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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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You gonna pay for my server transfers? Oh wait, I don't want to *********** transfer from the server I love. You just made this personal to me. And I'm not "forcing" anyone to do anything. My suggestion is to offer a better tool. So sorry if the modern age is SO SCARY.


You, You, You - thats what I am hearing all the time... Its very sad that you must act like you do. Im just guessing you are very young still so to tolerate people´s opinions or to actually compromise is very hard for you, cant blame you, its natural at a younger age but I hope you will change that behaivour soon, also to your own intrest´s.


Also if your server would be so cool as you say, how come you dont even know 3 people there? Somehow this sounds very weird to me, playing on the best server but not finding groups ^^


So glad you speak for every *********** person on your server. Thanks to the almighty, holy, RachelAnne, dictator of all RP servers and speaker of the one true opinion. Who says all RP people don't want/need a break from RP-ing and want to run a quick Flashpoint? Oh yeah ONLY YOU.


You can insult me as much you want, but that "childish" acting does not help anyone, especially not BW. They will just ignore your post´s then.


I dont want to offend you, but ya I dont think it makes much sense to actually try to discuss this with you as you are not going into this whole discussion a bit.


I said that on my server nobody has ever requested such a tool, which is what I have encounterd by playing there.

We got a working system and as far I know a lot other servers have such a working system as well. There even once was a thread here at the forum, where people had the servers listed and the global LFG chat channel - but unfortunately that thread was blown away by such threads like this one here.


I never said anything about your server, as I cant judge this. And the word guess does actually mean that I think this would be a good idea, it does not have anything to do with a dictator as you have thought.





The current LFG tool, as you call it, is complete crap. And a global chat channel does what? Allow people to spam the chat and still get no groups for ALL OF THE REASONS WE'VE BEEN SAYING FOR 1000 POSTS!?!


Don't know why I didn't do this sooner. /ignore


You said you need to sit at the fleet forever. I did prove you are a liar, its not my fault that you cant take the truth :)



As said, I will end this here for now. You are not able to compromise or talk things out without insulting me all the time, because of this I wish you a good night and wont discuss this with you any further.

Edited by RachelAnne
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Dont make choices for us. We do not want a cross server LFD tool like WoW has. We came here because we dont want one. If you want one Go back to WoW and live your life in the WoW X Server LFD tool which many people are saying you either use it or dont bother running instances. You are forced to use it. So Go Play WoW. Leave people who do not want that alone and dont tell us that we have to play your way.


Come with me children, as we go back. Way back to the year of two-thousand and eight. Where communities flourished like so many rose petals in the wind. Where just mentioning the word group in a channel of chatting raised the banner of glory and people would flock to you to vanquish all evil. Before the rise of the evil tools of looking that would destroy our beautiful and harmonious ways.


If anyone now name that tool, he shall be banished into the crafts of war, never to be heard of again!


Be gone, foul spirit! There shall never be such evil tools of looking in our wars among the stars! Be banished! Never to be spoken of again!


Edit to add: Thanks she who shall not be named for reporting my post. That'll stop me.

Edited by BlueSkittles
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Dont make choices for us. We do not want a cross server LFD tool like WoW has. We came here because we dont want one. If you want one Go back to WoW and live your life in the WoW X Server LFD tool which many people are saying you either use it or dont bother running instances. You are forced to use it. So Go Play WoW. Leave people who do not want that alone and dont tell us that we have to play your way.


You won't have one, we will.


WE will use it while you will be grouping with all of the players you were grouping with BEFORE the OPTIONAL tool was added.


It is an OPTIONAL tool - IE: if you don't want to use it because you already can find groups without it, then you do NOT HAVE TO use it.


NOT ONE player here is telling you that you have to use the bloody tool - YOU are telling US that since YOU don't want to use/have no need for a tool that you will NOT HAVE TO use, that we CAN'T use the tool either, however.


So, what, you want us to just sit around and WISH we had a group while you and your groups have a good time?


Someone needs to force you to not group up, see how you like being told you can't do what you want to do in a video game.

Edited by crica
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I still think the "community building" statement by the devs is a red herring: I think they ran out of time and could not implement it and did not want to bother with it for a while and the "community building" is a good rationalization for missing the content.


If "community building" was a priority for BW there would be server specific forums -- ya know, to build community.


Why would you not create a LFD to "build community", and then not build sever forums that would "build community"? Seems counter intuitive but those have a a common tread, the word "not". Not doing something frees up money, time, and other resources to do other things.


I think BW knows this tool is needed, they just wanted to push it off for a year or so and the anti-LFD mantra of "it builds community" provided the smoke screen.


I've had very similar thoughts on the matter

Edited by Touchbass
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You won't have one, we will.


WE will use it while you will be grouping with all of the players you were grouping with BEFORE the OPTIONAL tool was added.


It is an OPTIONAL tool - IE: if you don't want to use it because you already can find groups without it, then you do NOT HAVE TO use it.


NOT ONE player here is telling you that you have to use the bloody tool - YOU are telling them that since you don't WANT to use a tool that you will NOT HAVE TO use, that they CAN'T use the tool either, however.


No its not Option. Go to the WoW forums about their current LFD tool. Everyone and their brother is saying is Forced other then people like you that think is perfect. Anyone that plays MMOs to Play MMOs and have friends knows and explains its a terrible tool.

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You can just join a pve or pvp server then? Why force all players to use the LFD just because you want to use it?


I do play at an RP server too, we have a good community there and believe it or not - nobody has ever cried for a LFG tool there.

Thats why I think RP servers should be exluded from such tools, as there people actually want to talk to each other, those that want to use it, dont want to RP anyways - or do you really think you can roleplay in these LFD groups?


Also I am not sure why you sit at the fleet, this is your lack of knowledge about the LFG tool that is in the game right now.

Just /join 4 and you are in the global LFG channel. There is no need to stay at the fleet to talk.


It's you again ... sigh

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No its not Option. Go to the WoW forums about their current LFD tool. Everyone and their brother is saying is Forced other then people like you that think is perfect. Anyone that plays MMOs to Play MMOs and have friends knows and explains its a terrible tool.


How the heck is anyone going to force you to use an LFD tool?


Someone gonna come to your house and stick a gun in your face and say "use it or die!" or something?

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Dont make choices for us. We do not want a cross server LFD tool like WoW has. We came here because we dont want one. If you want one Go back to WoW and live your life in the WoW X Server LFD tool which many people are saying you either use it or dont bother running instances. You are forced to use it. So Go Play WoW. Leave people who do not want that alone and dont tell us that we have to play your way.


There is some degree of forcing which we can work on to find a compromise that fits everybody but you guys who don't want a LFD of any form are a very small miniority of the playerbase. You shouldn't be fighting a battle you can't win, instead we should be finding ways to make it so as many people as possible win.

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You won't have one, we will.


WE will use it while you will be grouping with all of the players you were grouping with BEFORE the OPTIONAL tool was added.


It is an OPTIONAL tool - IE: if you don't want to use it because you already can find groups without it, then you do NOT HAVE TO use it.


NOT ONE player here is telling you that you have to use the bloody tool - YOU are telling US that since YOU don't want to use a tool that you will NOT HAVE TO use, that we CAN'T use the tool either, however.


So, what, you want us to just sit around and WISH we had a group while you and your groups have a good time?


Someone needs to force you to not group up, see how you like being told you can't do what you want to do in a video game.


This is a bit like the "pro addon" argumentation :)


If you dont want it, dont use it. But its still in the game and does still have an influence.


I tried to explain earlier why I think that things like Bonus rewards, disabled lockouts are pretty much a must have for such tools.

This will then give all these people who dont use it to queue up, a major disadvantage. At the wow forum was once a discussion, where people were mad that they had to run 2 or 3 LFD groups a week, to keep up with the valor cap.


Also dungeons then must be lowered in their demand of skill, as understandable a LFD group will not perform as good as a self made one.

Again this will limit the gaming quality of those who dont use it, just look at wow - there you can almost solo all 5mens now as a good player, thats just no fun for guild groups or small friends groups.


It is unfortunately not that easy as you think it is :(



Those of us who see these things might look to you as somekind of enemy, but in the end we just want to show you the consequences about such tools and we try to offer alternative solutions, which help you too but dont destroy the fun for others.


BW does know that a helping hand is not a bad thing, but I am guessing they do also know that a simple solution like at wow is not the best way to go. If it would be, then the tool would had been in the game from the start - that it was not, does show their conerns very well, concerns that go much further than just the "kill community" argument of some here.

Edited by RachelAnne
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I agree there should be a simple toggle between In Server and Cross Server in the Random Flash Point Finder.


Guys, do not lose focus in this discussion, this is the goal we are working towards. We just need Bioware to test out X-server PvP brackets first.

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No its not Option. Go to the WoW forums about their current LFD tool. Everyone and their brother is saying is Forced other then people like you that think is perfect. Anyone that plays MMOs to Play MMOs and have friends knows and explains its a terrible tool.


Sorry, invalid argument. Great tool, massive success and it's coming here.


EDIT: the only issue is when, not if.

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we try to offer alternative solutions


The ONLY other solution is for players who have NO ISSUES getting groups w/o a tool to actually invite the players to their groups who CAN NOT get groups w/o a tool.


Since either they WILL NOT invite us to their groups (they are not online when we are, their groups are always full since they always run with the same ppl everyday) or they CAN'T invite us to their groups (they don't even play on our servers), then we WANT A BLOODY TOOL to use to get a group w/o those players who ALREADY ARE ABLE TO GET GROUPS.


Just because YOU have no problems getting a group doesn't mean players who CAN'T GET GROUPS should have to quit the bloody game so you can play in your bloody groups that you cam get just fine without a tool!




If you can get a group just fine w/o a tool, why the heck would you bother to use a tool once it is in the game?


The tool would be for the players you DON'T GROUP WITH... you know, the players who are sitting at home wishing they had a group JUST LIKE YOU right now!


piss off.

Edited by crica
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Below is why you don't talk to Rachel



Originally Posted by RachelAnne

I dont lie at all, I state fact´s


Ok, lets look over your post history and let the facts speak.



Originally Posted by RachelAnne

if you get into a group with strangers then they will blackmail you at every given time



Originally Posted by RachelAnne

The problem is, that you dont help casuals, moms, children etc. by a LFD tool - you make it worse for them



Originally Posted by RachelAnne

If you search for a group manually, then you get in dungeons faster



Originally Posted by RachelAnne

By introducing such a tool now, how shall people make any friends? Its impossible.



Originally Posted by RachelAnne

I do know exactly how many people were around at what time

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The ONLY other solution is for players who have NO ISSUES getting groups w/o a tool to actually invite the players to their groups who CAN NOT get groups w/o a tool.


Since either they WILL NOT invite us to their groups (they are not online when we are, their groups are always full since they always run with the same ppl everyday) or they CAN'T invite us to their groups (they don't even play on our servers), then we WANT A BLOODY TOOL to use to get a group w/o those players who ALREADY ARE ABLE TO GET GROUPS.


Just because YOU have no problems getting a group doesn't mean players who CAN'T GET GROUPS should have to quit the bloody game so you can play in your bloody groups that you cam get just fine without a tool!




If you can get a group just fine w/o a tool, why the heck would you bother to use a tool once it is in the game?


The tool would be for the players you DON'T GROUP WITH... you know, the players who are sitting at home wishing they had a group JUST LIKE YOU right now!


piss off.


Aw thats really hard with you guys...


My time is up for now too, so I just ask you to re-read my posts in which I tried to explain that there is a "hidden force" in the current wow tool, which prevents "us" from not using it - if we want to keep up / have atleast a small challange.


Thats why I had the idea about the special servers without the tool. So people could choose if they want the tool or if not. Its not understandable for me, why this gets ignored by you guys all the time.


I would even start a new char if there is just 1 or 2 servers without such a tool and my current server would not fall under this category.


If I can compromise, why cant anyone of you? Its just not understandable to me :(

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I'm still very skeptical about having both X-server and same-server being the solution; from what I've read from past posts and threads, it seems just an idea being thrown around without much thought. As I'm sure that the majority of the player base would want to go with what is convenient to them, which the X-server offers with less queue and more players to queue with. Unless BW would add some kind of restriction or something to make same-server a bit more appealing in the long run, then I wouldn't see any reason to run same-server.


Now here's an example of what they could do: HM FPs have lockouts, and so have the lockouts remain in cross-server and no lockouts with same-server. I understand it may not sound as good, but it's at least something to discuss about.

Edited by HoopzMV
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I really am loving this ignore feature. Thank you to whomever suggested it earlier in this thread.


And to piss them off:


I would love to have World of Warcraft's LFD/LFR systems implemented into SWTOR. It is the pinnacle of grouping technology and should be emulated in all MMO's (and currently is). They continue to refine and improve upon it and I would love to see how Bioware uses their story and immersion expertise to craft such a tool.


Fully teleporting.

Fully cross-server.


Oh yeah, and can we please have cross-server Warzones, as well.


Thank you!

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I'm still very skeptical about having both X-server and same-server being the solution; from what I've read from past posts and threads, it seems just an idea being thrown idea without much thought. As I'm sure that the majority of the player base would want to go with what is convenient to them, which the X-server offers with less queue and more players to queue with. Unless BW would add some kind of restriction or something to make same-server a bit more appealing in the long run, then I wouldn't see any reason to run same-server.


Now here's an example of what they could do: HM FPs have lockouts, and so have the lockouts remain in cross-server and no lockouts with same-server. I understand it may not sound as good, but it's at least something to discuss about.


That's a really, and I mean really good idea Hoopz. We're looking for ideas like that. I don't think anyone here believes the X-LFD poses no threat, it's just a matter of how much one side of the debate out weighs the other.

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Aw thats really hard with you guys...


My time is up for now too, so I just ask you to re-read my posts in which I tried to explain that there is a "hidden force" in the current wow tool, which prevents "us" from not using it - if we want to keep up / have atleast a small challange.


Thats why I had the idea about the special servers without the tool. So people could choose if they want the tool or if not. Its not understandable for me, why this gets ignored by you guys all the time.


I would even start a new char if there is just 1 or 2 servers without such a tool and my current server would not fall under this category.


If I can compromise, why cant anyone of you? Its just not understandable to me :(


Segregating the playerbase is not a solution either.

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Segregating the playerbase is not a solution either.


Cross server queues, battletag system where you keep in contact with players you like and free transfers every X amount of months to non-heavy servers on a per toon basis and you have a living, vibrant community.

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I really am loving this ignore feature. Thank you to whomever suggested it earlier in this thread.


And to piss them off:


I would love to have World of Warcraft's LFD/LFR systems implemented into SWTOR. It is the pinnacle of grouping technology and should be emulated in all MMO's (and currently is). They continue to refine and improve upon it and I would love to see how Bioware uses their story and immersion expertise to craft such a tool.


Fully teleporting.

Fully cross-server.


Oh yeah, and can we please have cross-server Warzones, as well.


Thank you!


Don't forget cross server grouping via real id and then being able to pvp/pve with those people :cool:


As it is now, swtor is lightyears behind.

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Hey Crica, please do NOT talk to Rachael, a lot of us from many a thread ago have tried to engage in conversation with her have given up due to her deciet and fabrication of "facts". That being said, her posts really do make the anti-LFD side gain creditability, lol.


You have no idea how happy I am to come back to this thread and not have to read whatsherface and whatshisfaces posts (outside of some quoting them).



1) Teleporting.

2) Cross-Server.

3) Taking into account ignore/friends.

4) Improved loot system.


I no longer care anything about the Anti-LFG groups arguments. Hooray for the Ignore function in forums.


Edit: I dig the idea of getting to friend/ignore people from other Servers. I really dug Blizzard's mechanic where you could friend the account of a person and get to talk to any/all of their characters regardless of server (and I think faction? can't remember.) Talk about contributing to the socialization of the game.

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I really am loving this ignore feature. Thank you to whomever suggested it earlier in this thread.


You're more than welcome :) Thank you for your continued dialogue and fantastic ideas. I am Mallas/Malign on server Vornskr if we ever get to have cross-server friends lists.


Edit: Look at that, just participating in the LFG forum I've socialized, can't wait to see how much it contributes to my "server community." ;)

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You're more than welcome :) Thank you for your continued dialogue and fantastic ideas. I am Mallas/Malign on server Vornskr if we ever get to have cross-server friends lists.


Edit: Look at that, just participating in the LFG forum I've socialized, can't wait to see how much it contributes to my "server community." ;)


Honestly if there was X-server groups I know at least 5-6 people in this thread alone that would be doing a few flash points together because we've socialized in a manner that we liked to and weren't forced. Shocking eh? That disproves another one of Rachel's lies that I had mentioned earlier.


Well it's been over a month and no one from the anti-LFD side has provided ANY evidence that it's severly damaging to the community outside of anecdotal evidence and correlation. Funny part is when we present the facts that can quantifed and demonstrated they're "easily" dismissed. Congrads guys, first we got an announcement that they are working on something and it's looks like we won the informal debate. Next up is focusing on how to make it so both sides benefit.

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