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Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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Wanted to share some good news for a change, nice going Bioware! :D




And link to the actual article from the above site:




Thanks for posting this. Nice to see a positive in general forums for a change.

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No you! seriously, Time magazine is read by millions and millions of people. I don't even know how you can type such a statement as that.


Industry standard that most non-independent game reviews are made to be very positive due to healthy donations from the game company.


Been like that for decades, way back to the C64/Amiga days. I was a reviewer for first a small local newspaper (completely independent), but when I switched to a major website, we had certain rules about what we could say about which games depending on what company had released them.

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Thanks for posting this. Nice to see a positive in general forums for a change.

Thanks! :)


I am not a rabid fangirl and realize the game needs work, that being said I see so much potential here that I am more then willing to give them benefit of the doubt that things will be fixed as promised.


Problem is not everyone has the patience to wait for the fixes and updates, their loss I say if they are unwilling to give this game a chance due to a few issues here and there.

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Industry standard that most non-independent game reviews are made to be very positive due to healthy donations from the game company.


Been like that for decades, way back to the C64/Amiga days. I was a reviewer for first a small local newspaper (completely independent), but when I switched to a major website, we had certain rules about what we could say about which games depending on what company had released them.


I think it would be appropriate to point out that the TIME magazine review pretty much a very generic review when compared to even the review on ign (which was an ongoing review).


It pretty much only says what every one here already knows, ie,


- Yes, the voice acting is refreshing

- Yes, the space combat is a weak feature

- Yes, it is story driven and revolves around your interactions with the world and your companiosn


so on and so forth.


It may as well be an advert for the game.






in contrast, speaking to people in game lends a less possitive outlook towards the game in a lot of way and in features that just don't get much paragraph space in reviews.





to conclude, Time magazine is irrelevant*



*for mmo reviews

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Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean millions of other don't either.


The game is great and enjoyable.


You can leave anytime time, we won't miss you.Exit door this way --------------------->


Just because you like it, doesn't mean millions of others do too.


The game is terrible and boring.


You can stay if you want, we won't miss you. *Walks out the exit door.*


See what I did there?!

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And.... Time Magazine makes the /haters QQ in the forum.


What is relevant is that AP would even spend time reporting on an MMO.


Love it. :D

Please define haters? If I say that game is garbage (from 100's known bugs and problems) then I'm hater? No I don't hate game, I just don't play it, that is all. Waiting till things getting fixed.

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I don't think anyone understood when I said millions and millions of people read or know of Time and the Associated press. Lets' say millions and millions again so that sinks in. I don't care if they were paid to give it a good review or not. Although I am enjoying my gaming time here in SWTOR and I don't mind paying for something I enjoy, unlike some folks who may choose to pay for something they hate...like..say....brocoli for example or SWTOR. But they are still eatting it and complaining but paying for it anyway.:cool:
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If you don't like the game then leave, you aren't wanted troll. Good review is good.


Lol, I'm going to assume you're talking to me (if I'm wrong, oh well).


If I didn't think the game had potential, I would leave. I'm not a fan of paying to Beta test. The whole point of my last post was just to point out that the door swings both ways. Some people like the game, some people don't. Saying that you're 'side' is the majority in either case is silly.

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Please define haters? If I say that game is garbage (from 100's known bugs and problems) then I'm hater? No I don't hate game, I just don't play it, that is all. Waiting till things getting fixed.


The term "Hater" gets tossed around quite easily these days. People will eventually forget what a hater actually looks like.

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Wanted to share some good news for a change, nice going Bioware! :D




And link to the actual article from the above site:




Well that makes it official, "Best game evar!!"


:sy_lightside: :sy_lightside: :sy_lightside: :sy_lightside: :sy_lightside:

Edited by Qoojo
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That's the idea yes...


Except that it doesn't happen. It especially won't happen with TOR.


Here, let me clue you in. The game falls flat as an MMO. It can be as fantastic as it wants to be as a single player experience, but it may get very difficult for people to justify paying a subscription for what may feel as a single player game. Shift over to the non single player game aspect if TOR, and you have, mechanically and functionally, a wow clone. Congratulations.

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