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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Typical Empire Team


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4 classes per team and the entire team is 2 of those classes.


How the hell is that remotely balanced?


B/c those classes hold an advantage in pvp, long range aggressive attacks, and ability to heal. And also lack skill. all the sorc's do is spam chain lightning from max distance on melee or bh and tracer missle until they are dead. and the melee, especially in huttball have almost no means of LOS, reaching the target or putting up a valid defense. Just run until you los or die.


I see the point youre making, but itll only be met with sarcasm and harassment. People who are contributors of such behavior(though not deemed BAD behavior) wont admit ot it b.c then they admit to their skill shortcommings.


But i see your point, ive seem WZs where ones team was 90% sorc and the other was 90 jugs/mara. take a guess who won.


and its 8 classes per team and the entire team are 2 of them.

Edited by LeonkRAV
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B/c those classes hold an advantage in pvp, long range aggressive attacks, and ability to heal. And also lack skill. all the sorc's do is spam chain lightning from max distance on melee or bh and tracer missle until they are dead. and the melee, especially in huttball have almost no means of LOS, reaching the target or putting up a valid defense. Just run until you los or die.


I see the point youre making, but itll only be met with sarcasm and harassment. People who are contributors of such behavior(though not deemed BAD behavior) wont admit ot it b.c then they admit to their skill shortcommings.


But i see your point, ive seem WZs where ones team was 90% sorc and the other was 90 jugs/mara. take a guess who won.


and its 8 classes per team and the entire team are 2 of them.


One thing you gotta understand about pvp, its all about getting the edge, getting the advantage and basically not beating your opponent with skill, but rather have something that puts you ahead of them seemingly unfairly. Hence why most pvpers since say 2nd week starting from early release took up op, sorc, BH or their counterparts in pvp.

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Dang. You lost to an enemy team with those stats? Were you 6v8 the whole time or something?


Also, why would you complain about the bh/inquis when it's the warrior who destroyed you, judging by stats.

Edited by Crimsane
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how many warzones did you have to enter to find this magical team composition so you could post it on the forums?


so pathetic.


Ive seen it alot, when i play my jug, there has been plenty of times where i was the only jug amoungst an entire team of inquisitors,or played agaisnt a team consiting of all commandos/sages or when i play my sage my entire team are scoundrels and one marauder.


Hes not bsing at all, its true, you know it is. But of course no one would expect you to admit to it. Thatd not how the interwebz works right?

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4 classes per team and the entire team is 2 of those classes.


How the hell is that remotely balanced?


ah but then we add in that there are 2 advanced classes per base class. your screenshot doesn't tell us what advanced class each of those players is. for all we know half of them are different advanced classes. considering inquisitors and BHs both have tank and healing advanced classes as well as dps , how is it NOT balanced?


eventually everyone will run into a match or two where the entire enemy team(in random wz) is one class. that's just how it works when there are a million subscribers, 4 base classes and 3 warzones.


i just don't see what there is to get upset about...:confused:

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Dang. You lost to an enemy team with those stats? Were you 6v8 the whole time or something?


Also, why would you complain about the bh/inquis when it's the warrior who destroyed you, judging by stats.


It was huttball dude stats dont matter.

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B/c those classes hold an advantage in pvp, long range aggressive attacks, and ability to heal. And also lack skill. all the sorc's do is spam chain lightning from max distance on melee or bh and tracer missle until they are dead. and the melee, especially in huttball have almost no means of LOS, reaching the target or putting up a valid defense. Just run until you los or die.


I see the point youre making, but itll only be met with sarcasm and harassment. People who are contributors of such behavior(though not deemed BAD behavior) wont admit ot it b.c then they admit to their skill shortcommings.


But i see your point, ive seem WZs where ones team was 90% sorc and the other was 90 jugs/mara. take a guess who won.


and its 8 classes per team and the entire team are 2 of them.


God i love posts like this calling any class other then there's no skill. Saying that all sorcs do is spam one spell just shows how little you know as specs are a dot class with heals and a low dps chanle spell.

I play a sorc and a gunslinger , both can kite but by far my gunslinger is Easter to play .


Iv tryed both to level 25ish imp.and pub for the Op.as hell.opps and mercs.

It don't get any more easy then a merc . But specs are casting more then one spell over and over try it so you have a clue

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Whats with no one realizing you dont need to dps in huttball.


So many noobs on this forum who dont understand objectives.


Right, controlling mid for easy scores after reset isn't helpful at all. Don't kill the enemies near ball spawn, just stare at them while they grab the ball after your team scores. Damage isn't necessary in huttball, after all.

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