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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Sorcs/Sages


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So wait... Sorcs and Sages are just supposed to be free kills for people? That's what is being demanded here? I'm so lost...


Pretty much. As of now its 50/50 whether i can kill a competent melee class while on equal ground. Even the times i win i have about 10-20% hp left.

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Pretty much. As of now its 50/50 whether i can kill a competent melee class while on equal ground. Even the times i win i have about 10-20% hp left.


Yeah but that's against competent ones. You aren't leaving any chance for the INcompetent. Sage/Sorce obviously wont be balanced until its 50/50 against incompetent players.

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So you're rolling a healer for PVP. You can only pick one of the following.


Heavy armor






Slows (when assisting dps)

Friendly pull



Hrmmm tough call which one is stronger in pvp. Really....tough....call.


Protip: Heavy armor just means you get next to no pvp utility and get clobbered by people with a brain. The small passive mitigation boost (which doesn't apply to a lot of damage/gets ignores by armor pen) does next to nothing in PVP. There's a reason PVP isn't decided by who has the most passives.

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So you're rolling a healer for PVP. You can only pick one of the following.


Heavy armor






Slows (when assisting dps)

Friendly pull



Hrmmm tough call which one is stronger in pvp. Really....tough....call.


Protip: Heavy armor just means you get next to no pvp utility and get clobbered by people with a brain. The small passive mitigation boost (which doesn't apply to a lot of damage/gets ignores by armor pen) does next to nothing in PVP. There's a reason PVP isn't decided by who has the most passives.


yes because BH mercs/commandos ONLY get heavy armor as a perk. Perhaps you should list what else they get?

Edited by OsirisZoran
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Protip: Heavy armor just means you get next to no pvp utility and get clobbered by people with a brain. The small passive mitigation boost (which doesn't apply to a lot of damage/gets ignores by armor pen) does next to nothing in PVP. There's a reason PVP isn't decided by who has the most passives.


So the Commando/Merc god-mode bubble on a 2 minute cooldown isn't worth noting?


Right, you watch a heavy armor healer deal with a 3v1 gank then watch the light armor deal with it. THEN come back and tell me how overpowered that light armor is. Oh the sprint, yeah... we sprint through stunlocks all the time.

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I only listed what I felt was considered a "pvp tool" and the sorc/sage healer doesn't also get.


So light armors get a Timed shield? - No

So light armors get an instant cast? Which typically is used for a BIG heal? - No


EDIT: and the Slow isn't as awesome as everyone is cracking it up to be. Most melee classes have either a Grapple, Leap, or Saber Throw that tags us... and its typically the death of us as we are running because we only have 20% health (or 1 hit) left

Edited by RJChief
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So the Commando/Merc god-mode bubble on a 2 minute cooldown isn't worth noting?


Right, you watch a heavy armor healer deal with a 3v1 gank then watch the light armor deal with it. THEN come back and tell me how overpowered that light armor is. Oh the sprint, yeah... we sprint through stunlocks all the time.


You realize I have to take 10k damage to mitigate (with my 2 minute cd shield) what sorc/sages get on a 30 second cd they can keep up on other people as well as themselves because the CD isn't in the ability itself but the targets? And that's if I'm lowballing the amount of damage it absorbs at 2.5k.


Not to mention that you can pre-bubble when you're not taking damage so that when people do get on you, you can renew it as soon as it breaks (as long as the debuff has already faded).


I think you're the first person I've ever heard call 25% mitigation shield "god mode". Thanks for making me chuckle.

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So you're rolling a healer for PVP. You can only pick one of the following.


Heavy armor






Slows (when assisting dps)

Friendly pull



Hrmmm tough call which one is stronger in pvp. Really....tough....call.


Protip: Heavy armor just means you get next to no pvp utility and get clobbered by people with a brain. The small passive mitigation boost (which doesn't apply to a lot of damage/gets ignores by armor pen) does next to nothing in PVP. There's a reason PVP isn't decided by who has the most passives.



Actually you get to pick from:


Medium armor and awesome heals over time


Light armor with bubbles and utility




Being an unstoppable god who requires 4 people to focus fire to die.



If you are a Bounty Hunter healer, complaining about Sorceror healers in PvP, you should probably just uninstall the game and try something more to your skill level, like Hello Kitty Online.

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If people spent as much time practicing their PVP game as they do on the forums crying for other classes to be nerfed (healing or otherwise) we'd probably see a lot less of these threads.


But hey, I'm all for jumping onto bandwagons just for the sake of doing so. Oh look! A bandwagon!! /jumpson.

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It is getting funny tho, I don't know whether the sorc/sage class is OP or not, but the last huttball I played I was the only one without a "sith" in their class name and 5 of those were sorcs.


Cause it's Fotm. Wait for 15-20 days and see Huttball composed of 15 sorcerers/sages on 16 players :p:p

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I dunno seems huge difference between how useful my healing sage is in pvp vs how useful my healing commando is in pvp at least i still have more than 3 attacking abilities as a commando


and i do notice a huge difference in TTK vs the 2 classes each has thier own perks how everyone makes it sound is there really should be 3 abilites in this game



Attack Button 1

Heal Button 2

Defend Button 3


all the rest are not fair after that point

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Actually you get to pick from:


Medium armor and awesome heals over time


Light armor with bubbles and utility




Being an unstoppable god who requires 4 people to focus fire to die.



If you are a Bounty Hunter healer, complaining about Sorceror healers in PvP, you should probably just uninstall the game and try something more to your skill level, like Hello Kitty Online.


/win thread

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You realize I have to take 10k damage to mitigate (with my 2 minute cd shield) what sorc/sages get on a 30 second cd they can keep up on other people as well as themselves because the CD isn't in the ability itself but the targets? And that's if I'm lowballing the amount of damage it absorbs at 2.5k.


Not to mention that you can pre-bubble when you're not taking damage so that when people do get on you, you can renew it as soon as it breaks (as long as the debuff has already faded).


I think you're the first person I've ever heard call 25% mitigation shield "god mode". Thanks for making me chuckle.


I'll take that 2.5k figure and double it for the pre-shield/re-shield tactic. So you have to bust 5k damage before scratching us... Ill premise 1K a hit to lowball your lowball. So you hit us 5 times, then keep hitting until we go to heal --> stun and continue to hit until we go to heal --> interrupt or knockback and continue to hit while we heal for our lives.


How is this difficult? And you fail to mention that Consular/Sorc tends to be an immediate target especially if they are caught healing someone. So we become the target of 3 ppl. I promise you there is NOTHING we can do against 3 people who know what they are doing. The triple stun alone is our demise.

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Just need to nerf reverberating force and reverberation talents. Sorc/Sage will be less overpowered in their burst damage. Makes sense really as a Lightning Spec Sorc can heal as well as dps making it very OP compared to say a Gunslinger that will just DPS. Also, Imperial side there are usually 4 or so lightning spec Sorc in the side which seems unbalance.


Bioware reduce the DPS, they can keep the heals and CC. This will still leave them a very healthy class to play in PvP.


Stop saying this, DPS sorcs have 2 heals. 1 is a 1.5 second cast for ~1k the other is a 3 second cast for ~2.5k and these #s are before the 30% healing reduction in PVP. Which means in a warzone it takes probably 2.7 seconds (considering alacrity) for a sorc to heal themself for less than 2000hp. Is there any class in pvp that can't do 2000 damage in 2 GCDs?


Sorc DPS is continous it's not burst with high crits like some other DPS classes. When I was DPS specced the highest crit I got popping a +200 power relic was 2600, however it was a telekinetic wave that hits 5 people (for less damage than Force sweep, with a 2 second cast time). It's not difficult for sorcs to top the damage chart because most of the skills they use in the DPS specs are either AOE, have no cooldown, or procced for an instant cast.


It doesn't take much to take down a sorc, this place is just filled with idiots who think they should be able to cut down a sorc without burning their defense cooldowns or interupts. I can't tell you how many times I've been owned by a good juggernaut because he times his interrupts well.


(for the record I agree that sorcs are better DPS than gunslingers, but that's b/c gunslingers are in need of a buff not because sorcs are OP)

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I'll take that 2.5k figure and double it for the pre-shield/re-shield tactic. So you have to bust 5k damage before scratching us... Ill premise 1K a hit to lowball your lowball. So you hit us 5 times, then keep hitting until we go to heal --> stun and continue to hit until we go to heal --> interrupt or knockback and continue to hit while we heal for our lives.


How is this difficult? And you fail to mention that Consular/Sorc tends to be an immediate target especially if they are caught healing someone. So we become the target of 3 ppl. I promise you there is NOTHING we can do against 3 people who know what they are doing. The triple stun alone is our demise.




EDIT: And if your a dps Merc god knows all you needs is to Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle Tracer Missle.

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