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Most feared class in 1v1 pvp?


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im a tank spec assassin and I eat snipers for breakfast so I know what u mean. Cover doesn't mean squat vs sprint+vanish




I dislike probably good sorcs/sages or good commandos/mercs. Only because these specs do all force/tech damage and really put a hurtin on me since they penetrate all my shield and defense stat.


If I interrupt a tracer missle or force lightning and they heal themselves then it's gonna be a bad 1v1.


Luckily it seem sorcs and commandos appear to draw the mouth breather crowd and if u interrupt one spell they run around doing nothing for 4 seconds and looking like chumps. not to mention usually backpedaling while they do it.


I have never seem so many bad players attracted to certain classes like I have sorcs/mercs and repub counterpart


Biotech Gunnery Commando here. I fear nothing 1 on 1. In group fights I fear Tanks guarding healers. They just wont friggin die.

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Biotech Gunnery Commando here. I fear nothing 1 on 1. In group fights I fear Tanks guarding healers. They just wont friggin die.


of course u don't. heavy armor, 30m range, mad dps that penetrates tank stats and reduces armor, multiple CCs, and heals to boot! What more could u ask for in a perfect 1v1 class




and people were complaining and operatives. heh

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Only classes I've lost to as a Assault Spec Vanguard 1v1 are Scrapper Scoundrels, and Focus specced Sents/Guardians. Even pre-1.1.1, I think the scariest would still be Focus Sentinels. I can deny the opener on Scoundrels with a smart Stealth Scan, and I can out damage Guardians by using superior CC. Against Sentinels, there is just no way to stop the damage. Even if I can get them low via CC + Burst, they can pop their 5 second immunity CD and destroy me.


Edit: DPS Mercs and Commandos are free kills. Interrupt first Grav/Tracer. Aoe stun second Grav/Tracer. Interrupt third Grav/Tracer. Single target stun fourth Grav/Tracer. Interrupt fifth cast Grav/Tracer. Dead.

Edited by Kesrik
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In a one on one fight with my current gear on my dps spec jugg the only classes I have difficulty fighting are another jugg (tank spec is always good at sloooowly burning down your hp), a 650+ expertise marauder, and a heal spamming commando. That's pretty much it. The operatives opening burst is ridiculous as usual but if they suck and I have enough health and cooldowns left I might be able to win.


Really the hardest part about open world pvp is dealing with the companions.

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As a Commando, probably Sentinel/Marauder. Their damage is excellent, they have an interrupt, and they can't be kited with just 1 knockback and no snares. It's an uphill battle for sure.


I feel comfortable against every other class 1v1. They either can't match my DPS (Sorc, Sniper, Powertech, Juggernaut) or can easily be kited (Assassin, Powertech, Jugg).

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I really have to say it depends on the player skill and knowledge of the other class abilities in respect to your own. I am well aware of most of the other class abilities and tactics as i have one of every class just for that purpose. Sorcs when specced properly into a solid hybrid build have so much utility that i haven't really run into anyone that i cant solo. Shield, shield pop blind, knockback with root, stun, whirlwind, sprint, heal, and decent sustained dps pressure. Its a strong class when specced and played to its strengths. That being said until you get all those talents you will be owned over and over again by most of the other classes with any talent.
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In 1v1.



Tank shadow (DPS ones are super squishy)

Any well played healing class with good gear. They dont dominate like the Sentninals but simply outlast me hurting me in small amounts overtime while keeping their own health high.

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As a Commando...can easily be kited (Assassin, Powertech, Jugg).


How the heck do you kite an Assassin?


If Darkness spec:

Wither is 30% slow, 10m range, 15 sec duration, 7 sec cooldown.

Force Slow is 50%, 10m range, 6 sec duration, 12 sec cooldown.

Force Speed is 150% speed, removes all roots/slows, 2 sec duration, 20 sec cooldown.

Force Pull is a pull, 30m range, 45 sec cooldown.


If Deception, Force Slow becomes 12 sec duration, 6 sec cooldown. i.e. 100% uptime, but you lose Wither and Pull. Don't know about Madness, but I believe Terror is a 2 sec root with 9 sec CD and 30m range?


As a Powertech:

If Shieldtech or hybrid spec (21+ in Shieldtech) you have Jet Charge, 30m range, 15 sec CD, roots for 3 seconds. Possible 40% speed boost for 4 seconds after charge.

If level 22+, Grapple, 30m range, 45 sec cooldown (down to 35 sec with 7 points in AP tree).

If AP spec, Hydraulic Overrides - 40% speed boost, immune to knockbacks/roots/slows for 8 seconds, plus passive 15% movement speed boost.

Etc., etc.

Regardless of spec, slow as a proc off a cylinder.


No idea how you manage to kite either of those 2 classes, to be honest.

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What conditions are you all making these 1v1s in? Cause when he said no WZs I immediately though Open World PvP in questing areas. My first thought wasn't even what class to deal with but who has the best companion. A Tank Jugg with Vette or a healer Sage/Sorc with either of their Melee companions are the fights I would fear most. A Tank Jugg has so much single target CC that he and Vette can make it a 2v1 easily by CC and killing your companion. Healing Sage/Sorc becomes an issue of focus and interrupts/CC. It's much more work for you than it is the Sage/Sorc since they can just outlast you (Unless you are also a healer).
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