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Leave space combat alone!


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I've said it before, I'll say it again...


At the very least, they need to make the existing space combat unscripted.


I could probably finish some of the missions without even looking at the screen, or at the very least by using nothing but peripheral vision. They definitely do not require any sort of attention or skill after doing them once or twice.


That having been said, I'd love to see something like Jump to Lightspeed (party and pvp missions, being able to man the turrets on friends' ships, etc) in SWTOR.

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No, I've never heard of anything called 'angry birds', that said I did a search on it.

Now I see what those ignorant TV commercials are referencing, and yes I do believe those millions of 'fans' must be retarded, or at least very, very bored.

What that has to do with SWTOR's fail in terms of space component, I don't see.


I wonder how you manage to play the ground game. I mean. for heaven's sake you need to actually used different buttons to move your toon around, and OMG there's like whole bunches of different abilities *gasp*.


This game is less then one tenth as difficult as MMO's used to be, far too dumbed down for many of us to enjoy for long. Yet here you are complaining that you wouldn't be able to keep up if you had to use a couple more buttons?

It's optional, go play with your mad birds.


great so i can now completely disregard your opinion as a closed minded person lacking any reason and no understanding of games at all.

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I don't want a space sim added either.


What I would like changed for space combat is this:


1. Stop hiding the secret bonuses. Tell me every possible bonus up front, clearly outlining the objectives.


2. More variety. I was a little disappointed to find out that some of the later missions are more or less identical to earlier ones, just with tougher mobs.


3. The dialogue bits: they seem to be totally random, having nothing to do with what's going on on the screen. Stuff like "Are gonna get through this?" when there's 2 seconds left in the mission and the goals have been achieved.


4. Tell me which freakin' area of space each mission is in, instead of making me remember/hunt for them on my galaxy map.


5. Make it possible to entirely blow up capital ships, instead of just neutralizing all their turrets/engines.


6. Add an optional HP bar for anything and everything that takes more than 1 or 2 laser shots to destroy.


7. Make the escort ships a little less stup-, er, suicidal, like taking a path right between two enemy capital ships.

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you dont understand it ?


why, it is because THERE IS A FLIGHT SIMULATOR ATTACHED to ALL star wars movies.


no exceptions..


Odd and here I thought I didnt control any of those scenes...or that in every single scene in those movies it looked EXACTLY like the space combat in this movie and NOTHING like that thing called space combat in SWG.


Star Wars movies = non-stop action packed combat.

Space Combat in this game = non-stop action packed combat.

Space Combat in SWG = fly for 3-6 minutes to a combat zone, fight a few ships, fly 3-6 minutes back wow SO MUCH FUN cause I can turn on my own while I wait!


Poor space sim = poor game design which would be why after the first year of JTLS most space zones were empty.

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but thats the beauty of it though. people loved arcade games and still do


Damn straight we do. Binding of Isaac is one of my favorite games right now.


I like space combat the way it is. Yes it could use improvement. I wish it was more integrated into the story, like the finale of trooper's Act 2 could have definitely used a space mission before you reached your objective. I'd also like to see some really creative boss fights too.

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What's the problem? It's not like the old missions are going to go away. I doubt they'd stop developing new tunnel shooter missions as new content for other game aspects are developed either. They aren't going to throw away content already in the game.
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Hah, you sound like one of my console player friends in RL that gripes all the time about how hard a game is so plays on easy, uses a strategy guide, and cheats.. completely defeating the purpose of a video game which is simply to have fun and challenge you. With no challenge the game becomes less fun, simply stating I completely disagree with this post and hope BW ignores it. Edited by MaGicBush
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...and many thought it was a complete waste of resources, including the developers and producers of the game


I've seen many posts saying the same thing about BW's space game. I don't agree with that because I find it fun in short periods, but it clearly demonstrates how completely useless your reply is in advancing any argument.


Including the developers and producers of the game? You are just talking crap now. Have fun trolling tonight, going to find a more productive thread to participate in.

Edited by Wepo
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I'll give you "pro-minigame" guys this, space combat in SWTOR and in the Star Wars movies do have one thing in common, they're the same every time I watch/play them.


Seriously, how is the existing space combat even considered a game? Next they'll make space combat a collection of quick time events.

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My two cents is that I enjoy the space combat, tweaking it would be nice, and having more quest based missions would be great.


As far as what I'd truly like to see.... how about exploring PVP space battles in a defined zone or area ? How about missions that have you landing on a carrier deck then doing part 2 inside the ship as a flashpoint? The group could have group objectives during the space combat and then land as a group/boarding party and run a flashpoint.


I'd like to have more choice on "Mobililty" inside the missions versus just a plain "rail system", but I realize that they cant just design unlimited space for you to fly around in either. Missions could be a lot more interesting even with the current space combat system. Defending a capital Rep/Imp ship, bombing/fighter missions on other parts of contested worlds would be a cool idea. Group PVE and PVP space combat seems like a no-brainer, it would be great to see this even without major changes to the system we currently have.


Honestly, I don't know what they are planning for the space combat changes, it's fun right now, but I don't want a space flight simulator type system. This game in my opinion is a melding of RPG and MMO, so adding expanded space combat is a logical step.... This IS Star Wars we are taking about!;)

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I'll give you "pro-minigame" guys this, space combat in SWTOR and in the Star Wars movies do have one thing in common, they're the same every time I watch/play them.


Seriously, how is the existing space combat even considered a game? Next they'll make space combat a collection of quick time events.


You have not played the later level space missions. No one blows through them unless they have the top ship items thus later level space missions are just like any other PvE, once you are geared out, its easier...oh and BTW, can anyone name me what part of SWG free form combat was hard if you had a decent ship?


Oh wait...SWG space was not only a free form badly made space sim with long periods of NOTHING HAPPENING BECAUSE YOU HAD A LONG FLIGHT TO THE ACTION, it had no challege either!

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You have not played the later level space missions. No one blows through them unless they have the top ship items thus later level space missions are just like any other PvE, once you are geared out, its easier...oh and BTW, can anyone name me what part of SWG free form combat was hard if you had a decent ship?


Oh wait...SWG space was not only a free form badly made space sim with long periods of NOTHING HAPPENING BECAUSE YOU HAD A LONG FLIGHT TO THE ACTION, it had no challege either!


Pretty sure who you quoted did not even mention SWG as an example, do you know how to read? Freeform would be nice, and yes a challenge would be nice no one is comparing it to SWG which I have the same opinion as you.

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You have not played the later level space missions. No one blows through them unless they have the top ship items thus later level space missions are just like any other PvE, once you are geared out, its easier...oh and BTW, can anyone name me what part of SWG free form combat was hard if you had a decent ship?


Oh wait...SWG space was not only a free form badly made space sim with long periods of NOTHING HAPPENING BECAUSE YOU HAD A LONG FLIGHT TO THE ACTION, it had no challege either!


Thanks for telling me what content I've done and haven't, I must be mistaken while you clearly know what I've done in-game.


It doesn't matter what level the mission is, they are always the same, that doesn't take a lot to master. Well unless you've got the attention span of a 5 year old.


Any part of space combat in SWG was more challenging than anything in SWTOR's space combat. You know, having enemy ships that did things differently each time, having to track targets, etc. Oh, and you know, STEER YOUR SHIP.

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Any part of space combat in SWG was more challenging than anything in SWTOR's space combat. You know, having enemy ships that did things differently each time, having to track targets, etc. Oh, and you know, STEER YOUR SHIP.


SWGs free form combat was an illusion. The enemies in space were always in the same spot in space and all used the same AI attack patterns


Ooh, you got to steer getting to them...wowie!


Look mom, im driving in a generic sim where im forced to go to the same spot but I can take weird turns getting there even though I WONT ILL JUST HIT AUTO AND AFK TILL I GET THERE CAUSE ITS BORING AS HELL WITH NOTHING TO DO TILL IM THERE!

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and now that you see his newest post talking about SWG what do you have to say? ...


Well he didn't mention it in the first post, now he's changing his point and apparently he has no writing comprehension(or memory of his first post).. Not my fault, my original post still stands. I want freeform, and I want a challenge, not SWG combat.

Edited by MaGicBush
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Well he didn't mention it in the first post, now he's changing his point.. Not my fault, my original post still stands. I want freeform, and I want a challenge, not SWG combat.


Actually no. read previous posts.


Almost everyone asking for freeform combat are from SWG and EVE...most just asking for more challenge are askign to have THIS combat systems difficulty increased. No free form game can or will match the action of a rail shooter and no star wars mmo should lack action.


increase the difficulty of the earlier missions to come closer to the later game missions and watch those complaining about how easy it is stop complaining because they havent done the later missions yet.


And no, I dont want to hear you have because unless you waited until you were level 48 to start decking your ship out with end game purples, you did not have an easy time of those missions that would have torn you up without them like they have done to arcade players.

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I sort of agree with the OP on this. Space Combat is just something to do while your companions are out doing whatever and it breaks up the questing, which gives a little veriety to the game. Maybe a little later on they can add in Free Roam Space Combat and put it on a timer or something, but won't that also just turn into a rail system once you get the patterns down?


Now, what would be really cool is if the put in some sort or Space PvP Combat.

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I really want to see a more sim-like experience in the space missions.


The rail-shooter feel currently is very jarring. Not being able to control my ship, and frequently being forced into asteroids because of it, is extremely aggreivating.

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