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Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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OPs are rerolling other stealth class ? I am pretty sure sorcerers are not stealth class. Anyway ... looks like next stop of nerf train are sorcerers ... players want the train to make a full circle, after sorcerers come guardians and their mobility, after that sentinels ...


You have to keep the train moving, otherwise it's no fun.


Problem is,is that Op's really did not need a nerf,maybe a slight one on the first contact hit because if anyone is playing the 50's bracket would tell you they do not hit as hard.


What you had happen on this forum was low lvl players that were getting hit by high lvl OP's and ofcourse these posters would out right lie about their lvl when posting how they got taken down by a scoundrel,operative if you dont have gear they take you down,if you do you live and can kill the Operative.



Sorc's? they have gear you cannot take them down as an operative or it is very very hard and most likely will not happen,same with healers and powertech and most tanks so really what classes can an operative take down in the 50's bracket? none unless they are undergeared these three second kills do not happen unless the other toon has zero gear,atleast thats what i notice.

Edited by Sathid
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Sorc's? they have gear you cannot take them down as an operative or it is very very hard and most likely will not happen,same with healers and powertech and most tanks so really what classes can an operative take down in the 50's bracket? none unless they are undergeared these three second kills do not happen unless the other toon has zero gear,atleast thats what i notice.


The tree is broken on it's own ... when I played scoundrel I didn't bother to spec it. The healing tree and the dot tree have better mechanics. They should just change the gameplay of the burst tree into some kind of avoidance bruiser style of play.

Edited by Repefe
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Problem is,is that Op's really did not need a nerf,maybe a slight one on the first contact hit because if anyone is playing the 50's bracket would tell you they do not hit as hard.


What you had happen on this forum was low lvl players that were getting hit by high lvl OP's and ofcourse these posters would out right lie about their lvl when posting how they got taken down by a scoundrel,operative if you dont have gear they take you down,if you do you live and can kill the Operative.



Sorc's? they have gear you cannot take them down as an operative or it is very very hard and most likely will not happen,same with healers and powertech and most tanks so really what classes can an operative take down in the 50's bracket? none unless they are undergeared these three second kills do not happen unless the other toon has zero gear,atleast thats what i notice.


umm.. i'm dps sorc with 500 expertise. that's 10%.. while it's not the 600-700 @ 11-12%+ of a battlemaster. it's should be plenty. but pre any nerfs at all i was still getting my bubble burst and 100-0 before i could get off the ground. unless my break wasn't on cd, then i could use it and still be dead before i could get a knockback, re-bubble, stun, or force run off.

Edited by crustie
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Bright Wizards was NEVER overpowered...guard and grouphealing w/o LOS on the other hand was pretty overpowered in WAR...If you could not kill a Bright Wizard running around solo,you suck..their entire class mechanic made them kill themselves.

Only newbs without the knowledge to pinpoint the real problem would claim Bright Wizards was OP.

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Sorcs are not overpowered. Their bubble is a distraction that a good player isn't going to be bothered with considering even if specced up to drop the mezz on break, shouldn't stop a op/scoundrel with half a brain. Without it(I.E. Corruption sorc) it adds an artificial 3k hps that blocks one good attack in a warzone.


They put out more damage then BHs/Troopers because they die incredibly easily. As healers, we do enjoy no ability lag, but not suffering from a design oversight is not something that warrants a nerf.


If I had to guess why you see all sorcs:



it's because lightning looks awesome. The reason I rolled sorcerer was to enjoy throwing lightning around. Sage gets to throw what? rocks? Lightning is awesome, rocks are lame.

Edited by Blazehound
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Sorc's? they have gear you cannot take them down as an operative or it is very very hard and most likely will not happen,same with healers and powertech and most tanks so really what classes can an operative take down in the 50's bracket? none unless they are undergeared these three second kills do not happen unless the other toon has zero gear,atleast thats what i notice.


The only hard part about killing sorcerers and tanks on an equal geared operative is avoiding being thrown off ledges & it taking too long (more players arrive at the scene). I can't recall a time I've managed to kill a tank with 20khp before his team showed up.


Operative 1v1 lose to well played/geared Marauders & other Operatives.



Though 1v1 doesn't mean dick in 8v8 warzones...

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Sorcs are not overpowered. Their bubble is a distraction that a good player isn't going to be bothered with considering even if specced up to drop the mezz on break, shouldn't stop a op/scoundrel with half a brain. Without it(I.E. Corruption sorc) it adds an artificial 3k hps that blocks one good attack in a warzone.


They put out more damage then BHs/Troopers because they die incredibly easily. As healers, we do enjoy no ability lag, but not suffering from a design oversight is not something that warrants a nerf.


If I had to guess why you see all sorcs:



it's because lightning looks awesome. The reason I rolled sorcerer was to enjoy throwing lightning around. Sage gets to throw what? rocks? Lightning is awesome, rocks are lame.


Your not listening or dont play a smuggler i dunno which,our initial burst gets eaten up by the shield,thats our opener and thats what we do,the rest of the damage is meh and then it's all about being stunned,kited,etc.

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When is the the last time you heard anyone complain of Jedi Sages? The supposed mirror class, right never, proof positive Empire has a severe advantage in play across nearly all toons, so shut the hell up already.


I just started this game - have a level 23 sage. And I am noticing that the sith abilities go off faster. For example, when I use Project, sometimes Ops will restealth and my boulder will just hang there for a bit. The sit guys hit immediately.


Is this intentional or a bug?

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I just started this game - have a level 23 sage. And I am noticing that the sith abilities go off faster. For example, when I use Project, sometimes Ops will restealth and my boulder will just hang there for a bit. The sit guys hit immediately.


Is this intentional or a bug?




It's intentional, most bioware developers that play use empire classes

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The only thing about Sorc/Sage that needs to be looked at is healing. To see it take 2 or 3 people to take one down because they heal for sooo much is a little crazy.. otherwise I think they are fine, but maybe that's just me.


Well ya, if he is a healer. I can't heal myself against any real dps coming down on me from one toon. Healers are supposed to be hard to kill, cause they heal.

Edited by supaflav
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Well ya, if he is a healer. I can't heal myself against any real dps coming down on me from one toon. Healers are supposed to be hard to kill, cause they heal.


This is a false gaming mentality that got borne sometime around WOW I believe. Healers in many games have been moderately durable but far from impossible to kill. They also had harsher limiations on how much healing they could do before they were useless.



Todays new age mechanics favor healers because not enough people were playing them. Thus while they are not tank mages, they have become tank healers. Some games even went further and allowed them alot more offensive abilities too. SWTOR is middle of the field on that scale.


This trend is most readily visible with the grand daddy or RPG's, Dungeons and Dragons. As additional rule sets have rolled out clerics and healer classes have only gotten progressively stronger to attract people to play them. So ya, unfortunately today's healers are far stronger overall than they used to be. Rift is a perfect example of the tank/healer/moderate DPS imbalance, this game is a lesser form of that.





Luckily Guild Wars 2 looks to be trying to lessen the dependence on those classes again while making those classes still exist. Tanks can still protect their team, at the cost of personal protection. They can still be extremely tough, at the cost of lesser team protection. Everyone has the ability to heal themselves a bit, lessening the need for a dedicated healer, and focus is on damage prevention instead of healing it back. ETC.




IMO SWTOR really needs to get it's stuff together. If Guild Wars 2 achieves even 75% of what it's aiming for, it will steal half of this PVP community initially and begin to bleed the rest via low populations. I'm going to assume that half of you are pretty lame and really do not want true skill based PVP, but instead gear and class based advantages. Regardless of what you might claim. (kind of like some AFK'ers claim to be "guarding a turret" yet do nothing ever lol)

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lol... level an alt and all you see in 10-49 bracket are sins and ops... it will level out as time goes on.. i'm sure.


What the heck are you smoking? If I see less than 4 sorc's in a match then I just assume they are all in huttball at the same time. Because that happens like 1/4 games at best lol.

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SI is not over powered, you want over powered Imperial Operative & Scoundrel are over powered.


You must play a trooper, you do know that SI's were purposely made to give troopers a hard time in pvp right?


every class as a rival class.



Oh the irony.


Operatives/Scoundrels are (or rather were) the counter to Sorcs. Different when its your counter class, huh?

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I just started this game - have a level 23 sage. And I am noticing that the sith abilities go off faster. For example, when I use Project, sometimes Ops will restealth and my boulder will just hang there for a bit. The sit guys hit immediately.


Is this intentional or a bug?




No all is mirrored correctly according to bioware. You see alot SI in wf's doing lightning lightning just because like someone said its cool and not because its effective melting enemies fast.


If you noticed also that if you try to ask questions about this, you get blamed for even asking to discuss this.


This thread was doomed before it even started, like most threads that question most played empire classes. They are cool to play in WF, people play classes aesthetic purpose it seems in pvp, its not about class balance itself.




Sarcasm off....

Edited by Divona
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