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How much do people pay for heals?


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It's called capitalism and its what makes America stand out (plus that whole freedom thing)


And what makes it a ******** of a cesspool of messed up economics, tyrants and economical bodies - not to mention it is fundamentally acutely self centered - socialism isn't the only less self centered option. Capitalism was a reaction to tyranny, rule and the 'freedom' was not true freedom but freedom from something the people wanted or needed to be free from at the time of its founding.


It is a dirty system, fundamentally, and creates quite a consumerist society with no spiritual or conscious aesthetics whatsoever. When there is money in the economy, everyone is allegedly happy - just drunk on their financial wellbeing for awhile - and when money leaves - which it eventually does - they become depressed, downtrodden, with no friendship left in them whatsoever. It is an ugly system - founding a culture on something fundamentally abstract and untrue to ones natural self such as money. It is only a part of it - not the basis of a culture.



Edited by nitaant
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It is a dirty system, fundamentally, and creates quite a consumerist society with no spiritual or conscious aesthetics whatsoever. When there is money in the economy, everyone is allegedly happy - just drunk on their financial wellbeing for awhile - and when money leaves - which it eventually does - they become depressed, downtrodden, with no friendship left in them whatsoever. It is an ugly system - founding a culture on something fundamentally abstract and untrue to ones natural self such as money. It is only a part of it - not the basis of a culture.



THis country you are describing.... I could potentially live there!

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I was thinking on merc'ing my main out as a healer.... for say 100K up front and 100K at the end of the flashpoint. There is a major healing shortage in this game it seems, and companions don't even remotely compensate. So, do you guys think 200K total is a fair price?


Ill give you a share of the loot...


does that sound fair to you?

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Too me,


Being a healer is it's own reward.


Really healers and Tanks always get special treatment from their guilds (if you don't...just find a guild that does...it's only fair since you will get bothered the most EG: Will you heal us in a FP?...or this...or that...Blah I say).




In PvP, it isn't the opposing team that chooses who they kill---it's you...the healer. mmm...I FREAKIN LOVE to watch Team mates die by my NOT healing them---that's the best! Especially the mouthy ones.


But the down side to rolling a healer or tank is....


People/guilds won't leave you the F**K alone.


So in a mild, and distant way. I kind of see what the OP is getting at. You get bothered alot so it must be worth something...right?


Well it is.


But you have to find a different way to exploit it...that's all. (..other than asking flat-out for straight-cash...lol..)

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I tossed around the idea of responding to this thread, and then thought maybe I shouldn't because I had nothing to really add. But then, the time spent deciding whether or not to reply would've been wasted, so I decided to post anyway and explain why I wasn't going to post. But that would be off-topic, so I'd better not post unless I was on-topic after all. Anyway, I hope that explains my stance on paying for heals.


TLDR: no.

Edited by Metaphasic
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Your payment is that you get a healer. If people are willing to pay it, why do you care?


Precisely my point. If a healer is my payment then my tanking is the healers payment. If the healer wants money then it tips the scales in their favor... hence my comment about drops.

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Yeah, with Mako I was able to solo +2 HERO missions with no problem. And I'm happy because game is so empty that it was hard to find someone to play with. And after lvl 20 it's harder and harder to find people to do +4 HERO. After that I just left to realize after 2 weeks that nothing changed.
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And what makes it a ******** of a cesspool of messed up economics, tyrants and economical bodies - not to mention it is fundamentally acutely self centered - socialism isn't the only less self centered option. Capitalism was a reaction to tyranny, rule and the 'freedom' was not true freedom but freedom from something the people wanted or needed to be free from at the time of its founding.


It is a dirty system, fundamentally, and creates quite a consumerist society with no spiritual or conscious aesthetics whatsoever. When there is money in the economy, everyone is allegedly happy - just drunk on their financial wellbeing for awhile - and when money leaves - which it eventually does - they become depressed, downtrodden, with no friendship left in them whatsoever. It is an ugly system - founding a culture on something fundamentally abstract and untrue to ones natural self such as money. It is only a part of it - not the basis of a culture.



So why exactly are you here consuming this product of capitalism, along with all the other consumerist junk in your life?


Practice what you preach, and go live on a communal farm somewhere. Oh wait. That part of anti-capitalist living never seems to take off.

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On an other subject:


In old MMOs I sometimes got tipped for providing a good service, or whatever. It was just a small amount, but nevertheless a token of appreciation. This was a long time ago, I haven't seen tips in MMOs since then. Why is that? People are demanding to give them money, but tips are long forgotten. :confused:

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Precisely my point. If a healer is my payment then my tanking is the healers payment. If the healer wants money then it tips the scales in their favor... hence my comment about drops.


You're not understanding the point here. We're talking about a healer-for-hire, not some random guy who joined your group and wants money before he'll cast any heals.

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Pretty easy to locate another healer that will run for free.


Let's just assume that this 200k healer is one of the best and you want to some extremly hard stuff. Would you still try the random guy?


My choice would be to join a nice guild. It propably has decent healers, nice guys and they don't want money. :)

[e]Just a hypothetical argument. I am in a guild and I am a healer myself. And I will never demand money for doing something I like during my free time.[/e]

Edited by GHeissi
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I was thinking on merc'ing my main out as a healer.... for say 100K up front and 100K at the end of the flashpoint. There is a major healing shortage in this game it seems, and companions don't even remotely compensate. So, do you guys think 200K total is a fair price?


If you want to charge people then go ahead.... we all play how we want.


Personally I would never charge for my services on any toon, why should others pay me just so I can do what my character was created for?!? I would never pay anyone either, if they don't want to do said flashpoint/operation then fine, i'm not going to bribe them.


unless you want to be purchased by someone for an hour or so of your time...... ;)

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Why would anyone pay you 200k for performing the role you chose? It's the same as a DPS asking for 200k to do damage, or a Tank asking for 200k to tank.

I've seen tanks charge for tanking. Nobody's going to pay a DPS because there are too many of them LFG to need to do that.

Edited by Caelrie
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If people are willing to pay people to run them through content then I guess that is up to them. I know for a fact it will be a seriously cold day in hell before I ever pay someone to group up with me just to do content. I would rather cancel my account and go where I can use a dungeon finder instead of dealing with such things but that is just me.


The irony.

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