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People don't really like playing with other people


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I agree 100%, gamers to day (and i use the term loosely) want everything on a platter, auto aim in shooters, add-ons that automate as much as possible and take the effort out of playing and people too lazy to try things out with-in the game and to find trade skills and specs that are right for them on an individual level.


It’s a shame but gamming, real gamming is dead; personally I’m done with online play this game is my swan song which is why no matter how 5hit it is no matter how much it crashes and burns i will hang in there as long as i can. Gaming died with games like wow and call of duty I’m just glad I’m old enough to remember skill, the joy of getting a rail-gun kill while on a jump pad the joy of kicking people from games because they were as5holes or laughing as people rage quit because they were getting knocked about like a ragdoll, it may all sound harsh to you young’uns but to me the struggle, overcoming the enemy and the thrill of victory was all that mattered, a drug that saw many a sleepless night. Now it’s all where do I put my points, I’m a Jedi knight what magic trade skill should I get, or the classic what rotation should I use, or in laypersons terms I’m stupid and lazy tell me what buttons to press. Anyway i have things to do so get off my damn lawn you hippys or i'll hit you with my walking stick


Real gaming is about as dead as real music, they're both still alive and kicking, you just have to sift through a LOT more **** in order to find a gem.


BTW... I'm the type of guy who grumbles about "music not being what it used to be, where have Pink Floyd gone", and "why don't they make more games like Wing Commander and the Gabriel Knight saga", yada yada... The truth is that times have moved on. Some things are better, some things are worse. But at least now we have platforms like Steam which allow original, niche games like Gemini Rue, Magicka and the like to get at least some form of revenue, games that would otherwise be lost.


Also... I'm not a very social player because my gaming time is basically the only time of day I have to myself. It takes time and dedication to group, and if I'm not willing to put either in, I should not be grouping. And if I have nothing to say I'd rather not say something for the sake of speaking/typing.


That doesn't mean I won't help someone out if they ask for it, try and save a fellow player from death, buff someone as I'm running or even simply respond to a query in general chat.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


The RP server I'm on seems to be fairly vibrant. RP is occurring, out in the 'world' as well as social areas like the Fleet and Nar Shaddaa cantinas. OOC chat in general is usually pretty active, and not always filled with puerile trash either.


So it might be the server you're on.


Alternatively, it might just be you. It's hard to gauge tone by just a forum post, buuut... right out of the gate I get a very 'surly' impression, which isn't all that good for strangers being social, you know?


"Uh... Strangers... I hate this. Do they want to share what they got or take what you got? Do you say 'hi' or do you blow them away?" (The Postman)


It's a thought... and I might be completely wrong about your personality/outlook. Apologies if I am. :)

Edited by Soultranna
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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


Forgive me, as I've only read the first post. But I'm not getting that at all. I play republic side (why do so many people want to play as a loser sith?) and even when we lose PVP my ops team is talking, coordinating, planning, etc... I'm having more fun playing with strangers than in any MMO yet. Maybe create multiple characters on both sides and see if you get something different.

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If wanting to do your story alone is a problem, there is an extremely easy option: don't do the conversation as a group!! You can wait until the other people start their's and then start your own. Or, if you accidentally start the conversation with them, you can hit Esc and exit back out. The only time you can't do this is in flashpoints... which are meant to be multiplayer anyway. I don't see the big deal.
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I for one dont like to group because I dont like the responsability that goes along with it. I don't lead and I don't follow and you have to do one or the other in a group, it's just the way they work. if i want to kill x over here then y over there then thats what im going to do, if you want to help your welcome to. if not fine. :D
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i came here from LOTRO , which was my 1st MMo btw , and the community there is vibrant and active . theres usually 300+ players in the global looking for fellowship channel and all kinds of pugs forming all the time .


here i spend the majority of my time leveling on planets with a population of around 20 , so yeah it seems like a single player game most of the time . once i move off planet to another theres absolutly no reason to revisit it except the rare quest that sends you back for some mundane reason.


not sure if i'm liking it yet or not . currently level 38 and i feel like i'm playing towards a non-existant end game.

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It's not really that the game prohibits people from grouping. It could use an LFG tool, but that isn't all there is to it.


There are a lot of players out there who just don't acknowledge that there are other people playing the game with them. I don't get it, I really don't. Singleplayer games are generally better than MMOs if played as a single player. Why would you play an MMO and never interact with anyone?


It's driving me a bit nuts that across the two servers I've played on so far, I haven't found anything that even looks like a guild worth joining. When I do get a group, very few people even say a word. Seems like people just do it because of the loot but they really hate it.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Hi , I think you are running into the same problem I am, I am on a light server not many people to party with , that to me is the bottom line, I understand bioware doesnt want a mass exodus to one server but at this point I am thinking of moving. I have requested a guild finder to be able to invite offline people but per a response I recieved that is low/nonexistent to thier plans ;(
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It's not really that the game prohibits people from grouping. It could use an LFG tool, but that isn't all there is to it.


There are a lot of players out there who just don't acknowledge that there are other people playing the game with them. I don't get it, I really don't. Singleplayer games are generally better than MMOs if played as a single player. Why would you play an MMO and never interact with anyone?


It's driving me a bit nuts that across the two servers I've played on so far, I haven't found anything that even looks like a guild worth joining. When I do get a group, very few people even say a word. Seems like people just do it because of the loot but they really hate it.

This is the heart of the matter. They give us a LFG Tool, it may be crude and have a couple of design flaws but it works. However people refuse to use it. There's heroic quests, flashpoints, warzones, operations, and just parting together for the hell of it. Saying that the game isn't an MMO or multiplayer game because you CAN solo from level 1 to 50 would mean that also no other game since I think Final Fantasy XI is an MMO.


I find it funny to see people calling in General chat over and over and over again for people for their parties and then I check the tool and see people on other planets flagged LFG for the same flashpoint they are asking for members to go on.


Check the link in my signature and spread the word.

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I freely admit that I'm not exactly the most social of creatures on MMO's (not that I'm much better irl, but... :) ). The main reason is that I rarely have time to play at home (which is when I would be best able to do group quests), but group gaming when I'm at work (yes, my job allows me time to game while working) isn't feasible, as I can never be certain when I'll have to put the game aside to help customers. so, when I do get the odd blind invite (a rare occurrance for me, anyway), I'm usually forced to ignore it.


I don't have much interest in PvP, but I do want to try the FP missions. However, bad PUG experiences on other MMO's have left a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe I should set aside a day where I can ask the family to leave me be for a few hours to try a PUG.

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I don't have OPs problem at all. Well, sometimes I do, on some of the low-pop planets, now that an increasing number of people have started to reach 50, even the slo-mos (like me).


Overall, I think the game is too easy and it's too easy to go through the motions to get to 50 quickly.


But when I'm on Hoth during prime time, and there's only about 50 people there, it feels incredibly empty and somewhat futile to try to find a group. People are often talkative in General chat, though.


Dromund Kaas is the new Barrens chat.


I utterly disagree with this.


The earliest MMOs had no group quests at all. No raids, either.


City of Heroes had almost no group-required quests at all, and people grouped up all the time.


IMO, grouping, in EVERY game, should be utterly optional, and never forced. I don't consider 'group up or skip this content' much of an option.


Did you just list "City of Heroes" as an example of "the earliest MMOs"?


Hahaha, oh wow.


Soon we'll have people that genuinely believe that WoW was the first MMO.

Edited by Luckmann
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The biggest selling point in this game, in my personal opinion, can also be its biggest problem.


The story.


If this is ''my saga'' i dont want anyone to interfere with how i want it to play out. If the group i am in has 3 dialogue options:


1. Save the civilians [100 LS points]

2. Learn more about the situation.

3. Kill the civilians [100 DS points]


I would bet REAL MONEY 95% of ALL empire players would NOT READ ANY OF THE DIALOGUE TEXT and just choose the one with the dark side points ''because my choice is the points, not the story option'' regardless of the fact all 3 were story options. I GUARANTEE if the 100 DS points were attached to the following text ''I am an immature moron'' which THEIR character would say out loud - they would STILL choose the option which held the dark side points.


People do not play this game for the story - they play it to 'be the best'.


DS/LS gains/losses should have been hidden until a mission was done, and dialogue options should've been written out in their entirety.


I don't see the reason for a dialogue wheel in SWTOR. The Dialogue Wheel is a cinematic console crutch. It has no business being in a PC game of this nature.

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I think your community is dead. The Republic is doing just nicely. Apparently, the only thing the Sith have are numbers and an unfair advantage.


The Republic has a strong community: our guilds are growing and becoming more vocal with our sister guilds, our players are more apt to listen and make clutch moves in WarZones, and if you're ever our questing you can be certain to find a small army to come help you out of any jam.


Have fun :)

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WoW is at fault for the general degradation of kindness within the PC gaming community as a whole, WoW players aren't really much different than the little kids on xbox live who squeal in anger when they dont get their way and scream obscenities through their mics.

The WoW playerbase being the cancer it became, spreads to every game it can, older games manage to oust those types of players and thier attitudes thanks in part to already well established gaming communities.


The degradation of a community starts when a developer becomes complacent and a games population grows out of control and that developer is not willing or able to police the behavior that goes on. Frankly I don't think until WoW finally dies(heres hoping) and that generation of gamers who became so unkind thanks to that games atmosphere either grow up or quit playing MMOs will a new MMO be able to launch without being infected by the cretins who call themselves current, or former WoW players.

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WoW is at fault for the general degradation of kindness within the PC gaming community as a whole, WoW players aren't really much different than the little kids on xbox live who squeal in anger when they dont get their way and scream obscenities through their mics.

The WoW playerbase being the cancer it became, spreads to every game it can, older games manage to oust those types of players and thier attitudes thanks in part to already well established gaming communities.


The degradation of a community starts when a developer becomes complacent and a games population grows out of control and that developer is not willing or able to police the behavior that goes on. Frankly I don't think until WoW finally dies(heres hoping) and that generation of gamers who became so unkind thanks to that games atmosphere either grow up or quit playing MMOs will a new MMO be able to launch without being infected by the cretins who call themselves current, or former WoW players.


You'll have people lining up to disagree with you (mostly ex-WoW players, ha!) but you are, of course, absolutely right. Just for giggles, go look up some YouTube Ventrilo "rage" episodes related to WoW. Now try picturing people acting like that back when MMOs consisted of Everquest, or UO, or DAoC. It just didn't happen, or if it did it was exceedingly, scarily rare.


WoW brought ****headedness to the fore, sadly. And now we have to deal with those little btats.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


Thats *********** lie.

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Sadly it's true... there's lots of "kids" out there with too much hormones and alarmingly insufficient social abilities. Sadly they neither can't be avoided or deported to a AcneTeenFestSever.


BUT...f***'em ;) it's your game too. :tran_cool:


I've been playing MMO's ever since AO and enjoyed the good ol' SWG pre CU and all. In those games you had to shout LFG's all over to get anywhere... and guess what... it Worked!! You got a long way by being just a little polite and applying normal social skills to it.


Been seeing ppl complain that SWTOR is to much solo and less MMO, PvP friendly... It's up to you I guess... I've soloed a Sorc healer to lvl 27 and thought hey I wanna do some FPs. Went to the Fleet sent some LFGs and in 5 mins we where a rockin' group =) The rest og the evening I went with several groups, mostly all nice and tolerable even helpfull at times.


...went back to my beloved ship and wondered what all the fuzz was about...


Maybe I'm just old fashioned...

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