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Everything posted by basketofseals

  1. I'll be honest, it feels like the lore went GET OWNED REPUBLIC =/
  2. I'll be honest, it feels like the lore went GET OWNED REPUBLIC =/
  3. No dual spec Dialogue can be VASTLY different from what the text indicates Talent trees really don't feel different unless you're healing. I think that's my biggest gripe.
  4. Was it really the features that made you not have fun? Wasn't it more the content/design decisions?
  5. As much as I like to criticize SWTOR, there's no way in hell it's as bad as FFXIV was. FFXIV was literally an engine and graphics and nothing else.
  6. I apologize for speaking for the OP, but I don't think he's talking just about raids and other such content. I understand that WoW didn't have all these in release, but there's things like achievements, pets, and mounts to collect. There's factions to gain rep with, and rare recipes to find. The lack of gold sinks in SWTOR might contribute to this. There's not really any point of crafting for money since there's nothing to spend it on, and there isn't really anything great from crafting anyway so there's no incentive to get more recipes. I don't think it's unreasonable to have these since I believe RIFT has most if not all these things.
  7. I don't mind datacrons, but I don't think the rewards are that significant/detrimental. Some of them are poorly handled with certain body types, but I like it. I wouldn't mind if the rewards were just cosmetic though
  8. This is simply not true. Back in Vanilla WoW, I had tickets that were answered in twenty to thirty minutes all the time. Unfortunately now it takes just a bit less than a full day, but the quality is still there.
  9. Bad idea. This would shatter the roleplay part of questing completely.
  10. No, you can not use this argument here. WoW at release had 8 playable races with different body models. Some drastically so.
  11. Because in some other MMOs you don't feel it.
  12. I think WoW was the first MMO to do a badge and token style loot
  13. Should I fish for rail shot crits, or am I better off building flame thrower stacks?
  14. While you are struggling with heat sometimes, do you feel your dps is really behind other classes?
  15. And when I was done it gave me a red "There is no reverse engineering schematic for this item" and then takes the item from me. Why am I able to reverse engineer an item that gives me nothing?
  16. The thing that really bugs me is sometimes one choice will actually say what you thought that's what a different choice would say.
  17. Are any of these visible on characters? I'm kinda worried the stuff in my cyborg's ears will interfere with the earpiece
  18. WoW's current LFG wasn't what it always was. If people don't like cross server things, why not make it like the pre 3.3 version?
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