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Rate Class Stories You've Played (Scores Compiled & Updated) (No Spoilers Please)


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Bounty Hunter - About a 8/10


Act 1 (9/10) - preparing for the great hunt, all the twists leading up to it, and then the epic conclusion and interim period. This was really the high point of the bounty hunter class.


Act 2 (7/10) - had me sort of confused. Mostly just hunting random bounties (I know, you're a bounty hunter but still...). The end to it was unexpected but only because they didn't really take the time to build it up. The emotional connection wasn't quite there.


Act 3 (7/10) - Really fell apart for me. I feel like this is the point where they should have taken some risks and broken a way from the 'go to X planet, and get X bounty' scenario and instead worked the 'most wanted fugitive' angle. Still the final light side/dark side choice was nice.


The female voice actor was brilliant. So +1 just for her. She delivers her lines a fierce/husky sort of way that lets you know she doesn't take **** from anyone. I thought Mako's voice actor/personality were wonderfully developed and written as well.


I romanced Torian, but I thought he was a little under-developed. You don't really learn much about him except that he is the classic 'honorable' mando.

Edited by Seha
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From what i've played so far.


Smuggler 9/10(In Act1):


-Protagonist has the best personality in the game(so far for me anyway)

-Very humorous

-All of the companions are interesting in one way or another

-Ship feels special and has a bar room

-Nemesis has some good lines and his appearances are always a barrel of laughs

-A lot of dark decisions are cold/emotionless, but don't come across as "so dark and edgy"


-Very ridiculous storyline

-Doesn't take itself seriously


Personally i don't mind the cons, but some people might.


Inqusitor 6/10(Practically finished)


-Lackluster companions(Though Khem is okay),

-very weird storyline

-Protagonist is a walking deus ex machina

-Planetary quests for the storyline are dull(Excluding Nar Shaddaa which was okay)


-Hilarious ending to act 1

-Voice acting isn't bad, it suits my scrawny twât of a sorceror

-Class is extremely easy to play making the dull parts a breeze to get through

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Imperial Agent (finished) - I was really surprised by the story. Never expected such depth in an MMO. It's a solid Bond / Bourne / Alpha Legion / Total Recall / Ocean's Eleven / Space Odyssey story.


Jedi Knight (finished) - if you're into heroic and epic stuff that one is for you. You really feel like a hero. Also kinda KotOR3 feel. Dark Side temptation, super weapons that can destron planets, evil Emperor, fallen Jedi, redemption and all that stuff.


Sith Inquisitor (Chapter 3 left) - I've read some complaints about it, especially about Chapter 2. I really liked it. It was even better than Chapter 1. Starting as a slave and gaining more and more power, getting more people to follow you, building your power base and (a bit recklessly) playing with some powerfull Dark Side stuff.


It's hard to rate them, they're all different and equal at the same time.

8/10 - for all of them. Maybe 9/10 for IA.

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Just finished Sith Warrior and I would give it a solid 8.5/10. Got what I expected, I am might incarnate! There were some weaker moments, which could have been handled better, but the amount of 'goosbumps moments' heavily outweigh the bad/boring. Great!


I was levelling alongside my Missus Sith Inquisitor from the very beginning, have seen their entire storyline and the only thing I can say is that I feel very, very, very sorry for all the Inquistors out there. OMG, what the duce was going on in there?! You are nothing, NPCs do all the work for you, you decide nothing for yourself, you have half the ls/ds choices as Sith Warrior, your companions are boring as hell (Khem Val? Worst Bioware companion I have ever seen.). Darth Zash and Tanathon would not end up even as apprentices to Baras, let alone equal his coolness. The only saving grace is Andronikus, who at least got some cool lines every now and again. Drelik as a comic relief is barely passable, and you get Xalex so late into the story, the it doesn't matter at all. Terrible. 2/10


Well, now we are going to try out BH/IA combo, and looking from all the story reviews it is going to be enjoyable for both of us, not just me.

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So far only completed my Sith Warrior I'd say


Sith Warrior 9/10


About what I was expecting for the warrior sith genre. Main complaint is my relationship with Jaesa is left in limbo since they didn't roll back the bugged convo.

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The Smuggler storyline was great, (10/10) but that may be due to the female voice actor. Her snarky attitude and hilarious responses to oddball requests made the entire journey a very enjoyable experience. She doesn't take herself too seriously, which is a welcome relief from "show-no-mercy-crush-our-enemies" Imperial storylines.


Of all 8 classes, the Smuggler's actions and reactions are the most realistic in terms of how normal people would act if they were put in that same situation.


For example

Question to Jedi: Do you understand?

Response from Jedi: The Force will light the path to guide us.


Question to Smuggler: Do you understand?

Response from Smuggler: Yep! Don't even need to write it down.

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Sith Warrior: 7/10

Bounty Hunter: 8/10



Sith Warrior: The story had a lot of interesting topics, including political affairs, assassinations, and Sith rivalry. My only complaint is that the ending was brutally predicatable, given that you know ANYTHING about the Sith and what they usually do to gain power. Overall, the class gave me the feeling that I was truely a force to be reckoned with, a true Sith.


Bounty Hunter: Big booms, great damage output, and an amazing story. From the beginning of Act 1, I was hammered with plot twists and exciting concepts, such as getting revenge on big headed rivals and deciding the fate of my targets, with unexpected outcomes. The only downside was the lack of companion developement. I loved Mako and Torian, Gault and Blizz were very "meh", and I despised Skadge (and not in a good "because he was a well developed character" way).

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First level 50 was a sith inquisitor going down the assassin tree. i really liked the story but found my self having to call in guild help on the last 3 levels cause the bosses seem unbeatable to melee but other then that the over all story was good wit some minor problems i can't really go into cause it would ruin the story. the ending made me want to roll a new inq just to see what would happen if i went light side


all in all sith inquisitor 7/10


other classes i have only made it half way through tho i am liking the the Smugglers story so far

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Smuggler: Played through most of act 2 and have quite liked it so far, my only regret is that I killed skavak so soon in story, and I didn't get Darmas Pollaran or Nariel Pridence as a companion. Skavak is quite possibly the best nemisis of all time. And yes, I did feel like a real live hero in action. I didn't, however, have many "oh my god" moments, or goosebumps, except the end of act 1 scene, which was brilliant. A solid 8/10.


Sith Inquisitor: Meh. I really didn't feel like I mattered, I felt like I was the most boring character ever. I did love the Nar Shaddaa questline, and Khem Val. Andronikus Revel is just evil Corso Riggs with a cool name. 5/10 for me.

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Smuggler: 9/10


Trooper: 7/10


Sith Warrior: 8/10


Bounth Hunter: 9/10


Imp Agent: 9/10



Smuggler is the one I've made it the furthest in, as it is my main.



Sidenote: if you are looking to leave your "mark" across the galaxy with NPC women... go Smuggler. I have lost count on how many knotches are on my bed post... I think at least 6 so far (at lvl 40). Not that I'm bragging, I just find it kinda comical.

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I'm not sure why why the Imp Agent story gets all the love?? I went that route as my first character, because so many people raved about it. Imo, it has too many completely pointless twists, just for twists sake. Kaylio....really annoying that you put up with her.


People like it because the agent is like a galactic James Bond, and what good spy story doesn't have lots of twists and turns? When you're dealing with professional liars day in, day out, there are going to be lots of sudden reversals and twists.


Kaliyo can be annoying at times, but she's a lot of fun to hang out with, too. And some of her comments are just gold.


*When Temple joins your squad*

Kaliyo: You're cute. You're going to get me SO many free drinks...

Edited by LyriaFrost
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Imperial Agent - 9


I'm pretty sure it's the best story in the game, but I can't quite give it a 10, because it still has the limitations of the MMO genre. It was incredibly good though. Very well written with enough twists and turns to keep you interested.


Sith Warrior - 7


It was good, definitely. You truly felt like the most powerful and ****** person in the galaxy, and that was definitely something. Writing was good, and everything felt like it was leading into something. May have dropped the ball a little towards the end, but it's all good, especially since the actual ending was incredibly epic and awesome.


Sith Inquisitor - 3


May sound unfair, but seriously, what the hell was that? I find it hard to believe the on paper coolest class had such a lousy story. Some very general spoilers ahead, read if you want a reason not to pick one for the story:



No manipulation, no dark secrets, just a treasure hunt and playing ghostbusters and a bit of force healing and a pretty lousy antagonist. There were no twists to speak of, it was predictable as hell, and nothing exciting or cool ever happened.



Now, I'm usually not one to complain, but it was just horribly bad as a whole. Sure there were good moments too, but far too few of them, and the actual story was never interesting.

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Sith Warrior Story: 9/10


Epic is the word for it. Extremely enjoyable story, enhanced by the great companions. Only bad moment in the story was in my opinion when you turn Jaesa. Although in essence also really epic, that moment could have been that much better if it had a bit more depth to it and wasn't basically Jaesa going from "I'm a jedi and here to stop you" and "I swear allegiance to you, my new master" in like 3 sentences.

For the rest it's everything I could've hoped for, and I was pleasantly surprised that I could play my Warrior as a cunning and intelligent individual rather than a mindless brute.



Bounty Hunter Story: 7.5/10 (8/10 if we ignore the Hoth incident)


As with the Sith Warrior, the excellent companions enhance the story. The story itself is good. Not as epic as the Sith Warrior story, and sometimes a bit repetitive (yes we get it, a bounty hunter hunts bounties). Unfortunately the story has some rather poor plotholes, the worst is on Hoth where you let your target go because "he does not deem you worthy enough to fight" What the heck...does my character only do honorable duels all of a sudden, where the target needs to accept a challenge??? I can see my Bounty Hunter going unemployed real soon with that attitude...

Other than that lame situation, the story generally is fun and has a nice "independent" feel to it. Some funny moments too, and even some dramatic moments. It also does a good job at making you dislike jedi which is a plus.;)

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I think jedi Knight 10/10

smuggler 9/10

reasons for the knight is it felt like a genuine star wars film as in the exploration of the jedi and the fight against darkness.

Smuggler rating is subject to change as im not just finished, but the rating is due to its one liners and witty storyline.

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Smuggler: 5/10

It had great one liners. Great moments spend laughing at the things the character was saying but the story itself was forced and got rather boring fast. It started very well, giving the player a personal stake but the writers could not keep this personal involvement past the prologue.

A slow act 1 was still rather enjoyable as it fitted the smuggler spirit, but many opportunities were missed both in its ending and in laying the foundations for act 2 and 3.

Act 2 might as well not have existed. It had nothing real to offer by itself, was completly forced upon the player and did nothing to prepare emotional attachment for act 3.

Act 3 should have, by the way the story was plotting out, take the player from one high to the next. Instead, with each confrontation the story became less and less involving, only to reach a climax that failed to be one. The player confronts the grand villain and is completl robbed of all such a confrontation implies; the "grand" moments of the story having been sprinkled across the story far earlier and apparently at random.

In the end it seems like the "story" is an amalgamation of dialogue lines and scenes, written by a large pool of writers and thrown together. Some scenes and some dialogue lines are good, some are bad. But a good story is not made that way.

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Got all characters to their ship at least other than the Smuggler (So won't really rate that)


Level 46 LS Bounty Hunter 9/10 (My Main) at start of Belsavis.


Feel like a galactic bad*** and its nice that you have powerful Sith fawning over your abilities (I know its just filler speech but still) starting to hate the Republic with a passion this far into Act 3... Gonna bring down the liars, might even let my perfect Light Side score take a hit!


Level 39 LS Jedi Knight 9/10 (Ex Main, Now Main Republic Alt) at start of Belsavis.


The story is epic, some people think its overdone, I've loved it up to now (And would have stayed Republic as main if Trooper Ship wasn't so epic fail, as I wanted a Trooper for my first alt, but ended up getting drawn into the Dark Sides design superiority)



though I thought Kira should have had to plead to a bit you more than she did at the end of act 2, kinda bring you back from the brink of fully embracing the Dark Side I know Master Orgus just about already did but still.



Other than that (And that is a very very minor problem with the JK Story so far) the Jedi Knight captures what you'd imagine a Jedi of this time would be like. Or I think so anyway.


Level 24 DS Sith Warrior 9/10 (Main Empire Alt) at the start of Tatooine.


Loving it so far, yea i'm not too far in but, this guy is bad***, just like you'd imagine a Sith to be. Also as much as Vette's lack of love for bloodlust is, I love sarcasm in games so shes ok I guess, I can always give her a new gift!. Anyway, yea simply put great story so far.


Level 19 LS Trooper 7/10 (Secondary Republic Alt) at the start of Taris.


Although I like the military ideals etc of the class, I just haven't played enough to warrant a higher score, though no doubt it will get better. Plus I hate that Old Crone General so much I would happily take the Dark Side points hit to put a blaster round in her.


Level 19 LS Imperial Agent 8/10 at the start of Balmorra.


All I can say is WoW. I love the story so much at the moment, wish i'd gone with my gut and made an Agent in EGA and had it as my main. Yea I'm only 19 but the class handles so well plus the story up to this point was very enjoyable, basically i'm going to shoot & shag my way to greatness. Score might get higher as I progress.



I hope I get a choice NOT to turn into a Double Agent, yes this has been ruined for me but I see so many Agents running around with the tag its ok, just because i'm a good guy doesn't mean i'm not a patriot! and I want to stay loyal to the Empire if I can.



Level 19 LS Inquisitor 8/10 at the start of Balmorra.


Like the intrigue of the class, i'm dabbling in Sith politics a lot more than the Sith Warrior and I find it interesting. I also like Zash, she is great. Also even though i'm lightside so Khem isn't my biggest fan, threatening force users with him is great lol. Score might get higher as I progress.


Level 19 DS Consular 6.5/10 (Though 9/10 for the Dark side dialogue of this class! and the remarks you get from the Council!) at the start of Taris.


Pretty bored with the class and its story, though like with the last 3 i'm not that far. Will probably be one of my last classes to complete the story.


Level 6 LS Smuggler N/A still on Ord Mantell ofc.


Got to Fort Garnick, did a couple of the quests there, got bored and went back to my BH. Though some of the snappy comebacks are good, I don't know I just can't get into this class at the moment (Even though I enjoyed the Imperial Agent so much!) likely going to be the last class story I complete.

Edited by CptBrit
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