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Things I don't like about SWTOR


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I know, another complaint thread, but I've tried to include stuff I didn't see mentioned by others.



I don't mind the bugs casue they'll get fixed and nobody will remember them like how most people don't remember early WoW bugs but Bioware made a lot of design choices that I think were based on what was easiest for them to do instead of what would be the most fun for players. The game just feels rushed and unpolished. I'm gonna make a lot of comparison's to WoW cause Blizzard made so many right decisions and it's the biggest mmo out there now.



They didn't put much effort on playable races. Mostly they all look like humans with different colored skin. And I don't know where they got cyborgs from. Looks like they just recycled humans and put metal pieces on their face. They could have included those fish guys like Admiral Ackbarbut that would have required a different designed head and maybe special effects in the voiceover, a lot more work than just changing the skin color or adding horns.


Blizzard communicates a lot in forums and they always mention how much work it is doing textures and artwork when people complain about how their toons look and it seems like Bioware put the minimum effort here and made all the races similar so they don't have to redesign how gear will look for races that are different sizes. If they made a Jawa class, they'd have to redo the artwork for every piece of gear that the Jawa could use to make it look right for that size. That's what Blizzard has to do with taurens and gnomes. It adds a lot of extra work in making the art work for gear and animations for mounts.


Also, half the quests on planets are having you kill humanoids or droids. This could be a limit of a game in the Star wars universe but they don't even have much variety on creatures. On Taris on the republic side, practically every quest was we gotta (get supplies, find something, go somewhere, save someone) but rakghouls are there and we need help. There must have been 3 or 4 separate bonus quests of killing 30 rakghouls. Yes, WoW has a ton of boars but they also have a ton of other types of stuff to kill. On every planet, it seems its just more humans, droids and maybe one or two creatures for the whole planet. It just looks like they got lazy with art design again.



The planets don't feel alive. If you do all the quests on a planet, you'll go through every zone and area except for the class specific ones. Once your done, you have no reason to ever go back. When you go through a zone in WoW, there are areas you run by that have nothing to do with any quest you have. Having things in the world that have nothing to do with you really helps make the world feel more alive and bigger. When every single room and creature you see is there because you have a quest to go there or kill it, the world just feels small and dead. It doesn't help that Imperials and Republic are on different instances when they're on the same planet so they never see each other.


Making separate instances is the laziest way to solve a lot of mmo problems. Instead of trying to balance creatures or respawn rates, just put those things in a new instance so the developers don't have to think of that. Why bother designing zones and quest to have room for both Imperials and the Republic when you can design a smaller one and put them in separate instances and have them use the same areas for quest hubs and vendors.


The fleet for both Imperials and the Republic are the same, they just shifted what each quadrant was so they wouldn't be exact copies. They didn't even bother designing different fleets for the two factions.


I really like this game and am having fun playing it but it really feels like they took KOTOR 3 and added some stuff so they could call it an MMO and charge people every month. All the great stuff about the game would have been just as good in a single player game and all the problems seem to be from the MMO side of it.


Post like these always get the same responses so I'll try to preemptively answer some of them.


If you don't like the game, just quit. Why waste your time making this post

This is a forum for people to communicate with each other. I've been playing video games all my life and I like talking about them with others. This is my experience with the game and want to know about what other people think of the game.


You shouldn't compare it to WoW cause WoW's been out for 7 years.

It's 2012. Bioware can go play WoW, see what worked and what didn't and copy the best parts and improve the worst ones. They aren't designing games in a vacuum. FPS games that come out today don't get compared to Quake or Duke Nukem. They get compared to other FPS games in the state they are in now. New cars aren't compared to the Model T.


SWTOR is a month old, give it more time to add features.

I tried to focus on design choices and not lack of features or content cause they'll add those later. They can add more Operations, a LFG tool and fix bugs in a patch but most of the things I've said are much deeper problems that will take significantly more work than the average patch to fix. Also, they must have known that the area most people would spend their time in was the fleet and they used the exact same design for both factions. You can't say they didn't have time design the fleet. They were just lazy or didn't care.


edit: I forgot to mention having groups made up of 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 dps. Queue times in WoW are bad cause theres not enough tanks for the 3 dps in each group, with every 2 dps needing a tank and healer, queue times will be worse once they eventually get the LFG tool working.

Edited by cromartyfive
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Wow wasn't fun when i quit it five years ago, not really interested in SWTOR taking features from a game i haven't had an interest in even touching in that many years.


Comparisons are valid with wow though, here's my own:

SWTOR is fun, WoW isn't.


Was it really the features that made you not have fun? Wasn't it more the content/design decisions?

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I enjoyed WoW but I will say (and this is not to take away from the OP he/she is entitled to his/her opinion) The WoW launch was horrible. I've been gaming long before WoW was a twinkle in blizzards eye and out of all the launched I've been a part of theres 2 that standout as the worst imo.


1) Vanguard

2) WoW


My point is although I personally feel that WoW's launch was a disaster I did enjoy the game once they managed to work everything out. This only covers the first part of your post.


I have confidence in BW that in time the game will be even better then it already is.

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Agreed to a certain point, but you have to take into account the massive amount of time it takes, from their standpoint all that stuff can be added if the game gets a good initial response. You, like everyone else that compares this game to WoW, completely ignored that WoW was similar when it was first released(with a few exceptions). No company is going to commit those kind of resources to create all that extra content, costing them tons of money along the way, without knowing how the basics of their game is received by the public, it's bad business.


Perfect example:

The Fleets being the same is not a big deal, if they want to revamp them all they have to do is something like release a content patch where each side launches a huge assault on the other sides main assets and we need to defend them, but in the process each Fleet gets destroyed. So then we need to do something similar to what they did in WoW where we have to gather enough mats as a server to finish the rebuild. See, it's that easy, that took me 5 seconds to come up with and I'm sure BW could do a better job but that's the biggest plus about MMO's, it's so insanely easy to renovate the game. Give them some time to really digest our feedback, let them focus on the more serious issues like the bugs and problems that actually affect our gameplay..


"WoW being out for 7 years" and "It's new so give them some time" are completely valid. I'm very happy they just didn't copy WoW, for one we'd have nothing but "TOR is just WoW in the the Star Wars Universe...." followed by nothing buy crying and complaining about how lazy BW is.... it's a double edged sword. You may have been happier but others wouldn't.


BW wasn't lazy, look at the stories for each class, that took a lot of effort. I, along with many others, am very happy they put so much effort into the leveling experience instead of making it monotonous just so we could have some of the things you mentioned . I'd much rather have it this way instead of having them spend their time on something trivial like the design of the Fleet, where no real story takes place.... Or have some completely trivial aspect added like some random area we have to travel through to get to where we need to go, I like that everything has meaning, and it feels like we're actually in these areas for a reason.


Granted there are some aspects that do feel rushed and underdeveloped, but that doesn't mean that's all we get. TOR is a month old(yes I said it because it's a completely valid argument), they are just getting started on reviewing the things we don't like about it and adjusting accordingly. It's very clear that they wanted to class story experiences to be the main focus for now, and I love it. I love that I don't have to travel through a bunch of BS to get to where I need to go, and I love that they didn't just try to copy WoW(cause that's worked out so well for other MMO's...). They did something new and put the focus where it needs to be instead of on creating some new shiny object to look at.

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I enjoyed WoW but I will say (and this is not to take away from the OP he/she is entitled to his/her opinion) The WoW launch was horrible. I've been gaming long before WoW was a twinkle in blizzards eye and out of all the launched I've been a part of theres 2 that standout as the worst imo.


1) Vanguard

2) WoW


My point is although I personally feel that WoW's launch was a disaster I did enjoy the game once they managed to work everything out. This only covers the first part of your post.


I have confidence in BW that in time the game will be even better then it already is.


What and swtor launch was better?


Watching twitter for 3 days waiting for some goon to let me in so their badly coded engine dosent melt with 50 models on screen?


Leveling to 50 on a pvp server and fighting 3 empire players from 0-50.



Rift launch servers crashed, I had to queue for 20 minutes to get in oh no!



Swtor launch was a 72h queue then joining empty zones, feels like a rpg.

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I didn't really agree with most of that.


Killing beasts (a great number of the quests in Voss), feels sort of out of place in a Star Wars universe. It just fits more fighting humanoids and droids.


And the instancing generally is for immersion reasons. I like that if I have a convo with a named NPC and decide to kill him, I never see him again.

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I know, another complaint thread, but I've tried to include stuff I didn't see mentioned by others.


I read your entire post hoping that the next thing I read would something that hasn't already been discussed to death on these very forums. I got the end and was sorely disappointed.


One star this and let it drop.

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I am laughing my tail off.

You are actually saying this game sucks because it is not enough like WoW.


The truth is this game sucks because it is to much like WoW.


The popularity of WoW was the worste thing that could have happened to the MMO industry. It has lead to dumbed down, low quality MMO's being mass produced in a cut/paste fashion. Games like Star Trek Online and now SWTOR had the potential to be amazing productions had they not been subjected to the corporate 'bottom line' mentality brought about by the popularity of WoW.


The quality of product and service in this industry has crashed to all time lows, and the sad part is that many of the younger players just don't even know anything but.

WoW is the new measuring stick, and it is a cheap low quality standard.

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I know, another complaint thread, but I've tried to include stuff I didn't see mentioned by others.



I don't mind the bugs casue they'll get fixed and nobody will remember them like how most people don't remember early WoW bugs but Bioware made a lot of design choices that I think were based on what was easiest for them to do instead of what would be the most fun for players. The game just feels rushed and unpolished. I'm gonna make a lot of comparison's to WoW cause Blizzard made so many right decisions and it's the biggest mmo out there now.



They didn't put much effort on playable races. Mostly they all look like humans with different colored skin. And I don't know where they got cyborgs from. Looks like they just recycled humans and put metal pieces on their face. They could have included those fish guys like Admiral Ackbarbut that would have required a different designed head and maybe special effects in the voiceover, a lot more work than just changing the skin color or adding horns.


Blizzard communicates a lot in forums and they always mention how much work it is doing textures and artwork when people complain about how their toons look and it seems like Bioware put the minimum effort here and made all the races similar so they don't have to redesign how gear will look for races that are different sizes. If they made a Jawa class, they'd have to redo the artwork for every piece of gear that the Jawa could use to make it look right for that size. That's what Blizzard has to do with taurens and gnomes. It adds a lot of extra work in making the art work for gear and animations for mounts.


Also, half the quests on planets are having you kill humanoids or droids. This could be a limit of a game in the Star wars universe but they don't even have much variety on creatures. On Taris on the republic side, practically every quest was we gotta (get supplies, find something, go somewhere, save someone) but rakghouls are there and we need help. There must have been 3 or 4 separate bonus quests of killing 30 rakghouls. Yes, WoW has a ton of boars but they also have a ton of other types of stuff to kill. On every planet, it seems its just more humans, droids and maybe one or two creatures for the whole planet. It just looks like they got lazy with art design again.



The planets don't feel alive. If you do all the quests on a planet, you'll go through every zone and area except for the class specific ones. Once your done, you have no reason to ever go back. When you go through a zone in WoW, there are areas you run by that have nothing to do with any quest you have. Having things in the world that have nothing to do with you really helps make the world feel more alive and bigger. When every single room and creature you see is there because you have a quest to go there or kill it, the world just feels small and dead. It doesn't help that Imperials and Republic are on different instances when they're on the same planet so they never see each other.


Making separate instances is the laziest way to solve a lot of mmo problems. Instead of trying to balance creatures or respawn rates, just put those things in a new instance so the developers don't have to think of that. Why bother designing zones and quest to have room for both Imperials and the Republic when you can design a smaller one and put them in separate instances and have them use the same areas for quest hubs and vendors.


The fleet for both Imperials and the Republic are the same, they just shifted what each quadrant was so they wouldn't be exact copies. They didn't even bother designing different fleets for the two factions.


I really like this game and am having fun playing it but it really feels like they took KOTOR 3 and added some stuff so they could call it an MMO and charge people every month. All the great stuff about the game would have been just as good in a single player game and all the problems seem to be from the MMO side of it.


Post like these always get the same responses so I'll try to preemptively answer some of them.


If you don't like the game, just quit. Why waste your time making this post

This is a forum for people to communicate with each other. I've been playing video games all my life and I like talking about them with others. This is my experience with the game and want to know about what other people think of the game.


You shouldn't compare it to WoW cause WoW's been out for 7 years.

It's 2012. Bioware can go play WoW, see what worked and what didn't and copy the best parts and improve the worst ones. They aren't designing games in a vacuum. FPS games that come out today don't get compared to Quake or Duke Nukem. They get compared to other FPS games in the state they are in now. New cars aren't compared to the Model T.


SWTOR is a month old, give it more time to add features.

I tried to focus on design choices and not lack of features or content cause they'll add those later. They can add more Operations, a LFG tool and fix bugs in a patch but most of the things I've said are much deeper problems that will take significantly more work than the average patch to fix. Also, they must have known that the area most people would spend their time in was the fleet and they used the exact same design for both factions. You can't say they didn't have time design the fleet. They were just lazy or didn't care.


Pretty fair assessment.


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That's a good post OP and is a new way to present some of this issues people are having. You are right on everything you posted, even if some will disagree you are 100% correct!



agree on your agreeing


Agree on your agreeing on agreeing.

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I dont like all the bugs and post being deleted by devs to protect there broken game.


What a crock. They are deleting posts that if someone had the brains to look has been placed on the known issues thread. Just as what has been posted here is nothing new and a waste of space.

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I had always thought a wall of text didn't have any sort of organization or breaking up of text (EXAMPLE).


The original post was well organized and loosely separated into neat little paragraphs. Thus, I disagree with those of you calling it a wall of text. Is it long? A little (though not nearly as long as many of my posts). But it's well thought out and I found it interesting.



I agree!

Edited by Nymaeria
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I am laughing my tail off.

You are actually saying this game sucks because it is not enough like WoW.


The problem is they copied the worse parts of WoW and didn't copy the parts that WoW did really well.


The part of MMO's that hook people is playing in a living world with a lot of other people. All the worlds feel dead and they did their best to separate people so it feels like you're playing alone.

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