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Everything posted by Pinworm

  1. Garbage, unwatchable movie. I will not see it. You're wrong, sorry.
  2. Why does it flash every time i use a global cooldown? This makes no sense. I dont want every ability flashing literally every second. This makes it impossible to see any visual queues for when an abilities *does* come off cooldown. Fix this plx
  3. I guess it's not, but that wasn't what I saw in all the videos. But how exactly do you tell? I Mean, if I fight someone, and they don't fight back, am I suddenly exploiting? Can I not fight back and make others exploiters? What if someone goes afk? I mean if people are grouped up and just trading or something, yeah, I guess, but how do you tell the difference between kill trading and people simply pvping? Isn't group pvp essentially just a form of kill trading anyway? It seems like a slippery slope to me.
  4. I'm confused as to why you all seem to think group pvp in the pvp zone is somehow exploiting
  5. The benefit isn't armor (I'm not sure which talent you mean for that?), the debate is cluster bombs versus more dot damage when the boss is below 30%. When you give up cluster bombs, you give up some dps and energy regen. However, if you have the gear, energy isn't an issue. So the issue really comes down to, do you want spread out DPS, or do you want DPS when it matters? The last 30% of a fight are arguably the most important, and as such, I can totally see why someone would prefer 2/11/28.. although as I siad, I perfer 2/16/23 (I also pvp more, though, and energy is more of an issue there).
  6. It does seem weird that "AIM" isn't good for a sniper, but as others have explained, while it has some benefit, that benefit comes at the cost of Cunning which offers a significantly larger benefit. The ONLY time you'll want to take a piece of Aim gear is in the RARE situation that you're leveling up, haven't gotten a specific piece of gear for a long time, and managed to get a really good one with aim on it. I'm talking going from like, 2 cunning 2 endurance to 20 aim 20 endurance. That's not the specific math, but you get my point. Still get the Aim datacrons though.
  7. He probably means 2/11/28. Which is a good spec, probably even optimal for raids at higher gear, but I enjoy the energy from Explosive Probe too much.
  8. Do you honestly believe your experience was representative of level 50 pvp against people who have gear, and where everyone has all of their abilities? I mean, I don't even think Snipers are the worst class or even bad, but this argument makes no sense. No one is complaining about snipers at level 13 (or at least that's not what most people who have issues here are talking about)
  9. I think a lot of it depends on your spec and your current stats. I don't feel like Surge is as useful for a 2/16/23 spec, for example, as it is for a marksman spec. It also has a soft cap; a point where your surge and crit is so high that it's more beneficial to have Power than either of them. But generally, what you want to aim for is Crit @ 40%, Surge around ~80%, then prioritize power. At least I think it's something like that. Cunning is your best stat and I'd personally take 20 cunning over anything else (although it rarely comes down to something that simple, but, cunning is rarely an issue since it's on everything)
  10. I think we're pretty good, the only problem I have is we have no way of dealing with getting Trained. Evasion is short and barely does anything, as every class has a way to get through it (and most aren't effected by it at all). It can be really frustrating playing teams that train you, because you'll die a lot and there's very little you can do about it. PVPing in Ilum is a nightmare. Everyone just auto targets you, nomatter how far away you are, and there's not much you can do about it. I usually play with a tank who Guards me, too. Of course, this is "supposed" to be our weakness, we're meant to be glass cannons, but still, some sort of escape or emergency button would be nice.
  11. You have a typo in Orbital Strike, you call it Corrosive Grenade later on. Just letting you know. Good work. I think a more thorough investigation of Interogation Probe is due, though. It seems like you either got lucky or unlucky, so it'd be nice to figure out which (unless you hunch is correct and it is not additive - which would be weird, given that it is for the other DOTs)
  12. A short term stealth would be a god send. It's the one thing I feel we lack. We really don't have an OH GOD LET ME ESCAPE button like pretty much every other class. Just stand and die if we get cornered. That, or make Evasion offer complete immunity (because it's pretty useless as it is right now. Every class that I can think of has attacks that it ignores.) Something to adjust our positioning would be nice. A rocket jump that allowed us to choose a destination to leap too would be really nice too, but I'm not sure it'd fit the class (seems more like a bounty hunter thing).
  13. She's a good tank, I like her character, but she's annoying to gear (Only way I know of to get her a weapon is to hope an armstech made and reverse engineered techstaves, and got a good proc.. considering it's not profitable, this is probably rare) She destroys Kaliyo though.
  14. Don't forget he got the cluster bomb energy talent. This has a lot of benefits. For my char (keep in mind this spec requires decent gear to use decently), if I do the following: Cor grenade, cor dart, Int Prob, Expl prob, Cull, I actually end up with 4 arrow regen. The crits from DOTs regen some energy, but the cluster bombs exploding during Cull add a lot, too. It's actually a really decent opener, in pvp, and Explosive Probe oddly because a way of regening energy (especially if you simply rifle shot with it on, you get base regen + 5 energy on each cluster bomb + any dot crits). I find that I have more energy with a 2/16/23 spec than a full lethality spec, and do way more damage.
  15. Ehh, I don't think we're the worst. There's gotta be something worse.
  16. So I see tons of people saying Accuracy is one of our prime stats, and I'm not quite sure why. Before I start, my spec is as follows: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbI0rRoZGbbkrMhd.1 Most of my abilities (All of my dots, Explosive prob. Not sure about Cull) aren't white damage, and I think the only abilities I use that use white damage are rifle shot - which I rarely use. Tech abilities have over 100% accuracy, and right now, in mostly tier 2 pvp (I mainly pvp, but I also do raids so I care about both.. but pvp more), I have 98% accuracy. Why, exactly, would I want to get rid of that 2~ chance a very small damaging ability (rifle shot) doesn't miss, compared to the massive benefits that Crit will provide, or even power or surge? (although I'm not sure surge is that amazing for my spec given that i do lots of little damages. I value crit more, especially for the energy regen) Or am I missing something? Does it also effect Cull? Even if it does, I'm still not sure I should value it as highly as I see thrown around here, nevermind it being on nearly EVERY item for tier 3. Or does it offer some benefit that I'm not aware of? Thanks!
  17. Yes, it does effect it. IMO, 2/16/23 is the best spec for both PVE and PVP. However, full lethality MIGHT be better for PVE.. I think weakening blast might, all things being equal, contribute more damage in a stand-still fight, theorycrafted fight Regardless, I find 2/16/23 way more effective in PVP, and It "feels" better in pve (hard to tell without damage meters), both in terms of damage, and energy use with clusterbombs.
  18. I've tried 2/16/23 and full lethality and I do way more damage as 2/16/23. It's in comprehensively better imo. The bonuses to Explosive Probe are awesome too, and cluster bombs help a lot with energy. I didn't pick up the aoe snare for Corrosive grenade though, nor the slow for Interrogation Prob. So I have no slows, which can be a downer.. I wonder if it's worth it, but I'm not sure what i'd give up for it. This is my spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400bZbI0rRoZGbbkrMhd.1
  19. Hate people that are honest and objective? Okay. And no, operatives are fine pre-50 pre tier 2.
  20. I was killing tanks in the initial stun, now I can do it in the initial double stun. One more second, woopy. The class needed to be fix, end of discussion.
  21. Ops are one of the most blatantly broken classes I've ever seen in an MMO - rivaled only by my Barbarian in Age of Conan. If you can not see that, you are simply being biased and not looking at it Objectively. Killing tier 3 tanks in an initial stun isn't normal, but for ops, it is. The change is necessary, and you'll live. Bioware isn't picking your class to nerf from a game of inny-minny-miny-moe. Nor are they choosing to do it based on forum posts (or they'd nerf EVERY class - look around). They have actual data, TONS of it, and that is what is influencing this choice. Full disclosure: my main is a sniper, my alt is an Operative.
  22. Evasion should offer 100% immunity. Laze Target should benefit all specs. Not sure how to change it. Making next snipe instant cast/with no energy cost would be nice, but maybe too powerful, and not really fun. Maybe leave it as it is, but give a new ability that benefits the other specs - like, gives your next 5 dot ticks a chance to tick twice, or your next 5 dot ticks all crit, something like that. They can share a cooldown. I would REALLY like some kind of sprint or emergency stealth. I know they want stealth to be the operative thing, but an emergency stealth for a sniper fits the class still and would be really great. We don't have any "OH GOD LET ME GET AWAY" abilities (only indirect ones, like flashbang and run, or leg shot and run, etc. An emergency cooldown would be nice). Change rapid fire. I hate that talent so much that I rarely even ever use it. I know it's decent, but It's basically worthless in pvp (what I mostly care about) and it's just not that interesting. I like the idea of adding another tick to series of shots. I don't think any drastic changes are needed. I enjoy my class, especially my new spec (2/16/23) and I enjoyed Marksman too, it was fun, although I find my current spec way, way better.
  23. Yes, it is. The issue isn't operatives in general. The issue is operatives at 50 with all their talents and decent gear. They can kill a battlemaster geared tank in the initial stun when this is the case (i've seen it happen, many times). Operatives are fine or maybe even a bit weak before being 50 with at least tier 1 pvp (mainly tier 2/3)
  24. hey guys, I'm live streaming here: http://www.justin.tv/pinworm45 If you want to check me out. Doing PVP. I'm a sniper, get 10+ medals a game, almost always top damage. My spec is 2/16/23. Check it out if you're interested in how the sniper plays, or my playstyle or spec.
  25. They do when geared. I play with Operatives. My friends think it's hilarious and are constantly laughing at how they kill people in 3 hits before the stun wears out. I've seen it happened, and it's happened to me. My friend is a tier 3 geared tank, and he dies in the initial stun. It's completely broken and if you disagree you're simply ignorant and ignoring the facts.
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