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597K & 648K Pyrotech in Voidstar


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I just want to chime in that I've been using 4/6/31 since I hit 50 on my Vanguard a few weeks ago and it does insane damage. Every other Vanguard I've talked to on my server runs with a version of either the Tactics (aka Advanced Prototype) 31 build or the 21/2/18 build.


I'm almost to the point gear wise to be able to start getting 5k crits on HIB (railshot) when relic/stim'd. Just need a few more pieces of gear and that perfect moment.


I'm really surprised at how few people run this spec, it is so incredibly versatile. I almost always run it with Ion Cell (aka Ion Gas Cylinder) so that I can have guard on a healer/ballcarrier and I just rely on Incendiary Round (aka Missile) to light targets up. But when I don't and I can have Plasma Cell on (aka Combustible) the deeps I can put out goes to 11.

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Is it just me or is anyone else hearing that background laugh? The laugh is only for a second or so.


Awesome video btw :)


Edit: Nevermind. Just saw the post on this page :)


I'm assuming the Trooper has a similar effect with High Impact Shot? (Kept hearing that cackle while on my Trooper and it was bugging the crap out of me. Thought my PC was being possessed :p)

Edited by Celwinn
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I have yet to run into any dps PT's that are worth a damn myself, on the Swiftsure server.


I am almost always one or two on my team in damage, medals, protection, kills, and soemtimes in deaths.


Pyro is a great spec, and the only real shortcoming on it is the lack of any type of heal what so ever. Most classes get a passive self heal or actual heals. Because of this its hard to string together long kill streaks or not die 4+ times in a wz. Other than that, VERY good spec/class.

Edited by Humankeg
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I have yet to run into any dps PT's that are worth a damn myself, on the Swiftsure server.


I am almost always one or two on my team in damage, medals, protection, kills, and soemtimes in deaths.


Pyro is a great spec, and the only real shortcoming on it is the lack of any type of heal what so ever. Most classes get a passive self heal or actual heals. Because of this its hard to string together long kill streaks or not die 4+ times in a wz. Other than that, VERY good spec/class.


Play Pyro in a way like an Operative plays. Get in, do your burst, run out and OOC Heal yourself if you took damage.


You can still be top damage, while having very little deaths, and keep constant pressure on the team.


If a person is jumping in the middle of 5 people and expecting amazingness, well, you are a bit delusional. You will die fast.

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Damn, those are hella high numbers. My best is only 480k atm but I don't have much luck with healers or getting republic like that lol. One thing I would suggest is IMing the people on the door a bit more. I noticed mostly in the beginning you were keeping that guy off the door but constantly tapping him when you could have just dotted him up and hit others.


Good stuff though, how much power/surge you running without trinket/adrenal?


See ya in warzones lol. -Stunning

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Impressive, however I think your team deserves a hell of a lot more credit than you :p


I mean I've managed to get 360k in a full Voidstar with no champion gear and 15-20 deaths, naturally with you only dying once and in far superior gear its not that surprising to see a much higher number. Not that I'm saying your not a good player but it was certainly more your spec and your awesome healers (and some lovely clumping reps for some tasty AoE) that got you this number more than your personal skill.

Edited by theangryllama
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Great videos. Although I am only level 30, this is the build I am going for and have been using in WZ's. I don't do this much damage yet but I do pretty well. What I have discovered about this build/playstyle is I can pretty much solo anybody and have a great chance of winning. I do occassionally run into a sniper though who can take me out, and you will notice that happens to him in the first few minutes of one of these videos. He also gets whacked by an Operative, and I guess they occassionally kill me too. The operative is getting nerfed soon but I am beginning to wonder if this is why I'm seeing so many sub level 20 snipers in warzones.


Anyway, the other thing I have discovered about this build is if the focus is on me in a warzone we are basically going to lose. For instance, if I'm the highest level in the warzone with a bunch of snipers and marauders that are under level 20 on my team, the other team is just going to take me out fast. Again and again. I need a strong team to kill a few by themselves to keep them from focusing me. I don't necessarily need a healer I just need to not be focused.


Again...great videos.


PS..To the guy saying he ran Ion Gas. That kinda defeats the purpose of snaring them and setting them on fire.


Edit...I know that any class will get crushed if focused. What I mean is that this spec is spec that requires you to be in the middle of the zerg with fairly low defense (since you are not using Ion as noted above). So it's much better if the zerg doesn't notice you and you can move quietly through it setting them on fire one by one. If the zerg does notice you because your team is weak and not sufficiently distracting them, it's goodnight.

Edited by Sanzibal
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Damn, those are hella high numbers. My best is only 480k atm but I don't have much luck with healers or getting republic like that lol. One thing I would suggest is IMing the people on the door a bit more. I noticed mostly in the beginning you were keeping that guy off the door but constantly tapping him when you could have just dotted him up and hit others.


Good stuff though, how much power/surge you running without trinket/adrenal?


See ya in warzones lol. -Stunning


Power 316

Surge 198

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Meh.... over geared + healers farming damage. Oh and OPchem... i'm just saying, 400k+ is nothing to get excited over.


Its all about the gear... which by the way, is sad that Merc gear is better for Pyro PT.... but at least it looks better! *********** crab hats...

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Is it his gear/expertise that is making his rail shot crit for that much? I don't see many skills under the pyro tech tree that make his railshot that powerful.


His rail shot is basically ignoring defense. Only 10% of their armor is being applied, so it's actually BETTER than elemental or internal at that point (Since Mark of Power gives everyone 10% reduction on those, and you can't honestly expect anyone to achieve damage reduction in excess of 100% against kinetic!). The setup of the trees almost demands that any pyro build take the full 90% armor penetration potential, since its in the first row of AP, and a damage boost in the first row of ST.

Edited by Randomness
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His rail shot is basically ignoring defense. Only 10% of their armor is being applied, so it's actually BETTER than elemental or internal at that point (Since Mark of Power gives everyone 10% reduction on those, and you can't honestly expect anyone to achieve damage reduction in excess of 100% against kinetic!). The setup of the trees almost demands that any pyro build take the full 90% armor penetration potential, since its in the first row of AP, and a damage boost in the first row of ST.


+1 You are correct.

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Thing is, people just play like that. The game will always consist of 90% noobs and 10% skilled people, even in the 50s bracket.


I disagree with this. On 4 (of the 5) servers I've played on, the Republic side is some of the dumbest people I've seen play, where as the Imperial side seemed to at least have some ability to play together as a team (at times). I don't know why this is really, but pugging on republic is much worse then pugging on imperial. It's honestly painful to do pvp without a pre made on republic.

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You obviously know your class. So I don't want to take anything away from you, you play well.


But the opposition, not so much.


Too spread out, they weren't moving in clumps and they tended to ignore you.


On my server, that''s a very rare thing indeed. They're also clued into the powertechs damage potential if left alone. Bottom line, I'd like to have your server for a day.

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You obviously know your class. So I don't want to take anything away from you, you play well.


But the opposition, not so much.


Too spread out, they weren't moving in clumps and they tended to ignore you.


On my server, that''s a very rare thing indeed. They're also clued into the powertechs damage potential if left alone. Bottom line, I'd like to have your server for a day.


To be honest it all depends on the time of day or day of the week. I've run into good groups and some really bad ones. I do however love when people ignore me. :cool:

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I think my low pop server is both a blessing and a curse. There is a small group of hardcore pvpers from both sides. It benefits us in that I've been "pugging" the same people since baby pvp so many pugs might as well be premades. Bad side, its the same thing for our opposition. They know who to focus, who to avoid and who to CC as much as possible, which is me most of the time - drives me crazy.


Recently though, there's been large wave of new players entering adult pvp so hopefully they'll stick around and expand the dynamic.

Edited by Sowwy
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I had something very similiar to your spec and was using it as well, but i came up with some light changes and it works well for me. Take a look. I decided not to use TD because I have been more focus on the PPA and getting those railshots. I am still working for my set bonus on that eliminator's gear which i can image how awesome that extra 15% will be.




I also spent the extra points to get the 9% increased aim of shield tech. I also don't bother for that PA for the 3%. That's just me. My rotation usually consists of:




FB....RP or FB till RS comes up again. Not to mention I pop my relics and Explosive fuel.


Other abilities i use them according to the situation IE flamethrower DFA etc...


If anyone has any suggestions please let me know if anything needs to be adjusted.


Good job on the build and nice vids OP

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I had something very similiar to your spec and was using it as well, but i came up with some light changes and it works well for me. Take a look. I decided not to use TD because I have been more focus on the PPA and getting those railshots. I am still working for my set bonus on that eliminator's gear which i can image how awesome that extra 15% will be.




I also spent the extra points to get the 9% increased aim of shield tech. I also don't bother for that PA for the 3%. That's just me. My rotation usually consists of:




FB....RP or FB till RS comes up again. Not to mention I pop my relics and Explosive fuel.


Other abilities i use them according to the situation IE flamethrower DFA etc...


If anyone has any suggestions please let me know if anything needs to be adjusted.


Good job on the build and nice vids OP


Hey thanks.


I tried a similar build to that when I was first hammering out my spec. A buddy and I bounced ideas off one another at that time and I thought the extra flame damage and stats would be worth it at the time. I ended up changing my mind.


Although that is a nice spec that pushes your aim up, you give up a lot of single target burst/dot damage by not going up to TD. TD in and of itself can crit for some big numbers. (3-4K range) Couple that with that extra dot damage from Burnout and most targets that you are on die quickly especially when they hit low life values. (>30%)


From a numbers viewpoint my overall dps is higher since I switched from running aim to using TD and Burnout.


As for your rotation that is pretty similar to what I run minus TD of course.


Thanks for the reply



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