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Would you defect if given the chance?


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They should have had a neutral class and lump smugglers and bounty hunters in there.


Then make an imperial trooper and a republic spy to fill those shoes.


I mean it makes little sense that smuggler and bounty hunters are set to one. i mean their stories don't really have anything to do with either. One is out doing the great hunt, while the other is out collecting treasure.



As for the rest, like the Jedi. I say have them able to change. USE THE LIGHT/DARK meter actually. If a republic jedi is rank 5 in dark, he should damn well be switched to the imperial side. No way would all the bad things this jedi is doing that the council would just let them remain. Same other way around. Have it so that as you gain rank in dark/light the people who give you quests change. And slowly you go from pure republic to pure imperial missions.

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my sorcerer most certainly would. she was born a slave, therefore she hates slavery, one of the empires main things. and due to her being a former slave and always mistreated she does have a dark streak in her(she likes shocking people at random times when shes talking ;) but she has a mostly good heart, and only fights the republic because she sees it as her only option, as the republic would most certainly kill her after all shes done to them with her epic lightningzz.. so would all of my empire character but none of my republic characters would. because i like being the good guy all my chars are light side, and if i wasnt lazy i would just reroll to repub side. idk if im necroing or not and i dotn care
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My Chiss Bounty Hunter would most definately "defect" (She's officially as neutral as can be, but circumstances...) because not only does she prefer Republic life over Imperial life by far, she doesn't believe in anything in the Empire (Or the Chiss Ascendancy for that matter), valuing freedom and welfare above strength and security - and, her dream is to retire from Bounty Hunting when she gets older to become a Republic Senator or Governor because then she'd be rich, famous and powerful and have nothing stopping her from indulging in her vices.


For all of my other characters though, defecting is a strong word. My Republic-aligned characters are all either hardcore patriots (Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight) or simply far too goody-two-shoes (Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular) to side with the Empire.


My Imperial characters include a loyal Agent and a likewise loyal Sith Inquisitor who both, while loyal to the Empire, want peace between the factions - meaning that they could concievably defect if they believed it would help bring about galactic peace, rather than as a means to turn against / away from their true loyalties.


Finally, Ming the Merciless, Sith Inquisitor. His loyalty is to himself - the Empire is just his tool. Maybe it will one day outlive its usefulness?

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I play all of my characters lightside, so I would for all of my Empire classes for sure. Especially my sniper. I would love to main sniper, but I don't like being Imperial and I don't like the gunslinger aesthetics.
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I play all of my characters lightside, so I would for all of my Empire classes for sure. Especially my sniper. I would love to main sniper, but I don't like being Imperial and I don't like the gunslinger aesthetics.


see thats my thing too. i have a sorc and a merc at high levels, but i really wish i was commando and sage. even though lightning is coolor than rocks, being stoned to death kinda hurts right? so i wouldnt mind it. im slowly working on it but its just a lot of painful lowbie pvp, especially sage before bubble, speed, slow, or any talents really.

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My Jedi Knight and Consular stay loyal to the Republic. My Sith Warrior and Inquisitor likewise for the Empire.


I could see my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter joining the Hutt Cartel



My Smuggler did make that choice at the end to turn the Voidwolf's fleet on both sides.



My Trooper would possibly defect to the Empire



I almost wish in the beginning they gave you the option of jumping ship with the rest of Havoc Squad.



My Agent could be convinced to see the better good in the Republic.

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BH & Smuggler - Not Loyal to anyone.

SI & SW - 100% Loyal to the Sith and Empire with dreams of conquering it.

IA - Loyal to the Empire but light sided.

JC & JK - 100% Loyal to the Jedi and the Republic.

Trooper - Loyal to the Republic but is quite happy to play dirty to achieve the ends by whatever means necessary and can't stand weakness so he stands as a beacon of strength and a role model of using a somewhat Sith ideology to crush and destroy all opposition and those who get in his way. So, dark sided but good intentions for the Republic as a whole.


Now just imagine if a SW with a DS Jaesa defects.............

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At the current state of play yes my Imperial Agent would defect, she's been shocked far to many times by uppity "I'm in charge but act like a spoilt brat" sith lords not to:rolleyes:. Least her superiors if she joined the SIS wouldn't shock her if they were told they were wrong :p


Maybe they don't like attitude but it seems I get shocked far too often.:o


Also the republic don't seem too bad with treating defectors from the case of Dorne (Trooper Companion). I mean they keep close tabs on her and the guy she has to report to is a git but overall she's had the options to fight for the republic in decent meaningful ways.

I'd imagen the empire would be more likely to brainwash you, steal your knowledge then kill you unless you were a force wielder :p



Also the republic don't seem too bad with treating defectors from the case of Dorne (Trooper Companion)

My other characters probably are rather happy where they are.

Edited by Dyashida
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It would be very interesting that's for sure, and really since each class is a mirror of the other (IE Smuggler/agent) it would actually be conceivable for it to happen if they ever actually gave it a thought of allowing it. Though there is the problem of certain companions not liking it...(like Corso, he hates the empire)


As for my characters my sniper is still loyal to the empire, but she takes every chance she has to sabotage the sith, and my warrior and inquisitor want to bring peace between both sides but are ultimately still loyal to the empire, as for my Bounty Hunter she really doesn't give a toss about either side, all she cares about is making enough money to retire comfortably while maintaining her code of honor (no killing civilians or causing unnecessary damage).


For my republic characters, my trooper, consular and knight are all loyal to the republic and my smuggler is much like my bounty hunter, she doesn't exactly give a toss about the whole war and is only out to make money and establish her own criminal empire, however being a twi'lek she also knows her people face deep persecution within the empire so she wouldn't defect because of that.


It would be fun though to roll say a trooper who becomes disillusioned in the republic and chooses to defect to the empire or a sith warrior choosing to redeem themselves within the jedi order and therefore defecting to the republic.

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My BH has been friendly to some rank and file Imperials, could care less about the Sith, and about as much about the Republic.


Free agent, pretty much. Light Side, though.


Thats pretty much how my Powertech is shaping up to be. She hates the Sith yet doesnt mind working with the regular higher ups in the empire. Also doesnt have a problem with the Republic either if given the chance I think that BioWare should have made Bounty Hunter's and Smugglers to be able to work for both sides since most of them are more concerned on who pays more for a job than who actually runs things on either side. Though I do like how the BH basically says ****** you to a Sith Lord and proceeds to beat him sensless.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Thats pretty much how my Powertech is shaping up to be. She hates the Sith yet doesnt mind working with the regular higher ups in the empire. Also doesnt have a problem with the Republic either if given the chance I think that BioWare should have made Bounty Hunter's and Smugglers to be able to work for both sides since most of them are more concerned on who pays more for a job than who actually runs things on either side. Though I do like how the BH basically says ****** you to a Sith Lord and proceeds to beat him sensless.

How that will work is I think you start working for the underworld, then rise up,then work for the republic a while then the imps for the rest. But i Agree, My BH is a free agent. :wea_07::sy_darkside::hope_01::csw_destroyer:

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My only character I see defecting is my Gunslinger. She is this shady person who is loyal only to credits and uses Senator Dodonna's Privateer Project to build her own criminal empire behind the Republic's back. She even helped a Sith against a Jedi once. However, she is not really an enemy to the Republic and she's not overly fond of the Empire, she'll just go where the money take her.

Maybe if there was a third faction, like the criminal Hutt Cartels or something, she would defect there but that's it.


My Sith Juggernaut and Sorcerer are both backstabbers and they don't hesitate to go against their fellow Sith or Imperials but they wouldn't join the side that has Jedi.

My Jedi Sentinel and my Vanguard are loyal to the Republic, and my Imperial Operative is a patriot.

Edited by alricka
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I think it would actually be somewhat reasonable to let Bounty Hunters and Smugglers defect because they really just work for money. A smuggler is generally a criminal, and Bounty Hunters sometimes work within the law, so it would make sense. They're both just guns/goods for hire. Then again though, that wouldn't be fair to all of you Force Sensitives. Edited by Kylerp
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Who pays better?


That said I'd of loved it if Smuggler and Bounty hunter could of played either side, with an affiliation choice at the begining of the game. But alas that is just a day dream.


I agree about possibly letting the Smuggler's and Bounty Hungers being able to play either side after chosing which faction they wanted.

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Would I defect? That really depends on the character:




Most certainly would NOT defect. Destroy both the Republic and the Empire and rule over the ashes, maybe. :rak_04:



While there are some changes he would make to the Empire, and views the Republic as a worthy advisary, he would not betray the Empire. Would most likely kill anyone who tired, or at least let Jaesa do it.



Who ever pays.



Would not defect, feels both Republic and Empire have their issues, but would not be apposed to the Empire coexisting with the Republic in peace.




Completely devoted to the Jedi Order and serving the Republic.



While doesn't always agree with the Republic of the Order would never betray either, but would have no problem with peace between the Empire and Republic.



Not sure about this one, as in my Legacy/Headcannon has it as a child of my Sorcerer and a deep cover mole in the Republic



Like my Powertech it really depends on who pays, though prefers the Republic as they are 'nicer.'



Well, I guess that would be a no to defection. Would be an interesting, if extremely complex, feature though.

Edited by SupremeLegate
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