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why isnt there a wookiee race


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i think i would be great if they wee to come out with a wookiee race as a expansion latter on does anyone agree


A few reasons shy it won't happen:


1. Wookiees, with the notable exception of one who had a speech impediment, do not speak basic (the in universe common language of humans). In a game with this much voiceover, that's bad. Your character would nothing but grunt, growl and howl.


2. Wookiees are a bit too iconic. Iconic is a good thing right? Yes, but too much of it makes them bad for class driven story. A wookiee would have to be it's own class, with it's own abilities and it's own story, as none of the current class stories would at all capture what it is to be a wookiee.


Now, on the point of number 2, maybe if they did something similar to LOTRO's Monster play, where you could make a side character that was a wookiee class, that could work, but I don't know of anything like that on the books.

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A few reasons shy it won't happen:


1. Wookiees, with the notable exception of one who had a speech impediment, do not speak basic (the in universe common language of humans). In a game with this much voiceover, that's bad. Your character would nothing but grunt, growl and howl.


2. Wookiees are a bit too iconic. Iconic is a good thing right? Yes, but too much of it makes them bad for class driven story. A wookiee would have to be it's own class, with it's own abilities and it's own story, as none of the current class stories would at all capture what it is to be a wookiee.


Now, on the point of number 2, maybe if they did something similar to LOTRO's Monster play, where you could make a side character that was a wookiee class, that could work, but I don't know of anything like that on the books.


not to mention the fact that wookies are a rare sight outside of kashyyk. i mean look at the movies...you can count the wookies not on kashyyk on one hand...


having hundreds of wookies running around would just be wrong and not fitting.

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A few reasons shy it won't happen:


1. Wookiees, with the notable exception of one who had a speech impediment, do not speak basic (the in universe common language of humans). In a game with this much voiceover, that's bad. Your character would nothing but grunt, growl and howl.


2. Wookiees are a bit too iconic. Iconic is a good thing right? Yes, but too much of it makes them bad for class driven story. A wookiee would have to be it's own class, with it's own abilities and it's own story, as none of the current class stories would at all capture what it is to be a wookiee.


Now, on the point of number 2, maybe if they did something similar to LOTRO's Monster play, where you could make a side character that was a wookiee class, that could work, but I don't know of anything like that on the books.



1. Droids do that all the time, so do a lot of the alien humanoid species, including ones you can actually have as a Player Character.


2. They weren't too iconic to be a playable race in SWG (and there were a LOT more playable races in SWG too, 10 in fact) and there was absolutely no problem with them as such there, you could make that argument with Yoda, but not really with Wookies, admittedly though none of the current classes really scream Wookie, except bounty hunter maybe, but they wouldn't work so well as the mirror Trooper.






The real reason is probably:


3. BW for whatever reason couldn't manage non-human PC, just different coloured human "aliens".

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Wookies are awesome but lets face it:


1. Kashyyk will need to be a playable planet (not a bad thing in itself)


2. Armour types (as proved by SWG) is a ***** to implement for Wookies and would need a new player model range, taller than others etc.


3. Vocals, 20 hours or so of Wookie noises? Thats a task in its own right.


4. Classes, there are no standard classes really suited to Wookie right now, it would need some kind of Smuggler/Mechanic hybrid, or a brawler etc.


5. Wookies from my knowledge have almost always been on the side of the good guys, which would mean there would need to be a new race for Empire as well (Which is fine if you ask me).


Bioware may well implement other races over time (and I believe they are going to), but Wookies are hardly a priority for them and would require far more effort than is warranted at this early stage.


I played a master creature handler and master heavy swordsman in SWG for a long time and utterly loved it, great race and class, but looked really daft a lot of the time.

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I want them to add Defels as a species... just think how easy it would be... their fur absorbs most visible light so they look like moving shadows... 2 minutes to do the textures (could just use the cloaked effects from other classes) Edited by Liquidacid
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They are too lazy to add any aliens that are not essentially human clones with funny coloured skin.


Look at the issues with Twi'leks and headgear to see how they fail. Imagine them having to actually deal with all armor on various shapes and sizes of other alien races.

Edited by Xerda
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not to mention the fact that wookies are a rare sight outside of kashyyk. i mean look at the movies...you can count the wookies not on kashyyk on one hand...


having hundreds of wookies running around would just be wrong and not fitting.




And Jedi, Troopers, Smugglers, Sith, BHs & Agents made up 99% of Galaxies canon population at the time of SWTOR did they? :w_tongue:



Again the alien PC races in SWG added to the Star Wars-ness it in no way took away from it. :w_cool:

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1. Droids do that all the time, so do a lot of the alien humanoid species, including ones you can actually have as a Player Character.


2. They weren't too iconic to be a playable race in SWG (and there were a LOT more playable races in SWG too, 10 in fact) and there was absolutely no problem with them as such there, you could make that argument with Yoda, but not really with Wookies, admittedly though none of the current classes really scream Wookie, except bounty hunter maybe, but they wouldn't work so well as the mirror Trooper.






The real reason is probably:


3. BW for whatever reason couldn't manage non-human PC, just different coloured human "aliens".


SWG sucked. It never felt like SW and that is why it failed. Nothing about it captured the SW feel.

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I dont know if you usually do this yourself, but the aliens I meet that dont speak basic, I pretty much skip the voiceover. Its one thing if NPC's dont speak basic, but if my character is only saying raaaaaaaaaaawrhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaall the friggin time, I would go insane.


They have already explained several times why they are only making humanoid races. Its very simple. You can relate to a humanoid. Placing yourself within the mind of a wookiee... Thats tricky and most likely it wouldnt make any sense, to you, the people you play with and in RP. Star Wars has always been about humanoid heroes/villains.

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1. Wookiees don't speak basic - and please don't bring up retarded EU crap. They'd sound like a clogged gutter anyway, and very few people would enjoy listening to that for hours on end.


2. Their physique would require very different armor from the stuff other species wear.


3. Minor point - but they'd fail for romance arcs.


The only way I could see them implemented would be as a completely separate class (say, Wookiee Scout - like Zalbaar from KOTOR) - and the empire could have an alien mirror (say, Trandoshan slaver). Which would actually be quite cool.

Edited by archifikoss
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It was running for eight and a half years, that's quite a long run for a failure.


So can a person in a coma with life support. We don't know the specifics behind why SWG kept running, for all we know SOE could have wanted to axe it but they couldn't because LA had a contract with them or hell, maybe their bandwidth costs weren't that much.

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It was running for eight and a half years, that's quite a long run for a failure.


It became a failure when NGE hit. Thats when the majority of players quit the game. A success is a game like World of Warcraft with millions of players still playing the game after 8 years. How many did SWG have left when it closed? 20 000?

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1. Droids do that all the time, so do a lot of the alien humanoid species, including ones you can actually have as a Player Character.


Droids speak binary because it adds slight character and makes sense you don't give simple work droids a full voice processor.


As for everyone else Aside from wookies they CAN speak basic. Maybe not well or with a lisp limited by facial structure but they can. They just choose not too for whatever reason.

Also many of them like hutts, twil'lek people from the outer rim speak huttenese which is really really common since the hutts trade so much. Most people know it or should.


Wookiese can only speak their own.


2. They weren't too iconic to be a playable race in SWG (and there were a LOT more playable races in SWG too, 10 in fact) and there was absolutely no problem with them as such there, you could make that argument with Yoda, but not really with Wookies, admittedly though none of the current classes really scream Wookie, except bounty hunter maybe, but they wouldn't work so well as the mirror Trooper.


Wookies also have a problem raging and being enslaved. This massively limits what they do due to stereotype. There's only one jedi in the known EU that a wookie.



The real reason is probably:

3. BW for whatever reason couldn't manage non-human PC, just different coloured human "aliens".



Edited by Avrose
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So can a person in a coma with life support. We don't know the specifics behind why SWG kept running, for all we know SOE could have wanted to axe it but they couldn't because LA had a contract with them or hell, maybe their bandwidth costs weren't that much.


Because people like me were playing it until the NGE came out, which is when it really began to die.

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Really? Did you ever play it?



SWG had many, many faults, but not feeling Star Warsy was never one of them for me.


I did actually. It never felt like Star Wars. It never caught the feel of the movies for me. It didn't get anything right about Star Wars. It may have been adequate for RP'ers to do what they wanted but that isn't Star Wars. Its not about a giant do what the **** you want, its about that feeling of going into a giant space battle between the Republic and the Empire and taking down what seems insurmountable, its about overcoming the odds, its not about exploring space. Its about being part of an adventure to unbelievable places, not sitting around in a cavern grinding my dance skill.

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Because people like me were playing it until the NGE came out, which is when it really began to die.


It was dying long before then. It was bleeding subs like crazy and LA made them try to save it. The developers are at fault for failing to sit at the meeting and finding out what made Star Wars so great. Lucas Arts may have pushed them but it was ultimately SOE who failed.

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It became a failure when NGE hit. Thats when the majority of players quit the game. A success is a game like World of Warcraft with millions of players still playing the game after 8 years. How many did SWG have left when it closed? 20 000?



WoW is the only successful Western MMO in history then, damn those Wookies.

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Really? Did you ever play it?



SWG had many, many faults, but not feeling Star Warsy was never one of them for me.


The other way for me. I had fun in SWG back then, for what it was, and it had some fun features. But it didn't capture that Star Wars-feel one bit. It was really lousy in that department.


As for playable Wookiees, that won't happen, I can almost garantuee it. Atleast not for a long time. The lead characters in the movies were human, and Bioware is sticking closely to that.

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Droids speak binary because it adds slight character and makes sense you don't give simple work droids a full voice processor.


As for everyone else Aside from wookies they CAN speak basic. Maybe not well or with a lisp limited by facial structure but they can. They just choose not too for whatever reason.

Also many of them like hutts, twil'lek people from the outer rim speak huttenese which is really really common since the hutts trade so much. Most people know it or should.


Wookiese can only speak their own.



What has that to do with the gameplay issue mentioned though?


You may as well say that Wookies could have their own person translator droid box.


He was on about cut scenes, and there's plenty of non-english going on in those already.




Wookies also have a problem raging and being enslaved. This massively limits what they do due to stereotype. There's only one jedi in the known EU that a wookie.


So Wookies wouldn't be Jedi. Chiss can't be Sith (or Jedi) yet they are a playable race.






Why are there no playable ones that don't fit the basic selection human body types then if it wasn't a design choice?
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