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    pen & paper roleplaying, warhammer 40k, skate, snow, music, djing.
  1. this is how i understood it too.
  2. he always tells me i look fit and deadly. exactly what i want to hear. no complaints.
  3. you can't possibly be serious? i tried wow once this week just to check it out, ultra graphics, played for half an hour.... got damn this looks horrible compared to swtor
  4. yup. in norwegian: ess ve tor
  5. are you trolling? because if not, theres a lot of threads that will tell you that full rakata gear is the best you can get so far. go pvp or roll an alt or help your guildies or do something else... ( get datacrons) cheers
  6. Why? I disagree. If people are not doing their job or doing it well, you can usually tell without seeing the exact numbers on a score window.
  7. I'm so glad you wrote this so that i didn't have to. Agreed 100%
  8. i don't know if they did it on purpose, but they should at least get somebody else to help them design upcoming epic gear. i don't think all look horrible though, most of the PVE gear (at least for sith empire players) is pretty cool, its more that the colors are so.... ugly.. could be more than two or maximum three colors in an epig gear set imo. cheers
  9. i personally think your ideas about yodas, ewoks and r2's are horrible, sorry. on the other hand though, the republic probably should have more playable races, since the republic is mostly made out of lots of different alien species (and humans) in a kind of alliance (well working or not). wookies, ithorians, kel dor and mon calamari is just some of the many races im kind of suprised they havent already made playable. they'll probably do it later though. i dont feel like the empire really need more playable races. lore-wise they're a bunch of racists, rarely cooperating with aliens unless it's for some great military or economical benefit, so i can't see why they would add more races there. can't undrstand why you cannot be a twi lek bounty hunter though, but whatever. i'd like to add that i currently play on the empire side, trying to get my guild to reroll pub though, mostly to participate in making the server more balanced (i know 20 people won't make much of a difference, but better than nothing)
  10. omg i can't believe you guys personally, i charge £12 for every HM except BT in which i charge £8. just gotta make sure those money are transferred via paypal and i'm good to go!
  11. if its for pve, yes why not. i would put the two pts in intergrated systems into ironsights instead though, aim is your primary stat for healing, so without proof, i think the ironsights is more effective.
  12. first of all: welcome to the hunt! 1. aim over endurance, although lately iv'e been feeling so squishy i had to put in some commando mods just to toughen up a little EDIT: i don't have hard proof but i believe power and crit is equally important, but i guess stacking crit+surge gives you better damage output. 2. yes, i actually have one of those, and i think i got it around your lvl, but i can't remember from where. either it was a reward from a quest, a heroic maybe or i was just lucky and go it from a bag. can't you find any on the gtn? cheers
  13. have you tried to squeeze yourself through sideways?
  14. thank you guys for posting and all, but it did not really answer my question. i'm currently lvl 41 and my healing has been really successfull and rewarding, the only thing i wonder is if you also get annoyed by the sound the rapid shots make. only the sound.
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