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Grapple into spawn with ball, fair play?


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I've resolved to report every character I see doing this for exploiting, because that's clearly what it is.


Really, becuse every response we got back on this question from a CSR was "working as intended" or "legitmate use of game mechanics".


Deal with it and move on.

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Using mechanics already implemented in a game is a much different story than using 3rd party programs to manipulate the game code. Nice try though.


BD doesn't say "Certain kinds of cheating are encouraged," he just says "cheating."

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Ball crosses the line it should be a goal!


Make the change!

It doesn't actually cross the line, it needs to cross the line in someones hands hence throwing over the line doesn't score, that is why when you pull them up to the balcony it is over the line, subtle difference.


Also Assassin puller is best, you can stay in stealth till you see your target.

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Really, becuse every response we got back on this question from a CSR was "working as intended" or "legitmate use of game mechanics".


Deal with it and move on.



I actually finally got a professional response from BW on the subject, albeit a vague "We'll investigate and won't tell you the results" style of response. So I'll continue reporting people in the hopes that the deluge of tickets results in BW's developers actually coding a legitimate means of preventing people from farming the spawn point, rather than this ill-considered work-around.


In regards to some of the previous points on how to prevent it, I imagine that works once in a blue moon. Those strategies are viable only on matches where your opposing team is so under-geared that you're able to waltz to their goal line with half your team and all your cooldowns available.

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I am of course referring to Huttball, where a Powertech/Vanguard can grab you when you're nearing the goal and pull you into his spawn, instantly killing you can giving up the ball. After having this happen to me earlier I was told that it was perfectly legitimate and in no way an exploit.


Is this honestly what passes for legitimate gameplay? A maneuver that has zero risk and instantly counters someone who's about to score a goal? And the only way to prevent it is through either full resolve or one of very few abilities to grant CC immunity?


Hell, I think from now on in Huttball I'll just wait at my own spawn shelf so the enemy team can never score when playing against my PT.


Two things just to clarify really quick:


1) There is some risk, because depending on the angle of the pull it will actually make you score. I don't pull most of the time because the risk really isn't worth the reward if you're going to be killed anyway.


2) If someone is sitting up there being a tool, use his own lame-o tactics against him and throw the ball at him. It kills him and gives the ball to you.

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Isn't this just a bug? I would think that if a ball carrier is in possession of the ball as he crosses the goal that's a score. If he gets gibbed afterwards, fine, but the score should count. The fact that the score is not currently counting I would say is a bug.

Is it fair play? Yes, absolutely. There's no glitching or hacking of the game code which is allowing this to happen. It's something that's available to both sides to exploit.

It's just something that BW should fix in a patch moving forward, either by extending the spawn zones to prevent it from happening or fixing whatever is causing the score not to count.

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It's not an exploit.


No one who can pull can stay up on the ledge for a long period of time.


Both sides have access to classes that can pull it off.


There are abilities that can prevent being pulled.


The only change I think needs to be made is that it should be an auto score, but as it stands now if you do it just a little late they will score regardless, so maybe that's fine as is.


In addition I've seen several times now where the person pull doesn't die, they are on the ledge but alive and can just drop down again.


Comparing the grapple move to mechanics where there is nothing you can do to counter (such as the voidstar wall glitch) is silly, that's clearly bugged.


Comparing it to things such as speed hacks, well I don't have words for idiotic that is.

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Isn't this just a bug? I would think that if a ball carrier is in possession of the ball as he crosses the goal that's a score.


Yeah, this is what makes me imagine it might not be working as intended as you should get a score regardless just by crossing the goal line, if they want to be a douche nozzle fine but the game should at least work correctly.

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Cheating is encouraged. Cleaver use of game mechanics if you ask me... so much so that I wouldn't even consider it cheating. But then again I was the guy standing in lava for 5 hours with a disc priest for our first sarth3d kill so who am I to say what is cheating... :)


In it's current state it is an exploit. Speed hack is cheating too, should that be ok? Maybe I'll go ahead and download it, after all, Baron Deathmark said it was ok, right?

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In it's current state it is an exploit. Speed hack is cheating too, should that be ok? Maybe I'll go ahead and download it, after all, Baron Deathmark said it was ok, right?


Well, I did read multiple posts saying that cheating was okay.. go for it. :D

Edited by MalakDawnfire
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The ball carrier needs to be aware of their environment. If you see a guy standing up in the kill zone, don't try to score near him.


So you're saying if I have the ball, and there's a Powertech on the ledge I should...run back and forth like some kind of idiot until he gets bored of waiting for me to score?

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So you're saying if I have the ball, and there's a Powertech on the ledge I should...run back and forth like some kind of idiot until he gets bored of waiting for me to score?


I'm saying you stun him, wait 10 seconds for the force field to close, pass to a friendly who is already across the line, or run to the corner to score.


You have options, dying is the only dumb one.

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I'm saying you stun him, wait 10 seconds for the force field to close, pass to a friendly who is already across the line, or run to the corner to score.


You have options, dying is the only dumb one.


Stunning is only an option if I have a stun with the same range as Grapple, most people don't. Or they have one, which odds are will be on cooldown because you used it to get to the goal line in the first place.


The waiting for the force field to close thing only works if he's sitting in his own spawn like an idiot, if he's smart he can creep along the top wall and avoid all but the longest range attacks.


And of course I can always pass to a friendly, and while the ball gently sails through the air he can grab him instead.

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Oh that. Yeah I hate that. I go out to fight, protect the ball carrier, be the ball carrier (tank). Stop the enemy ball carrier etc. Try to keep the enemy away from my ball carrier etc. If I die and happen to respawn and out of the forcefield while your running of the ramp to try and score, then yeah....I am gonne try and grapple you. However I will not Kill myself just to get there and wait for you maybe to show up.


This is exactly what I do. If I'm killed and just as I'm coming out of the respawn area I see the ball carrier coming, or someone standing in the zone waiting for a pass, I'll grapple them up and quick jump down.


It's funny being accused of standing up there the whole game specifically to do that, especially when most of the time I'm out trying to either protect the ball carrier or be the ball carrier.


I'm considering not doing it anymore simply to avoid the "Oh great now Katman's exploiting" complaints in General and having to explain the various ways to counter it. I don't see anything wrong with it, and I welcome the other team trying to do the same to me when I'm on their end. But at the same time, I don't want to be labelled a douche just because someone doesn't understand the mechanics and starts crying exploit.

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I am of course referring to Huttball, where a Powertech/Vanguard can grab you when you're nearing the goal and pull you into his spawn, instantly killing you can giving up the ball. After having this happen to me earlier I was told that it was perfectly legitimate and in no way an exploit.


I tested this and I have to admit now that it *can* be done. You have to stand in the right spot (the wrong spot gives them the score), but it can be done.

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I use it though I wish I could find a Dev post about it.


There are counters to it and a number of them have been posted previously so I wont waste my time.


Is it an exploit for a Jugger to jump to a person coming out of the spawn point? I mean u can't stay in the spawn point for long or risk being ejected from the game. And as far as I know there is no defense against the Jugger's jump to an enemy player. It's game mechanics, it's not a secret, many people have asked for an answer to this and I cannot find an actual Dev saying 'yay' or 'nay'.


I've been pulled to an insta-death quite a few times... though I've already scored since I never run straight to the center of their spawn point, I come in at the far ends making them run to me and giving myself a few more seconds to score. IMO this is just your normal 'qq' about something that some consider an exploit because


A: the qq'er does not play a class with a pull. OR

B: the qq'er doesn't know how to counter it.

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