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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I started on 1 of the new servers, back when the queues were 30 mins long, but now..


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Ugh, all I know is.. I have held out for as long as I can on a dead server. I know re-rolling on a higher pop server, I would forget about how it was on a dead server.. I just cant help but ask myself, why is this my problem?


This happens on all mmorpgs (except for one). The next big mmorpg you play will have the same problem. Roll on a light server during launch and you will QQ about dead servers 1 month in.


So just beware, next time do not roll on light servers no matter how tempting. And why do devs keep opening new server so much? At most bioware should only open up a couple new servers instead of 2 dozens.

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They will do this when its too late. It literally needs to happen like yesterday, and yet they havent even acknowledged the problem yet, let alone an ETA on transfers.


Cancel for a few months, come back and hopefully they get the picture.


this. so disappointing. for a new mmo there is no dialogue going on between players and devs. WHAT GIVES BIOWARE?

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They will do this when its too late. It literally needs to happen like yesterday, and yet they havent even acknowledged the problem yet, let alone an ETA on transfers.


Cancel for a few months, come back and hopefully they get the picture.


Im hoping to prevent canceling my subscription, I like the game very much.


So, instead of canceling, I have come here to fight for us low population/population imbalanced peeps.. (QQ'ing as the kiddies like to call it)

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I too, rolled on a low server. Instead of looking for people, getting a guild together with like-minded people, using some virtual elbow grease, and a little hardwork to get an economy and a group together to play, I came to the forums and just cried.



You realize there are semi-server forums now, right? Get over there. Find a guild or start one. You don't have to be forever alone.


You obviously have no clue about the problem, so you shouldn't comment. You can't create a guild with no people.


Seriously, take 5 minutes and create a character on The Defenestrator. Log on at night on a weeknight. You will see a total of 15 people in the entire fleet. You will see 2 people on Ilum. This isn't about putting in effort, this is about empty servers.

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This is exactly why when a new game comes out, I ALWAYS play on a server that has the highest ques, mine being Jung Ma, where at early headstart and release we had up to an hour wait. I gladly sat in my ques, knowing this would happen to other servers that were low-medium. The people on low populated servers shouldn't be the ones suffering, BW told people to roll on low pop server to avoid ques so it's their problem and they need to fix it fast.


ALWAYS, ALWAYS roll on a high populated server with a high que at release. I agree they should give people on low pop servers a free transfer off, but BW are too egotistical atm to do that. They're being knocked down a peg right now with losing subs, they need that to get a fire under their bums to get stuff done. They were smug and didn't listen to beta testers, and now this is what we have.

Edited by Tiam
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Is it just me or are a very very large amount of servers light/medium during peak times lately?



My server is pretty slow(was high/que first week of game) but its not dormy(yet)



Did they just up the caps by a bunch or did that many people quit/roll on the few higher pop servers?


People are qutting left and right, "This is not the MMO you are looking for" aptly describes the situation. Populations are going to drop for another month or two then will stabilize.

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this. so disappointing. for a new mmo there is no dialogue going on between players and devs. WHAT GIVES BIOWARE?


They were exactly like this in general beta too, no communication. I think this hurts BW more than they are willing to realize.

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So seriously, are you guys paid Blizz employes... er how does this work? So *********** old. The Blizz rant this month is a call to merge servers. lol.


ps. Im on a standard server, always a min of 250 peeps in Imp Fleet when I log in. So seriously, quit with your lame *** rants, It's very tiresome.

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I am level 50 with absolutely NO WZs period, no HM parties, no OP parties, and hardly anything else to do, aside from being forced to play an alt...!


Okay pick up the drama and exit please. Exaggerating is not going to help the situation at all and undermines the validity of the statement. Not to say that finding one of them isn't easy.


Why not say the truth that you are frustrated at the lack of them?


Oh right seems to tell the truth on the net is a no no and stretching it is more a believable statement.

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Okay pick up the drama and exit please. Exaggerating is not going to help the situation at all and undermines the validity of the statement. Not to say that finding one of them isn't easy.


Why not say the truth that you are frustrated at the lack of them?


Oh right seems to tell the truth on the net is a no no and stretching it is more a believable statement.


I can attest to all of his statements above except warzones on my server. Those seem to be the only thing thriving on the Republic side. Other than that, no FP, not even heroics. I have been able to do a couple FP's with a friend of mine in real life but that's about it.

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I think introduction of free server transfers without actual server merges is not that easy.


Bear in mind that if the feature become available, it is entirely possible that not everyone will use it. There might be small casual pve guilds which are not bothered by the fact that they are in the imperial fleet alone.


So you either end up with servers with tens of players, which seems rather pointless, or with server merges.

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I can attest to all of his statements above except warzones on my server. Those seem to be the only thing thriving on the Republic side. Other than that, no FP, not even heroics. I have been able to do a couple FP's with a friend of mine in real life but that's about it.


It would be nice, if for my 4 hours nightly game play, I could attend a single level 50 WZ. I have done HM Black Talon and Battle of Illum FP, once each. Most of the level 50s I knew, disappeared.

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So seriously, are you guys paid Blizz employes... er how does this work? So *********** old. The Blizz rant this month is a call to merge servers. lol.


ps. Im on a standard server, always a min of 250 peeps in Imp Fleet when I log in. So seriously, quit with your lame *** rants, It's very tiresome.


I am happy for you. You seem to be on a healthy server. There are however servers that are not very healthy right now. My server doesn't see even half as many in fleet as you appear to have on your server.

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I can't believe this game doesn't have server transfers. Who wants to re-level a main character more than once?


I feel sorry for you people on low pop servers, lol even the high pop server at release feel your pain. Spending all day on a weekend to try and get a hm during peak times....gfg.

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Seriously, take 5 minutes and create a character on The Defenestrator..


1: Who would want to roll on a server with such a stupid name? I mean, i know this isn't a real point, and that most of the server names suck. But seriously? Sounds like the title to a bad B movie.


2: Month old game


3: Server mergers are only done by MMOs that are in their death throws and one step away from shutting down or going F2P. Blizzard has had low pop servers since launch and not once have they ever considered merging.


4: Server mergers are bad press, scare away potential new players, and raise very polarizing questions like who gets to keep what name? Or guild name? What will the server be called?


5: Back to the names. You don't f with a MMO gamer's name.



The best thing BW can do is take a page from Trion and offer free server transfer with a 1 week CD.

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Okay pick up the drama and exit please. Exaggerating is not going to help the situation at all and undermines the validity of the statement. Not to say that finding one of them isn't easy.


Why not say the truth that you are frustrated at the lack of them?


Oh right seems to tell the truth on the net is a no no and stretching it is more a believable statement.


Log on my server (the Defenestrator) and see for yourself tonight if you think some of us are exaggerating.

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This is like the 3rd or 4th thread I've seen like this and it boggles my mind....



"I joined a low pop server"



followed by



"There's nobody here! This game is dead!"




Are you serious right now? Were you expecting a relatively NEW server with a LOW population to be very active? Especially in the lvl 50 only WZs?


That's like if you wanted to go to a chat room, you see that 10 of them have 50+ people, but you decide to go to one of the rooms with less than 5 people... then you complain there's nobody chatting. Not a very strong comparison, admittedly, but still relevant.

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I am level 50 with absolutely NO WZs period, no HM parties, no OP parties, and hardly anything else to do, aside from being forced to play an alt...!


Playing an alt is all there is to really do in this game anyway.

Edited by Wintermutes
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