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2 Hour Deserter debuff


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I don't really understand the problem with people leaving. If they leave, they don't get their free commendations, valor, credits, and XP if they should need it. If they want to leave let them, what does it do to you? If they left the WZ in the first place, do you think that they would have really been a big help had they stayed?


So what, they leave, doesn't harm me in any matter.


The issue for me is that when a loosing team leaves.... even the winning team is punished by not getting a WIN.


This however is to prevent exploiting. All they need to do is remove the ability to roll the op faction on the same server and this would be a dead issue.

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i support this, even though i'm guilty of abandoning a few warzones in my time. in my defense, it usually happens on alderaan when on the initial rush, everyone goes mid or left and naturally it's a wipe. what's the point in staying if your team is that bad?


for christ's sake, go left and right! it isn't hard! you nerfherders!

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This is retarded:


Some people leave because the game crashes/bugs


Some people leave because internet isp had a hiccup/went down or router issue


Some people leave because they are pugs against premades and they don't feel like being farmed for 15 minutes




Terrible idea and won't ever be implimented - that is unless you are a caster finding something else to QQ about then Bioware will take it into consideration...

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I literally just left a Hutball match. I don't play that fail WZ, period. Ever. I'll leave even if it means waiting 15 minutes. 9 out of 10 times we're playing against an Imperial team ( due to *genius* design), that plays Hutball nonstop and is obviously better at it than a Rep team that plays it 30% of the time. Pile every stupid design about that map ( seriously, whoever designed it needs to be fired and sterilized so their spawn doesn't contaminate the gene pool) on top, and yep, I leave as soon as I zone in.
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The funny thing is, I've never zoned into a wz that was hopeless. I usually get into Alderaan when the Repubs have two turrets and it's like 450 to 470, or get Huttball when we're trailing 1-0. It's like people come in a the beginning, see that the other side is actually (gasp) going to fight back, and leave.
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The issue for me is that when a loosing team leaves.... even the winning team is punished by not getting a WIN.


This however is to prevent exploiting. All they need to do is remove the ability to roll the op faction on the same server and this would be a dead issue.


Of course, the core of the problem is not about people leaving warzones and punishing their team. The course and reason for a thread like this is because premade groups don't get their dailies done because of this. Same excuse that premade is all about "playing with friends". It isn't about playing with friends, it's about easy winning.

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I will not support a timer for leaving a WZ early until we can premade a full 8 man WZ and a "bads" list to blacklist *******/afkers who I never ever want to play with again.

But you know full well what you're going into when you queue by yourself, or with you 4-man premade... I have to deal with the same ****, but I never abandon.


Anyways, so long as the game can tell who's deserting and who's randomly crashing I don't really care what they do. Tired of complete scrubs leaving warzones because the team starts to lose. Those people are no better than the people that queue up and derp around all game long.

Edited by Ukita
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Until they fix the whole queue system, I'll 'desert' when I enter a huttball game that's 5-0 with 8 minutes left...or Alderaan when they've capped all 3 and are waiting under the ledge...or lately, when my team starts with 5 and gets the abort sequence right from the get-go. No reason to let the queue drag in people who immediatly (and I understand why) leave. Honestly, once a side drops below 6 in the first minute, just end the WZ with no medals for anyone. Better than feeding in victims 1 at a time while the other side farms.
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I have a limited amount of time to play on most nights (real job, life, GF, bills, etc) and I don't have time to spend 4 - 5 hours JUST to get my daily done and hang out in worse than losing games with a bunch of mouth-breathing tards who refuse to learn how to play the game, yet insist on complaining that no one wants to play with them.




Uh do you not realize this is a self-fufilling prophecy?

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Leaving just because it's a loss is pathetic. I can understand leaving a wz against premade farmfests, but just because you dont win? Don't do pvp if you can't handle a loss.


Are you going to leave the WZ when it's 2mins left and ur losing by 1-2 goal(s) (lets say ur team had bad positioning) even thought it's quite balanced and the fights are really intense? If the answer is yes - never hit the queue button again.


Hell, my most enjoyable battles have been losses.



I usually only leave if I have limited time and need wins for the daily/weekly. I suspect I'm not alone. It certainly doesn't help when some of my warzone victories don't even count towards the quests. :mad:

Edited by mobywv
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I get your sick of people leaving early, so am I, but this is not the way to get it fixed. The simple truth is, in addition to bugs, sometimes **** happens and you have to leave. I agree with the 15 minute debuff idea, because it's appropriate and 99% of the time when someone deserts it's because they're poor sports and can't handle losing.
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Another thing that I haven't seen mentioned is that the person taking your place gets screwed too because you don't get credit for the win if you come in late. If I come into a match halfway through and we manage a come from behind win, I want credit. I think 20 minutes is a fair debuff time, only if you quit the WZ manually after it starts. 20 minutes keeps you from getting the next WZ at slow times when only a few people are PVPing, but doesn't completely ruin the day for someone who has to leave for a legitimate reason.


I get that it's not fun to lose and people feel they have a right to pursue fun in the manner they see fit. Fine, but I have that same right and when people drop out of WZ's for ANY reason they are effecting my fun too. I'm willing to assume it's a good reason most of the time, but I could probably name the repeat offenders on my server and I'm pretty sure they don't have things come up every time we fall behind or someone calls them out for afking. If you pvp then you know what you are getting into, sometimes its not a fair fight, stick it out or get the dubuff.



* I should add that if you quit before the match starts, fair play to you. At least I know right off the bat that you didn't want to be there, or aren't willing to play that map.

Edited by Phillipidies
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Wheres the "report player afk" button? Ive seen so many people that are happy to sit outside the repsawn zone and go afk and theres isn't a single thing anyone can do about it. I think this issue should be fixed before implementing a leavers debuff.


I seriously welcome the people that leave. 9/10 they are people that are making the warzone fail in the first place.

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I am getting so tired of entering a half finished War zone nearly 70% of the war zones I enter are already half finished and 95% of those, the team you join are usually losing.


So please please start punishing these deserters they don't deserve to enter and new War zone 2 minutes later and then again ruin it for someone else because they will again leave.


So I'll add a little more


The "I only have limited amount of time to play a day" response what a load of crap other people have the same problem as you, but unlike you they don't decide to screw over the rest of their team and other players who have to take your spot, just because they believe they have a right to be on the winning side.


The ones that leave are usually the ones that have become so accustomed to good players carrying there useless *** they start to believe they are actually pro them self's, and because the other side is playing better everyone on their team must be really **** except of course them self.


No I don't believe a 2 hour debuff is ridiculous it would make people actually try harder if their team was losing as going afk or just leaving wouldn't really be a option anymore. Of course CERTAIN bug would have to be ironed out of the game.


adding a deserter debuff would be patheticly stupid



why should someone that gets dc'ed or get kicked due to the spawn barrier keeping them in the spawn area get a deserter debuff


and for that matter why should players stay in games when you just got a bunch of exploiters facerolling everyone because they are abusing so much stuff you cant even get near them.no player likes feeding cheaters points i can tell you that now.


adding a deserter debuff right nowwith how broken pvp is right now would just screw people over

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I am getting so tired of entering a half finished War zone nearly 70% of the war zones I enter are already half finished and 95% of those, the team you join are usually losing.


So please please start punishing these deserters they don't deserve to enter and new War zone 2 minutes later and then again ruin it for someone else because they will again leave.


So I'll add a little more


The "I only have limited amount of time to play a day" response what a load of crap other people have the same problem as you, but unlike you they don't decide to screw over the rest of their team and other players who have to take your spot, just because they believe they have a right to be on the winning side.


The ones that leave are usually the ones that have become so accustomed to good players carrying there useless *** they start to believe they are actually pro them self's, and because the other side is playing better everyone on their team must be really **** except of course them self.


No I don't believe a 2 hour debuff is ridiculous it would make people actually try harder if their team was losing as going afk or just leaving wouldn't really be a option anymore. Of course CERTAIN bug would have to be ironed out of the game.


Ya great idea, lets force pugs to be farmed for 12 mins vs a premade, ya that sounds totally resonable.


No, the only time you should debuff people for exiting a match is if you are no longer allowed to queue as group for standard WZ's (insted allow them in a ranked premade vs premade queue) This prevents the farmfest that ends up just wasting the opposing teams time.

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But you know full well what you're going into when you queue by yourself, or with you 4-man premade... I have to deal with the same ****, but I never abandon.


Anyways, so long as the game can tell who's deserting and who's randomly crashing I don't really care what they do. Tired of complete scrubs leaving warzones because the team starts to lose. Those people are no better than the people that queue up and derp around all game long.


Yeah you are right you could blacklist everyone in the game and not get a match. But that would be the problem of the player. Personally, I've got a TS full of people to play with most evenings so I don't care about having to find a match and pugging it around.

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I've said this in another post.


I don't care one bit about Huttball so I'll leave the moment I can after they put me in one.

As long as they don't tell me what WZ I'm about to enter they shouldn't punish me for leaving.


Leaving cause people are **** is another thing, but you also have to consider.

Some stealther will just go afk in a corner instead of leaving. Which means you won't get somoene potentially useful for the entire WZ duration. Which hurts your case even more.

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I think this is a bad idea.I shouldn't get punished because i leave a WZ that has ppl with no common sense in it which just pisses me off,and makes me not want to play,and by common sense i'm talking about the dumb *** ppl who stand on the back ledge in Huttball, and let the other team jump to them over,and over so the other team can get 6 points in less then 4 mins,or a WZ with afk ppl which doesn't happen to much any more,but still happens.
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