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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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My LFG update.


I play a healer, with what I believe is a good rep for healing from those I've grouped with, on one of the busiest servers since pre-launch.


For the past two weeks I have been on a schedule that allows for me to do my hobby, mmo gaming, for at the max 4 hours a day, usually the most I have is 3 hours. I have a job, a wife and kids.


For those two weeks I have been trying to complete Maelstrom Prison before I out level it and running it becomes trivial. I belong to a guild, with plenty of members, but there is rarely anyone that is on when I am and is around the same level. There are plenty that are around my level though, but play times haven't matched up.


I have tried everything to find a group. Tagged myself, Global LFG channel, and continually spam my LFG message. In that time I have gotten in two groups to do the run. Both groups had players that had to leave partway through the run. We had no issues beforehand, they just had things come up in RL and had to go. Both times the groups ended up disbanding because we couldn't fill the spot.



I'm done with SWTOR if there is not a proper LFG tool in place by the 20th of February.


That is not a childish threat statement, but just a simple reality. A month ago I had made a commitment that I was going to stick with SWTOR even though it was already clear to me the subs were going to sink fast. As much as I like other aspects of the game, to fully enjoy my hobby, I need to be able to play when I log in, and not be blocked from doing the most fun content because some completely out of touch designers can't seem to tell their arses from a hole on the ground.


I've had it with these threads. If BW doesn't get it by now, when it's already too late for so many, then it's just going to be way too long before either they do get it, or they're finally fired and replaced by people that do.


Good post, more and more people are feeling the same way you are every day. You tell by the new posters that prop up all the time asking for help.


We're aren't asking for unrealistic demands, we just want to be able to group with people in a timely basis without relying on a schedule being made with other people. The problem is the hardcores who play 4-5 hours a day 5-6 days a week don't want to be knocked down from the top of the food chain, they're bringing their own game down.

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It's amazing the degree to which the pro-LFR players are willing to troll people, from PMs on the forum to in-game hate mail


As it stands right now, none of the main pro X-LFD people and the compromises we are working on are trolling people. Judging from your post, it makes me believe you are the one in fact trolling. However, if there is truth in that statement please report there posts for harrasment as no player deserves that.

Edited by Ellvaan
inflammatory/rude (Pm'd)
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I currently have both subs going for TOR and WoW. For the first time in weeks I spent last night playing WoW. I had a blast. I feel like I have access to all the content with a simple push of the button in WoW. With TOR, after the initial Honeymoon period, I'm starting to feel limited to what I can do. Limited by the server population, faction population and planet population. Oh yea, Fleet population too. I want TOR to succeed! I'll even level up all 8 classes to fill the time. I just hope BW does something to make the game feel more ....accessible.
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I currently have both subs going for TOR and WoW. For the first time in weeks I spent last night playing WoW. I had a blast. I feel like I have access to all the content with a simple push of the button in WoW. With TOR, after the initial Honeymoon period, I'm starting to feel limited to what I can do. Limited by the server population, faction population and planet population. Oh yea, Fleet population too. I want TOR to succeed! I'll even level up all 8 classes to fill the time. I just hope BW does something to make the game feel more ....accessible.


I'm keeping both subscriptions concurrently atm and last night I grew wary looking for a group in fleet last so I logged on to wow and did some stuff, mind blowing difference. It's not fact that they don't have features that bothers me, it's their arrogance but not supporting all the community threads that are asking for stuff that they knew people were going to expect.


I'll be doing all 8 classes too! I really want to check all that stuff out.

Edited by Touchbass
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I'm keeping both subscriptions concurrently atm and last night I grew wary looking for a group in fleet last so I logged on to wow and did some stuff, mind blowing difference. It's the fact that they don't have features that bothers me, it's their arrogance but not supporting all the communith threads that are asking for stuff that they knew people were going to expect.


I'll be doing all 8 classes too! I really want to check all that stuff out.


For sure. I got no problem playing both. I just wish I could get it all in one game :p

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For sure. I got no problem playing both. I just wish I could get it all in one game :p


I really thought I was done playing WoW. I mean I liked what they announced for MOP, simplifying talents, cool Asian themed worlds, getting rid of melee range for Hunters. And hoped maybe SWTOR might take some of those lessons to heart. Didn't realize SWTOR might be SO far behind. But at least adding LFD (and addons/mods/macros) will go a long way in helping. (see, I said LFD, this post is on topic)

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I really thought I was done playing WoW. I mean I liked what they announced for MOP, simplifying talents, cool Asian themed worlds, getting rid of melee range for Hunters. And hoped maybe SWTOR might take some of those lessons to heart. Didn't realize SWTOR might be SO far behind. But at least adding LFD (and addons/mods/macros) will go a long way in helping. (see, I said LFD, this post is on topic)


One of my more bigger gripes is ability bloat and situational availability of them. When facing a champion/elite as my levelnig BH I really can't use half of my cool abilities to out maneuver them. They only seem to work on mobs that I could solo with rapid shots, lol.


EDIT: Again, another 25 minutes - 30 of passively looking for a group and nothing. I'm not spending my Saturday night sitting in a fleet waiting for someting to happen. Maybe I'll watch the 2nd season of Carnivale.

Edited by Touchbass
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What pve anyways? I only queue for pvp nowadays because it has a system that lets me log on and experience the pvp content with a click of a button, id rather do that than sit around for 5 hour waiting for a healer only to wipe over and over in HM content
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So I am going to soften my stance a little after talking with fellow guildies about this. Many seem to be in agreement about a LFD tool.


Here is what we feel would work very well and why.



LFD tool will be SERVER ONLY

LFD tool will not group someone to a group where they are on someones ignore list

LFD Will not port you into the instance

LFD tool will have 4 Roles that a person can signup for. Healer, Tank, Ranged and Melee DPS

LFD will pull 1 person for each role and fill that role. So no imbalanced Melee only groups and such.


LFD being server only will give you a reputation on your server. This will tie directly into the ignore list, if you are an *** hole, steel loot for your companion without asking first, or cause problems you will be punished for it in the long run. If just about everyone you ever run with add you to their ignore list you will sit in queue forever. Tough **** if you cause that much grief you earned your right to have problems getting a group.


LFD being server only will have a long queue times if you are a solo player who tends to never talk and get to know people, or ever join a guild. An MMO is based on community and people making friends. NOT solo players wanting to be anti-Social. If you get into a group with 3 members from a guild, you mesh well, they might want to recruit you This is good for you and good for them. Next time you may not have to wait an hour or 2 in Queue. If you are willing to make friends off people you meet in groups you will not need the LFD tool much but for the odd time 2 or 3 people need an extra person or 2. The guilds that need 1 more often times to do a Hardmode will find that 1 off in the queue, making more Flashpoints happen.


You will not need to be ported to the instance. This is so you can go out in the world and explorer it. To off set having to go back to the fleet to run the next instance, I recommend that the fleet pass Cold Down be moved down to 1 hour. Most instances take that long so it will be up about the time you are done.


Loop sided groups have not been too much of an issue with SWTOR however I have seen boss fights that all melee groups will have issues and what not. This will help balance out DPS range and Melee classes.




This is a big Omission by me because I was set in stone against the LFD tool because it does make the game too much like Never winter nights lobby game. Join this server do X amount leave, dont talk to the people. Yes I played NWN1+2 and Diablo 1, I play MMOs for the social interaction, which if you can get groups within 10 minutes of clicking the easy button it becomes the same Ginnie pig wheel. Server only also holds you majorly responsible for your own actions, if you are are a detriment to the group or cause too many problems it will affect you.

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Having never played WoW, I've only used an automated group tool once and the end result was horrible, though that was probably isolated to that specific MMO.


While I am opposed to cross-server teaming, I suppose it could always be an option players could choose for those times when the current server is on a low population but there is lots of activity on another server. Anything that helps groups form up is a good thing.


I would like to see something better for the planetary group quests beyond spamming the general chat. The current LFG system is useless, and I've yet to find a single LFG system that worked well with quests. It's such a narrow window of availability unless you decide to idle until you complete it.


As for instance teleporting, does SWTOR have any flashpoints where the entrance isn't at either the fleet or a spaceport? LOTRO's instance system required the entrance to be discovered before it would take you in, and once you exited you would appear where you were originally. Considering that most of the time spent in travelling is in loading screens, forcing players to always travel to the entrance is hardly making them explore the world.

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So I am going to soften my stance a little after talking with fellow guildies about this. Many seem to be in agreement about a LFD tool.


Here is what we feel would work very well and why.



LFD tool will be SERVER ONLY

LFD tool will not group someone to a group where they are on someones ignore list

LFD Will not port you into the instance

LFD tool will have 4 Roles that a person can signup for. Healer, Tank, Ranged and Melee DPS

LFD will pull 1 person for each role and fill that role. So no imbalanced Melee only groups and such.


LFD being server only will give you a reputation on your server. This will tie directly into the ignore list, if you are an *** hole, steel loot for your companion without asking first, or cause problems you will be punished for it in the long run. If just about everyone you ever run with add you to their ignore list you will sit in queue forever. Tough **** if you cause that much grief you earned your right to have problems getting a group.


LFD being server only will have a long queue times if you are a solo player who tends to never talk and get to know people, or ever join a guild. An MMO is based on community and people making friends. NOT solo players wanting to be anti-Social. If you get into a group with 3 members from a guild, you mesh well, they might want to recruit you This is good for you and good for them. Next time you may not have to wait an hour or 2 in Queue. If you are willing to make friends off people you meet in groups you will not need the LFD tool much but for the odd time 2 or 3 people need an extra person or 2. The guilds that need 1 more often times to do a Hardmode will find that 1 off in the queue, making more Flashpoints happen.


You will not need to be ported to the instance. This is so you can go out in the world and explorer it. To off set having to go back to the fleet to run the next instance, I recommend that the fleet pass Cold Down be moved down to 1 hour. Most instances take that long so it will be up about the time you are done.


Loop sided groups have not been too much of an issue with SWTOR however I have seen boss fights that all melee groups will have issues and what not. This will help balance out DPS range and Melee classes.




This is a big Omission by me because I was set in stone against the LFD tool because it does make the game too much like Never winter nights lobby game. Join this server do X amount leave, dont talk to the people. Yes I played NWN1+2 and Diablo 1, I play MMOs for the social interaction, which if you can get groups within 10 minutes of clicking the easy button it becomes the same Ginnie pig wheel. Server only also holds you majorly responsible for your own actions, if you are are a detriment to the group or cause too many problems it will affect you.


My gut reaction: Awesome compromises Gavin_Darkl! Bioware, lets get this on the test server ASAP so we can test it out! (as if they can summon magical programmer fairies/yodas to get this done overnight lol) Love the idea of having a 1 hour Fleet Pass as a compromise to auto-teleport (at least for now). I might actually have a reason to join a guild after this. Curious what the other posters here think.

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LFD Will not port you into the instance


You will not need to be ported to the instance. This is so you can go out in the world and explorer it. To off set having to go back to the fleet to run the next instance, I recommend that the fleet pass Cold Down be moved down to 1 hour. Most instances take that long so it will be up about the time you are done.


Normally I would agree but between where ever you might be and the instance there is VERY little if anything to 'explore', and in most cases it would be basically between the local shuttle and instance entrance.


All thats between where i am and the instance is WAY TOO MANY loading screens. Not exploration.

Edited by Neiloch
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Normally I would agree but between where ever you might be and the instance there is VERY little if anything to 'explore', and in most cases it would be basically between the local shuttle and instance entrance.


All thats between where i am and the instance is WAY TOO MANY loading screens. Not exploration.


Some what true, However I feel that if you are not needed to sit in the fleet to say "LFG any HM" then maybe you should be doing dailies to get credits or other things in the world then sitting in the fleet doing nothing. It can also help out big time with having more people on planet for getting heroic dailies done.


Now if you are leveling a character, get out there and do quest the LFD tool will get you one. You get in a group, use the Fleet pass go run it, you are done bam its up go a head que again while you wait 30 to 60 minutes do some quest to level.


Less time standing around doing nothing.

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My gut reaction: Awesome compromises Gavin_Darkl! Bioware, lets get this on the test server ASAP so we can test it out! (as if they can summon magical programmer fairies/yodas to get this done overnight lol) Love the idea of having a 1 hour Fleet Pass as a compromise to auto-teleport (at least for now). I might actually have a reason to join a guild after this. Curious what the other posters here think.


Thank you. And for all the people that know me as a hard noise no you can not do this. It takes people who are willing to really compromise to even get me willing to adjust my point of view. Its often because of 2 things, the other party is playing the wrong game. Example Solo raids that get them the same gear as someone who does either 8 or 16 man raids. Right now these solo instances (the storyline quest mainly) are a good compromises because The gear only helps in solo play NOT in group play.


The 2nd is often because people are not willing to take responsibility for their actions. AKA finding a guild that fits their play style. They would rather make the Game a Solo Massive Player game then say ok I need to be responsible for my time, its not Bioware's nor anybody else's responsibility.

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1 more thing about my stance and why it was so against a LFD tool.


Its this simple. My guildmates and Fiancee say this too me in the last 24 hours.


MMOs are not as much fun when you are not playing with other people. The best part of them is being on vent or guild chat laughing it up while playing the content. This is the Social aspect of the game that I and many people who have played MMOs before LFD ever came out.


Yes some guilds are full of drama queens. That does not change the fact that the majority of guilds in MMOs play to have fun and want members of the same mind set as themselves. This is part of my social interaction outside of work, school, and family. This is where I make friends that last a long time, ask my friend Weavea who has been playing a long side me since 2003 back when I met him on Wanderhome in SWG. Friends are made in MMOs you can not take that away, if you do its becomes a solo player game, which if I wanted one I would go play Dragon age, or NWN2 or maybe even some old NES games.


I play MMOs for the social interaction between players.

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1 more thing about my stance and why it was so against a LFD tool.


Its this simple. My guildmates and Fiancee say this too me in the last 24 hours.


MMOs are not as much fun when you are not playing with other people. The best part of them is being on vent or guild chat laughing it up while playing the content. This is the Social aspect of the game that I and many people who have played MMOs before LFD ever came out.


Yes some guilds are full of drama queens. That does not change the fact that the majority of guilds in MMOs play to have fun and want members of the same mind set as themselves. This is part of my social interaction outside of work, school, and family. This is where I make friends that last a long time, ask my friend Weavea who has been playing a long side me since 2003 back when I met him on Wanderhome in SWG. Friends are made in MMOs you can not take that away, if you do its becomes a solo player game, which if I wanted one I would go play Dragon age, or NWN2 or maybe even some old NES games.


I play MMOs for the social interaction between players.


It's interesting seeing your viewpoint. For me, in WoW (sorry, I know, it's just I played a lot) the little bit of interaction I would get in a good Dungeon Finder group was enough social interaction to last me all day. I'd been in really good/fun/social guilds, too. But found out in the end that I only needed that time spent in a dungeon with 4 other strangers.

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It's interesting seeing your viewpoint. For me, in WoW (sorry, I know, it's just I played a lot) the little bit of interaction I would get in a good Dungeon Finder group was enough social interaction to last me all day. I'd been in really good/fun/social guilds, too. But found out in the end that I only needed that time spent in a dungeon with 4 other strangers.


Some people are like that. I just found that the majority of the MMO crowd is like myself wants to jump on vent and chat, or even chat in game. Thats really what MMOs were design around, it goes as far back as "The Realm Online" which was release before Ultima Online. (yes I played the realm online so long ago)

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Holy crap. Color me equal parts shocked and delighted to come back to find people rationally discussing either side and conceding individual points. Holy friggin crap. There may be hope for the human race yet.



1) Still in favor for x-server, only because it seems it would add to the brevity of waiting instead of doing. But not a deal breaker for me.

2) Definitely in favor for the LFG tool taking into account your friends/ignore list.

3) Would like there to be a teleport as I also feel there is a bunch of useless load screens inbetween X and Y the majority of the time.

4) Would love to see a 3rd mode (Nightmare or whatever) so the "leets" can get their uber gear from their awesome group coordination or what have you.

5) Even if there were no LFG I'd be in favor of "If you cannot equip it, you cannot roll Need on it", period.

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So I am going to soften my stance a little after talking with fellow guildies about this. Many seem to be in agreement about a LFD tool.


Here is what we feel would work very well and why.



LFD tool will be SERVER ONLY

LFD tool will not group someone to a group where they are on someones ignore list

LFD Will not port you into the instance

LFD tool will have 4 Roles that a person can signup for. Healer, Tank, Ranged and Melee DPS

LFD will pull 1 person for each role and fill that role. So no imbalanced Melee only groups and such.


LFD being server only will give you a reputation on your server. This will tie directly into the ignore list, if you are an *** hole, steel loot for your companion without asking first, or cause problems you will be punished for it in the long run. If just about everyone you ever run with add you to their ignore list you will sit in queue forever. Tough **** if you cause that much grief you earned your right to have problems getting a group.


LFD being server only will have a long queue times if you are a solo player who tends to never talk and get to know people, or ever join a guild. An MMO is based on community and people making friends. NOT solo players wanting to be anti-Social. If you get into a group with 3 members from a guild, you mesh well, they might want to recruit you This is good for you and good for them. Next time you may not have to wait an hour or 2 in Queue. If you are willing to make friends off people you meet in groups you will not need the LFD tool much but for the odd time 2 or 3 people need an extra person or 2. The guilds that need 1 more often times to do a Hardmode will find that 1 off in the queue, making more Flashpoints happen.


You will not need to be ported to the instance. This is so you can go out in the world and explorer it. To off set having to go back to the fleet to run the next instance, I recommend that the fleet pass Cold Down be moved down to 1 hour. Most instances take that long so it will be up about the time you are done.


Loop sided groups have not been too much of an issue with SWTOR however I have seen boss fights that all melee groups will have issues and what not. This will help balance out DPS range and Melee classes.


This is a big Omission by me because I was set in stone against the LFD tool because it does make the game too much like Never winter nights lobby game. Join this server do X amount leave, dont talk to the people. Yes I played NWN1+2 and Diablo 1, I play MMOs for the social interaction, which if you can get groups within 10 minutes of clicking the easy button it becomes the same Ginnie pig wheel. Server only also holds you majorly responsible for your own actions, if you are are a detriment to the group or cause too many problems it will affect you.


You pretty much nailed what I've been thinking.


The reason I'm also for x-server with options as we've posted elsewhere is because if x-server comes down the line I want options.


I don't want them to go '****, server only failed, guess we revisit it and go full x-server'.


I'm big on wanting this game to give people choices if push comes to shove. I want this game to succeed, and I don't want people that hate certain ideas to be shoved off into a corner and told 'no, this is how it will be!'. I do want everyone to have a choice on this, and I hope Bioware looks at it from all angles.

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Holy crap. Color me equal parts shocked and delighted to come back to find people rationally discussing either side and conceding individual points. Holy friggin crap. There may be hope for the human race yet.



1) Still in favor for x-server, only because it seems it would add to the brevity of waiting instead of doing. But not a deal breaker for me.

2) Definitely in favor for the LFG tool taking into account your friends/ignore list.

3) Would like there to be a teleport as I also feel there is a bunch of useless load screens inbetween X and Y the majority of the time.

4) Would love to see a 3rd mode (Nightmare or whatever) so the "leets" can get their uber gear from their awesome group coordination or what have you.

5) Even if there were no LFG I'd be in favor of "If you cannot equip it, you cannot roll Need on it", period.


1) Still in favor for x-server, only because it seems it would add to the brevity of waiting instead of doing. But not a deal breaker for me.


This would be a deal breaker for me. It would make the game too much of a multiplayer Diablo, Neverwinter nights game to me. If thats the type of game I wanted to play I would do that. Keeping it Server Only keeps people accountable for their own actions, AND can promote Social interaction. Example that 3 people from a guild needed a 4th member and that person being recruited into the guild.


5) Even if there were no LFG I'd be in favor of "If you cannot equip it, you cannot roll Need on it", period.

This should be done just because to many people are greedy for no reason at all. If you wanted to add in a button "Companion Need" so be it. It would be NEED > Companion Need > Greed > Disassemble


also Adding in a friends list and taking that into account is a VERY good addition to the LFD tool. This could be used as a community builder too.


The LFD finder can not be too accessible or people loose respect for others and people act as they are no longer responsible for their actions. If the Queue is a 30 to 60 minute Queue, you better be respectful of others and be willing to make friends. Or that Queue will turn against you.

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This would be a deal breaker for me. It would make the game too much of a multiplayer Diablo, Neverwinter nights game to me. If thats the type of game I wanted to play I would do that. Keeping it Server Only keeps people accountable for their own actions, AND can promote Social interaction. Example that 3 people from a guild needed a 4th member and that person being recruited into the guild.



This should be done just because to many people are greedy for no reason at all. If you wanted to add in a button "Companion Need" so be it. It would be NEED > Companion Need > Greed > Disassemble


also Adding in a friends list and taking that into account is a VERY good addition to the LFD tool. This could be used as a community builder too.


The LFD finder can not be too accessible or people loose respect for others and people act as they are no longer responsible for their actions. If the Queue is a 30 to 60 minute Queue, you better be respectful of others and be willing to make friends. Or that Queue will turn against you.


I think we can all get in the same boat together. Yay. My disagreements with any of your points are philosophical and I'll concede that while I get perhaps 5% of my socializing from SWTOR, or that I don't believe in online community, it may be real enough to others to warrant concerns. I am much more willing to listen when you're so rational about it.


If X-Server is the only thing everyone ultimately disagrees on, and they stated at the beginning that it's not in the pipes as of now, I think this whole thing is looking up. And only a handful of people had to throw sissy fits.

Edited by MalignX
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The 2nd is often because people are not willing to take responsibility for their actions. AKA finding a guild that fits their play style. They would rather make the Game a Solo Massive Player game then say ok I need to be responsible for my time, its not Bioware's nor anybody else's responsibility.


This is one of the fundamental issues that SWTOR faces though. We have players who are coming for the Old Republic and expect this to play like Mass Effect + KOTOR. They think that they should be able to become massively powerful, and that their time investment should translate into them being "the hero".


Except there are other players, and they all want to be a hero as well. You see this big time in the PVP forums, especially at launch, there were so many "but I'm a Sith Lord how on earth could that republic soldier have even hurt me! I can deflect blaster shots with my light saber!" In fact, most of the whining in the PVP forums comes down to something similar, the stark problem of going from "I'm the man" single player, to "that man just killed me" multiplayer.


It's a big slap in the ego for a lot of people to find out they're not the best, invincible or even competitive when the game opens up and suddenly becomes massively multiplayer.




Guilds are vital, they really are, because people hit 50 and suddenly they realize *the game just started*, it's not over, it didn't end with my class quest, oh man, I'm basically level 1 all over again! The guild is there to help them get into what an MMO is about for the long run, without one, I don't know how someone can honestly play the game.


I guess they can push for it becoming a "push button daily to receive loot", but frankly, even the proponents of such a system have to admit that's an unsatisfying end-game, and just basically trying to turn the multiplayer experience into a single player experience at a slower rate.


Mass Effect 3 is going to make you happier than SWTOR ever will if that's the experience you want... but SWTOR will make you happier than any single player game ever can if you get into the social experience. "But it shouldn't be mandatory" is a bad excuse, it should, it's a multiplayer game, and it can't shuck off being an MMo just because you wanted KOTOR3 with trade chat.

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(and it's not optional, once an LFD is implemented it becomes the only way that people group for dungeons in the game, guilds stop doing guild runs because they want to spend that time on raids)


Subroasian is Right here MalignX and Manathayria. This is why I for the longest time was against LFD tools. Because its this simple as I quoted above. If the LFD is SERVER ONLY guilds will still be guilds because the amount of time you will spend Waiting for the queue to pop will very and the fastest way to get a group is a GUILD/Friends. However If your guild is short that 1 or 2 people, It will be fairly fast to get them into a group.


True Compromises means everyone has to be willing to give up something. Truth is LFD people should give this up or the BS will start over with 2 sides set in stone with no middle ground.

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I think we can all get in the same boat together. Yay. My disagreements with any of your points are philosophical and I'll concede that while I get perhaps 5% of my socializing from SWTOR, or that I don't believe in online community, it may be real enough to others to warrant concerns. I am much more willing to listen when you're so rational about it.


If X-Server is the only thing everyone ultimately disagrees on, and they stated at the beginning that it's not in the pipes as of now, I think this whole thing is looking up. And only a handful of people had to throw sissy fits.


Then we have an understanding. Like I said my fiancee who I met Via WOW, and my good friends from WOW and other MMOs say the same thing about a LFD tool. Its useful as long as its not Cross server because Social interaction is why we all play MMOs.

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Subroasian is Right here MalignX and Manathayria. This is why I for the longest time was against LFD tools. Because its this simple as I quoted above. If the LFD is SERVER ONLY guilds will still be guilds because the amount of time you will spend Waiting for the queue to pop will very and the fastest way to get a group is a GUILD/Friends. However If your guild is short that 1 or 2 people, It will be fairly fast to get them into a group.


True Compromises means everyone has to be willing to give up something. Truth is LFD people should give this up or the BS will start over with 2 sides set in stone with no middle ground.


At this point I couldn't care less what Subwhatever types about anything.


But to YOU I'll chit chat. Thus far I do not have my heart set on a X-Server tool, only that the days (however brief they are) of spamming LFG in Fleet chat will fade away. Then again, I have no interest in being forced to join a guild to run content, so if Guilds main functions aren't running Flashpoints, I can't say that I care. But if a Guild is that important to you, cool, I'll absolutely concede X-server in favor of Server only. A Guild should be a resource you pull from, not a vehicle for play-style. I hope I'm explaining myself right. I may edit this.

Edited by MalignX
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