.



The age of entitlement is really starting to grind my gears .....

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The story line and character development can be quite engaging and offers something no mmo has. Companions add even more depth to that. It really is the best feature this game has. You can't just brush that off. I'm very critical of TOR but I do my best to be fair.


The storyline in LOTRO is also very engaging, especially for fans of the books as you meet, and influence, all the major characters. (My point is here that SWTOR is not unique in having an episodic, story-driven part of the game).


The story is ok, yeah, but I'm missing effects on the gameworld due to the story. As a SI, the biggest effect is that I get a mail from my cult every now and again - otherwise there's no consequences at all.

Compare the story to, say, the story of Mass Effect - I'd say ME is far superior simply because it doesn't have the gameworld limitations of a typical MMO. Your choices matter all through the game, companion can die/leave you based on your choices, they won't just sulk in a corner going "I guess I have to.." like my Jedi companion.


The companions are an interesting addition, but they make the game feel less like an MMO and more like a singleplayer game with a chat. I'm not sure companions are a good direction for an MMO. Besides, they're also somewhat bland compared to the companions we saw in Mass Effect and Dragon Age, constantly commenting and interacting. They just stand there in the ship, doing nothing.

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Are people automatically trolls if they're not satisfied with TOR? People are too quick to call someone out as a troll.


They are if they spend eight to twelve hours a day bashing the game.


They are if the jump into every positive thread just to talk about how fail the game is


They are if when they get banned for trolling they run out and buy another box just to troll some more.

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why would anyone in who plays games read Time magazine for a game review? What is this the first one they ever did? Did someone finally tell them about this new MMO phenom? LOL


Because its STAR WARS... really has nothing much to do with the game itself as it does about the name.

9 billion dollars in revenue earned by Lucasfilm from Star Wars merchandise sold to date

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They are if they spend eight to twelve hours a day bashing the game.


They are if the jump into every positive thread just to talk about how fail the game is


They are if when they get banned for trolling they run out and buy another box just to troll some more.



Couldn't agree more

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They are if they spend eight to twelve hours a day bashing the game.


They are if the jump into every positive thread just to talk about how fail the game is


They are if when they get banned for trolling they run out and buy another box just to troll some more.


The third one isn't just a troll, its a person with an issue. Anyway, can't say I noticed any one fit the descriptions there but then again I'm only on the forums because I'm waiting for my companions to finish crafting so I'm not keeping tabs on people.

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Time magazine is the pinnacle of gaming reviews.



They do game reviews?



Edit: Nevermind, it's the same NPR review. lol


Gamspot gave it 8


IGN gave it 9


want me to continue ?

thought so...u dont like it then simply get the hell out of here u wont be missed at all kkthxbb

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So much of that sounds incredibly uninteresting for plethora of reasons. Maybe I need to step away from MMOs for 10-20 years and see if the genre has the balls to break away from levels and level specific zones, talent trees and cookie cutter builds, instances and raids which never change or deviate etc etc.


The last sentence though, of what you wrote, is what I think is a problem of current MMOs, and not just TOR.


"Just like every other Themepark MMO"


Ain't that the truth?


I am consistantly amazed by statements like this.


No MMO has offered anything different since the creation of MMO's. Not WoW, not SWG, not anything. Endgame has always revolved around a combination of the same elements. PVP, crafting, exploration, instances, and rep grinds.


No game.... I mean NO game anywhere, ever, has deviated from that path. Now suddenly you're upset? What, because this game came out and they didnt decide to "revolutionize" the gaming industry with the completely unworkable ideas that some of you seem to think would "change everything".



Your problem isnt this game. Your problem is games period.

Go take a break. Move on. Do something else. Quite frankly, no game now, or in the immediate future is going to deviate from that pattern.


Not even peoples overhyped beloved GW2.


Never thought I would say this.... but time for a reality check.

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I am consistantly amazed by statements like this.


No MMO has offered anything different since the creation of MMO's. Not WoW, not SWG, not anything. Endgame has always revolved around a combination of the same elements. PVP, crafting, exploration, instances, and rep grinds.


No game.... I mean NO game anywhere, ever, has deviated from that path. Now suddenly you're upset? What, because this game came out and they didnt decide to "revolutionize" the gaming industry with the completely unworkable ideas that some of you seem to think would "change everything".



Your problem isnt this game. Your problem is games period.

Go take a break. Move on. Do something else. Quite frankly, no game now, or in the immediate future is going to deviate from that pattern.


Not even peoples overhyped beloved GW2.


Never thought I would say this.... but time for a reality check.




You don't see a basic difference between a sandbox MMO and a themepark MMO?


SWG and EvE are sandbox MMOs. There is no way you will be able to play them the same way you play WoW/LOTRO/TOR.


Sandbox MMOs offer a vastly different playing experience than themepark MMOs.


You say all MMOs offer this: "PVP, crafting, exploration, instances, and rep grinds."


Where is the exploration, crafting and rep grinds in TOR? Heck, where's the PvP? :p

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