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Bioware Dev Cory Butler Plays a Sith Sorc


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Hey guys,


So really I dont think this is a bad thing. If anything its a good sign that BIOWARE is playing their game! There are definitely things being addressed quickly.


One thing that brought some concern for me though with this post was that Cory only has 1 level 45 character. This is a Sorc on Empire. While this is the largest demographic of players, it does tend to make me wonder if this may have related to the UNINTENDED faction imbalance?


I personally believe the factions and classes could use some tweaking, and that we will see some improvement. I would like to ask bioware though to continue to play the additional classes and see the disparity between classes same side and even the disparity between the same MIRROR classes.


C: I do make time to play the game myself. I obviously check it up on our development servers, to see what’s coming up the pipe and then i definitely spend some time on the live servers. I have a level 45 Sith Sorcrerer that I’m playing right now and I’m really enjoying it. My favorite activities in the game, besides progressing my story, are Flashpoints… they are a big draw for me. I love that sort of short and focused group content. I also like Warzones and space combat. I do my space dailies almost every day. It’s something I can do quickly and hop out if i need to do a call or get into a meeting.



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And now we have our answer, nothing wrong with playing your own product, plenty wrong when there is bias towards a side and class and the devs happen to be playing it.


Maybe after playing for a little bit in the level 50 WZ Cory might notice the gear disparties at least.

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Yeah, because ONE bioware Dev playing a sith sorc obviously creates a biased advantage for the class. Because the team isn't formed by hundred of people :D


Now you'll tell me that you know for a fact that they ALL play sith sorcerers :D

Edited by Abriael
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The only thing that bothers me about this post is that he isn't 50.


I know he's a busy guy, but shouldn't he be GIVEN a level 50 character so he can have some insight on what is needed for end game content (PVP and PVE)?


Devs, it's ok to fudge the numbers on this one and have yourselves start at 50.

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The only thing that bothers me about this post is that he isn't 50.


I know he's a busy guy, but shouldn't he be GIVEN a level 50 character so he can have some insight on what is needed for end game content (PVP and PVE)?


Devs, it's ok to fudge the numbers on this one and have yourselves start at 50.

I'm sure they've 50's on the development enviornment, but from what I've read they all deliberately were made level up from scratch on the live servers so they could experience everything the way the players actually were.
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The only thing that bothers me about this post is that he isn't 50.


I know he's a busy guy, but shouldn't he be GIVEN a level 50 character so he can have some insight on what is needed for end game content (PVP and PVE)?


Devs, it's ok to fudge the numbers on this one and have yourselves start at 50.


I don't know many games in which devs are given automatic 50s in the live servers. It's considered bad form and unfair to the customers.


he plays on the dev servers as well,and in there I'm quite sure he can have all the 50s he want.

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Congratulations. You've won the award for Biggest Douche in the Universe. John Edwards will be heartbroken.


Do you REALLY THINK that EA/BW would spend $200m and many many years of hard work making a game, then just before the end ruin it by creating a faction imbalance because they care more about their e-peen than their years of hard work, their art and their jobs? How dumb are you? You're saying that beating your sorry behind in WZs is worth millions of dollars. I'm sorry. It's not.

Edited by GregoriusMaximus
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Yeah old news, way more then 1 dev who plays empire. you know there is a reason why the Imperial fleet station is so much nicer then the Republic one...There is also a reason why

there is a great faction imbalance.Other then that i dont care what they play.Let them play what they want.

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