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Bioware Ignoring Faction Unbalances?


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Thank god you remade this post... because we haven't had 6 or 7 of these already,


BioWare can't fix or force faction imbalance. Imagine buying this game, and saying "I'm going to make a sweet Republic Commando." join the server your friend is in, and the game says "NOPE! IMPERIAL ONLY!!"


You'd see this forum light up with QQ.


Confusing topics? He never mentioned anything even remotely along those lines.

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I think betrayal quests are lame, that's just me personally.


I have a couple Imps and a couple Pubs rolled out, the games not that complicated that you can't do both. I don't think anything needs to be done to address the 'imbalance' in this game because its a player created issue. The players dictate the population, and right now we're Imp heavy.


Believe me, I agree, from a storyline RP standpoint, betrayal quests do not make sense.

But, like you say players dictate population, so why not let the players get the choice to fix it themselves? It would be a MUCH easier decision to switch sides with a existing 50 than to switch to an already underpopulated side and on top of that starting fresh.

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there are only two fixes bioware can do. you can decide which is worst


1. they can stop people from making new characters on a faction that has more people than the other faction.


2. they can change pvp warzones like huttball to actually be republic vs empire so if one faction has way more people than another faction the more popolous faction can never pvp so some will have to roll republic to get pvp fights.



you tell me which will kill the game faster. wow had the same issues at launch, some servers horder outweighted the alliance, others alliance outweighed the horde, over time this will balance out.

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It may have helped if bioware implemented a system where you pick any class, then throughout the storyline you pick whether or not you want to go republic or imperial. I know quite a few people that would roll a republic bounty hunter or republic sniper but simply don't have the option
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This is a silly topic, because you can not force people to play one side or the other. You can't even quote any numbers to prove an imbalance. I am not saying there isn't but really not everyone plays this game for pvp. So how can they fix population issues? Are you going to force people who do not pvp to base their choice on a pvp problem?


You know asking them to address this is really silly at this point. This game is fine, it's not dead and it's still growing. Stop demanding things be fixed right now because you percieve a problem. If you have numbers and facts then write a post about it, but until then please leave your comments in one of the numerous other threads about this topic. Which I feel is no big deal. I am probably not alone in feeling that way either.

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Once again, what is the incentive for someone to switch sides though? Most people who switch sides from the more populated to the less populated side do it because they want more of a challenge, but few people are looking for that experience. So once again, why would someone change sides?


Why does there have to be incentive? I didn't have any incentive to pick Republic but I did, and I knew what I was getting into. I am just offering a suggestion to have the players fix this themselves. If you don't want to switch, then don't, but if you do, and you feel like you need more of a challenge, then there should be an option.

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Can anyone point to an MMO that effectively solved this problem? People are still complaining about this in WoW PVP servers, 7 years later.


The mechanisms implemented to balance servers take away the player's freedom to choose, which invariably results in much squealing and gnashing of the teeth.


*sigh* I agree with this. While I do think so classes are OP, I hate when they completely NERF the crap out of said class. The game is fun except for PvP which is very one sided. Merely to pop imbalance. Sometime I feel that Republic only has 12 ppl queing for PvP while Imp has 50... so imps end up fighting imps, and republic gets 6 vs 8... :) I dunno a good way to fix that without screwing something else up.


Having played WAR for years, I realize now that you CAN only make things worse...

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This is a silly topic, because you can not force people to play one side or the other. You can't even quote any numbers to prove an imbalance. I am not saying there isn't but really not everyone plays this game for pvp. So how can they fix population issues? Are you going to force people who do not pvp to base their choice on a pvp problem?


You know asking them to address this is really silly at this point. This game is fine, it's not dead and it's still growing. Stop demanding things be fixed right now because you percieve a problem. If you have numbers and facts then write a post about it, but until then please leave your comments in one of the numerous other threads about this topic. Which I feel is no big deal. I am probably not alone in feeling that way either.


Wow. Some people really do just blindly post. I have a big issue with people pulling numbers out of their *** and if you read what I said, it's all first hand experience, from my server to the posts I observed. That's truthfully all I can run off of, and to me, there is a issue.


Secondly, I didn't demand anything. I am only offering any suggestions that may help the flow of players who actually DO want to switch and not be punished for it.


I know your not alone on the fact that the issue will fix itself, I'm just asking BW to help push that fix a little sooner. It's not just a pvp thing, it's a pve thing if the underpopulated side never has enough to even do hard mode pugs.

Edited by Rockstar
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Why does there have to be incentive? I didn't have any incentive to pick Republic but I did, and I knew what I was getting into. I am just offering a suggestion to have the players fix this themselves. If you don't want to switch, then don't, but if you do, and you feel like you need more of a challenge, then there should be an option.


Congrats for you not needing an incentive, most people however will need an incentive to switch sides, wither that faster leveling and better credit gain for new characters on a server, or something else, people tend to respond to a carrot.

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I think it is not as simple solution as you want it to be.

Your suggestion of the faction switching would not be easily implemented (it would also take time to make sure it works properly).


1. You are assuming that people will want to transfer to the other faction in order to be the underdogs (go from a winning team to a losing team in hopes of igniting good pvp competition). But that could backfire, where people will end up transfering away from the lower populated faction (to be on the winning team and not be camped all the time).


2. You are assuming that the factions are imbalanced, when it has been a little over a month since release. A lot of people might not be level caped or some people might not be ready for end-game content and would rather level another toon.


3. Similar to #2, the factions might be balanced population-wise, but not balanced in terms of people that want to PVP (simplified ex. Republic has 250 people but only 50 enjoy PVP, while Empire has 250 people but only 150 enjoy PVP. Thus giving the impression of faction population inbalance).



When it comes down to it, Bioware is trying to make a a great game for all play styles...that is tricky. You fix an issue in PVP, and a new exploit or issue arises in another area of the game.


I don't think it is Biowares fault, faction inbalance is completely player driven issue. I am not saying your wrong or that your suggestion is bad....I am just trying to give examples of why it is a tricky issue to fix.

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caveat: So far, I have 3 characters

All repub. (I intend to eventaully have 8, 4 for each class on each side)



I don't see how faction imbalance is a problem unless you're actually (dumb enough) to play on the weak side on one of the very few PvP servers, and get ganked the instant you step into an open area because the other side always outnumbers you, presumably meaning you'll never be able to do any of the planets from (Nar shadaa?) on.


The biggest problem I can think of is presumably wait times for Imperials entering Battlefields/etc. will be longer because they have to wait for a full repub team to form which will take longer. Which would seem to tend to be self balancing. People get tired of the wait, create alts on the other side.


'Course, I'll admit I have (so far) never encountered any class quests (or even optional quests) that require me to traverse an area that force the PvP flag on. I would hope there simply aren't any as PvP *should* be a completely optional part of the game.

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Your logic is rather flawed, as my SI is almost completely light-sided.


I rolled a SI because I like the story, I like the powers the SI has at his disposal, and I just think the empire has a much deeper lore overall than the republic.


This makes no sense. How did you know the SI story was better if you hadn't already done it?

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