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This Game or A Kotor 3 For 360


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Just want to see what people would think.


1. If it was on the console the graphics would be better.

2. Maybe even some xbox live stuff.


But anyway just wanted to kow what people would think.. Personally Kotor will never be beat.

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the graphics aren't nearly as bad as people are saying. i certainly agree that they could be better, especially compared with some beta builds. i also agree that it's pretty seedy to advertise the game play using settings that aren't available to us.


but it's still a pretty awesome looking game.

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The Mass Effect 3 team could make it.


Most of the "Bioware" people on this game are just the renamed Bioware Mythic people... Similar to all other EA games at this point (like how Bioware LA is making Command and Conquer, just EA LA with Bioware's name on it)...


EA bought the Bioware name and is slapping it on everything that can have a name at this point, knowing full well that people will buy the name no matter the product... Look at this game...


People played Mass Effect 1/2, Dragon Age, etc and saw this and were like "WOAH MASS EFFECT WAS GREAT AND NOW A BIOWARE MMO!? SIGN ME UP!"

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1. If it was on the console the graphics would be better.


Are you serious? The graphics card in the 360 is ancient by modern standards. It doesn't even support AA! The entire system has 512MB of memory. The graphics wouldn't even come close to a well-done PC game.


2. Maybe even some xbox live stuff.


Um. The Internet works just fine?


Personally, I'm sick of getting ****** graphics, poorly designed interfaces, and all sorts of other limitations on my PC games because they have to work well on consoles. **** consoles.

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Wait, graphics would be better how? Consoles are running on 7+ year old hardware. They have been at their limit for a few years now. Developers have been having to use tricks to make the games look good compared to the PC counterparts.
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I'd love to see a KOTOR 3; mainly to visualise the lore properly. In a perfect world we would have both, but alas SWTOR is defiantly making up for that. I understand people's concern with graphics, however I can only imagine they will get better with time as more time is spent 'upgrading' content rather than trying to fix bugs. Edited by Tavion
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Consoles have so much better graphics. Most definitely a console.


This isn't even debatable. The graphics capabilities of any console out there are far, far inferior to modern PCs. It's not even close.


How anyone could believe this is true is a total mystery to me.

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/shrug. This game is KOTOR 3, with a bunch of grinding in between the story. I've gotten my fix from the game out of that. Was a fun single player exp, and worth the money I payed for it. Will it sustain itself as an MMO? I personally doubt it, but you never know.
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This isn't even debatable. The graphics capabilities of any console out there are far, far inferior to modern PCs. It's not even close.


How anyone could believe this is true is a total mystery to me.


This x1000

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This game, hand down. The graphics of a LucasArts KOTOR3 could be mind blowing on a 360, but only because it would be a single player game and console resources could be devoted to the graphics as a result. SWTOR isn't a single player game and I like being able to play it with friends.


There has been debate (some rather heated) in the forums about whether or not TOR is a single player game. It's not. In single player games the story isn't pervasive - it can be interrupted by save points (autosaves or player saves) so players can have do-overs. Escaping out of solo quest interaction to make a different choice is the only single player option TOR has. Compared to the overall functionality of the gamne, that's fairly minescule.


If you were maybe thinking of a KOTOR3 MMO for the XBOX, good luck. Microsoft wants nothing to do with MMORPGs. They don't want anything to do with subscription models other than maybe F2P. They don't want the CPU/memory requirements, nor do they want the network infrastructure hassles.


Definitely happy with this game.

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