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Took away a big part of the game.


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And I asked why would he care about level playing field if he's not even remotely competitive. Why is that so hard to understand? I don't go into WOW and demand everybody start over because I missed the boat by 11 years or however long.


As far as I can tell he never said he wasnt gonna play on a pvp server? in which case caring about playing field is very valid.


Also even if hes on a pve servers, theres the market to be concerned about, not to mention the availibilty of groups on your lvl.


When you pre-order mmos it is so you get to be a part of the magic that is day one, wether its the frustrating lag, or the the sheer joy that comes afterwards from enjoying the new and exciting world with other like you who just got into the game, and are experiencing the same things.


as for wows, age I think its more like 7 years. ;)



Honestly I would not even have bothered respond to your reply if you did not insist on hinting that he was of a jealous nature, simply because he has his opinions and he enjoys to play the game the way he does.

Edited by Munx
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As far as I can tell he never said he wasnt gonna play on a pvp server? in which case caring about playing field is very valid.


Also even if hes on a pve servers, theres the market to be concerned about, not to mention the availibilty of groups on your lvl.


When you pre-order mmo it is so you get to be a part of the magic that is day one, wether its the frustrating lag, or the the sheer joy that comes afterwards from enjoying with other like you who just got into the game, and are experiencing the same things.


as for wows, age I think its more like 7 years. ;)



Honestly I would not even have bothered respond to your reply if you did not insist on hinting that he was of a jealous nature, simply because he has his opinions and he enjoys to play the game the like he does.


Words of Wisdom Munx well done I like the way you think, probably the best opinion I have heard all day.

Edited by ssluigipk
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hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha.......okay...my tears have stopped.


Okay. Now, that's your favorite element.....? Really? THAT'S your favorite element to an on going, growing game with quite a bit to do in the game?


lol boohoo. What you like about playing the game is not part of design, spirit, artistic aspects, or, well, anything relevant.


That is the biggest waste of a desire in life I have ever heard, lol.


People amaze me.

Edited by Mackuss
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If you like leveling fast, and you follow through with your plan (once you get access), then you will level faster than others.


You just won't be the first. And sorry to say, unless you have a team of players that play your character 24/7, you never would have stood a chance at being the first.


So since being the first was out of the question to begin with, your point becomes invalid. You will still level faster than others. And there's no achievements anyway.

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You can have more then one desire in life, and exactly who are you to judge?




Edit: for poster above me, I would say that is incorrect if you want to compete for first to max lvl in a mmo, it is completly possible to do so solo in most mmo's.


I would know I was first to 50 in Lotro, not that its anything to brag about since lotro was about as shallow as call of dutys singleplayer at that point..


Point is, you don't need a dedicated group to do it if you want to, you just need to waste alot more time then you should, and that is a choice for the individual to make.

Edited by Munx
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Stolen from another thread:

When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


Troll or oblivious ******?? TAKING ALL BETS!


This is a really bad comparison.


If you want to make this analogy; it would be that buying a big mac is the same as ordering the game... those who order first get the purchase order first. However those guys in the Mc Donalds queue get the same burger... same size, same salad, same dressing... same everything. However this is not the case with SWTOR. Those who bought first get a better product, meaning earlier game access.


So stop this analogy cause it is wrong...


And no I'm not whining about EGA, but if you are trying to make comparisons, at least make them right.

Edited by valleee
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My advice would be if you feel that strongly is to start on another server. My guild is on Janga Ma and it is heavy and there have been many that have gotten in before me; and I am thinking about moving to a different server, probably one they open tomorrow.
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I am gonna play on the lowest pop server I can find, lord illidan brings back terrible memories. Tryin to convince my friend to get this game now and play with me Bounty hunter+ sniper, such a deady duo. Edited by ssluigipk
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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


"Real Friends" would make 'alts' and meet up with you on a less populated server to play with you and your wife and level with ya.:)

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My advice would be if you feel that strongly is to start on another server. My guild is on Janga Ma and it is heavy and there have been many that have gotten in before me; and I am thinking about moving to a different server, probably one they open tomorrow.


If this was a possiblity It would be great, but sadly Bioware has shown an unwillingnes to announce which new servers are opening when, which makes it quite difficult to find a new one, that is if even a new one is opened the day your wave gets trough.


Though, that Is exactly what I hope I will be able to do, if I can manage to find a fresh one.

Edited by Munx
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How many people actually hit 80 in 24 hrs? It took me about a week and i didnt even have a job then. I never played rift so cant comment about that.


It took me 26 hours counting sleep, but they also didn't intend for groups to instance grind their way to max.


On a business standpoint i can see where BioWare is coming from with their early access method, it's solid allows for easy monitoring and simplistic. From a consumer standpoint though(since we all will have paid the same price when everything is said and done) it appears more as favoritism. The argument of if you wanted to get in first you should have per-ordered sooner is stupid. Not everyone can just on a whim go out the immediate moment the pre-orders became available and get it(hell some retailers weren't even giving out pre-order codes for the first 2 months), some people have bills to pay, families to take care of, or in my case were deployed oversees. The elitist attitudes of the i pre-ordered right away i must be better than you bunch is saddening(note that this does not include all of them but a decent chunk of them).


As for all these people arguing about how this makes for a smoother launch, your right it is smoother. However smoother does not equate to good, a lot of people would actually prefer to be stuck in load queues to get on a server. At least with load queues you have a visual estimate as to when you will get to play rather than the superficial queue that is created by wave invitations. Sure some servers will break(namely the PvP servers since the PvPer's will flock to them) but those are things that companies plan for. Noone expect a perfect launch, though we all wish that were how it would be.


Before anybody comes out and tries to say it, no i have not been invited yet(that will most likely come tomorrow for me being that i have a november pre-order). I am neither QQing nor angry over any aspect of it. These are just merely my observations.


The word entitlement every other post - check

Bad Analogies - check

"Should have pre-ordered day 1" - check

Arrow to the knee meme that needs to take an arrow to the head - check


Yep its a EGA thread.


I love you for this right here.

Edited by AuriusWolf
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I found it very hard to believe someone who loves to out level everyone else in an MMO has a wife... and isn't some 13 year old trying to sound more legit.


But then I remembered the chinese couple that sold their kid to help pay for their MMO addiction.

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


Unfortunately your play style makes up 1% of MMO players so you're not high on BW's priority list.


GL on your future grind-athon though :)




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Edit: for poster above me, I would say that is incorrect if you want to compete for first to max lvl in a mmo, it is completly possible to do so solo in most mmo's.


I would know I was first to 50 in Lotro, not that its anything to brag about since lotro was about as shallow as call of dutys singleplayer at that point..


Point is, you don't need a dedicated group to do it if you want to, you just need to waste alot more time then you should, and that is a choice for the individual to make.



I suppose you have a point that not all servers will have teams trying to level to max first. So guess what? If you want to be server first to max level, just choose a new server once you get access.


However, even if you got in at the same time as everyone else on a POPULAR server, there would be zero chance of you getting max level first... as popular servers always have teams trying to get max level first. And unless you can play for 24 hours straight for several days, it's impossible to beat them.

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Unfortunately your play style makes up 1% of MMO players so you're not high on BW's priority list.


GL on your future grind-athon though :)






Just as I said in the thread, I respect other peoples play styles as I know mine isn't popular. I just find it fun to go fast and get lost in the game.



I found it very hard to believe someone who loves to out level everyone else in an MMO has a wife... and isn't some 13 year old trying to sound more legit.

So what you are saying is, no one could ever love you. So it's impossible for other people you do not know, that you make extremely terrible inferences about to have wives themselves?

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You can still go fast, you just have to skip a lot of stuff. If anything, go super fast through a character or two, and then try going through the game for the story. I think there is something unique about this game in that it does allow for a wide variety of playstyles, but I think that at the same time you do have to mold your view of what MMO's are today, in many ways. You have to make some compromises. We all do.
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You can still go fast, you just have to skip a lot of stuff. If anything, go super fast through a character or two, and then try going through the game for the story. I think there is something unique about this game in that it does allow for a wide variety of playstyles, but I think that at the same time you do have to mold your view of what MMO's are today, in many ways. You have to make some compromises. We all do.


This is generally how i play most MMO launches, I speed through the content the first time and come back on a second character one my main is established to enjoy the storyline.

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


They didn't take anything away from you.


The /played command is implemented.


Take a screenshot when you hit 50 in 8 hours, 2 minutes, and 42 seconds of /played time.

Edited by EJedi
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I seriously can't bring myself to believe people who claim they've been waiting for this game for a long time, while whining about not getting in on the first day. get a reality check, if you didn't pre-order within the first month, chances are you actually haven't been waiting for this game for as long as you think you did :p
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I seriously can't bring myself to believe people who claim they've been waiting for this game for a long time, while whining about not getting in on the first day. get a reality check, if you didn't pre-order within the first month, chances are you actually haven't been waiting for this game for as long as you think you did :p


Oh yeah......Well


I can't believe it's not butter!

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


Troll, troll, troll your boat, gently down the stream......



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I suppose you have a point that not all servers will have teams trying to level to max first. So guess what? If you want to be server first to max level, just choose a new server once you get access.


However, even if you got in at the same time as everyone else on a POPULAR server, there would be zero chance of you getting max level first... as popular servers always have teams trying to get max level first. And unless you can play for 24 hours straight for several days, it's impossible to beat them.


No actually, I was first world wide mate, not server wide.. It is entirely possibly to do it without playing 24 hours straight, these lvling teams you speak of really arnt as common as you seem to suggest, infact they usually don't even appear until quite a few weeks after a mmo's launch, and these lvling teams are mostly only doing it so they may sell they char. (which there is no market for at release).


I would never suggest anyone should go for first to max in a mmo, its generally self-defeating, It should how ever be a individuals choice and option.

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