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PVP ignore lists


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I'd never get a group.



I would probably be waiting a while. People who don't know throw ball is a skill, people who fight on the roads in the capture the point match, and people to dumb to attack the enemy planting explosives on the door because they are too busy having a personal 1v1 with a guy standing 2 feet away.

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Just an idea for an upcoming patch. An ignore list in pvp would be great. Make it so that we wont queue in the same battleground as whoever is on it. I'm tired of playing with incompetence and it would be nice to have a team up with my caliber.


Get some friends? If you're awesome it shouldn't be hard.

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Just an idea for an upcoming patch. An ignore list in pvp would be great. Make it so that we wont queue in the same battleground as whoever is on it. I'm tired of playing with incompetence and it would be nice to have a team up with my caliber.


As long as it is *you* who is left out of the match, sure.


i.e. if you are saying "if there are 8 people plus me in the queue and player x is joining then I don't want to" then I don't see a problem with that.


The system would be abuseable if it meant that the person who you put on ignore couldn't get into a game because of you.

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I would probably be waiting a while. People who don't know throw ball is a skill, people who fight on the roads in the capture the point match, and people to dumb to attack the enemy planting explosives on the door because they are too busy having a personal 1v1 with a guy standing 2 feet away.


Part of that in my experience is nobody ever really gives advice. I hear alot of whining and moaning in PVP about that stuff but hardly anybody ever tries to help people out with that. It is suposed to be a team after all right?


In the PVP i've been involved with where the OpsLeader and higher Lvl players give advice works much better. And lower level players get to learn by example. I've recieved great advice through people like that.


Maybe further bracket PVP so there is an option to only play with people of level X or higher? Or only with players who have played a certain amount of Warzones, maybe even link it to Valor level?

Edited by Cheeseblaster
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Part of that in my experience is nobody ever really gives advice. I hear alot of whining and moaning in PVP about that stuff but hardly anybody ever tries to help people out with that. It is suposed to be a team after all right?


In the PVP i've been involved with where the OpsLeader and higher Lvl players give advice works much better. And lower level players get to learn by example. I've recieved great advice through people like that.


Maybe further bracket PVP so there is an option to only play with people of level X or higher? Or only with players who have played a certain amount of Warzones, maybe even link it to Valor level?




"Hey guys, go here and here and we can win." Then the group of players who think they know better do something wrong, causing a loss.

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"Hey guys, go here and here and we can win." Then the group of players who think they know better do something wrong, causing a loss.



That does happen, but in my experience the instances where directions and help is given by the OpsL or others lead to a far greater number of victories.

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