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Took away a big part of the game.


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When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!


This logic is very flawed. We are not waiting in line for food. We are waiting to get into a game where starting ahead means being ahead. The people who are not in yet are at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to the economy, gear, name selection, and even the ability to play with their friends.

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just don't sleep for a couple of nights and you will catch up. In the beta I got in after my friend but I did get to 27 in 3 days and he only got to 26 in 4 :) Anyhow, get a nice amount of sleep, stock up on Redbull, update your drivers and just be ready sheesh
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This logic is very flawed. We are not waiting in line for food. We are waiting to get into a game where starting ahead means being ahead. The people who are not in yet are at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to the economy, gear, name selection, and even the ability to play with their friends.


Economy? the servers have been up for 2 days.


Name? pick a new name. not a big deal.


Friends? they will roll a new toon if they are truly youre friends

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Stolen from another thread:

When I go to McDonalds, I pay the same amount for my big mac as the guy 3 spaces in front of me in line, but he gets his burger first. *** McDonalds, y u no fair?!




Troll or oblivious ******?? TAKING ALL BETS!


If every other mainstream burger joint was taking orders and delivering orders in bulk, McDonalds wouldn't be in business.

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


Bla bla bla, get a life.

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Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.

Thank you for your time.


leveling competition is ur favorite ? lol... what ur going to do when u hit 50?

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You should have tried to the the world's first at creating a QQ thread about how unfair all the extra and free game time Bioware is giving you. Unfortunately your thread is the 486,972 on this subject. Try again on the next launch of the next big MMO!
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I think you are missing an important grobble. This game is not about greebling to the highest level first; it is about the story.


If your big reason to get in game is to get to 50 first, then it wont be that fun for you. Just like every other mmo you have played; the new will wear off FAST.


For The Greebler, I want to see all the wonderful stories, and I am not greebly about being in 3 days behind. Dont get me wrong, I love to greeble the next level too! But I make no mistake about it; the big difference in this game vs every other is that you can get lost in story for days and days.


Well that and the combat is more greebly than any i have seen!

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This logic is very flawed. We are not waiting in line for food. We are waiting to get into a game where starting ahead means being ahead. The people who are not in yet are at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to the economy, gear, name selection, and even the ability to play with their friends.


We are waiting in line. Those who ordered first, get the product first. If you thought you were going to be at a terrible disadvantage....why did you not pre-order sooner once you read that early access was based on pre-order date? The logic is flawed only if your thought process is.

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I have no idea where this sense of self entitlement comes from but early access did not have to be granted period. They did it as a perk for those who pre- ordered. First come first serve on something this large is probably the only sane way to do it. Other than that what is there ?


Were all going to be in game by tomorrow from what I've read so even if you ordered last week you still get 5 days.. plenty of time for you to rush through to level 50. So whats all the fuss really about ?

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I bet you just push past people in line at amusement parks too...


Oh wait...I forgot...logic doesn't exist when there is internetz and irrational inner voices involved...


My account is from 2008. So everyday since then I been here each Friday to give input and read news and such. I was just thinking that supporting them for that long would be more important to them, then in which the order that people paid is all.


I feel it sends a bad message out into the world as well and represents bioware in a negitive manner.


I know not everyone feels this way and that's cool. I am just happy the game is here once and for all and at some point, no one will care about any of this crap.

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


So you would prefer an overcrowded starting zone...lag...possible server crashes....just so you can outlevel people?


Talk about a crappy sense of entitlement.

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If every other mainstream burger joint was taking orders and delivering orders in bulk, McDonalds wouldn't be in business.


If every other burger joint delivered in bulk, only to do a sloppy job that takes days or weeks to sort out, McD's would look pretty tasty. Sadly, most people either dont remember, or are too young, to remember other launches.

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I have, and I think it falls under who joined the site first, not who paid first.


Bioware does not though,, did someone we are getting burgers as well, cause I am a lil hungry?


that makes absolutely no sense. what if you were one of the first to join the site but didn't even buy the game? should you be allowed to play for free?

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My account is from 2008. So everyday since then I been here each Friday to give input and read news and such. I was just thinking that supporting them for that long would be more important to them, then in which the order that people paid is all.


I feel it sends a bad message out into the world as well and represents bioware in a negitive manner.


I know not everyone feels this way and that's cool. I am just happy the game is here once and for all and at some point, no one will care about any of this crap.


My first SWTOR account was as old as yours. Had to recreate when they fubar'd my origin account. However, it is dumb to think signing up for a forum and paying cash towards a game is the same thing when they said they were letting earlier pre-orders in first.

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The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Thank you for your time.


nice! you get in Friday?

I personally thought fate was being extra kind to me, and pre-ordering was actually going to work out for me. This week is the last week THIS YEAR where I will actually have some time off (I am off until Sunday) and was looking forward BIG TIME to actually getting to play for a few nights.


As I didn't get my pre-order in until November I am thinking my "early access" is going to translate in to being able to play sometime.....Sunday "Sigh"

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trust me, this wave thing is a great way to ensure a good launch.

last thing youw ant is servers going down because they got overloaded with people rright away in spikes..

this way with waves they have a control population of people connecting at any given time.

this allows them to monitor server limits and other technical stuff.


Ive been a beta tester for many games, launch is very important to secure a strong happy fan/user base, and not being able to play because long queues /server crashes is not a good way to make a first impression

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