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Vote for New Terminology


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Is anyone else annoyed with some of the online terms we use today? Can we create new ones for SWTOR and just push hard for them in hopes of facilitating the evolution of our language?


Terms that I find annoying: (EDIT: ADDING TO THOSE SUGGESTED)




Pubs (Why we use the end of the name, instead of calling them Reps is beyond me)

Pugs --- I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS but it should actually be Pubs but again, its taken at the


"bad player is bad" "obvious troll is obvious" --- X something is X (STOP SAYING THAT)



Incorrect use of "GANK" (1v1 isn't a gank - even if you "weren't paying attention")


Terms we could use:

Ego - is that to plain for ppl? All of these are open to suggestion.

(ROOKIE)/Scrubs/Tools - Back to the classics

Phisher - someone trying to learn without doing.

Already suggested Reps

Now that Pubs is free, we can correctly use it for Public games as opposed to Private





Questions / Comments / Concerns?? INPUT!

Edited by RJChief
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Agreed. All of these terms are just non creative ways for people to sling insults and feel somewhat justified. Make your argument strong based on its merits. Once you start adding these terms, you're just obscuring facts and trying to play the emotion card.


While were at it, let's add the terms fanboys, fanbois, etc. to this list as well.

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Most of those terms have been around for about as long as there have been MMOs. Why change them now?


Sure, but the usage them change. Never have I heard so many people spamming the word baddies - its becoming the 2nd word out of a young mmo'ers mouth... just after mommy.


Change them now because the rest of us - and perhaps some of us who were around for the origin of these words and sayings - and finding them agitating when misused or overused at such extensive levels.

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pug is an acronym for pick up group, not public group. same meaning, i guess, but you seemed to not know.


while were on the topic, i hate the term noob. I AM old school... as i still like the term Rookie.


I used to like "scrub" as a term, long berfore internet times, but its gotten played-out (theres a term that should date me)



Pub is an in-game terms used by NPCs to refer to Rebublic. just as Imp is used in-game for Imperials. hard to change terms creaed BY the game.

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Memes just happen, one cannot invent them intentionally, and memes are general, though they might be created in a subculture the rise to become common, so it's impossible to make them just for a certain subculture.


They can be a movement... minimumforce I think is his name started a movement on Dark Reaper of referring to the Imperial standing army on Ilum as "THE GAGGLE"


I'm fueling that fire.

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The mis-use of Gank anoys me, it orginally came from GANg Kill, when people were killed by large numbers, not killed by a solo player.


Also a Troll is not someone who disagrees with you, please call troll when they dont add anything to the discussion.

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pug is an acronym for pick up group, not public group. same meaning, i guess, but you seemed to not know.


while were on the topic, i hate the term noob. I AM old school... as i still like the term Rookie.


I like... Rookie > Noob but lacks certain suffixes. Noobzilla, Noobadilla, Nobster, Nobcake, Allmighty-Noobness, etc. But yes, I like rookie.


As for the pug, thanks for the info. I knew Pub was in-game but I prefer my methodology better =p

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Memes just happen, one cannot invent them intentionally, and memes are general, though they might be created in a subculture the rise to become common, so it's impossible to make them just for a certain subculture.


Posts like this make me want to kill Mr. Rogers.

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The mis-use of Gank anoys me, it orginally came from GANg Kill, when people were killed by large numbers, not killed by a solo player.


Also a Troll is not someone who disagrees with you, please call troll when they dont add anything to the discussion.


Good points... If I'm not mistaken Gank was originated in Ultima Online? Anybody have indication of the word Gank pre-UO?


I'm aware of what people refer to as a troll - but its because they are often wrong or misinformed or just outright aren't thinking. If a troll correctly repeats the truth another player speaks - they disguise their "trollness" (haven't yet coined a better phrase) for another post.

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Good points... If I'm not mistaken Gank was originated in Ultima Online? Anybody have indication of the word Gank pre-UO?
The word "gank" was around long before Ultima Online.


I first heard it late 80's on an NWA album. Sure it was in use before that, too.


The meaning was relatively the same.

Edited by racsofp
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Good points... If I'm not mistaken Gank was originated in Ultima Online? Anybody have indication of the word Gank pre-UO?


It did not originate there. The word was in use for around a decade or so before UO even launched.


Here's one from 1989, and it's not game-related at all. It's in the third paragraph:




It also isn't a shortened version of "gang kill," which is probably just a case of pseudoetymology (a commonly-held, but false, belief about how a word originated). The original usage was generally to indicate something being stolen from someone helpless or just clueless. It's more likely a merging of "grab" and "yank."


That'd make sense, since in games like UO and EQ, you really could steal stuff from the lowbies you ganked.


Sorry, I'm a bit of a word geek, in case it wasn't obvious.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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It did not originate there. The word was in use for around a decade or so before UO even launched.


Thanks... cited =p

I must have missed that in the online community but point taken.



"Ganks" origin has nothing to do with Origin =p



It also isn't a shortened version of "gang kill." The original usage was generally to indicate something being stolen from someone helpless or just clueless. It's more likely a merging of "grab" and "yank."


As a joke I made it into an acronym. Group Action Noob Kill

Edited by RJChief
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There is no reason to change many of the terms as they are universal among almost all online games today.




The term gank is a slang term that has been used for a long time and is defined by dictionary.com as follows:


Main Entry: gank

Part of Speech: v

Definition: to steal

Usage: slang


Main Entry: gank

Part of Speech: n

Definition: fake crack cocaine

Usage: slang


The term gank was later translated into video games. It is defined as an attack that is overwhelming or otherwise biased toward one party. This being said, a gank can in fact be 1vs1. In SW, if a level 50 pk's a level 35 in open world, this would in fact be a gank because the attack was overwhelming due to level. In addition, pk'ing someone that is at 20% health would be a gank due to the bias from the health differential.




The term noob (or any of it's variations) comes from newbie but with one major difference. n00bs are newbies who do not strive to improve, but rather to remain mediocre and complain about it (see urbandictionary.com). There is no reason to drop this from the slang as it IS different than rookie or newbie. I also see no reason to use rookie over newbie as rookie is common in sports, where newbie is common in video games.




This was the worst of them...... As others stated, it means Pick Up Group. Need more be said? There is no reason to change this acronym.

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Memes just happen, one cannot invent them intentionally, and memes are general, though they might be created in a subculture the rise to become common, so it's impossible to make them just for a certain subculture.

So me trying to coin "bubbles" isn't gonna happen?


Man that's just bubbles.

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Is anyone else annoyed with some of the online terms we use today? Can we create new ones for SWTOR and just push hard for them in hopes of facilitating the evolution of our language?


Terms that I find annoying: (EDIT: ADDING TO THOSE SUGGESTED)




Pubs (Why we use the end of the name, instead of calling them Reps is beyond me)

Pugs --- Should actually be Pubs but again, its taken at the moment.

"bad player is bad" "obvious troll is obvious" --- X something is X (STOP SAYING THAT)



Incorrect use of "GANK" (1v1 isn't a gank - even if you "weren't paying attention")


Terms we could use:

Ego - is that to plain for ppl? All of these are open to suggestion.

(ROOKIE)/Scrubs/Tools - Back to the classics

Phisher - someone trying to learn without doing.

Already suggested Reps

Now that Pubs is free, we can correctly use it for Public games as opposed to Private





Questions / Comments / Concerns?? INPUT!



Considering that most of those terms can get you not only a suspension from the forum but the game as well....yeah I'm all for new terms.

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