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Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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I would love to know what game these reviewers are playing. It certainly isn't SWToR.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean millions of other don't either.


The game is great and enjoyable.


You can leave anytime time, we won't miss you.Exit door this way --------------------->

Edited by CatchDeathwalker
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Magazine reviews mean literally nothing.... Why would I ever trust TIME MAGAZINE on a video game review?


We already know... as in, it is a confirmed fact.. that video game companies try there hardest to make sure only companies who promise to give out high scores will get review copies of the game and other such shady practices...


like what is this?


'Most of all, it makes you feel like you’re part of a huge narrative that’s at once personal to your character’s journey, but also part of a wider, unfolding epic between the Republic and the Empire. Quests and story arcs appear to end, but don’t. Your character may finish a mission, only to get ambushed while strolling back to his ship hours later.'





That statement is so far off from what the majority of people who actually have played the game would say. In fact most people who are fans of good narrative and actually have TASTE were completely disappointed by the "stories" in this game.


If you honestly cannot tell that it really is the same fetch quests and kill x number of monsters quests, just like every other mmo. Glossed over with Voice acting... then there is no hope in arguing with you.


you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Over a month and 50+ critic reviews and still not a single negative review among them. The worst scores are 7/10. 90%+ of them are 8-9 scores. Pretty much as I expected since early beta.


But no it's a "failure" and all the reviews from every corner of the internet were all bought in some massive unprecedented gaming conspiracy to hide the truth. /rolls eyes. The desperate things some people say.

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Over a month and 50+ critic reviews and still not a single negative review among them. The worst scores are 7/10. 90%+ of them are 8-9 scores. Pretty much as I expected since early beta.


But no it's a "failure" and all the reviews from every corner of the internet were all bought in some massive unprecedented gaming conspiracy to hide the truth. /rolls eyes. The desperate things some people say.



Or you know, they haven't actually played the game. read the reviews and count how many lies are made. Also look at the arbitrary scores. Time gives this game 9/10 but it lists some pretty huge faults. How do you get such a good review with such glaring faults?


You'll be hard pressed to find really negative reviews for any game.

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Here's my question to those that claim to hate this game so much... why are you still here?


Even if you canceled your sub and still have forum access, why are you posting? You won't change the minds of people who enjoy it, so you have to be trolling. Trolls automatically lose all credibility


This means either 1. you like the game and are simply trolling or 2. hate the game, are still playing but are trolling


Constructive criticism is one thing but the types of complaints I usually see are far from constructive and some I can't even make sense of

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Over a month and 50+ critic reviews and still not a single negative review among them. The worst scores are 7/10. 90%+ of them are 8-9 scores. Pretty much as I expected since early beta.


But no it's a "failure" and all the reviews from every corner of the internet were all bought in some massive unprecedented gaming conspiracy to hide the truth. /rolls eyes. The desperate things some people say.


Keep in mind you had disgruntled SWG fans and scared WoW fans vowing to do everything in their power to discredit the game...you are seeing that being played out here...anyone with half a brain knows the hate isn't reality...they reality is the game is huge and is still growing and since WoW is hemorrhaging subscribers like crazy people are looking at TOR.

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What I don't understand is why folks that hate the game enough to constantly post vitriol here on the forums, still pay for it?


If I didn't like it I would not pay and just leave.


So these guys are some kind of weird MMO masochists.

Edited by Cuspin
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These reviews are article submissions created by Bioware marketing staff and are paid advertisements. They are in no way actual reviews by NPR or TIME Magazine. Don't kid yourself. Newspapers offer this same service. Why do you think they're identical reviews? duh. Edited by Proto
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These reviews are article submissions created by Bioware marketing staff and are paid advertisements. They are in no way actual reviews by NPR or TIME Magazine. Don't kid yourself. Newspapers offer this same service. Why do you think they're identical reviews? duh.


Maybe because it was written by the Associated Press.

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Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean millions of other don't either.


The game is great and enjoyable.


You can leave anytime time, we won't miss you.Exit door this way --------------------->


I didn't say I wasn't having fun or that I didn't enjoy it but giving it a 3.5 out of 4 is totally bogus.


It isn't a great game. The game play is repetitive in the extreme, most of the environments are carbon copies of something else, there are simple, basic, expected MMO stuff that is nearly unusable or non-existent. 2 out of 4 maybe, no way they get a 3.5

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Maybe because it was written by the Associated Press.


.........that gets the review from Bioware and distributes it to 35,000+ news organizations. Its the same as using Vocus / PR Newswire, etc. when you're writing an online press release. Again, this is not a real review or rating, its just propaganda from bioware that nothing is wrong and the game is just SUPER-AMAZING.


You will likely see 2 to 3 of these per month as they get indexed better this way by engines. Its no mystery to anyone in the SEO world when you read these kind of reviews. For someone who does this kind of stuff for a living I can read right through the lines and smell BS a mile away. I can even see the keywords stuffed in there that they're trying to target.

Edited by Proto
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It isn't a great game. The game play is repetitive in the extreme, most of the environments are carbon copies of something else, there are simple, basic, expected MMO stuff that is nearly unusable or non-existent. 2 out of 4 maybe, no way they get a 3.5


The same as every other MMO


If SWTOR is modeled after every other MMO and it added pretty much anything, it'll get a higher than average score. That's kind of the concept of 'above average'


Many of the 'standard' things that exist in other MMOs that SWTOR lacks have either been reported as being in the works or being reviewed for possible inclusion


If this game rates so low for you, why aren't you playing the MMO out there that DOES rate 3.5 for you?

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