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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorcerers are becoming the next Bright Wizards


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Even on my dirty fighting spec I toss heals and get between 20k-100k a match depending on how much it's needed. Keeping your main healer or your tank with his CD up alive wins fights more than you contributing DPS, unless you can quickly vape key people killing your team :).


Also tends to keep you in a spot that's less exposed than DPSing yourself at that particular moment.




SO can Mercs and Commandos... It seems no one has a problem with them despite having far more survivability and more damage output then their healer equivilent.

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(For those unaware of Bright Wizards, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too powerful of attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 50%+ Bright Wizards, with them topping the damage charts)


Now that everyone knows Operative changes are on the way, I'm seeing a lot more Inquisitors around - especially Sorcerers. It's like the Operatives are all rerolling the alternative stealth class, or the alternative facemelting class.


Warzones are beginning to look like Warhammer Online's Bright Wizard problem. In the Huttball matches I've played today, the worst so far have been one with 11 Inquisitors, and one with 12.


10 out of the 11 Inquisitors were Sorcerers in the first one, and 8 out of 12 were Sorcerers in the second.


Should we view this as merely growing pains, as a portion of the playerbase looks for another class to play? Or do you think this is going to be a longterm problem, where the game becomes Sorcerer Wars of the Old Republic (to quote a guildie)?


Sorcerer's are the bright wizards. There's no question of them becoming. Since the PvP aspect is being held by the Warhammer team, this really shouldn't surprise anyone. Why nerf the most popular class when you can nerf the least played class and not hear an outcry on the forums.


250+ of feedback based on operative nerfs and not a single thing came into consideration. I personally rerolled from an operative to a mercenary but I didn't even know about the power of the tracer missle spam until I saw it with my own eyes. Even with my bounty hunter, operatives are almost a non-issue to me since I know how they work and their burst takes me down nowhere near to what the general consensus is saying.


The game will be sorcerer wars of the old republic not only because of them being OP but, the majority of them also wanted to do the force lightning like the movies.

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It's impossible for Sorcs to be Bright Wizards considering that Destruction completely outnumbered Order...and (no suprise) Sith outnumbers Republic.


If you'd hung around WAR for long enough you'd have seen that Sorcs are actually Sorcs...you know the "baddie" version of Bright Wizards.


Apart from that, ye...there are too many of them around ruining pvp. It won't change and the class won't be nerfed, might as well find something else to play.

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Now we're back to Sorc/Sage nerf calls because people still don't understand the class. That and there's a lot of angry Smugglers/IA's who want to bring someone down with them.


Or because their amount of utility (including AoE knockback, slow and snare in one ability) in a game as position based as huttball is retarded.

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No one hybrids into healing.


No one.


eh? the best healing spec is 21/17 + leftover (for reduced whirlwind cd or whatever u want), the 31 point talent in healing, like all trees sucks, esp compared to having overload and backlash



If you'd hung around WAR for long enough you'd have seen that Sorcs are actually Sorcs...you know the "baddie" version of Bright Wizards.


rofl, except early on bright wizards could debuff their own damage and their channel snared (in a game with no gap closers...), the single best part was having them add the debuff to sorcs in ptr and then removing it because it was "overpowered" rofl.


Mythics issue was they tried to balance early game imbalance around the other side having overpowered skills (fetch vs tentacle grab comes to mind also), sure i enjoyed the absurdity of my two dwarves but such design wasn't ever going to be a winner.

Edited by Adzzy
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If the way to kill a sorcerer is to use your interrupts and interrupts only work on one sorcerer. Then having 2+ sorcerers increases the difficulty greatly. Sure, interrupt one or two of them but what about the other four?


Hmmm......sorc's are op. Sure, maybe one can be taken down, and two is more difficult, but the other 4 somehow make it even more of a challenge? I am scratching my head because that is a very very very very good question.


Fine, I'll let you in on a secret, granted, I spec creeping terror (31 pt madness) just so I have a controllable snare to try and catch ball carriers/attackers in fire for Huttball which I end up in the most. For all of you who think I have unlimited cc, and argue that I can keep you stunned forever, creeping terror has a 2 second snare. Snares do not affect resolve currently in the game. Because of this spec, I do not have a blind on break shield, nor do I have an overload that roots. I state this just so you all know not that all sorcs have access to 422 cc's not affected by resolve it is believed that sorcs have.


So let's say I am attacked, and haven't had the opportunity to get any dots on you or throw some force lightning for the full 30 m so that I'm ahead from the beginning. Let's just say an op for example, since the stealth could easily allow this to happen, but other classes with good players somehow amazingly make this happen. I'm at 650 expertise, so let's assume like geared, so a fairly geared out toon in all champion minimum. Just so you know, when melee classes get gear, they hit me pretty hard pretty consistently, despite all the statements otherwise.


So the op opens with a stun and starts the damage, the damage being legitimate burst damage. Let's say I trinket right away (depends on the stun resolve impact, but let's try to keep it simple), I have 5 options, as I start running away (assuming my shield can be cast again), those being shield, whirlwind (polymorph cc 8 sec which fills resolve), electrocute (stun 4 sec which maybe does 60% resolve), creeping terror (dot plus short snare no resolve impact with a 9 sec cooldown), or affliction/shock to get dps going (of the two, I'm gonna select affliction for more damage rather than attack for the whopping 1k).


I can't whirlwind you, that would be stupid as it would totally fill your resolve bar, taking away my electrocute actually stunning you option. I can reapply bubble, but at this time, I'm 3 seconds behind in the fight with gcd's (trinket and this cast), and any equally geared melee will chew through the shield in one gcd as well. I can throw creeping terror for the snare and get a dot going, but that's still 3 seconds where I've been getting totally beat on, and affliction is even worse since it also doesn't snare. So really, I have one option, and that's my electrocute. I suppose overload could be a possible option as well, but if don't have a slow effect on the other toon prior to this, he's pretty much back on me and I've wasted a gcd. So any how, I'm pretty much forced to electrocute (unless there's better ways and I'm just terrible, it is possible). Hopefully the op, or other class, didn't have any other stuns, or else I'm going to be way behind in the fight (and just so you all know, plenty, if not all, of classes have more than just one skill to get ahead in our little skirmish).


So let's say I've successfully stunned you, you're now cc'd for four seconds. Now as I'm running away, If I want to even start fighting you, my first option is really only affliction. It allows me to work to gain some more separation and get some dps on you. No point in using creeping terror, as I need to save it for after the stun. I could bubble, which is prob a decent option, but if I'm going to have a chance, I can't just let you sit there while losing no life, I'm really not gaining anything but distance which isn't enough with my lack of burst. I could heal, but I would only get one big heal off, which non-crit heals for 2k, 3k crit, or risk my small heals, which 2 or 3 will get me to that same amount (yes, my "big" heal as dps spec with 3 sec cast time gets a 3k crit if I'm lucky, and that's 15% of my 15,500 hp). But once again, if I do the heals, I've just fallen further behind as I've created no separation.


Of course, if you did trinket right away, then I can whirlwind you, throw a big heal on myself, maybe two, and start running (your resolve is maxed out, but if we're of equal gear, it won't be available to me during the time of this fight anyways).


If you didn't trinket right away and I've started any damage on you, pretty much affliction, I no longer have the whirlwind option outside of a momentary respite as it breaks on damage. I can maybe get topped off and some separation.


So in either scenario, on the cc break, you have at most two dots on you (an affliction and maybe I decided to take the time to cast crushing darkness to break the cc rather than fully heal up), with maybe a couple of ticks. That means you're down 1k hp max as they don't really hit that hard, usually 300's, maybe some 400's. As you come out of the cc, I throw my creeping terror on you, to snare you for the 2 seconds. I can now keep moving and recast my shield.


Why snare you there? Because I need to keep you off of me to have any chance at surviving, as I will not win a burst race.


So as I cast my shield as I was moving because I have no more instant casts and at least I'm further separating as dots are slowly ticking and at least doing something through the gcd. I do have my shock, but it's really only worth it in hoping for a killing blow shot to hopefully knock down a final 1k.


Odds are at this point, you now have some way to either get to me, or pull me back to you or something (I know I said ops, but that was more due to the "sheer impossibility of a class attacking me first, so I'm trying to keep it open to most melee). Additionally, most classes have at least one thing they could have done to start damage back on me during the 2 sec snare, I sure didn't get 30 m away if I was trying to heal at all, or if it was only the 4 sec stun.


So typically, melee is back on me. I'm still hopefully trying to move and I'll prob put my slow on you now and follow that with the overload (I just do this because if I don't have you slowed first, it pretty much feels like you're right back on me before my gcd is even down). At this point, I will start trying to lay some force lightning onto you, because I want an instant proc for crushing darkness. My shield is usually gone again by this point, from the damage getting right back on me, and I'm just trying to outlast the burst.


So here is where I have to choose if I'm gonna force sprint or not, as either the fight is close enough to being done where I hope for a wratch proc to cast a lightning strike, which typically hits for 2k, or gain really only enough room to start another creeping terror 2 sec snare and try healing.


To be perfectly honest, my only real choice is to try my 1.5 sec 1.5k crit heal, and if you can't dps through that, you're just bad (as much as I hate to say, but we're talking equal gear). If I go for a 3 sec heal, in which I'm lucky to get 3k health back (also btw, that's 20% of my life, if I crit...not 50% or full life back as I see claimed many times). Once again, if you have zero tools to stop a 3 sec heal, you maybe should also practice when you should save interrupts (or skills which interrupt by nature of the skill in case you haven't thought of that). So if I'm healing, you pretty much have me dead, because most of you can do more than 3k damage in 3 seconds anyways (once again, equally geared).


At this point, you've either beat me or I've worn you down and won the exchange.


That is pretty much assuming everything has gone my way and you haven't used any skills to cc me outside of an opening stun, and a gap closer of some sort to get back on me one time. My sprint doesn't take me far enough way that I'm pretty much back to 100% (despite the fact I've seen my contrary claims), and perhaps there may have been line of sight advantages I could have used (however, terrain doesn't make a class overpowered).


Obviously, this is a vague situation, but most melee will take me down at equal gear if played decently (who knows, maybe I'm just super terrible or they're super awesome, either way, nobody wants to listen to the people who have figured out how to take a sorc down).


Looking at pre-50 pvp means nothing. End-game balance is the only real indicator of class balance. If you think bolster should be adjusted for classes, I maybe understand that. Plus, talking about lvl 15's taking out 40's is also a who the f* cares due to bolster. Sometimes, it's actually better to have the bolstered stats than the actual.


Also, I'm dps spec and I do end up being top heals in quite a few games. But you know why? Because there isn't an actual healer... I will stop dps'ing to try to keep someone from dying or keep a ball carrier alive long enough to score or live through a stun. Lots of times I can't, but sometimes it's just enough.


In conclusion, learn and practice the game. But make sure to learn. Playing a 1,000 wz's doesn't make you a skilled if you are constantly running and doing the same time without growing and learning new things.


Of course, maybe I suck and my previous comments only show how screwed up my gameplay is, and somebody who knows something can respond and teach me something. I'm cool with that because it will at least make me a little better...hopefully.


Of course, I'm now thinking of giving the hybrid spec a try this weekend to see if I want to sub the controlled snare for instant chain lightning procs.


Oh yah, back to the question of how to interrupt 6 sorcs...I was wrong. It turns out in fact there are stupid questions, and that was one of them. I guess hope some people on your team also know how to play.


C'mon, seriously, how do you interrupt a million bajillion mercs (I'm not complaining about mercs, just a stupid example)...

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SO can Mercs and Commandos... It seems no one has a problem with them despite having far more survivability and more damage output then their healer equivilent.


I really think grav/tracer spam needs fixing. I'm ok with their damage as long as it takes skill to get, currently you can get most of their damage derping. The additional suriviability is also questionable.


On bad players to decent players they are more survivable. On good/top notch players sorcs/sages pull even and perhaps even ahead. The difference is the type of survivability, active vs passive mitigation. BH/Commando have more passive mitigation, sorcs/sages have more active mitigation.

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Yup, the problem with the sorc is not the lightning damage as most point at, it's the number of short CD escaping / survival mechanics they have. With a correct build they have :


-Force sprint 30 sec CD

- Shield

-Uncancellable (even by the CCbreaking ability) Blind after shield fades

- Bump 20 sec CD

- Uncancellable (even by the CCbreaking ability)root after bump after shield fades

- Force lift instant

- Permasnare with damage dealing ability


A good sorc will simply deny any melee trying to damage him, so his only concern is ranged, where he shines.


I am sure all of this is just some strange coincidence. It could not be that the class is too powerful.


I still remember full beta on the Revan server I was on and how the Sorceror/Sage class was doing really high damage. And the same kind of people who are hammering on this OP now were raging and insulting and trolling anyone who pointed out that there was clearly something wrong. Eventually a developer revealed in one of the threads that there was a bug that was causing only classes who's damage was not based on weapons (Therefore Sorceror/Sages only) were doing the proper damage in WZs due to a bug with the bolster system. And that there was in fact a huge gap in the damage achievable by that class then any other class.


So even in the face of an obvious bug, the Sorceror community was viciously trolling anyone who dared to point out that their class was clearly OP. And kept repeating the mantra of "My class is fine, you just need to learn to play...."


And even after the developer revealed the truth, some of them STILL argued that they should be doing that much more damage then everyone else.


Come on, this is like suggesting you are super leet because you win with Eddie Gordo on Tekken.

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The Sorcs are now double bubbling,protected lol or whatever it is i cannot even dent one with my opener plus more attacks,this is becoming crazy.


Basicly they are saying you cannot touch Sorcs.


Im a full Cent geared Scoundrel.

Edited by Sathid
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You can put a 2nd bubble from another sorc/sage on the first one ? nah ?


I made a seperate post,could be a number of things but three of us could not break it,i did my opener that does normally around 3.4 k plus a multitude of other attacks,,nothing zip zero,nada.

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What I was discussing (had you bothered to read the post) was the sheer number of them you're seeing lately. That it is becoming like what we were seeing in Warhammer Online at launch with Bright Wizards.


This what happens in a game where leveling is easy and developers are tossing around rather large nerfs. People will keep going to the next FoTM class after one gets nerfed (hence why you see many merc/commandos in the 1-49 WZs now).


The main reason why sorc/sage puts up such high numbers in WZs is that they make the best hybrids. We can stay alive long due to CC, bubble, and heals. But our burst is (usually) a joke. I think that sorcs and sages are easier to play well than some classes. I also think that because of that they are getting popular and will be nerfed. Hopefully BW is just smart enough to focus on our high utility and not reduce our already low burst damage.

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Fine, I'll let you in on a secret, granted, I spec creeping terror (31 pt madness) just so I have a controllable snare to try and catch ball carriers/attackers in fire for Huttball which I end up in the most. For all of you who think I have unlimited cc, and argue that I can keep you stunned forever, creeping terror has a 2 second snare. Snares do not affect resolve currently in the game. Because of this spec, I do not have a blind on break shield, nor do I have an overload that roots.


<Bunch of stuff>


You obviously didn't pick the right spec. All the best Sorcerers that I have faced run the hybrid spec. (Unless they are healers, in which case it's the *other* hybrid spec)


You're arguing Sorcs can't CC you forever, but you didn't even pick the talents that make it possible.

Edited by EternalFinality
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The operative changes are clearly needed. I mean we are talking Imperial Agents just stealthing around behind say the healer Sage and doing insane amounts of damage with Hidden Strike. That just wasn't fair and takes no skill in PvP to pull off.


Sorcerer just needs its dos taken down a notch (say 5-10%) as it isn't fair on the pure DPS classes to have a class that can heal well and cc with the DPS. It is part of the reason so many Imperials play Sorc in PvP. It is just ranged static nuking and cc/heal my way out of trouble if it comes and resume. Again the CC and the heals can remain, but the damage should be dampened to be fair.

Edited by Ewgal
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It's funny to me, if you ask A Sorc how hard it was to level they are all like...." I can solo Heroic quests and it is brainlessly easy...I face rolled on the keyboard to 50...LTP melee noob, leveling and class quests are soooo easy...."


You ask the same Sorc if he is OP in PVP he is like...."Every class has their strength and weeknesses and can be OP.... but obviously WE are not OP and a nerf would be stupid ...I mean look over there (points).... Marauders come on....now thats OP"


Healing ? Check.....


Rediculous amounts of DPS ? (I have seen 500k damage and 200k healing from the same guy in one match) Check...


A Ton of Instant CC, slows, shields and escape mechanics ? Check ....


One of the longest attack ranges in the game? Check...


Special unique utility in PVP ( yank a ballhandler up to goal in huttball or sprint ball accross goal line)Check...


Over Powered in PVP ?...NOOOO!....It's time to have a loooong phylisophical discussion because there is noooo imperical evidence to support the railroading of such a storied, skill based, class...that is obviously missunderstood by the masses not rolled as a Sorc that need to LTP...



....Thats prety much every sorc thread in a nutshell......



...A ton of QQ?... Check...

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To me its only about their nearly infinite energy pool.


I play a sage myself(lvl50 valor50). You start the game with 100 force and 10m max range. Before the advanced class selection its a pain in the butt. Fights not give you any idea about the future gameplay. It's much like a shadow/sin rather than sage/sorc. But when you hit lvl10 and get the basic passives for the class, the rest of the game is bread and butter.


I never had any issues about my energy pool. You get 500 force at lvl 10 and +100 from the tier1 talent tree that every spec uses it. Now thats a really big pool for a dps speced sage/sorc. I also have lots of talents that lowers the force cost of skills. In a nutshell i have nearly infinite force to cast spells.


I also play a vanguard and a guardian(powertech/juggernaut). If I had that kind pool with those I would faceroll everyone in PvP like I do with my sage. Energy works like another cooldown for other classes except dps sages/sorcs. They can pop up any skill without thinking of energy. Thats what seems op to me about the class.

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You obviously didn't pick the right spec. All the best Sorcerers that I have faced run the hybrid spec. (Unless they are healers, in which case it's the *other* hybrid spec)


You're arguing Sorcs can't CC you forever, but you didn't even pick the talents that make it possible.


Alright, so I played last night with the other spec with one more cc (I lose creeping terror snare) but I gain the blind on shield going off and overload snare).


If you can't be me one on one with this, I'm sad for you. Both of those break on damage, so once the fight has started, with my dots ticking, the extra cc is pretty much gone.


The spec does play very good in void start and alderaan, as instant chain lightning procs can put out some decent aoe damage to help pad the stats, and it helped nicely in defending doors.


The biggest gain having the chance to overload when death spawn came out of door to get the extra time due to the big group knockback.


Outside of that, I actually had more controllable cc in the creeping terror spec, as damage doesn't break that snare.


Really, I was trying to give you an example of what goes on in a fight for a sorc. Although some people mention the hybrid spec, the typical shout is nerf sorcs because they are op, and a few have at least said adjustments to trees would fix it.


I would say the spec does have use though. I could much more easily put out more damage overall scoreboard wise, but the spec wasn't making it so I no longer had any issues and could just keep melee off of me forever. The biggest advantage it gave me was possible having one more second if my shield was on and I was opened on by a stealth.


So argue all you want, it didn't result on instant kill of all classes. I lose one dot, and I lose a lot of my bonus damage to dots. It actually was prob a bit worse 1v1 because I lost the dot, which makes me rely on force lightning that much more, and chain lightning doesn't have that much benefit 1v1. It did allow me more opportunities to just run away when scoundrels and shadows opened on me, but I'm not sure how that's op, because my 1 dot isn't going to melt them at all as I'm running, and affliciton is also gonna knock them out of any of the new cc I gained. So awesome. So now I am even more reliant on force lightning (great, all of the newbs who just cast force lightning the entire fight are now the good sorcs who just cast force lightning the entire fight?). Also, my force lightning was not ticking for any more with this spec.


Useful in a "team" game, less useful solo. Yes, the wz's are a team game. I've also noticed guard seems to work more nicely with a team than solo (maybe I'm wrong with that, I guess it's an assumption).


I do agree it's a fun spec, especially in void star where the opposition is almost forced to gather.


I'm not sure why people think kills mean anything, because if you get any damage on someone, it counts for the kill, it isn't just killing blows. And yes, it is more damage being put out, however, as a sorc who tries to spot heal in the dps spec....I'm not worrying about the chain lightning hitting a grp of 5 for 1k damage each every 10 seconds...and whole grps weren't dying just because I changed specs.


OP?....it didn't feel that different outside of a couple situations for delaying death spawn covering door. It helped me pad my damage stats a bit, but my kills didn't shoot up on the scoreboard.


I tried combining my relic and expertise buffs, still no 5k crits yet, and 2.5k wasn't flying around like it was out of style either.


So, as for my conclusion, I'll continue to play this "overpowered " some more to get a better feel. I admit it's an easier spec to play as far as getting more damage, but I laugh at "all of the good sorcs are playing it" when it means I'm even more reliant on force lightning and "all sorcs are terrible and just cast force lightning".


But whatev, it isn't like people would scream about something in negligence on forums or be contradictory in arguments.

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Sorc tool set is pretty ridiculous for both healing and DPS. For all the complaints I ever saw about Operatives I never saw nearly 1/3rd the amount of Operatives that there are Sorcerers. Thankfully rerolling takes no time at all in this game (2-3 weeks tops) so remaking into a Sorc is no problem at all.


Eventually so many of us will make Sorcs they'll have no choice but to nerf :)

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If you can't be me one on one with this, I'm sad for you. Both of those break on damage, so once the fight has started, with my dots ticking, the extra cc is pretty much gone.


Of course I can beat you one on one (unless you're healing spec, then no one wins). But PvP is not one on one. It never was.


Sorcs are not overpowered one on one. In group PvP they absolutely are. Guess which happens more often in this game?


Too much damage, too much healing, too much utility, too much survivability.

Edited by EternalFinality
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To me its only about their nearly infinite energy pool.


I play a sage myself(lvl50 valor50). You start the game with 100 force and 10m max range. Before the advanced class selection its a pain in the butt. Fights not give you any idea about the future gameplay. It's much like a shadow/sin rather than sage/sorc. But when you hit lvl10 and get the basic passives for the class, the rest of the game is bread and butter.


I never had any issues about my energy pool. You get 500 force at lvl 10 and +100 from the tier1 talent tree that every spec uses it. Now thats a really big pool for a dps speced sage/sorc. I also have lots of talents that lowers the force cost of skills. In a nutshell i have nearly infinite force to cast spells.


I also play a vanguard and a guardian(powertech/juggernaut). If I had that kind pool with those I would faceroll everyone in PvP like I do with my sage. Energy works like another cooldown for other classes except dps sages/sorcs. They can pop up any skill without thinking of energy. Thats what seems op to me about the class.


Posts like this deserve far more attention, as they are right on the money.

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(For those unaware of Bright Wizards, they are a class in Warhammer Online. At launch, the class had far too powerful of attacks earned early on which resulted in the warzones being 50%+ Bright Wizards, with them topping the damage charts)


Now that everyone knows Operative changes are on the way, I'm seeing a lot more Inquisitors around - especially Sorcerers. It's like the Operatives are all rerolling the alternative stealth class, or the alternative facemelting class.


Warzones are beginning to look like Warhammer Online's Bright Wizard problem. In the Huttball matches I've played today, the worst so far have been one with 11 Inquisitors, and one with 12.


10 out of the 11 Inquisitors were Sorcerers in the first one, and 8 out of 12 were Sorcerers in the second.


Should we view this as merely growing pains, as a portion of the playerbase looks for another class to play? Or do you think this is going to be a longterm problem, where the game becomes Sorcerer Wars of the Old Republic (to quote a guildie)?


lol... level an alt and all you see in 10-49 bracket are sins and ops... it will level out as time goes on.. i'm sure.

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OPs are rerolling other stealth class ? I am pretty sure sorcerers are not stealth class. Anyway ... looks like next stop of nerf train are sorcerers ... players want the train to make a full circle, after sorcerers come guardians and their mobility, after that sentinels ...


You have to keep the train moving, otherwise it's no fun.

Edited by Repefe
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