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No offense but a lot of people said that Rift was going to give WoW some trouble because it had a very smooth launch, added a lot of content post launch, and that game is never going to give WoW trouble. Now, I understand that TOR is launching with bigger numbers than Rift did, but honestly the Developers are going to have to fight an uphill battle to really dent WoW. Just my 2 creds


while i have to agree rift launched with no raids, horrible end game content, and flipped the pvpers the bird. not really going to keep anybody pulling stunts like that

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i agree I've been logging into wow and after about 30 mins i end up back here reading the forums i just can't bring myself to stay in that game after the thanksgiving beta


Agreed. I have been playing a little more for lack of anything else to do but not spending any time on end game toons in WoW as it is just not very enjoyable. I have a few guildies from WoW that are coming to TOR along with me but otherwise I hope the majority of WoW stays right there and maybe TOR can enjoy a slightly better caliber of players.

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Same here. Why are people saying SWTOR's endgame will suck? What is so great about WoW's endgame? A lot of us flat out refuse to play it and yet people are still in denial?


My theory is that a lot of the kids who like Cata are newer, or something.


The first problem of SW:TOR is that its endgame is the _exact same_ as WOW's. A lot of people are sick of instanced endgame content for 10 people in a "MASSIVELY" multiplayer online game. There's a lot of better ways to do it but SW:TOR didn't experiment at all, just copy paste.


And well obviously it does have LOW amounts of endgame content too.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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Fans of this game are just as bad, stop kidding yourselves.


Other than the rage on the forums (EDIT) *over the EGA*, so far I've really liked the community. Have you seen all the reasonable posts? The WoW forums are bloodthirsty over everything and anything. You get 2-3 vicious attack posts for every helpful one.


Also like someone else had mentioned; you know it's a good game when people are raging that bad because they can't play. I think the beta drove people more crazy than they'd like to think.

Edited by rocket_dog
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You see posts like this every time a new mmo comes out, it's nothing new.


You may indeed see posts like this every time new MMOs come out. However, that was my post and WOW was my very first MMO to ever play, and SWTOR will be my 2nd. I was faithful (if you can call it that) to WOW for 5 years and unless SWTOR just really goes way downhill over the next few years I can't see myself going back to WOW. Now we will see what happens when/if Titan comes out, but that is a whole new discussion.

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Other than the rage on the forums, so far I've really liked the community. Have you seen all the reasonable posts? The WoW forums is bloodthirsty over everything and anything. You get 2-3 vicious attack posts for every helpful one.


Also like someone else had mentioned; you know it's a good game when people are raging that bad because they can't play. I think the beta drove people more crazy than they'd like to think.


Look in any thread about addons, LFD tool, or arenas and you'll see plenty of the WoWish behavior from the people against them. It's just as bad.

Edited by RamataKahn
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No game should expect to ever match WoW.


Frnakly, WoW's next MMO shouldn't expect to match WoW.


WoW is a fluke. Even Blizzard still can't believe the numbers they have.


Every company out there thought that if you couldn't pull half Blizzards numbers, you failed. Finally they have realized, just paying the bills is enough.


SWTOR already said they can operate for years on only 500k subs.


Honestly, a pay to play MMO should be proud to claim 1 million subs. More than that and you are doing superbly.


With the long list of great free to play MMO's it takes a strong game to pull a million pay to play subs.


Frankly, I hope the WoW people stay there. There are some who are decent, but the majority are 12 year old brats who only ruin what they play. I would rather this game have 500k subs than 2 million ex-wow brats ruining it for the rest of us.

Edited by Staalker
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The interesting fact is that Blizzard, in cold panic and sweat, offered 2 weeks of free play to nearly anyone in their database..


I laughed to that offer of course.


On another note; WoW has been dying before TOR came out. The deal with china already dropped them near to 4.8M subs, and people leave it still.


WoW is OLD. For people saying that if TOR doesn't innovate they'd go back...


Well, you may not find a game worth going back. Just move on already it has been 9 years, it's lifespan is done.


Edit: as another interesting fact, Bioware said that only 500k subs were enough for them but seriously, who expects this? I think it'll stabilize around 2M subs in a year and it even may grow, but even if it didn't, they still make a KILLING.

Edited by Manweth
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Honestly, a pay to play MMO should be proud to claim 1 million subs. More than that and you are doing superbly.


With the long list of great free to play MMO's it takes a strong game to pull a million pay to play subs.


Frankly, I hope the WoW people stay there. There are some who are decent, but the majority are 12 year old brats who only ruin what they play. I would rather this game have 500k subs than 2 million ex-wow brats ruining it for the rest of us.


All well said. I guess in the end, I'm just eager to watch WoW burn because of Blizzard's poor decisions and it's disappointing to know that they probably won't for a while yet.

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The interesting fact is that Blizzard, in cold panic and sweat, offered 2 weeks of free play to nearly anyone in their database..


Blizz isn't panicing in the slightest, stop kidding yourself


On another note; WoW has been dying before TOR came out. The deal with china already dropped them near to 4.8M subs, and people leave it still..



They are at 10 million.


Just move on already it has been 9 years, it's lifespan is done.


It's been seven years. And if UO can still be going for over 15 years, WoW is going to be around for that longer or longer.

Edited by RamataKahn
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The interesting fact is that Blizzard, in cold panic and sweat, offered 2 weeks of free play to nearly anyone in their database..


I laughed to that offer of course.


On another note; WoW has been dying before TOR came out. The deal with china already dropped them near to 4.8M subs, and people leave it still.


WoW is OLD. For people saying that if TOR doesn't innovate they'd go back...


Well, you may not find a game worth going back. Just move on already it has been 9 years, it's lifespan is done.


Edit: as another interesting fact, Bioware said that only 500k subs were enough for them but seriously, who expects this? I think it'll stabilize around 2M subs in a year and it even may grow, but even if it didn't, they still make a KILLING.



Deal with China? I am unfamiliar. What are you talking about?

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This game will hurt WoW somewhat I think but not kill it, that being said there are a lot of ppl leaving WoW for TOR, I was amazed at some of the threads I've seen concerning that. One guild leader of a big guild, played WoW for years then played the beta and couldn't even log into WoW anymore he said, that's a pretty big impression. And this was on the WoW forums. And a lot of guild members are leaving to join with him.


WoW is killing itself quite well. Lost over 2m subs this year and continues to hemorrhage subs every day. A lot of folks weren't too happy with pandas either because they aren't happy that pandas are going to be the big guys in town now and be the new flavor, plus a lot thought they looked ridiculous and more class imbalances will occur. WoW isn't dead but it's definitely on a BIG decline. It's not creative in the least anymore and people seem to be getting more bored with each new expansion that comes out, I have a feeling the pandas xpac will bleed even more. This time next year they'll prob lose several more millions of subs.


Who knows by then TOR may be the big kid on the block.

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You may indeed see posts like this every time new MMOs come out. However, that was my post and WOW was my very first MMO to ever play, and SWTOR will be my 2nd. I was faithful (if you can call it that) to WOW for 5 years and unless SWTOR just really goes way downhill over the next few years I can't see myself going back to WOW. Now we will see what happens when/if Titan comes out, but that is a whole new discussion.


Ya, if Titan does come out it still won't be for a very long, long time.

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I think this game is going to HURT WOW. Badly. Not today, not next week, but I give it about 3 months to gain traction and get all over youtube and get to every MMO player out there.


Judging from the fact that BioWare had to do a lottery because of the mad dash to the London event (unexpected?), I wonder if they realize how big this is going to get. They only had 150 spaces for a STAR WARS mmo Launch event in LONDON. That lack of good planning is almost funny if it weren't so tragic... IT'S STAR WARS! COME ON!


When friends of mine say "SWTOR" is "Amazing" and I hear "This is the best MMO I have ever played" from serious WOW heads, that says enough for me.


OK so WOW has 12 million subscribers... how many of those people are just hanging around in Azeroth because nothing better has come along? A LOT. Trust me. Like half of my old guild and a dozen people I know who just got bored with it. Kung Fu Panda? Come on...


Rift? Rift is just WOW with slightly better graphics and much more boring artwork. Fat chance, I tried it and was bored in 10 minutes. Next...


Eve online? Cool game if you are into it, but dying is for real in that game, and everything takes FOREVER. 4 months and I was out. So what else is out there? Well, there's Aion (sucks, next...), LOTR, er...? Guild Wars, too niche...? I know there are a few others, but come on, seriously.


THIS IS STAR WARS! With 17 Planets, 16 advanced classes, a bunch of races, and personal Star Ships! Star Wars is like an 8 billion dollar franchise and SWTOR is like the HOLY GRAIL of Star Wars games (at least to people like me). I should know, I was there back in 1977 when the first Star Destroyer came over head and when I was a kid I wanted to grow up and become a Jedi Knight! Now, I can! (But being a Sith I'll just have to settle and be a Bounty Hunter... ha ha!).


Even I didn't know about SWTOR (or at least didn't know that it was an MMO!) until 2 weeks ago. My best friend told me "Hey, there's a Star Wars MMO. Did you know about that?) I remembered Old Republic a while back I saw some videos about SWTOR about 2 years ago that were talking about the animations, and the story line, and blah blah blah blah. I thought it was going to be a Star Wars version of something like Fallout New Vegas, or Skyrim. Just another single player game going to sit on my shelf collecting dust after about 3 days of play because there is no depth to it and I can't play it with my friends.


As soon as I found out that it was an MMO, that changed everything. Immediately. I rushed to the website, started pouring over character progressions, looking at the planets, the artwork, the music, the animations... I went ******* and said SIGN ME UP FOR THIS YESTERDAY!


I have been telling people for the last year, "How come nobody has come out with a sci fi MMO that's good?" I was ready to sign up for this even before I even knew about the game.


A LOT of my WOW friends at work have never even heard of SWTOR. When I tell them "It's an MMO like WOW, but it's Star Wars and its a war between the Jedi and the Sith", every last one of them is signing up for it.


Then, there were the 2 million beta testers. I'm going to say that again, without trying to be sarcastic: There were 2 MILLION beta testers. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


Anyway, I just hope I get my invite soon because poking around the forums is getting boring. I want to lose myself in this game, ASAP.


THANK YOU BIOWARE! You guys rock and I can't wait to experience your hard work. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure! This is easily the coolest thing since 2004, and maybe one of the coolest things in the last 30 years.


Finally, THANK YOU also for looking at the cool factors about what makes an MMO really cool and really fun. Keep it up! (Please.)



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The first problem of SW:TOR is that its endgame is the _exact same_ as WOW's. A lot of people are sick of instanced endgame content for 10 people in a "MASSIVELY" multiplayer online game. There's a lot of better ways to do it but SW:TOR didn't experiment at all, just copy paste.


And well obviously it does have LOW amounts of endgame content too.


We are the players yes, it's our job to give good feedback on what we want for end game, I agree I don't want just instances to run either, that's why we have to really think out of the box and help them to do so also.

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I can't believe people still play WoW. I played for about six months from launch, got max level, did raids etc, got bored and left. I just can't play the same game over and over again and i do not understand how anyone can do that...


isnt that what an MMO is all about? doing the same thing over and over again?


ever played world of tanks?.... lol

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That blog is full of misinformation. No source, nothing.


Also, it's old. They had issues with Chinese servers once, it got resolved and everyone started playing again.


Don't kid yourself, SW:TOR won't come close to WOW's numbers, ever.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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Folks in WoW who like really good story lines, and lots and lots of lore, which SWTOR has it will bring a lot of those players here. They love the VO, the choices in dialogue, the fact that you affect your story line with LS/DS options, nothing like that is available in WoW. After grinding dull, boring quests for years in WoW and going into a vegetative state, this game is a huge breath of fresh air for many in that game.
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It's much more likely that this game will attract people who used to play WoW but have already quit due to disinterest in the game.


TOR might attract a few curious WoW-players for a short amount of time, but keep in mind that people currently playing WoW must still like WoW enough to pay for it.


The only real dent I see it making is attracting the people still playing a WoW sub but barely logging in anymore because they're so tired of it. And I simply don't believe that's a high enough number to be a noticeable dent.

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wow isnt going anywhere, anytime soon. Why does it have to b WoW or SWTOR? How come we can have both, both have there pros and cons. Ive played both and i enjoy both very much.


So in 5 years are we gonna hear about X mmo going to be the SWTOR killer?

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