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Everything posted by Hinscher

  1. Well the problem is I NEED an orange double bladed saber Thus wanted to use commendations to buy one. But they are all alignment restricted, and being neutral is a big FU to me. Thus was hoping if I took out all the mods/hilts/enhancement/crystal, it would become a generic orange item and I can put in things i want and equip it.
  2. Hi, currently I am neutral in alignment. I want to get a moddable double bladed saber for my companion. i see on market and on commendation stores and everywhere i look a selection of moddable (orange) double bladed lightsabers. BUT they all say need to be dark 1 or above, or light 1 or above, ect. If i buy them and then remove mods and put in my own, will my companion be able to use it? or are they stuck at alignment restrictions forever?
  3. Sounds like a complainer wanting sentinals to heal themselves magically while fighting. Sure its only 36% over the duration of the battle and not instant, but guess what. We are doing damage nonstop, we are not stopping to heal. You should go back to Diablo 2 and play that. It has your lifesteal, which sounds like is what you want. To steal like 25% hp for every damage you do.
  4. Well I'm sure you got plenty of advice prior to this, but right now I am also going through sentinal for first time. I am only level 17 right now but I already have like 240 str. So you really need to find new gear. 167 str at lvl 34 seems like a lie, unless you are having gear with aim or other stats on. Remember str is most important. Ignore defense, go for str. Something with 100 more defense but 40 less str will suck
  5. I have it turned off on some of my characters. Just cause the name's don't sound right. But thats your own fault for thinking of a legacy name like "lightbringer" The legacy makes sense. I mean look at Skywalker. There is a light jedi and a dark jedi. So they can be both sides. I see no problem with interspecies as well. No saying a zabrak and a human can't be related. and so on. I have 6 guys and 5 of htem show my legacy name. 1 doesn't, and its for reasons of the two names being both last name soundy already so didn't want that.
  6. Well duh you get dark points. I mean there is a side quest dealing with no romance for jedi. And you can choose not to tell your master. I sure didn't. Got no light/dark for that option. Not sure what telling would do. Assume give light side.
  7. Jedi Knight gets it really early. Like the starter planet already making whoopy
  8. If I wear something as is with most thing, maybe all don't pay attention. It gets bound. I can still put it on me or my companion. The question I have is. Can I send this item to a different character of mine through the mail and wear it? Or is it bound to that character only. Basically does bind, bind to character or server? Seeing how they have this whole legacy thing, I would like to think its bound to your Legacy, thus all your characters on teh server.
  9. This is my biggest problem with the game. Not all jedi having someting as simple as like jedi push or pull. Sure have some classes have skills that make them amazing and sync well with others, but at least give the others the basic pull/push even if they never use it cause it sucks for them.
  10. Just make sure your romancable is not with you come time when you talk to the opposite sex. For example on my Bounty Hunter, if I'm talking to a female and a (flirt) option pops up, if Mako is with me I dont' do it. usually playing with a friend so i dn't answer at all and let him flirt. If she is not with me, then its flirt away.
  11. Order means nothing just listing 1. Kotor 2. SWTOR 3. Pod racing on 64 4. Rogue Leader on gamecube 5. SWG in the first year before devolopers ruined game by listening to fans (warning to all you guys ************ about this game too)
  12. Only just got Torian, so far as a male. Mako - best one, makes you seem invinsible if you have her. Too good of a healer. If I struggle i pull her out and use her. Also great story so far. Gault - Like his attitude and his skills. Like the chase and his escapes on Tatooine and love how he likes my ******** remarkes and love for money. Also seems to work good with me. We both stay alive and kill away Torian - Liked his story and look so far, but can't stand using him. He dies in like a second. Can't use him at all. And as someone said he is basically my hand me down dump. He looks like how I used to look. so scale 1-5 Mako = 5 Gault = 4 Torian = 2 ( would be 1 if he wasn't decent character wise, his usefulness is pathetic) BUT out of all my classes I have tried, Bounty Hunter by far has the best companions. I would take Torian over a crap load of my other companions.
  13. Is it bad to bring great things from another game to this one?
  14. These are thing I would love to see from this game. 1. Loading screens change. Make it so that instead of a loading screen you get like a looping cutscene. Like for example landing on a planet or taking off while it loading it has a looping cutscene of you and your crew pushing buttons, saying stuff is all clear, somethings ready, ect. or Like if you get put on a qeue have someone say the hyperdrive needs looking at and while waiting it has them pretend to fix it, ect. You know something like Metroid Prime games did, where they hid the loading screns in the cutscenes. 2. Houses. Give us houses to decorate. Make there be like a dozen houses you can choose from on a few planets, have them be instances so its not you build a house. 3. Buy your own ship later. I would like to get option to buy a kind of ship i like, and also decorate inside. 4. Make ship interior change depending on companion stuff. If someone says he wants to buy new fancy couches, then put them in the ship for me. 5. A reason to be in a cantina. Make cantinas busy. I hate seeing cantinas with no people in them. Bring in some kind of gambling game or something to entice people to come into a cantina and mingle. I'm sure many will come in and yell about how things need fixing, or the typical end game stuff. But I think the best thing we all need is things to make this game feel like a home.
  15. The one thing SWTOR missses that Galaxies delivered was the sense of living in this other world. I loved having a guild house, my own house, my own ships. I could decorate things. I loved going to a cantina and SITTING down and chatting or watching. Dancing, playing music. Getting haircuts, and so on. Kind of felt like what I imagine second life or Home for ps3 try to go for. Felt like a different life. felt like you were in star wars. i also like the customization. Why can't I as a bh choose to fight with a sniper rifle, or carbine, or blaster rifle, or stick, sword, club, dagger, flame thrower, ect. Why am i restricted to only what it tells me. I should be able to chose my weapon type.
  16. Love how he is like lvl 50 on Jan 1st and complaining about how there is no one to group up with.
  17. Ever thought about restrictions. You think the planets government just let every nobody fly their space ship anywhere they want on the planet. Just like real life, i can't just go and fly my plane (if I had one) anywhere I want to. Have you not seen star wars movies where they get a call on their com asking who they are and what not and checking them out before letting them pass. Then they send them to a place to land.
  18. 1. This game could easily be a single player game. i could easily just play the 8 classes story once each or how many before I get sick of same old side quests on each. Then i could easily drop this game. Is taht wrong? I would get 100+ hours easy. More than can be said for any other single player game out there besides skyrim. Which skyrim gets boring after 100 hours as well. 2. I do agree. I much prefer playing this with friends. If they not on i usually just sit in ship and do crew mission while surfing internet. I do have on character that I have been doing solo, but only play when i know no one is going to be on that i will play with.
  19. I love jumping on a lift, its fun as hell seeing you slowly fall back down. Hae not yet been on one that i have died yet. though have died enough times thinking I could jump on th eelevator that was so far down already.
  20. Well most planets I'm on from times 6:00 pm to midnight there is around 80-140 people on at all times. The fleet is always like 160. IF I play at like 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, the planets can be super small like only 25 people on say alderaan. OMG wow who would have thunk that people might be at work or school during those times and thus be less people one. I love seeing posts of people posting times of something at like 11:00 am. No **** its slow at that time.
  21. They should have had a neutral class and lump smugglers and bounty hunters in there. Then make an imperial trooper and a republic spy to fill those shoes. I mean it makes little sense that smuggler and bounty hunters are set to one. i mean their stories don't really have anything to do with either. One is out doing the great hunt, while the other is out collecting treasure. As for the rest, like the Jedi. I say have them able to change. USE THE LIGHT/DARK meter actually. If a republic jedi is rank 5 in dark, he should damn well be switched to the imperial side. No way would all the bad things this jedi is doing that the council would just let them remain. Same other way around. Have it so that as you gain rank in dark/light the people who give you quests change. And slowly you go from pure republic to pure imperial missions.
  22. Hinscher


    So copmanions still give you missions if you never use them and just increase their affection by gifts?
  23. This is what I'll do to. We are bounty hunters, we need nothing more than our name to instill fear into others BUT as for the topic I say we need and all classes need another 100 titles a piece. The more titles the more customization each person is allowed. If someone wants to run around with Mandalorion on their head, great for them. If someone wants it to say Bounty Hunter, thats great too. If someone wants it to say Limp Gun, let them. GIVE US OPTIONS.
  24. They should add a check box next to the helmet on each companion and yourselves character sheet to turn on or off helmet visibility
  25. Hi, I'm sure this could be answered soon if I just got her a helmet, but was wondering anyway. I have one character who is the BLIND RACE, and the headbands look dumb with it so I turned off the head slot visible on that character. NOW my question is. Does this apply to your companions too? If I give one of my companions a helmet will it be invisible too cause my main character is, or does it still show.
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