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Thoughts from an endgame Maurader


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Marauders/Sentinels need one of the following:

A) large damage boost so we might kill something before we die.

B) a defence boost so we can stay alive long enough to kill something, whither its via CC or better/longer defensive buffs.


And lastly we need a CC immunity move like Snipers/Gunslingers entrench skill. Snipers/Gunslingers are the ranged version of us and they got better survivability with cover (ranged damage protection) +entrench (CC immunty) and an AOE knockback.


And yes we need our gear fixing, just one question with gear why are the Might (high Str low end) hilts and mods 1 level/rank below every other mod item level on Coms vendors etc?

IE Might is 17 and rest are 18, and this is the case on every damn vendor.

Edited by Kotli
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My experience has led me to believe the classes problems aren't related to DPS/Dmg. I think its simply a lack of (baseline) mobility and lack of good CC. Yes we have Force Leap baseline, but if you dont spec into certain trees that is ALL you have; combine that with the obcene amount of slows/Knockbacks/Stuns in PvP and the class suffers immensely. Jugg/Guardian got a reset to Force Leap via Force Push, why cant Marauders/Sentinals get something as well (ideally tied to one of our defensive cooldowns like Cloak of Pain. It would give a free leap every 60 seconds, or less depending on spec. And you typically pop those CDs when you are being kited)

The second part of that is we are a purely melee class, with only 1 good CC and that is Crippling Slash. Force Choke would be a hellva lot better if WE had gotten the talent to make it not require a channel, every other melee class can continue doing dps when they use their stun-based ability. We can't and it doesn't make sense.


In most MMOs ranged holds an edge over melee. But once we close that gap and slow you, you should be concerned about if you'll live. Not shrug it off and laugh as you stun & run or knockback and slow.

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Turned it off once its dam obvious he has a pocket healer.


480k on Voidstar with a pocket healer is average at best.


He has 2 healers and a tank with guard on him lol, ive done 900k on my merc on voidstar without a pocket healer, in an average pug i get 650k if the game lasts full duration.


As my marauder which is now my main char, i average about 280k on voidstar in a pug, the class is broken in pvp, pve its pretty solid apart from a few bugs.


There is no reason why marauders dont have heavy armour, mercs do and if anything they should have medium, not that the extra 5% dmg reduction from armour would help much in pvp anyway.


Lack of CC is a problem, and not having any kinda of immunity to cc, we just get used like pingpong balls most of the time

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If it wasn't for our bloodthirst, I doubt my guild would bring any mauraders and just all range dps. I don't see a good solution around this since it's good to have encounter mechanics other than just making sure our dps is competitive to ranged.



You mean the 5 min cooldown that adds only 15% damage to 3 other classes? This craptastic skill "maybe",,,"maybe" adds about 10,000 total damage during its uptime.



1500 dps average x 15% = 225 damage x 15 seconds = 3375 Damage x 4= 13,500



And ALL marauders know your not getting that much out of it due to knockbacks, having to move for a boss, etc.


Bloodthirst is trash, once people begin to understand this your correct Marauders will be phased out with the rest of the melee.


change it to 30 second duration and raid-wide and you might have something.





IMHO the ONLY thing worth bringing a mar to a raid for is the INTERRUPTS and OBFUSCATE. yes. thats it. We have the best interrupts in the game and on certain bosses. Twins, trash in EV etc. These are pretty stong abilities but the class still feels MEH

Edited by Grader
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My experience has led me to believe the classes problems aren't related to DPS/Dmg. I think its simply a lack of (baseline) mobility and lack of good CC. Yes we have Force Leap baseline, but if you dont spec into certain trees that is ALL you have; combine that with the obcene amount of slows/Knockbacks/Stuns in PvP and the class suffers immensely. Jugg/Guardian got a reset to Force Leap via Force Push, why cant Marauders/Sentinals get something as well (ideally tied to one of our defensive cooldowns like Cloak of Pain. It would give a free leap every 60 seconds, or less depending on spec. And you typically pop those CDs when you are being kited)

The second part of that is we are a purely melee class, with only 1 good CC and that is Crippling Slash. Force Choke would be a hellva lot better if WE had gotten the talent to make it not require a channel, every other melee class can continue doing dps when they use their stun-based ability. We can't and it doesn't make sense.


In most MMOs ranged holds an edge over melee. But once we close that gap and slow you, you should be concerned about if you'll live. Not shrug it off and laugh as you stun & run or knockback and slow.


Exactly. I can accept that I constantly get CC'd and knocked back, so long as when I finally get to people, I obliterate them.


This isn't the case. Don't get me wrong, I do good DPS, very good DPS. But a sniper can do the exact same amount and do it more often, constantly, because they have waaaaay more range.


So either give us a decent damage increase, so that when we do get up to people, we destroy them a bit faster,


or give us some slightly better mobility. Especially on Huttball, there's so often where you'll leap to somebody only to be instantly knocked down off the ramp, so now you have to take 30 seconds to run back up there, getting shot at all the while. Oh, I'm not supposed to use leap to engage? Okay, I'll just run everywhere and use leap as a backup. Okay, now I"m slower to get into fights, but somebody knocks me back, I force leap! ... and get knocked back again.



How about this, GIVE US FORCE PULL, and on top of that, when we use force pull, refresh the cooldown on force leap, like with Juggernauts.


Would make a world of difference.


Other things, like making it so we can't be CC'd while we're channeling ravage, would be amazing. It only works half the time as it is, and the rest of the time we're left swinging at the air.


Or give us heavy armor, so we don't have to wear stupid medium armor dresses that seem to drop more rarely than other sets, and so we have slightly more survivability.

We still wouldn't be able to tank at all, since we don't have guard or taunt.


Or make it so that, you know, like in Canon, Jedi and Sith can deflect blaster bolts. So now if we get knocked back, it isn't such a big deal, we can block those ranged attacks and we can even re-direct them for some extra damage while we're closing the gap.


You could even make it so that blaster bolts only have a chance to deflect if your GCD is up. That way, we get to deflect blasters while we're running around knocked down or CC'd, but when we're back in melee range tearing it up, we don't have any special benefits.


I would ONLY help in situations where ranged has an unfair advantage over melee. Otherwise, it wouldn't take effect. Seems perfect, and fits the Star Wars universe better.


Jedi and Sith really should have better ranged defenses.


I'm a DARTH for crying out loud, a dark lord of the sith, and I haven't learned how to deflect blaster bolts back at an attacker yet?



Edited by miliways
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IMHO the ONLY thing worth bringing a mar to a raid for is the INTERRUPTS and OBFUSCATE. yes. thats it. We have the best interrupts in the game and on certain bosses. Twins, trash in EV etc. These are pretty stong abilities but the class still feels MEH


And the class becomes what I feared a "buff/interupt" class - its what my class became in Wow and I stopped playing that.

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And the class becomes what I feared a "buff/interupt" class - its what my class became in Wow and I stopped playing that.


Hah fun thing is I played an elemental shaman in wow (all bout just that buff/interrupt) and I first thought I'd go for a sith sorce dps due to it being the most similar to the ele shammy but then realized I had the oppertunity to play something completly different, a marauder... That didnt turn out exactly as I planned...

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My experience has led me to believe the classes problems aren't related to DPS/Dmg. I think its simply a lack of (baseline) mobility and lack of good CC. Yes we have Force Leap baseline, but if you dont spec into certain trees that is ALL you have; combine that with the obcene amount of slows/Knockbacks/Stuns in PvP and the class suffers immensely. Jugg/Guardian got a reset to Force Leap via Force Push, why cant Marauders/Sentinals get something as well (ideally tied to one of our defensive cooldowns like Cloak of Pain. It would give a free leap every 60 seconds, or less depending on spec. And you typically pop those CDs when you are being kited)

The second part of that is we are a purely melee class, with only 1 good CC and that is Crippling Slash. Force Choke would be a hellva lot better if WE had gotten the talent to make it not require a channel, every other melee class can continue doing dps when they use their stun-based ability. We can't and it doesn't make sense.


In most MMOs ranged holds an edge over melee. But once we close that gap and slow you, you should be concerned about if you'll live. Not shrug it off and laugh as you stun & run or knockback and slow.


This x1000000

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Hah fun thing is I played an elemental shaman in wow (all bout just that buff/interrupt) and I first thought I'd go for a sith sorce dps due to it being the most similar to the ele shammy but then realized I had the oppertunity to play something completly different, a marauder... That didnt turn out exactly as I planned...


Lol I was a resto shaman ;) HC rag killed it for me.

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So many crybabies on here its ridicolous.


How can you guys not kill a healer?


We have 4 interupts Force charge, disruption, force choke, and intimidating roar. Plus deadly throw which reduces the healing of the target by 20%. By the time ive interupted his heals 4 times the healer is dead. I know all of you guys are going to say well what if there all on cooldown. Keep crippling slash on the healer, run back when hes casting a heal and force charger him. Easy as cake. Clearly no one played a warrior back in WoW. Im used to all the QQers. Adapt to it or ****.

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1. I think it would be cool if Force Scream cc'd in PvP and all elements of PvE like it does mob enemies. With the enemy squealing on the ground for even 2 seconds we can get some hits in before being cc'd or pushed.


2. We sacrificed range. I would not care about being cc'd or pushed so much if we dealt more damage than ranged DPS. That's just common sense. They have the luxury of space and constant DPS. We frankly got shafted in this department.


3. Allow our Resolve to last longer or generate quicker. We need it the most.


4. Throw a lightsaber unlike a 4 year old girl (aka >10m)


5. Building Rage should also clip cooldown time by a %. So, the more you save and not expend the faster the burst dps cooldowns go. An ebb and flow, if you will. Like the class intended.

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Or make it so that, you know, like in Canon, Jedi and Sith can deflect blaster bolts. So now if we get knocked back, it isn't such a big deal, we can block those ranged attacks and we can even re-direct them for some extra damage while we're closing the gap.


You could even make it so that blaster bolts only have a chance to deflect if your GCD is up. That way, we get to deflect blasters while we're running around knocked down or CC'd, but when we're back in melee range tearing it up, we don't have any special benefits.



Cool idea

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So many crybabies on here its ridicolous.


How can you guys not kill a healer?


We have 4 interupts Force charge, disruption, force choke, and intimidating roar. Plus deadly throw which reduces the healing of the target by 20%. By the time ive interupted his heals 4 times the healer is dead. I know all of you guys are going to say well what if there all on cooldown. Keep crippling slash on the healer, run back when hes casting a heal and force charger him. Easy as cake. Clearly no one played a warrior back in WoW. Im used to all the QQers. Adapt to it or ****.


Some people will cry reguardless. Personally I dont believe Marauder is worthless in PvP, but it does need 2-3 adjustments to give it the same viablity of the other classes.


We can lock a healer down better than anyone else. No doubt about that. But in other areas of PvP we are slightly behind. We dont need some MASSIVE buff, or unrealistic buff, just something good to bump us up a little bit.

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So many crybabies on here its ridicolous.


How can you guys not kill a healer?


We have 4 interupts Force charge, disruption, force choke, and intimidating roar. Plus deadly throw which reduces the healing of the target by 20%. By the time ive interupted his heals 4 times the healer is dead. I know all of you guys are going to say well what if there all on cooldown. Keep crippling slash on the healer, run back when hes casting a heal and force charger him. Easy as cake. Clearly no one played a warrior back in WoW. Im used to all the QQers. Adapt to it or ****.


^ This. I honestly think the majority of the Marauder population has no idea how to play a Marauder. Call it what you want, but imo I think we are the strongest class in this game. I already stated most of my reasons why earlier in this thread. My guild LOVES me in the raids, every single person in there will tell you that I do the most dps on top of bringing so much utility between talented predation, mini heals, bloodthirst and obfuscate (Annihilation spec). We are just as nasty in PvP. I don't think we need any buffs. From all the QQ in the Marauder forums though I am sure Bioware will end up buffing us, which is just going to be trololol since the good Marauders already faceroll everything.

Edited by Hellion_X
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^ This. I honestly think the majority of the Marauder population has no idea how to play a Marauder. Call it what you want, but imo I think we are the strongest class in this game. I already stated most of my reasons why earlier in this thread. My guild LOVES me in the raids, every single person in there will tell you that I do the most dps on top of bringing so much utility between talented predation, mini heals, bloodthirst and obfuscate (Annihilation spec). We are just as nasty in PvP. I don't think we need any buffs. From all the QQ in the Marauder forums though I am sure Bioware will end up buffing us, which is just going to be trololol since the good Marauders already faceroll everything.


First to the person who is talking about being able to beat healers, you obv. haven't faced well geared healers. You are in melee range of a healers, so charge is out. So that leaves 3 "interrupts" as you mentioned, 2 are a 1 min cd and not always available and one of which is a freaking channel, so afterwards, he can still cast a heal. Disruption does have a low cd, but it doesn't matter since while it's on cd, they can cast a different type of heal, knockyou back, sprint away and it's back to kiting a maurader.


To the person above, what does that even mean every single person in the raid says you do the most dps...there's no damage meters...that doesn't even make sense...all melee have to go in and out of most of the fights while ranged don't, there's no way any melee class currently in raids top dps. I'm not even gonna bother...


To the others, yeah I agree about force pull or cloak of pain giving immunity or even reduction to knockbacks. Classes have so many knockbacks and were practically useless once outside of melee range especially since charge is most likely on cd since we charge in, get freaking knockbacks and have to eat their ranged damage while in get into melee range again. It would be great to have force pull or a way to reset the charge cd. I feel they did such a good job of juggs that it's almost unfair. They have unchanneled force choke, knockback, pretty good heal on cd, amazing shields even in dps spec, way to reset charge. So much utility to that class while mauraders seemed like an afterthought. Oh well...

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First to the person who is talking about being able to beat healers, you obv. haven't faced well geared healers. You are in melee range of a healers, so charge is out. So that leaves 3 "interrupts" as you mentioned, 2 are a 1 min cd and not always available and one of which is a freaking channel, so afterwards, he can still cast a heal. Disruption does have a low cd, but it doesn't matter since while it's on cd, they can cast a different type of heal, knockyou back, sprint away and it's back to kiting a maurader.


To the person above, what does that even mean every single person in the raid says you do the most dps...there's no damage meters...that doesn't even make sense...all melee have to go in and out of most of the fights while ranged don't, there's no way any melee class currently in raids top dps. I'm not even gonna bother...


To the others, yeah I agree about force pull or cloak of pain giving immunity or even reduction to knockbacks. Classes have so many knockbacks and were practically useless once outside of melee range especially since charge is most likely on cd since we charge in, get freaking knockbacks and have to eat their ranged damage while in get into melee range again. It would be great to have force pull or a way to reset the charge cd. I feel they did such a good job of juggs that it's almost unfair. They have unchanneled force choke, knockback, pretty good heal on cd, amazing shields even in dps spec, way to reset charge. So much utility to that class while mauraders seemed like an afterthought. Oh well...

if you cannot beat a healer you are doing it wrong. Marauders have tones of interrupts, if you cannot keep a healer from casting long enough to kill it then you are bad plain and simple.




The class is not noob friendly, hell its not "ok skill" player friendly its a class for good gamers who like a challege. The class is fine and HM EV and Kraggas do not hurt melee any more then they hurt ranged, its just a bad excuse for people sucking. If you think the class is weak, or broken or underpowered then its you not the class, there are people making it work, and if ANYONE makes it work with great results then its not the class its the mouth breather at the keyboard.

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I think something as simple as a reduced GCD would do wonders for the class.


Its just such a fun class to solo pve with though...now that im about to hit 50 (wish i had more time to play) im getting that feeling that the best part of the game for me is about to end. PVP is a hot mess, and yes im not a pvp pro in this game or with the class, and for pve...well i get the feeling that im more a walking buff.


I guess i could always go roll a popular class...


But i agree with the statement that for a class as complex as it is, and as much effort that is required to play it, we get the smallest return. For some reason i always choose that specific class every themepark i play. hardest to play with the least returns as far as advantages to playing and role need.


Still a reduced GCD would at least provide for faster paced play.

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I think something as simple as a reduced GCD would do wonders for the class.


Its just such a fun class to solo pve with though...now that im about to hit 50 (wish i had more time to play) im getting that feeling that the best part of the game for me is about to end. PVP is a hot mess, and yes im not a pvp pro in this game or with the class, and for pve...well i get the feeling that im more a walking buff.


I guess i could always go roll a popular class...


But i agree with the statement that for a class as complex as it is, and as much effort that is required to play it, we get the smallest return. For some reason i always choose that specific class every themepark i play. hardest to play with the least returns as far as advantages to playing and role need.


Still a reduced GCD would at least provide for faster paced play.


Reduced gcd would be fun.

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Turned it off once its dam obvious he has a pocket healer.


480k on Voidstar with a pocket healer is average at best.


No, he has healers in his pre-made. A scoundrel healer and a commando healer. Watch the video and then tell me 1 healer was healing him the whole time...


Point of the video was to show that Sent topped the board in DPS because he has good gear and competent teammates. Plane and simple. A half a million damage in a WZ is "average at best"...? You just lost me there. Do you always do 500k damage or something? No? Let me guess, you don't have a friend to run WZ's with that can actually heal? So, in your fantasy world, if you only had a "pocket healer", you could do 500k every Voidstar!

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if you cannot beat a healer you are doing it wrong. Marauders have tones of interrupts, if you cannot keep a healer from casting long enough to kill it then you are bad plain and simple.




The class is not noob friendly, hell its not "ok skill" player friendly its a class for good gamers who like a challege. The class is fine and HM EV and Kraggas do not hurt melee any more then they hurt ranged, its just a bad excuse for people sucking. If you think the class is weak, or broken or underpowered then its you not the class, there are people making it work, and if ANYONE makes it work with great results then its not the class its the mouth breather at the keyboard.


If a healer is guarded, it doesn't matter how many interrupts you have, eventually they will all be on CD and they'll just knock you back, run away, and heal all the damage you did to them with 1 ability.

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If a healer is guarded, it doesn't matter how many interrupts you have, eventually they will all be on CD and they'll just knock you back, run away, and heal all the damage you did to them with 1 ability.


Something about taking down a guarded healer without support....

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