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Nerf Sorcs/Sages


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Are you kidding me...? I actually went to the forums right now to make a post about jedi consular. They ARE impossible to kill almost. I am a sorc, and I have never managed to kill a jedi consular. Yes I know, I suck and all that... But I am not alone thinking this as everyone I have talked to hate these jedi's, they are the most powerful class in my view.


me either because jedi consulars dont exist at lvl 50

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I find it kind of absurd that when people complain about their utility no one ever lists their dispel and i've seen about 2 sorcerers actually use it (they were disgustingly difficult to kill and i hope people continue to be ignorant of this utility).

The simple fact is very few sorcerers are using all of the utility available to them and are still doing particularly well despite this.




All healers get a dispel including the imperial operative.

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You dont play a sorc/sage.


what 2 stuns are 30m and ranged???? electrocute is the only stun we have.


Instant cast whirlwind has to be SPECCED into. Interupt is FOUR second lockout. Knockback + root has to be SPECCED into. You cant have all this and be a GREAT HEALER.


Stop exagerating its sickening.


The baddies are the ones complaining. The more talented players who actually spend time specing and gearing appropriately don't seem to have these issues, interesting how that works huh? Also, in other related news, most of the complaints are generated from < 50 PVP.

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I play a sage and i can say we are absolutely overpowered to the tenth degree.


Not only do I have every Utility tool in the game, ON TOP OF THAT i also have absurd damage and survivability.


Knockback+root?, 2 stuns 30m ranged? instant cast polymorph 30m range? Sprint? Interupt that locks out for 6 seconds at 30m range? you cant even BEGIN to compare the utility of this class to other classes.


EDIT: they need to place the utility talents higher up in the balance and Telekinetics trees so that you cant get BOTH the utility from Telekinetics and from balance....


You forget the whirlwind actually heals the one affected, and our armor is light = easy to kill once they get past our defenses.

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Sorc/Sage are absolutely the best class in the game because they have absolutely no weaknesses and have all the capability in the world. They need to make bubble have a longer cooldown and make it so sorc/sage do not have force speed.


These two changes would fix them. because then they would be a glass cannon and not be so mobile as a ranged class that its ridiculous.

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There couldn't possibly be anything behind the fact that in every warzone the top people are always sages or sorcs?


No, I must be hallucinating when I see those marks at the end.


This has to do with the way the medals work, not with how strong the class is. Remember: medals gained determines placement on leader board.

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I both agree and disagree with the OP.



I am a level 50 Sage, almost in Battlemaster gear (yep n00b).


....totally heal spec'd... I can't do anything else.


When I am targetted. I can stay alive with stuns and healing, outhealing most people unless they are battlemasters...


However, Operatives even with the update can kill me everytime.

Low level Bounty Hunters can also kill me, everytime.


My healing can only heal, I can't hurt them.


So... in that sense. I am not overpowered.



But... if I have help, I can stay alive a lot longer. And in some ways Sages who are a mixture of DPS and Healing, can kill most people.


But I wouldn't say they need a nerf. If we arn't killing people that quickly. Survivability being high is no reason to nerf them.

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I play both a BH healer and sorc healer.


1. They both have 10 sec breakable CC.


2. They both have 4 sec stun. The sorc one is sligthly better because it has no travel time.


3. They both have AoE knockback. Talented BH gets tech-curable snare, sorc gets breakable/force-curable root.


4.My sorc has bubble every 17 secs, doesnt last long against a player that knows what he's doing. IF I am lucky to enter a combat with 5 seconds left on shield and get to refresh it after opponent's openings, guess what, I actually get to toss a heal or two on another teammember without dying. What does the BH get? If specced rigth he gets god mode shield every 2 mins.


My BH healer does waaaay more dmg than the sorc. And better burst. But my sorc doesnt spend as much force on the dmg. Reasonable trade.


The only real difference is that sorc has sprint. And what does the BH get in return? A lot more armor. I can honestly say that I spend a lot more time laughing my pants off on my BH than my sorc. Reason is this: A good sorc you will a hard time catching up to. A good BH healer you will have a hard time denting. Variations will occur due to pug vs premade, and im talking about reasonable figths here, not the average zergs that you usually find yourself in.



***Final point: If they nerf the sorc, they will nerf the other classes that actually need a buff. So spend your time crying for balance, not sorc nerfs. And for the love of all good, if you are not interrupting in EVERY match, EVERY time you see a cast you dont want to get off, do not post. You are doing it wrong.***


gl hf

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You forget the whirlwind actually heals the one affected, and our armor is light = easy to kill once they get past our defenses.


I have found that reading numerous nerf sorc threads today that whiners, almost all of them, will list out all the positive aspects of sorc spells and abilities while completely ignoring the negative aspects that balance the class. For example the amount of misinformation and straight up lies about the sorc aoe heal is pretty amazing.

Edited by Remulan
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Sorcs and Huttball. Seems like a common QQ theme.


I rarely see a QQ Voidstar and Alderan with Sorcs in it.


Maybe we should nerf Huttball?? :p


or better yet, LET US CHOOSE OUT WARZONE! I can guarentee that MY Sorcerer would not choose Hutball over one of the others.

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me either because jedi consulars dont exist at lvl 50


I did ofcourse mean both specializations, the caster is impossible to kill and the other one makes insane dmg. Perhaps the melee class is amirror of the sith class, I wouldn´t know. But the jedi caster (what ever it is called) is damn hard to kill....

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Sorry, but I have to kind of /chuckle at the people who said Bioware reps never visit posts in the PVP forum.


Well said though :)

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I did ofcourse mean both specializations, the caster is impossible to kill and the other one makes insane dmg. Perhaps the melee class is amirror of the sith class, I wouldn´t know. But the jedi caster (what ever it is called) is damn hard to kill....


every class played by a competent player is hard to kill.

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I did ofcourse mean both specializations, the caster is impossible to kill and the other one makes insane dmg. Perhaps the melee class is amirror of the sith class, I wouldn´t know. But the jedi caster (what ever it is called) is damn hard to kill....


Which caster where??? I have a full Champion JC Sage heal spec (Seer) and almost finished getting all my telekentics gear thanks to the infamous Champion Bag system. Are you suggesting the caster Consular (Telekentic) is HARD to kill?? Or are you saying that the healer (Seer) is hard to kill?


If you mean the Telekentic Consular then I suggest pressing any button (1 through 5) while targeting him. Any button at all - they are the definition of squishy.

If you mean the Seer then scroll over all your skills, read what they do, and remember them. Anything that suggests a cast interrupt or stun will do the trick.


Anyone calling for a nerf on a light armor class doesn't fully understand the light armor class. If you want to nerf our abilities then give us armor or an offhand shield. Do you know what happens to squishies that can't do damage or heal?


(also have smuggler alt)

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I know, has to be the most underused, underestimated ability in the game


Probably because there's so many junk debuffs in the game and for the non-super hero healing AC's (aka the ones that aren't sorc/sage) the resource cost is often higher than just healing through most of the debuffs you might dispel.


I'd be thrilled if I could dispel sticky grenades (since commando's removes tech/physical). I get so sad everytime I get hit by one as I'm turning around los, and my natural reflex is to dispel myself before it goes off. But nothing.


It's like the game doesn't want you countering anything with skill.

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Actually i figured it out people are mad because when they see a sorc/sage they don't know what type of fight it is gonna be.


For every other class there is a pretty much a set standard for the fight if you pvp enough you know what the other guys is probably gonna do


Sorc / Sage though seems to be random on what spec someone is they can excel in almost any tree or mix of trees


Besides a few outstanding players that like to break from the norm there is a pretty defined pvp spec for each class except sorc / sage it seems


Granted this is mostly a for the norm not including you mad skillz people who will argue till you die and or find where i live and murder me for not agreeing with you.


But chances are you looked up a build for pvp and copied some of it if not all

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Anyone calling for a nerf on a light armor class doesn't fully understand the light armor class. If you want to nerf our abilities then give us armor or an offhand shield. Do you know what happens to squishies that can't do damage or heal?



Anyone that thinks that the base mitigation % granted to you by your armor type is enough to dictate your classes' power does not belong in a legitimate PvP discussion.

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Anyone that thinks that the base mitigation % granted to you by your armor type is enough to dictate your classes' power does not belong in a legitimate PvP discussion.


especially in this game. that's what mods are for.

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Anyone that thinks that the base mitigation % granted to you by your armor type is enough to dictate your classes' power does not belong in a legitimate PvP discussion.


I know the mitigation %'s. I know that the heavy armor commando healer has 10% more mitigation than the light armor consular. I know that the Force Shield on the consular absorbs "high amounts of damage". I know that the OP like most others calling for nerf don't understand that its actually rather difficult to play light armor classes.


Light armors rely on abilities and talents. Heavy armor rely on getting grubby paws on someone and haymakering them.


If this is a "legitimate" pvp discussion then you are right, I dont belong here.

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Sorcs wont be in line until every class can kill them in half the time it takes them to kill us now. So they want to be able to kill us in 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds. Clearly making our bubble useless is the way to go so we can bend over and let every other class pound on our light armor.
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Sorcs wont be in line until every class can kill them in half the time it takes them to kill us now. So they want to be able to kill us in 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds. Clearly making our bubble useless is the way to go so we can bend over and let every other class pound on our light armor.


Didn't you know??? Apparently no one cares that we are in light armor. In fact, its precisely BECAUSE we are in light armor that we need to be nerfed!


Come on, just like me you are an inadequate member to participate in this legitimate PvP discussion.

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