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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ETA on cross-server Warzones??


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I don't get why these premades are so scared to fight against each other?


I really don't see any other reason to be against cross server PVP, unless you are afraid you are going to face a larger base of skilled opponents and groups.


The republic could use faster que times, we all could, especially 50s. It would be nice to que up for what WZ we would like to play cross server PVP would also help this.

Edited by Holocroncrystal
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They need cross server, if we do not get them at the end of my three months subscription I wont renew. My server was heavy populated and is now dying so I switched to the underdog Republic on another heavy server. Currently I am joining pvp and fighting the same people again and again, consistently short of players on our side, many leave if it looks like we are going to lose.

Increase the player base or lose subs.

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It better come fast! I'm fed up with waiting serveral hours for just 1 warzone, queue'ing solo also means you have about a rough 50% chance of winning, so it can take me a huge amount of time to just complete my daily. As a matter of fact, I'm still working on my daily for 4 days now, because obviously I'm not going to wait 3 hours for just 1 warzone, whilst idle'ing at the Fleet. Don't even get me started on the weekly.


WZ PvP is just broken now on every server that hasn't got a decent playerbase. I'm considering creating a new character on a high population server, since I'm sure that my light population server is part of the problem.

Edited by Snoxor
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It's only a good thing if every server has the population to support itself.


Many don't, including mine (and no, I don't want to reroll - I will unsubscribe before I reroll).


My server has enough queuers in prime time for 2 warzones at a time, max. We have 1 guild that is very hardcore PvP (a few of them are Battlemasters, and since no one ever goes to Ilum on my server, it's probably 99% from warzones). They queue as a premade, and don't lose.


What this has done is create a situation where everyone that's not in this guild simply queues solo until they get on their team 3 times, and then they stop queueing. Only one other guild queues as a premade 4, and they only win when they team up with the better guild.


I happened to be off work yesterday, and the weather was crap, so I did all my dailies and got my 9 weekly wins, as well. I probably entered 15 or so warzones (and 3 of them were vs Republic).


Of the dozen or so vs other Empire, the 2 best were the ones without that premade. The second of those started as 6 v 6, and was that way for 2 or 3 minutes. At that point the 4 man premade entered, 2 on each side (as they probably didn't want to wait 15 minutes to get in one). It was easily the best match of the day (ending 5-4 at time), as they weren't favoring each other - but actually going after each other.


But my point is, on a server such as mine - low pop and very low warzone participation at 50, the gear difference is such that you know, upon entering, whether you will win about 95% of the time. If you face Republics, you win (even a full on Empire pug), if you get the good premade guild, you win (they never queue more than 4 at once, ever), if you go against the good premade guild, you lose.


Most are ok with that, because if you queue solo, it seems you have about a 50% chance of teaming with the premades, so 5 or 6 queues and you should complete your daily - and that's all most people see PvP as now - a daily.


With Ilum so awful and expertise so dominant, I don't know of anyone on my server who actually "takes PvP seriously" as a competitive event. It's a joke, but it's a faster way than Flashpoints to get decent gear (removable mods, etc). But once people start getting raid drops, the warzone participation will drop dramatically (at least on my server).


So merging my server's queue with 3 or 5 other similar servers (or just merging the servers!) would spice things up and make it a bit unpredictable.


They should merge servers then. Sucks that they would have to do something like this at such an early stage, but they need to do what must be done.

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Keeping the community close isn't an issue, group 3-4 servers per battlegroup and you should still see plenty of familiar faces. Keeping PvP entertaining is an issue. i'm tired of stomping the same noobs. I want a damn challenge
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Some explain the rationale that getting to actually PLAY Warzones, Operations and Flashpoints somehow breaks the game. Cross-server group finding tools are one of the main reasons I went back to WoW after two years. "It's really a different game now," my brother said, and he was right - you didn't have to give head for 6 months to become part of some elitist jerk guild in order to get groups and progress.


Your sense of community can be better achieved with improved open world PvP, as opposed to deliberate and archaic restrictions on FPs / WZs. Prioritize the matchmaking system so that groups from the same server are always formed first, even in warzones against the opposing faction, so that whenever possible you are playing people that are "local" and can be "remembered" to gain a reputation.


When not available, proceed to 2nd argument line, where you cross-server match to fill the needs of the group / warzone.


Done. Ya got problems with that? I'll bookmark this thread and listen to your logic.

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Some explain the rationale that getting to actually PLAY Warzones, Operations and Flashpoints somehow breaks the game. Cross-server group finding tools are one of the main reasons I went back to WoW after two years. "It's really a different game now," my brother said, and he was right - you didn't have to give head for 6 months to become part of some elitist jerk guild in order to get groups and progress.


Your sense of community can be better achieved with improved open world PvP, as opposed to deliberate and archaic restrictions on FPs / WZs. Prioritize the matchmaking system so that groups from the same server are always formed first, even in warzones against the opposing faction, so that whenever possible you are playing people that are "local" and can be "remembered" to gain a reputation.


When not available, proceed to 2nd argument line, where you cross-server match to fill the needs of the group / warzone.


Done. Ya got problems with that? I'll bookmark this thread and listen to your logic.


Better yet, don't force me to cross-server queue AT ALL.

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Hopefully the ETA is/becomes never. Cross-server anything destroys community. At a minimum, it prevents community from developing, which BioWare seems to realize from some of their past statements about it being something they didn't want to do too early in the game's lifecycle.


This is one of the worst arguments EVER for being against cross server WZs. I mean it.... really, it is a fake or like an urban legend. Community comes from what happens in the world, you know, like WORLD PVP. Warzones, Minigames, Battlegrounds, WHATEVER you want to call them, do nothing but add a carrot for the masses.


The best PVP ALWAYS comes out of world pvp, never some minigame. And communities are born from the conflict or friendships that is forged from those world encounters.

Edited by Igax
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Congrats on the 50. :)


Your server isn't 'dead' by any means, but it's a lower population server than some others. The good news is, the population is growing daily as more people buy the game and get online (we can see the growth). However, you're right in that the number of level 50 players is going to be small and won't increase dramatically in a short period of time.


Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen, but it's not going to be available in the near future. In the interim, you might want to try re-rolling a new character, either on your own server or another server (perhaps a PvP server?). On your own server, you'll be able to PvP all the way from L10 to L49 without any issue, and by the time you get close to the cap you can see how the L50 Warzone 'scene' is. On another server - especially a PvP server - you may find a more PvP-centric community.


Basicly, put it out of your head. They already acknowledged they want to create it, but it's not going to be their main focus.


It boils down to, create another char on a high population server or ****. Even whilst they encourage you to actually join a low population server, so now i'm stuck with a **** server and a char that i've spend too much time on to just abandon it. Apparently everbody except me likes alts really really much, since that's the only solution... Just reroll on another server. What a load of crap is that.



Introduce Cross-Realm PvP


Create more brackets instead of just lvl 50's and the rest


Merge serveral servers that are light population, we all know from WoW that low population servers are just utterly useless and are a pain in the butt because of all the complaints comming from them... it's a MMO, MASS-MULTIPLAYER... wow, with the 5 people in Ilum we are sure going to get some massive multiplayer going on... YEAH!


Especially the last option is something I would very much love to see. I'm not even going ot bother with rerolling a new char, mainly because that's not the solution to the problem, besides, if I reroll or create a alt, it will just increase the Warzone PvP queue even MORE since I won't be queue'ing, imagine if from the 10 people that queue on my server half decides to reroll... seriously Mr. StephenReid, best suggestion ever! You really thought it through.


I'm glad besides PvP there's so much to do, else I would spend most my time just idle'ing in the imperial fleet. Oh wait...

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Because this is an MMO that should have a server community and I like to know the people on my server and who I am fighting with and against.


I'm sure you could still fight with people you know and like on your server, but whats wrong with broadening your horizons and meeting new people to fight against? There are some really slow que times out there.


Sith and Jedi getting along Hmmm sounds interesting.

Edited by Holocroncrystal
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