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Best to worst. PVP Classes. In your opinions.


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1. Pyro PT

2. Rage Juggernaut

3. Operative Healer

4. Tankassasin

5. Carnage Marauder

6. Sniper

7. Hybrid Juggernaut

8. Hybrid Sorc

9. Operative DPS

10. Mercenary Healer

11. Sorc Healer


Pretty much ^

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Ranked PVP classes as it pertains to war zone objectives wanting the greatest chance at victory.


Tier: One

Sorcerer / Sage

Juggernaut / Guardian

Powertech / Vanguard

Operative / Soundrel

Mercenary / Commando


Tier: Almost Irrelevant.

Marauder / Sentinel

Sniper / Gunslinger

Assassin / Shadow


While an old post, I kinda have to giggle.

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Hey, Palpatine was quite possibly the strongest Sith Lord of all time, you're just a run-of-the-mill lightning spammer 3000 years before him. My Vigilance Guardian doesn't exactly feel like Luke Skywalker but oh well.


fish hooked :)

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My impression was that Sage/Sorc was feeling a bit fragile after the nerf but Commando/Merc healers just get wrecked without even being able to cast anything first. Or maybe my server they just know how to shut down Commando/Merc heals more easily. Sage/Sorc aoe heal is still amazeballs, and the bubble people complain about going away in one hit? That's a 3200 instant heal. Still huge.


I hear for ranked it's better to not get the aoe and spec for the root on that knockback. Put it this way, I know a lot of Commando healers who respecced to dps, and not so many Sages who did the same.

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Most feared? Sorcerers/Sages. Great damage, most CC/Knockbacks/Stuns out of all classes, Shields, Heals, Spring, everything.


Least feared? Sentinals/Marauders. I never seen any and when I do they tend to die a lot and not accomplish anything.


old post lol

Edited by Azareal
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Here we go from best to worst








------------------ all is below not welcome into rated










------------- spec below is not welcome into rated














This is the state of the game at the moment. It breaks my heart.

for the most part, but the healing list is seriously broken. in no way is a commando/merc better than a sorc/sage healer. it's not even close. sage/sorc healers double the heals of a commando/merc and bring more utility/effective cc to the ops.

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for the most part, but the healing list is seriously broken. in no way is a commando/merc better than a sorc/sage healer. it's not even close. sage/sorc healers double the heals of a commando/merc and bring more utility/effective cc to the ops.


OPS? Its a PvP list. And in every possible situation and encounter for RANKED high end warzones a commando comes out on top EVERY time. (Other than Huttball, of course.)


Caps for extra effect.

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1. Vanguard/Powertech DPS - blow for blow currently the best burst dps in the game, and can sustain strong dps in between the massive bursts. Heavy armor, damage mitigation, slow, stun, and the ability to give out guard at opportune times. The ability to pull enemies out of optimal positions, pull them back into the fray while they try to run for LoS, pull them off of healers/ball carriers, pull enemy ball carriers into fire, and enemy defenders away from nodes.


2. Sentinel/Marauder DPS - sensational single target burst dps as combat, as well as phenominal sustained dps as watchman. Defensive cooldowns turn you into a tank, with a 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds, then an in-combat stealth, giving your healers the time top you off. Snare, slow, and the only offensive healing debuff in the game. The ability to boost the speed of your party is HUGE and ensures you get to the nodes first in novare/civil war, get the ball first and move it like a no huddle offense in hutball, performs hard switches from door to door and allows your team to fast break after blowing the first door on voidstar, and makes shifting from nodes and doors on defense a breeze, all in all its most likely the most influential ability currently in the game.


3. Guardian/juggernut Hybrid - Decent Dps with a boatload of utility. Able to solo-defend nodes and win most 1v1's, as well as survive long enough for help to come when outnumbered. Able to taunt and guard for healers, force push enemies off of healers, chain-leap and force push your way to scores in huttball, with an immunity after the leaps. I like to think of a good hybrid guardian/jug as being a lot like Shaq...a big, beefy guy that's gonna hold his spot in the paint, and isn't gonna move for anyone.


4. Scoundrel/Operative heals - Subtle heals that don't draw much attention, the ability to heal on the run, which no other class has makes staying with the play, and staying in positions to LoS potential attackers fairly easy. Dodge is just another tool that other healing classes just don't have nor have they got anything like it, not to mention being able to stealth, in combat stealth when in trouble, mez from stealth, aoe blind, stun, and slow. The healing is top notch and the utility is on par with most other classes.


5. Shadow/Assassin hybrid - Tank tree up to force pull gives u the survivability and utility that wins games, and gives you enough remaining points to at least build a decently strong burst rotation. Obviously stealth defending/ninja capping can be clutch at times, and can completely change the outcome of games. Force speed as well as a cooldown giving you full immunity makes you a top-shelf ball carrier, and if u don't remember the many uses of force pull scroll up and read the vanguard/powertech description. Initial burst from stealth can lockdown or even kill a healer when unexpected, and force pull from stealth can cause confusion and makes you a great last-ditch defender.


6. Gunslinger/sniper dps - All in All by far the best ranged dps in the game, and although underrated due to lack of utility/mobility, these guys can change games. In huttball they are exceptional defenders, able to knock opponents to lower levels, then pound on them as they helplessly flee to find LoS, and can snare a full resolved ball carrier in the fire, from range, without having to worry about a leap/charge. Their AoE is absolutely amazing when it comes to defending in novare/voidstar, and they can put up INSANE damage numbers while barely being noticed.


7. Sage/Sorc both heals and dps(balance/madness) - Arguably the most powerful heals in the game. Force armor makes opponent feel at times like they forgot to equip something, and although you die fast, a team with a dedicated guard that will taunt and peel for you is usually enough to keep you out of the respawn. A ranged stun, slow, and force speed all help to make you very slippery, and your dispel is the cream of the crop. Being able to pull your teammates to you sure in handy when a stealth dps opens up and stunlocks your teams other healer, and make scoring the huttball easy mode. Balance/madness is concidered to be underpowered, but a big part of that is due to lack of survivability, and lack of skill. A skilled player knows that they bring the most utility there is to a team, between stun, lift, snare, slow, channeled slow, force speed, force armor, and rescue. Survivability can be an issue, but with a team that realizes how much you contribute, and makes a point to keep you alive, its really not that bad. In high end ranked zones sorc/sage dps is often ignored by the other team, as they arnt concidered a priority threat, hower this is when u can make them pay, a sorc/sage that spends a large amount of time freecasting can put up as big of numbers as almost every other class.


Lunch break is over so I can't continue, but those are my top 7. I suppose next would be a smash/sweep guardian/jugg, followed by commando/bh heals, then a vanguard/powertech tank, and scrapper/conceal smuggler/operative

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I hear for ranked it's better to not get the aoe and spec for the root on that knockback. Put it this way, I know a lot of Commando healers who respecced to dps, and not so many Sages who did the same.


commando dps is fail (completely immobile and interruptable with crap cc/utility). best bet is medic, but it's still easily the worst of the 3 healers.

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From a healing side, the one thing sorc/sage brings are bubbles. I think someone mentioned it previously, but I think if you're setting up a team with only two heals, the secondary healer as a sorc is great because a good chunk of their healing comes from something neither the merc or operative can replicate.

An operative can fill up the health bar, but the sorc can put a shield on top of him and not waste 'heaing'.

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In a utility sense... these are best to worst in huttball especially.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Powertech / Vanguard

Marauder / Sentinel

Powertech / Vanguard

Marauder / Sentinel

Powertech / Vanguard

Marauder / Sentinel

Operative heal / Scoundrel heal

Juggernaut / Guardian

Sniper / Gunslinger


i love what this post means when you read his sig...

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I main my sorc as well, used to be Sage but rerolled becuase my brothers made me. I have a guardian and a sentinel - they're not for me. I've always been a "mage" in any game so needless to say I along with my "brethren" are truly hurting right now :p..


i usually play a mage(a lock, demonologist, necromancer, etc[darker caster basically] to be more exact) as well, but i must say, other than the fact the the sage/sorc is the only class that really uses "magic" so to speak, all the other ranged classes feel more like a mage than they do. they feel like some sort of priest or cleric thats trying to deal damage but sadly falls behind the other classes because they were made to be healers. kinda like guardians and how they fall behind in dps since they were designed to be tanks it seems....except they arent really falling behind in dps...nor are any of the other classes just as capable at tanking/healing...................


actually that last sentence was a lie, ALL of the healers currently are just that--viable only as healers. you cant even get into a rated with them if your not a healer...but the tanks and their dps specs are doing fine! that is if you count out deception spec, madness is still good for sins.

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Hey, Palpatine was quite possibly the strongest Sith Lord of all time, you're just a run-of-the-mill lightning spammer 3000 years before him. My Vigilance Guardian doesn't exactly feel like Luke Skywalker but oh well.


call him what you want, but revan was the strongest sith lord of all time.

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Just as an FYI, this list changes depending on what class I play. Also, there are some sages and snipers out there, that just rock your sheeznit no matter what class you play (the player is just that good). But for the most part this is how I see it.


== BEST: AKA: Most Feared Class ==


Assassin / Shadow - Tanksin (dps specs are bad)

Powertech / Vanguard



== WORST: AKA: Least Feared Class ==


Sniper / Gunslinger

Marauder / Sentinel

Operative / Soundrel

Sorcerer / Sage

Mercenary / Commando

Juggernaut / Guardian

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OPS? Its a PvP list. And in every possible situation and encounter for RANKED high end warzones a commando comes out on top EVERY time. (Other than Huttball, of course.)


Caps for extra effect.


yes. you see...because your wz team is an op. iunno what wz's you're in, but rated commandos are rare (last picked) with significantly less healing (~700k vs. ~500k with comparable deaths). it's not rocket science. a commando has to stand there and cast for ~1.5s. his "hots" are a joke. if he's not crosshealed, guarded, and getting peels, he won't even get one med droid off. he requires an ops built around him. except for the what? 15s of godmode uninterruptable superchared adren rush moment?

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Think about it. Not a lot of people go charging at a Guardian/Juggernaut. It's a pretty dumb move unless you're bringing like 3+ people. Even then it takes way longer than it really should.


Vanguards/Powertechs are at the top of everyone's hit list and the topic of most QQ posts about how they're 20 feet tall with 6 instakill button and 3 unsub buttons. Kinda like the Braveheart class... Not as impressive as people believe.


Gunslingers/Snipers make people QQ a lot too. People try to kill them right away and fast or avoid them like the plague.


Sentinels/Marauders are last weeks QQ class. Still makes people shake though :p.


Scoundrels/Operatives when played correctly and burstly will make people always wonder when they're gonna insta-die next.

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i usually play a mage(a lock, demonologist, necromancer, etc[darker caster basically] to be more exact) as well, but i must say, other than the fact the the sage/sorc is the only class that really uses "magic" so to speak, all the other ranged classes feel more like a mage than they do. they feel like some sort of priest or cleric thats trying to deal damage but sadly falls behind the other classes because they were made to be healers. kinda like guardians and how they fall behind in dps since they were designed to be tanks it seems....except they arent really falling behind in dps...nor are any of the other classes just as capable at tanking/healing...................


actually that last sentence was a lie, ALL of the healers currently are just that--viable only as healers. you cant even get into a rated with them if your not a healer...but the tanks and their dps specs are doing fine! that is if you count out deception spec, madness is still good for sins.


Indeed. I miss so much of mage combat from other games. I played Neverwinter Nights + its expansion on a competitive arena server for a long time (turn based D&D) and that kind of PvP was reactive and pro-active at the same time. You had several alternatives and paths to walk.


This game and its "magic(force)" usage lacks:


-Buffing abilities through a chain / debuff / complex rotation. The ones in the game are underwhelming and takes 0% skill or awareness to pull off.

-Self buffs/reactive counters (dispel opponents, how can we not have this?.. )

- Mobility. A mage is not supposed to be a turret, not 100%. All viable sorc/sage specs are based around a main ability turreting whereas we cant possibly be viable using instants only.


I guess what it comes down to is that this game is so incredibly punishing on ranged characters other than gunslingers (who have cover and a lot more control than we do). This game caters to melee and it hasn't yet delivered on the grand feeling of being a caster: a class supposed to excell and reach incredible heights in the right hands, a class able to kite and once it stops and "turrets" they're supposed to unleash hell at the risk of their own life.



Instead we get lightning/pebbles. x10. +3 abilities. Sigh

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I guess what it comes down to is that this game is so incredibly punishing on ranged characters other than gunslingers (who have cover and a lot more control than we do). This game caters to melee.


Annoying generalisation & myth #1


At the moment, Sentinels are top of the food chain, no doubt. But let's ask Infiltration Shadows, Scrapper Scoundrels, Vigilance Guardians: do they feel catered to? Dirty Fighting Scoundrels and Balance Shadows aren't exactly overpowered either though these are more mid-range than melee.


And if you consider Vanguards a melee class then I'll have to disagree: they are not.

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Annoying generalisation & myth #1


At the moment, Sentinels are top of the food chain, no doubt. But let's ask Infiltration Shadows, Scrapper Scoundrels, Vigilance Guardians: do they feel catered to? Dirty Fighting Scoundrels and Balance Shadows aren't exactly overpowered either though these are more mid-range than melee.


And if you consider Vanguards a melee class then I'll have to disagree: they are not.


You hold a different opinion - fine. Does it make it a generalisation or a Myth? No.



  1. What other ranged DPS class other than gunslinger/sniper would you bring to a RWZ? Indeed, moving on..
  2. Vanguard/PT is a melee class as they need to be melee to fullfill their t rue damage potential. It matters not they have a few ranged abilities. There is no denying in any shape or form that a VG/PT needs to be melee to perform 100% of their (OP) damage potential.
  3. Melee classes gets as many (if not more) tools to counter kiting than the kiter gets to kite - while totally disregarding the fact that the ranged one kiting can not do any real damage whereas the chaser can do damage on the fly if close enough.
  4. You mentioned a few talent trees and while I certainly, as a sorcerer, agree that the game balance and game specs in this game are broken (some more than others) that does not refute the fact that melees have it easier.


The concept of having a gap closer at the same range of the ranged attackers maximum range is incredibly flawed. Means you essentially cant prevent an advance AT ALL. A shadow/scoundrel bypasses this with stealth and VG/PT with grapple.


Sorry I shouldn't derail the topic but I felt such a naive post needed an answer. Feel free to PM if you want to carry on with this discussion. Bored at work.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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