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Let Sith and republic group together?


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This is an extreme idea... but to come to terms with the faction imbalance and the difficulty for republic players to find ppl for flashpoints compared to imps....


How about letting us form temporary alliances and group for flashpoints?


Maybe it could have to do with our force alignnment or something?


Just an idea, let the flaming begin

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That wouldn't make a lot of sense, given that a lot of flashpoints have your faction facing off against the opposite faction. Why would a light-sided jedi, for example, help the imperials attack the Brentaal Star, killing a padawan and a republic war hero in the process, in order to capture or kill a defecting general for the glory of the Sith Empire?
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That wouldn't make a lot of sense, given that a lot of flashpoints have your faction facing off against the opposite faction. Why would a light-sided jedi, for example, help the imperials attack the Brentaal Star, killing a padawan and a republic war hero in the process, in order to capture or kill a defecting general for the glory of the Sith Empire?


It could b force alignment based mayeb. a dark sided jedi could eprhaps team up with dark side sith and vice-versa

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They should make a FP thats based around a group of 4 but 2 republic and 2 empire. Say they're forced to ally to take something down but throughout the FP both sides can try to push their agenda in order to screw over the other side or something and in the end depending on their choice one side may come out on top or they might come out even.
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i am going to say it but sto has the option for klinks and fed for the same reason as in this game. so it is good but we need more fp that are both reb and sith like amis and the new one in-order to do this. Edited by Turrick
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I dont know man, this doesnt sounds very good. I mean me personly every jedi I see I attack if there flagged, I cant stand the jedi and would never work with them LOL.


I just dont see it making sense, I mean that would be the Allies and the Axis teaming up to destroy each other. does not make very much sense.

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They should make a FP thats based around a group of 4 but 2 republic and 2 empire. Say they're forced to ally to take something down but throughout the FP both sides can try to push their agenda in order to screw over the other side or something and in the end depending on their choice one side may come out on top or they might come out even.


This is actually an awesome idea. Would also put a lot more "RP" into the "MMORPG" instead of just looting and levelling up.

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And then what would happen after the jedi and sith go on this picnic to kill their 'common foe'? part ways in peace? I doubt it.


There would be too much whining and complaining about stomping on lore and i have to agree with this, as from my knowledge and view of the star wars universe, jedi and sith joining together en mass will not happen. I don't know how you got imbalance issues, my server is fine for finding people and make sure you're in a good guild to, it helps A LOT. Just a thought. But this idea wouldn't get my vote anyway.


And yes i remember that contradictory bit in the **sort of a spoiler**warrior story (even though you had the option...), i let it go past me without a thought though, there really was no choice but to team up with him for that purpose.

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the whole uniting on common foe was boring dull.


sure you see it as cool ideal but there is price you have to pay it takes way faction pride destroys any good story for future wars and also every villain you fight has to be crazy or stupid.


it the main reasion that killed wow for me.

Edited by undeadsithdread
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there could be a few such instances, where both sides got common enemy, needs cleared out asap... but ofc in end it might end up sides betray each other.


The Eternity Vault fits all this critieria.

Edited by XjediXrf
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I don't see this as a problem if done well and done rarely. There is already a quest line for at least one class that involves the Imperials and Republic joining to take out pirates. The idea stated earlier in this thread of a sort of competition and cooperation at the same time could be fun and interestingly dynamic. Edited by GoodEnoughForMe
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I don't see this as a problem if done well and done rarely. There is already a quest line for at least one class that involves the Imperials and Republic joining to take out pirates. The idea stated earlier in this thread of a sort of competition and cooperation at the same time could be fun and interestingly dynamic.


Exactly. Create some form of scenario where, for whatever reason, empire and republic has to work together while the flashpoint also mechanics in play that allow the two sides to screw each other over.

Perhaps there are certain bonus quests that one only side can complete, or bonus quests where you can somehow impede the opposing factions progress, but you still have to work together overall to solve the primary quests and there's some sort of extra reward for the "team" that solves the most bonus quests.

I don't really imagine any MMO-producer cooking up something as elaborate as that, but if it would be anyone it would be Bioware and one can dream after all :)

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I have helped a sith a few times as a jedi...typically this is done on mixed worlds with mirroring quests in the same area, like bonuses needing to take out a elite or champion for the final stage. Talk by using /say and help them get the kill, then wait to respawn and they help me get it.


I rather like it that way ^_^ Enemies with common goals



that said however I would still kill to see an account based system, I hate that I cant transfer credits between my characters

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It would make sense as long as they are going against a mutual enemy.


Theres a couple Republic quest on Hoth where they team up with the Empire to attack pirates. There are also many instances of defection and spies/double agents that could be used to make cross faction grouping reasonable.

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