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Sniper is hands down the worst class in SWTOR(PvP)


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It is amusing how people try to justify the snipers' existence. According to your definition a merc or sorc on a platform is also an area denial class - even more so against tanks.


As the poster above said: there are enough good posts about the class' problems.


But go on and live in denial :rolleyes:


LOL, yea I agree here. Even though you have people with 50 Snipers as their mains, full champ - bm gear and conveying an agreed upon consensus, you still have a person preaching from their soap box at how OP a sniper is and how EVERYONE else has no idea how to play the class, etc. Such BS.

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I'll ask again, what is the advantage that sniper has compared to Merc or Sorc?


Ok... do you want me to just make something up here? I already said previously I haven't played the other classes so how could I compare. I stated the results I am getting playing this class.

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Personally if I was to improve the sniper's directly dps, I'd make their abilities not white damage, activate quicker, heck if a normal man aimed a snipe shot for that long he could probably do the same damage and we're meant to be elite, so we should fire faster.


Also cover should either be buffed so we don't take as much damage or make it standard that we can't be cced while in it, because we literally cc ourselves while doing it anyway or something else because it's not very useful, maybe going into cover speeds up your shots automatically rather than spending points atm which still do very little overall.


Moving alot of abilities to Tech would make them undodgeable and undeflectable. That would be a great start.

Secondly, more armor penetration. We only have a measely 20% passive for Ambush as MM. And a 20% debuff. A Sorc ignores armor with all his abilities (except one) and a Merc has 35% penetration on ALL abilities passive. And can stack 20% on the target for 55%.


Thirdly, fix issues like being unable to take cover when rooted. And poor itemization/talents.


Alos, buff Cover. It was suppose to compensate for our squishy nature. But 20% ranged defense only applies to.... other snipers! Tada! Since Sorcs and BH barely use anything that can be dodged and all the othr classes use Melee. Cover's defense is next to useless against 7 out of 8 classes.

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And to those who say the sniper is fine I suggest you go out and play another class.



Sniper is fine.. its a damn ******* support class.... hence the word "Sniper". You dont see many military/police snipers running and clearing buildings with a damn bolt action.


I love sniper and its all i pretty much play... Poor mobility is made up from Shear burst damage...with Tanks well... move on to a softer target and take him out. MAN I CANT KILL HIM... well if hes busy with someone else move over and lay down some rounds for a nearby team-mate who needs some help. ;)

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Moving alot of abilities to Tech would make them undodgeable and undeflectable. That would be a great start.

Secondly, more armor penetration. We only have a measely 20% passive for Ambush as MM. And a 20% debuff. A Sorc ignores armor with all his abilities (except one) and a Merc has 35% penetration on ALL abilities passive. And can stack 20% on the target for 55%.


Sorcerer's only ignore armor on like 2-3 of their abilities. Only Internal and Elemental damage ignore armor. Sorcerer's deal almost all Energy damage.

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Sniper is one of the few classes whos damage can be:




Has to go through Shield

Has to through Damage reduction of Armor

Lethality can be purged by anyone with half a brain ( get to 50 and see what happens to your build in organized guild PvP)


I wish I had screen shotted the damage listed on the tool-tip abilitis from my operative b/c I think the operative gets a much higher base damage on them than the snipers comparitive skills on that level.


Need I remind you that operative damage is also enchanced by tech bonus whereas the snipers attacks are not.



And to the above poster you can tell my two level 50 snipers friends who quit this game to l2p. I would love to see one PvP video of a sniper owning PvP that doesn't get smashed by melees in PvP.


The red flashing lights and a stationary target is a magnet for stealth melee types. I was an operative and I prayed on snipers.


If the sniper is such a great class that can handle its own post your video. I highly doubt any of you can back your claims up.

LOCK THIS THREAD AND CLOSE IT oh yeah *facepalm*

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Sniper is fine.. its a damn ******* support class.... hence the word "Sniper". You dont see many military/police snipers running and clearing buildings with a damn bolt action.


I love sniper and its all i pretty much play... Poor mobility is made up from Shear burst damage...with Tanks well... move on to a softer target and take him out. MAN I CANT KILL HIM... well if hes busy with someone else move over and lay down some rounds for a nearby team-mate who needs some help. ;)


Yeah. I usually seek out the opposing healers and burst DPS them down , then switch to more heavily armored targets, hit them with a shatter shot and then help my teammates DPS them down.


Granted I'm only lvl 32, which apparently means I can't truly understand the limitations of the class yet, but I'm having a blast in PvP. I've already earned 4500 commendations - more than my lvl 50 Jedi Shadow has earned total.


Last night I had two rounds where I went 48-6 and 54-3 in huttball. More often I go around 30-5 or 35-5.


And Civil War is amazing fun with a sniper. I just hang out on the upper veranda at the middle cannon, and pick dudes off down below. Most of them don't even notice I'm there.


For people who will point out that kills aren't the most important thing, I also usually rank top 3 for objective points.


I guess lvl 50 PvP must be a far different experience, but I'm loving this. I actually have to stop myself from queuing up too much, because I don't want to hugely overlevel for the quest content I'm supposed to be doing. :D

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I think we're pretty good, the only problem I have is we have no way of dealing with getting Trained. Evasion is short and barely does anything, as every class has a way to get through it (and most aren't effected by it at all). It can be really frustrating playing teams that train you, because you'll die a lot and there's very little you can do about it.


PVPing in Ilum is a nightmare. Everyone just auto targets you, nomatter how far away you are, and there's not much you can do about it. I usually play with a tank who Guards me, too.


Of course, this is "supposed" to be our weakness, we're meant to be glass cannons, but still, some sort of escape or emergency button would be nice.

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I'm level 11. I just became a sniper. I went 24-6 which is amazing for me (my level 29 Sorc goes like 8-12).


It's deluding really. The higher you go, the less effective it'll become and you have to be more tactical. Doesn't mean we're UP or anything. It just takes more effort.

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I'm level 11. I just became a sniper. I went 24-6 which is amazing for me (my level 29 Sorc goes like 8-12).


10-40 doesnt mean much. Also you should look into the hybrid pvp secs. a sorc should never have higher d/k.


Heres a picture of my IA who hasnt left hutta and using only hutta gear



Doesnt mean anything.

Edited by shadowAI
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I will say that this class was probably the hardest to learn how to effectively pvp on, even compared to classes in other games, but once I did I've been rolling out almost always top damage and kills since level 25. I play engineering and I love it.


But damage totals don't mean anything. You are just tab spamming dots. Anyone can do that.

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If you arn't 50 your opinions arn't relevant so stop posting how you do good on a level 11. I have played both sniper and BH merc both with full champ gear and their dps puts IA to Shame.


Bounty- Tracer-2500 , tracer 2750 tracer 3000, HS 4000+ railshot 3500=15750 that's modest numbers as well I've had heatseekers go for 6k


Sniper-laze+shattershot-700-instasnipe-2500, ft-2000 ambush+probe-5500,takedown-3500=14,200


Those are both 5.5 second rotations If everything goes your way.


Bountys have better burst and better sustained damage than a class which is pure dps. Yes we are viable and can do well in both pvp and pve but are we balanced? I dare say nay

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A Sorc ignores armor with all his abilities (except one)
Only one dot that deal internal damage, rest does Energy Damage afik. All the lighting attacks deal Energy damage. Energy damage does not ignore armor (in fact Energy Damage is what most sniper rifles do, and most marksman abilities does the same damage type as their weapon as they are Ranged Attacks).


Alos, buff Cover. It was suppose to compensate for our squishy nature. But 20% ranged defense only applies to....
You reduce damage taken by 30% on three attacks each time you enter cover. Its on an internal 1.5 sec CD, which - by the way - is the same re-fire rate that tracer missiles have.


Mercs have to stand still to cast their 1.5 sec tracer missile.

Snipers have to stand still to cast their 1.5 sec snipe

(actually first snipe when entering cover every 6 seconds is instant, so you can run, instant cover + instant snipe and then continue to run)


Snipers dont have to spend a global cooldown JUST to enter cover.

You enter cover and start to cast your snipe.

After you fire your snipe you can move and stop to fire another snipe or you can fire another snipe from cover.

Same as merc can fire one tracer missile and then move and stop to fire another tracer missile or stand still to spam tracer missiles without moving.



You don't have to stay in cover if there is a tactical advantage to move....


Followthrough is instant cast and does not require cover. You can run, enter cover and fire instant snipe, continue running while you wait for global cooldown, fire your followthrough, continue running while you wait for global cooldown, enter cover and fire 1.5 sec ambush.


I spend a lot of time in cover, but NOT because it would take too long to enter cover. It doesnt. Enter cover does not take a global cooldown. No, I stay in cover between shots because i still have ballistic dampers and because power techs and sith warriors can't jump to me. I also stay in cover to keep casting abilities back to back.


Similar to tracer missile spammers stand still when they spam missiles. No need to move if there isnt any tactical advantage of doing so. You miss out of DPS. But if you need to move - then you do.

Edited by Xenon-se
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If you arn't 50 your opinions arn't relevant so stop posting how you do good on a level 11. I have played both sniper and BH merc both with full champ gear and their dps puts IA to Shame.


Bounty- Tracer-2500 , tracer 2750 tracer 3000, HS 4000+ railshot 3500=15750 that's modest numbers as well I've had heatseekers go for 6k


Sniper-laze+shattershot-700-instasnipe-2500, ft-2000 ambush+probe-5500,takedown-3500=14,200


Those are both 5.5 second rotations If everything goes your way.


Bountys have better burst and better sustained damage than a class which is pure dps. Yes we are viable and can do well in both pvp and pve but are we balanced? I dare say nay


Yep. Someone was claiming that sniper has the largest single burst attack and shows screenshot of 6.5k

Heres merc heatseeker



Not me. my merc is a lowbie (decided to go imp and love commando mechanics) and my commando/gunslinger/sage have been shelved (server is dead)

Edited by shadowAI
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Snipers get core abilities and many others relatively late compared to the other classes. They're late bloomers. Then you see low level snipers whining, they commit suicide, you never have late bloomers above 12 years old.


So basically, once you're 30, it improves dramatically. Once you get 36... Holy crap, I can faceroll 2 people at once. FOTM, anyone?

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Other classes do just as much damage, if not more but also have utility in terms of jumps/pulls/speed/stealth or healing. Sniper has limited mobility, they're the easiest class to kill, a glass cannon; Except without the cannon because the only thing they do, they don't do very well. Sniper needs some love.
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Other classes do just as much damage, if not more but also have utility in terms of jumps/pulls/speed/stealth or healing. Sniper has limited mobility, they're the easiest class to kill, a glass cannon; Except without the cannon because the only thing they do, they don't do very well. Sniper needs some love.


Easiest class to kill is Sorcs, no contest... they literally drop like a stone if any competent damage dealer (note: not you) bursts them.


We have the most fantastic array of CC there is and we have some of the best defensive stuff in-game, Entrench alone is frikkin' awesome.


I found myself being "easiest to kill" only in Voidstar when I decide to Entrench in front of the door with Ballistic Shields up and that is only because people try to zerg me down, since they know they can't do jack **** to those healers and melee inside the 20% damage reduction bubble, while I am at the best position to nuke just about every attacker uninterrupted and un-CCable.



In Huttball - I am nearly immortal, really, I ONLY die in three cases:


  • I am being retarded and jump in front of enemy deathball, while beating on my hairy chest and screaming "Bring it oooon!!"
  • I am being retarded and kite someone across half warzone in a wrong direction.
  • I am being retarded and stand in the fire.


Conclusion: I die in Huttball only when I am acting as a moron.

Solution: Less derping around!



OK, I am not saying I never die 1v1, I do... but it is never a quick death with only grand exception of being ganked by Operatives and ONLY if both my CC breaker was down AND they got some lucky crit spam. In the rest of the cases, it is a huge pain in the *** for the attacker who has to tank his way through loads of CCs, debuffs and buffs... I remember one case when I got chased by a Tank assassin literally over whole Huttball twice, in the end he killed me and sent me following whisper: "OMG maaaaaan!". I'd say that whisper says everything.

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I found myself being "easiest to kill" only in Voidstar when I decide to Entrench in front of the door with Ballistic Shields up and that is only because people try to zerg me down, since they know they can't do jack **** to those healers and melee inside the 20% damage reduction bubble, while I am at the best position to nuke just about every attacker uninterrupted and un-CCable.


I'm sure you feel like you're doing something special but every Jugg, Assassin and Powertech has an AoE taunt that's better than your amazing 20 % shield (taunt will reduce damage by 30 %), it's only on a 45 second cooldown and a it's fire and forget that doesn't put a giant "hey immobile squishy HERE, please KILL ME QUICK!!!" graphics up all around you. Then they also have their low cooldown single taunt... and loads of other group utility.


Snipers are amazing group utility in PvE but let's face it, we bring absolutely nothing worth mentioning in PvP. Sniper damage is good but so is Merc and Sorc damage and for Snipers it's all in the most unreliable types (screwed by either all forms of avoidance/mitigation or dispels) and the most easily negated by skill (by LoSing). I PvP at 50 with a Powertech and a Sniper and it's frustrating how little influence you have on the match as a Sniper.


You bring nothing to the group besides a joke shield that's utterly inferior to the protection that even any DPS specced PT/Assa/Jugg can do. The only way you can help/protect a ball carrier is stuns, knockbacks and immobilizes and every class has some so you're nothing special and actually your stuff is so bad on the resolve that it's often better not to use them and let some class with better stuns do the stunning. You don't bring off heals or shields like mercs and sorcs. You don't bring amazing ball carrying speed like a sorc. You don't bring ball carrying durability like a Powertech. You bring damage but all these classes that bring amazing utility skills bring similar damage.


For rated warzones, at the moment you might take one Agent for the buff but Operatives still bring stealth and any team will want some. Snipers are fun for blowing up random people in pugs but for organized PvP teams they are utterly unwelcome garbage.

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Easiest class to kill is Sorcs, no contest... they literally drop like a stone if any competent damage dealer (note: not you) bursts them. We have the most fantastic array of CC there is and we have some of the best defensive stuff in-game, Entrench alone is frikkin' awesome..


I disagree, sorcs can bubble and heal and force run etc I was in a game just last night against a full battle-master marksman sniper and he was way easier to kill than champion sorcs, even with interrupts like a boss.


As for cc, yeah its adequate. You can talent leg shot so its good to spam. Other classes have similar arsenal of cc knock-backs etc. I would consider sniper cc to be slightly above the base set. However our knock-backs don't work if your target is stunned.


Your argument against the class being fundamentally underpowered and ignored is weak. If hybrid classes have the same damage as pure damage class PLUS healing/tanking/utility then its broken.

Edited by Crankyhobo
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