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I do not get Marauders in PVP.


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They make no sense.


I was out in Ilum when I got jumped.... I sat there and got his health down 3 times over. He just kept healing himself and doing damage in-between.


I ran away when it became apparent that between his shield, heals and damage I was going to die.


I then got jumped by a Jedi who stunned me, which I got out of, then used a stun which lasted so long that I was 1 shot from death when coming out. That person also had a shield up that absorbed all my damage.


They really should name this game Stun wars, because that's all it has come down to. No diminishing returns, just pure full length stuns.

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We've got no stuns that last as long as you're describing, unless you're thinking of force choke, which is a channeled ability. Unless you're a Juggernaut and spec into it.


It sounds like you fought an Annihilation Marauder. It's true, it doesn't really matter what health we have so much as what cooldowns we have available. We've got a 5 second damage immunity that we trade for 50% of our health, and a Force Camouflage 4 second immunity that we can spec into.


Our Unleash, if spec'd into, can restore 10% of our health.


We've got this thing where we build points based on abilities used that we can fire off every now and then normally- group or solo buffs, essentially. If it's an Annihilation Marauder, they tend to use the solo buff, which allows him to heal himself incrementally on a sort of vampiric bleed thing.


Basically, if you're fighting a fresh Annihilation Marauder or Watchman Sentinel. The others don't have as much of a bounce back capability.


If you're having trouble, simply pop off your defensive cooldowns/stuns/ccs and kite until they've used all theirs. At which point, he's a sitting duck.


I do agree, ultimately, that there are too many long CCs and stuns in the game. Oh well.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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Are you a marauder? Or did you get jumped by a marauder? I don't understand.


Bad story, bro. You didn't explain anything.


Also, every class in the game gets a CC breaker, and there's this thing called "Resolve".

Hows that for "no diminishing returns" ?

Edited by miliways
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They make no sense.


I was out in Ilum when I got jumped.... I sat there and got his health down 3 times over. He just kept healing himself and doing damage in-between.


I ran away when it became apparent that between his shield, heals and damage I was going to die.


I then got jumped by a Jedi who stunned me, which I got out of, then used a stun which lasted so long that I was 1 shot from death when coming out. That person also had a shield up that absorbed all my damage.


They really should name this game Stun wars, because that's all it has come down to. No diminishing returns, just pure full length stuns.


ok So let me get this straight, you were jumped by a marauder that could heal himself, and fight you in between damage (makes no sense).........THEN got jumped by a jedi.........





So you were fighting both imperial and republic's at the same time... i didnt know there was a third faction...

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Are you a marauder? Or did you get jumped by a marauder? I don't understand.


Bad story, bro. You didn't explain anything.


Also, every class in the game gets a CC breaker, and there's this thing called "Resolve".

Hows that for "no diminishing returns" ?


This, i am confused too. You cant get jumped by a Marauder and a Jedi in Ilum.

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Marauder who can't kill a sage, runs, then gets wtfbbq'd by a jedi guardian.


part right, he only started to run AFTER almost being killed by said sage, lol


this guy is a perfect example as to why people think marauders need a buff, play the class right you will mess people up! that simple

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bit confusing but I'm Pretty sure he was in nagrand and a warrior and mage killed him.. then he hearthed and posted on swtor forums. Now he is playing aion and has just failed 9 lvl 90 ench stones on his stormwing tome and is remaking gladiator. He then made a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich.
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bit confusing but i'm pretty sure he was in nagrand and a warrior and mage killed him.. Then he hearthed and posted on swtor forums. Now he is playing aion and has just failed 9 lvl 90 ench stones on his stormwing tome and is remaking gladiator. He then made a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich.



aite so i get it, OP is a marauder, was not able to kill a healer because of shield and heal and probably dots and the sage was attacking at the same time( could of been a trooper too since they have heals and shield too) don't remember if he's aani spec but he ran cuz he saw it was hopeless for him and a jedi roflstomp his nuts after

Edited by ReFlexionn
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