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A Universe At War - Ilum/Open World Redesign


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crunchy how can i describe u the epicness of staying in the middle of a sea of red ppl with your buddies yelling WE SHALL NOT DIE , and swing your light saber right and left ,chopping heads getting killed just to be rezzed and start again, pushing forward until u achieve your purpose and then enjoying the rewards of well done job , u can not achieve that in instance , because u will always have a fix number of ppl wich u may dominate or not.


In the end all pvp mmoes are about this


MASIVE EPIC BATTLES BETWEEN PLAYERS IN HUGE NUMBERS...... we all want to be heroes but we can not try to be when u do not have the freedom of numbers on your side

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/sign I love every part of what i read in the OP, is it perfect and without flaws? no, but it is what is. I'd love to see something worthwhile to do at 50 besides playing the same 3 warzones over and over and over again.



even if it where the same 3 over and over having a strategic overall aspect would help.

space battles to gain space superiority.

alderan reduces planet population restrictions for the Victor.

voidstsr reduces number of space battles needed to start invasion.

hutball reduces npc hostility.

opvp effected by the instancing in a cohesive way.

winning the opvp fight opens pve missions which allow special rewards such as a seat on the council which allows you to choose the next planet to seige or defend.


there are lots of possibilities. the game is young. the. best way to population balance is inticing objectives.

daoc attempted to do no population balance.

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crunchy how can i describe u the epicness of staying in the middle of a sea of red ppl with your buddies yelling WE SHALL NOT DIE , and swing your light saber right and left ,chopping heads getting killed just to be rezzed and start again, pushing forward until u achieve your purpose and then enjoying the rewards of well done job , u can not achieve that in instance , because u will always have a fix number of ppl wich u may dominate or not.


In the end all pvp mmoes are about this


MASIVE EPIC BATTLES BETWEEN PLAYERS IN HUGE NUMBERS...... we all want to be heroes but we can not try to be when u do not have the freedom of numbers on your side


I have been in massive opvp battles. I have ran with the relic carrier. multiple times. I still have an urge to look at my feet because the battles were so huge. balance is not what makes opvp fun. in fact imbalance makes it more fun. just like you said except I have no advantage save for my smarts my skill my team and our leaders. which gives me surprise which is imbalance which lets us win.

I don't disagree with opvp.


I do disagree with instance like manipulation in an attempt to balance it.

I do disagree that epicness doesn't happen in instances.


you need a good strategic game which op touches on and the ability for everyone to participate in and be rewarded from

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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well you should. your leaving out a whole mass of population..

your idea is not about opvp its about a strategic game.

which your trying to balance like a persistent instance.


OWPvP in itself is outsmarting your opponent and playing a "strategic" game.


your health idea needs more thinking through.

I agree


also what happens to the one on one game?

Still available to take place, the availability of the bases is not all the time, however if you read through the entire proposal you will see that instanced PvP has reduced valour rewards, open world PvP gives more valour thus still having a worth while effect on players and making players want to fight

the assassins.

how about the people that dont care about objectives and just want stats.

To be frank these people can do warzones until they are content with the amount of stats they get. OWPvP isnt for the individual generally speaking, unless they follow the group.

how about stats

Im unsure how many OWPvP games you have played but stats such as player stats or dps/healing/defence stats really don't come in to it. The only numbers you are interested in are how many you have, how many they have, how much health the door has, how much health the shield has, how longer until cap, how many people are we losing per kill, how many people are they losing per loss.

some people like objectives/

This makes no sense, plenty of objectives from holding the ion cannon to platforms, to holding the enemy at their speeder point and eventually taking over a base... actual meaningful objectives

some like the zerg

some like the grief.

Both of which are available...

I like the planet taking but that has no need of opvp. I like opvp and it has no need of a strategic game.

Makes very little sense to me, name another game that has PvP where you can take space/an area without having to fight for it, where you don't have to plan and play the strategic game in order to take and hold it. I believe farmville to be the only one!

you don't want balance in opvp. you want to outsmart or overpower the enemy.

that doesn't require population balancing.

Outsmarting generally means using better tactics and the like, I thought you said it wasn't required for OWPvP?


I think you are trying to make a point here but you aren't putting it in an understandable manner.


I appreciate all criticism however I prefer to understand it in its entirety before I can respond in full, I would appreciate more clarity on your points :)

Edited by Aneu
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OWPvP in itself is outsmarting your opponent and playing a "strategic" game.



I agree



Still available to take place, the availability of the bases is not all the time, however if you read through the entire proposal you will see that instanced PvP has reduced valour rewards, open world PvP gives more valour thus still having a worth while effect on players and making players want to fight


To be frank these people can do warzones until they are content with the amount of stats they get. OWPvP isnt for the individual generally speaking.


Im unsure how many OWPvP games you have played but stats such as player stats or dps/healing/defence stats really don't come in to it. The only numbers you are interested in are how many you have, how many they have, how much health the door has, how much health the shield has, how longer until cap, how many people are we losing per kill, how many people are they losing per loss.

some people like objectives/

This makes no sense, plenty of objectives from holding the ion cannon to platforms, to holding the enemy at their speeder point and eventually taking over a base... actual meaningful objectives


Both of which are available...


Makes very little sense to me, name another game that has PvP where you can take space/an area without having to fight for it, where you don't have to plan and play the strategic game in order to take and hold it. I believe farmville to be the only one!


Outsmarting generally means using better tactics and the like, I thought you said it wasn't required for OWPvP?


I think you are trying to make a point here but you aren't putting it in an understandable manner.


I appreciate all criticism however I prefer to understand it in its entirety before I can respond in full, I would appreciate more clarity on your points :)


opvp by itself is a tactical game not strategic.


there is some strategy to the zerg but its very small.


you are describing two or three aspects of the game and meshing them as one.

split it into its parts. they should be able to exist as seperate entities.

what is the strategic game. taking planets. a series of fights to take planets. we gain ground we loose ground.

whwt is the twctical game. tactics are defined by the way those fights are handled.

space battles.

land battles.




all of that can go into the tactics.


stats are important. ask any sport enthusiast.


as an assassination how do I kill something with 5* my hitpoints and not find myself getting suckered by the nerf bat.

or the other way around. I assinate and grief whole ops by myself or with a group of 4. Hitpoint balancing works in an instance with an objective.


opvp has objectives that don't have meaning to any but the one doing them.

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OWPvP in itself is outsmarting your opponent and playing a "strategic" game.



I agree



Still available to take place, the availability of the bases is not all the time, however if you read through the entire proposal you will see that instanced PvP has reduced valour rewards, open world PvP gives more valour thus still having a worth while effect on players and making players want to fight


To be frank these people can do warzones until they are content with the amount of stats they get. OWPvP isnt for the individual generally speaking.


Im unsure how many OWPvP games you have played but stats such as player stats or dps/healing/defence stats really don't come in to it. The only numbers you are interested in are how many you have, how many they have, how much health the door has, how much health the shield has, how longer until cap, how many people are we losing per kill, how many people are they losing per loss.


some people like objectives/


opvp by itself is a tactical game not strategic.


there is some strategy to the zerg but its very small.


you are describing two or three aspects of the game and meshing them as one.

split it into its parts. they should be able to exist as seperate entities.

what is the strategic game. taking planets. a series of fights to take planets. we gain ground we loose ground.

whwt is the twctical game. tactics are defined by the way those fights are handled.

space battles.

land battles.




all of that can go into the tactics.


stats are important. ask any sport enthusiast.


as an assassination how do I kill something with 5* my hitpoints and not find myself getting suckered by the nerf bat.

or the other way around. I assinate and grief whole ops by myself or with a group of 4. Hitpoint balancing works in an instance with an objective.


opvp has objectives that don't have meaning to any but the one doing them.


I was asked to read this, and frankly, it makes no sense, at any given point.


The few times where there are coherent sentences, they are quite silly and invalid : /

Edited by Kebabz
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I was asked to read this, and frankly, it makes no sense, at any given point.


The few times where there are coherent sentences, they are quite silly and invalid : /


I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get the point of those posts...


Anyway, back on topic - Lets keep this thread growing guys! Lets get Ilum turned into a worth while owpvp experience!

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Localized combat killed Warhammer PvP.


If PvP is overly centralized it becomes zerg bumper cars and that is not good PvP.


Warzones are for instant action.


Properly incentive world PvP and leave it wide open and it will be fine. Zergs can move around, small groups can roam. That is how you do it.

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Localized combat killed Warhammer PvP.


If PvP is overly centralized it becomes zerg bumper cars and that is not good PvP.


Warzones are for instant action.


Properly incentive world PvP and leave it wide open and it will be fine. Zergs can move around, small groups can roam. That is how you do it.


That is the entire point of objectives, shield generators, reinforcement points. The entire idea is that people have to split up, hold and attack several objectives at once, to cap a base. Thus the "ZERG ZERG ZERG" is effectively prevented.


The open world pvp you suggest, we already have. Ilum in the current states alows groups to roam, except that groups, is one big *** group, and by roaming, you mean camping republic base.


Just because there is mechanics in place, it doesn't disallow people from free roaming, but it makes incentives to split up in smaller groups, which Ilum, currently is in dire need of.

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Great work !


This include many ideas I heard and talked about already with my guidmates on TS. A moving front should be implemented. Conquer & Profit should be the base of any pvp.


Anyway, we should be careful where sometimes faction population balance is bad. And I don't like the 5% damage buff during a week. The Profits should be credits / epic items that provide services (reskinners, teleporters, etc) / pvp items (maybe a new set) / ...


Maybe the loosing faction can earn advantages over damage buffs or so. Like in stage 2 they receive notifications, stage 3 they can teleport to any frontline, stage 4, they can use companions, etc...

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After you charmed me into resubbing for one month, I'm now only hoping for an official answer to this. I won't resub again if there is not at least a substantial reason to hope for something like this.


Otherwise /signed and 5/5

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